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My thoughts on Kimi ga Nozomu Eien

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Joined: 18 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:26 am Reply with quote
This is my first post on here, and i couldn't NOT talk about this series like i've been doing...so i signed up here. Smile

Anyways, unlike most smart people out there, last week, i decided to just devote a day to watching all the episodes of Kimi ga Nozomu in a row for the first time. I think that may have been a mistake, seeing as how i didn't have time to digest what happened, and as a viewer, i can't realize how long 3 years is, but here's what i thought:
spoiler[After i finished watching that, i was emotionally drained, i didn't know what to think, whether i was happy or sad with the ending, and whether im satisfied with how it went and everything...so thats kinda strange to not know what to think...but its been half a week, and i think i'm doing ok, as wussy as it sounds...
I already knew that it was a sad series as many have said, so i knew the first episode, something was gonna happen to one of the 4 mains. Shinji wasn't that much of a main, and it wouldn't have been as huge of an effect if something happened to him, so i figured something will happen to one of the other three. In the first episode, before i knew which one tragedy was gonna hit, Haruka was my favorite character. She was a very sweet, cute, pure innocent girl that i honestly would want as a girlfriend.
Then came episode 2...when my view on anime and heck...life in general changed. For some reason, even though i know this kind of tragedy happens to many, even though these characters arent real, even though if this was real, i would have no way of knowing these characters, this really hit home. My favorite character in the series, the pure girl that is damn close to my definition of the "perfect girlfriend" is now well...gone...seeing her trademark bow and all of the blood on the ground made my heart sink, and seeing Narumi's reactions was honestly awful, and its hard seeing other people (even if they arent real) in that much pain...

i really liked the pace that this anime moved at after this, it was really good, and i wanted to see what happened. Then came the next oh, 3-4 episodes, and we get into the future, and then back to flashbacks, its nice to see how everyone is still on their feet for the most part 3 years after this happened. Then Haruka woke up, and then things started to get interesting, or so i thought.

The next 4 or 5 episodes were basically the same thing, Narumi sees her, Akane's still pissed (and now turning into my favorite character in the series seeing how much she matured and her attitude towards everything, and since my other favorite character hasn't really done much since episode 2, and when she did wake up, it didn't feel like it was the "same Haruka"...) and mitsumi's troubled...well, after getting through those REALLY LONG episodes and finally getting through the end of the series, i felt kind of empty.

The entire time, i was rooting for Haruka to have her boyfriend. We all saw how awful Narumi was after Haruka "left", so imagine how she must have felt when Narumi left her. Its like nothing passed for her in terms of time, and she was through a major traumatic accident, and now the only boy that she's loved is leaving her, i felt really bad for her, and it kind of made me dislike Mitsumi just for "stealing" Narumi. But then i realized that it couldn't be helped and i see Mitsumi's side and Narumi's side where he can't be with Haruka because he doesn't love her anymore (i mean, think about someone you loved 3 years ago that you don't anymore, its as if the person somehow emerged in your life and you were forced to try to love them). Either way, i feel really bad for Haruka, even though she accomplished her dream of being what she wants to, and she seems to be doing fine, its still very hard.

And thats what makes me think, what if someone i love is somehow lost? What will i do? This anime was so much like real life, that its very scary...i didn't cry during it like i expected (since people told me that i would) but i definetly didn't feel the same afterwards. I didn't want to seem like a dork, so i had to act overenthusiastic to make up for how i felt after watching this.]
Sorry for writing a book here, but i've got a ton of thoughts about this anime, since this is definetly affected the way i think more than anything that i've ever seen before. I just kinda had to let it all out, i hope you all understand, having seen the series, too...
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Chief Encyclopedist

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 1:30 pm Reply with quote
(I'm not going to bother with spoiler tags, at this point it should be obvious this whole thread is one big spoiler)

KgNE is one of the most excruciatingly painful series I have ever watched. During the whole thing I kept thinking "man, nobody can beat those anime directors when it comes to torturing their characters". I mean, you've got the straighforward tragedy like SaiKano, and then you've got the really fscked-up-in-the-head stuff like KgNE. All the characters are basically good people and good friends but they're put into such situations that they unwittingly end up betraying and hurting each other in the worst possible ways.

Haruka's a sweet girl, and you wish her all the happiness in the world, except she can't possibly have it because, through absolutely no fault of her own, she's been out of touch with the world for three years. She's the absolute victim who has everything torn away from her. First her youth, and then her beloved boyfriend when she needs him the most, stolen by her best friend, no less. At certain points in the series it feels like she's the thief who is stealing Narumi from Mitsuki, but from her perspective, they were going out together just yesterday. Unlike everyone else, she hasn't had those 3 years to move on.

Mitsuki is the strong character in the series. Strong enough to let Haruka have her dream romance with Narumi. Strong enough to move on after Haruka's accident. Strong enough to take care of Narumi. Strong enough to pursue a romance with him despite everything that happened. And when Haruka wakes up, strong enough to fight for that relationship she has spent time building, even though it means betraying her old friend. There's only so far loyalty can go, right? Is that really selfishness or isn't it rather standing up for oneself? It's painful to watch, how she decides to throw away her precious friendship with Haruka and bet everything on Harumi, and then come close to lose even that too. The guilt of betraying Haruka, the fear of losing Harumi... under *that* much pressure even a strong person will start to break apart, as demonstrated throughout the series but especially in the episode with Shinji.

There's not much to say about Shinji, but one thing is sure: he was he love with Mitsuki. So when Mistuki seeks comfort in his arms (hell, practically *jumps* on him), who could blame him for being human?

Harumi, by his indecisiveness, is obviously the source of all the tragedy. But honestly, who could blame him? If Haruka had died, he could have moved on. But with her in a coma, it's as if part of his heart was frozen in time, stuck in the same place as Haruka. His heart broken, unable to move on (I've *seen* that happen to some people, it's really scary), Mitsuki is the one who saves him. She heals the remaining half of his heart and he quickly becomes dependent on her. At which point does dependence become love? Or are they the same thing? Either way, this isn't the same kind of innocent love he had with Haruka. So when Haruka wakes up, the frozen half of his heart comes to life again and he finds himself with his heart in two places: a pure and intense love for Haruka, and a more grimy/realistic/shared-experience/long-term kind of love for Mitsuki. At first maybe he was pretending to be Haruka's boyfriend out of responsability, but "playing boyfriend" soon wakes up the old emotions. The memory of his youthful love for Haruka blinds him to the strength of the adult love he had developped with Mitsuki. From the outside it's easy to say "make a choice", but in this kind of fscked-up situation I don't believe anyone would think clearly enough to *see* that there was a hard choice to make, and much less to *make* it. And no matter which decision he makes, one girl he cares about is going to lose everything...

Gotta rewatch it one of those days. The setting is extreme but the human reactions to it are oh so believable.
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Iron Chef

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 6:01 pm Reply with quote
Final thoughts: Number one, why hasn't this show been licensed yet? Does anyone think that it *wouldn't* just crush the populace? Are there any glaring hindrances that I'm missing? Why would a show like Koikaze get taken first?

Number two, when does Akane Maniax/Kiminozo Gaiden come out? That's coming up soon, isn't it?
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Joined: 18 Oct 2004
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 6:23 pm Reply with quote
Dan42: See, i wasn't sure whether Narumi loved both of them or not, because he was purely convinced of his love for Mitsuki, and he definetly wouldnt have left so easily from Haruka and said goodbye for good if he still felt anything for her. I thought it was kind of inconsistent how he said "Haru...ka..." when he was sick and not fully conscious and stuff...then again, maybe the directors made it like that so we wouldn't know what he thought either (since im sure he was very full of indecision after she woke up). I just don't know what to think about the situation...
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Ken Hayashi

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PostPosted: Mon Oct 18, 2004 7:31 pm Reply with quote
Dan my man! Well-said. Especially the part that you said about making painful decisions. I was in the unfortunate position of having to make a similar decision and I ran away from it. Still living with that in my heart (but I'm not one to regret about things and waste my life that way), which made watching KGNE all the more poignant and painful. And which prompted me to start this thread.

Maybe I should thank you, because what you said has made it easier on myself because it seems like anyone could have made the same mistake of running away like I did. I was only human, and young at that point in time.
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