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Joined: 22 Jun 2005
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Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 12:55 am
I read the single issue releases of Pokemon Adventures as a kid, and I can recall them being quite a bit more violent than what I was accustomed to from the show.
I don't remember much else about it, but I do remember preferring Magical Journey and The Electric Tale of Pikachu over it.
Have they released all of Red and Yellow in GN format aside from the "best of" collections they released a little while back? If so, I may have to check it out. If only for nostalgia...
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Joined: 12 Dec 2006
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Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:07 am
Glad to see a review of at least one volume of this series. Volume 10 coming in December will have a new artist, so it'd be interesting to see your take on the change in style.
Unholy_Nny wrote: | Have they released all of Red and Yellow in GN format aside from the "best of" collections they released a little while back? If so, I may have to check it out. If only for nostalgia... |
Since we're now in the Gold/Silver story, Red, Blue, Yellow, and Green's initial story has since passed for a while.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2006
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Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 1:10 am
Unholy_Nny wrote: |
Have they released all of Red and Yellow in GN format aside from the "best of" collections they released a little while back? If so, I may have to check it out. If only for nostalgia... |
Red and Yellow have been released in their entirety (they compose volumes 1-7 of this release if memory serves). They've also been un-flipped too.
And yeah, Pokemon Adventures is fantastic. I'm really surprised at how much I really, honestly enjoy it. I never read the manga as a kid, so I came to it somewhat fresh. I can see why the creators often say that this is the series that fully captures the feel of Pokemon (or something to that effect).
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 3:26 am
A serious and full-length review of a Pokemon title? Wow, colour me surprised. That's not to say I didn't enjoy it; the review was well-written and thoughtful, and I found it a good read. It's just that I've always felt that Pokemon was so . . . large, and connected, and entrenched into our collective psyche, that divorcing a single volume from the franchise was impossible. Well, it still is impossible, since there's no escaping the utterly repetitive television series, or the sad sad trading card game. But this review came close to make me forget that beyond the Manga there's about fifty zillion products that constitute the Poke-monstrously large merchandising empire.
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Joined: 07 Mar 2010
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Posted: Wed Nov 17, 2010 8:57 pm
Ah, a review of THE BEST thing to come out of Pokemon ever. I enjoy the core series of games and a few of the spinoffs and anime movies(1, 2, and 4 to be specific). Pokemon Adventures/Special is easily in my top 5 shonen series, and top 10 manga period. I do agree that the plot feels strangely rushed in some parts, but the characters and sheer energy of the series easily make up for that.
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ANN Reviewer
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Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 7:36 am
I'm quite thrilled to see other fans of the series here - it's one of my favourite manga series, personally. It's just so much fun and feels very akin to the original games. Not to say I can't see why many would just ho-hum at the idea of reading it since it's Pokemon. Hard to see past that massive wall of global over-marketing!
Unholy_Nny wrote: |
Have they released all of Red and Yellow in GN format aside from the "best of" collections they released a little while back? If so, I may have to check it out. If only for nostalgia... |
Yellow and Red's story makes up volumes 1-7 of Pokemon Adventures, all of which are out now. They reappear for some cameos in volume 9 onwards as well. Nostalgia-factor is a definite high plus of the series, especially if you've played the video games. I hope you do check out the series (and even pop back in here to let us know what you thought)
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Joined: 31 May 2007
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Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 9:46 am
Does Professor Oak ask for the main character's gender?
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Joined: 04 Jun 2009
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Posted: Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:18 pm
I've always thought that the Adventures manga was what pokemon was meant to be. It's good to see it getting some attention! I'm just glad Viz finally picked it up for real a while back. Apparently it was a good move, too, since they're continuing to put it out...
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 9:43 pm
Unholy_Nny wrote: | I read the single issue releases of Pokemon Adventures as a kid, and I can recall them being quite a bit more violent than what I was accustomed to from the show.
I'm not so sure.
Cause I do not see neither Game Freak nor Nintendo allowing the manga to be more violent than the anime cause then parental advocates would be crying "bloody murder" and have pitchforks & torches at their doorsteps.
Hell , I dont even seen any type of those content from anything that's pokemon since once it comes to the US , it's edited heavily and I'm a die hard pokemaniac so I know.
Not to mentioned that those content your talking about would probably be suited for viz manga singature series and not it's kids division.
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ANN Reviewer
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Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 9:47 pm
jr0904 wrote: |
Unholy_Nny wrote: | I read the single issue releases of Pokemon Adventures as a kid, and I can recall them being quite a bit more violent than what I was accustomed to from the show.
I'm not so sure.
Cause I do not see neither Game Freak nor Nintendo allowing the manga to be more violent than the anime cause then parental advocates would be crying "bloody murder" and have pitchforks & torches at their doorsteps.
Hell , I don't even seen any type of those content from anything that's pokemon since once it comes to the US , it's edited heavily and I'm a die hard pokemaniac so I know.
Not to mentioned that those content your talking about would probably be suited for viz manga singature series and not it's kids division. |
Part of what I enjoy about Pokemon Adventures is actually the level of violence it has. It actually surprises me in the Viz Kids line sometimes. Not to say I'm all 'yay violence just for the sake of it!' but it really gives the series some edge. Sure it's mostly kids' safe fare but the trainers themselves get injured as much as the Pokemon - if not more. Electrical torture, snapped arms, severe burns, permanent nerve damage, strangulation - these trainers take the blows!
I read that one scene in Pokemon Adventures was censored where a female trainer uses Pokeballs as fake breasts but that seems to be it, to my knowledge of course. Violence very much intact as I can see. Fits the NA societal boundaries - violence, okay; sex-anything, no.
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The Mad Manga Massacre
Joined: 15 Jul 2009
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Posted: Fri Nov 19, 2010 10:44 pm
Gold is definately one of the more interesting protagonists in the Pokemon franchise. The writing in the series seems to improve with each passing story arc. Hopefully Viz is able to continue the series until at least the RS story arc which is my favorite in the series.
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Joined: 12 Dec 2006
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Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 11:11 am
jr0904 wrote: |
Unholy_Nny wrote: | I read the single issue releases of Pokemon Adventures as a kid, and I can recall them being quite a bit more violent than what I was accustomed to from the show.
I'm not so sure.
Cause I do not see neither Game Freak nor Nintendo allowing the manga to be more violent than the anime cause then parental advocates would be crying "bloody murder" and have pitchforks & torches at their doorsteps.
Hell , I don't even seen any type of those content from anything that's pokemon since once it comes to the US , it's edited heavily and I'm a die hard pokemaniac so I know.
Not to mentioned that those content your talking about would probably be suited for viz manga singature series and not it's kids division. |
There are all manners of bumps and bruises on Pokemon and human alike, trainers get thrown against walls, Red is imprisoned and takes a powerful Thunderbolt (then thrown into the ocean to drown), and this is all in Volume 1. While technically bloodless, a Pokemon's life is taken right on the page in Volume 2.
Censorship is pretty minor, and sometimes odd. Like that thing with Green's hidden Poke Balls, I believe it was left intact in VIZ's original release years ago.
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Joined: 31 Oct 2009
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Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:34 pm
A few months back I have brought the first three volume. I have play the games and watch the anime as a kid and I have to say the manga is so much better then the anime; I like Red so much better then Ash. I guess I like the manga more because it doesn't feel like it got so tone down that it just for kids.
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Sunday Silence
Joined: 22 Jun 2010
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Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 3:26 am
jr0904 wrote: | Cause I do not see neither Game Freak nor Nintendo allowing the manga to be more violent than the anime cause then parental advocates would be crying "bloody murder" and have pitchforks & torches at their doorsteps. |
Sure, we just ignore the facts that you can send a 10 year old Boy/Girl out into the world, only armed with a Pokedex and a starter Pokemon, to fight creatures that have attacks that could cause grievous bodily harm, causing mass genocid....excuse me, "fainting" of numerous Pokemon via battling, which culminates in them encountering Legendary Pokemon that could literally destroy the world with a thought. Oh, and the bad guys don't have guns, you can easily enter someone's house 24/7 without invite, people seem to suffer from the most worse case of Insomnia ever, and super rare items can easily be found on the ground despite 15 trainers just mere feet from said item never notice said item as they mindlessly wander in a pathway only 5 steps long. Did I mention they also can acquire a MANSION in certain cases?
And yet the moment Ash Ketchum says "F***," it's the end of the world!!
Double Standards much?
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Joined: 24 Dec 2005
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Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 12:17 pm
kuriousity wrote: |
Part of what I enjoy about Pokemon Adventures is actually the level of violence it has. It actually surprises me in the Viz Kids line sometimes. Not to say I'm all 'yay violence just for the sake of it!' but it really gives the series some edge. Sure it's mostly kids' safe fare but the trainers themselves get injured as much as the Pokemon - if not more. Electrical torture, snapped arms, severe burns, permanent nerve damage, strangulation - these trainers take the blows!
I read that one scene in Pokemon Adventures was censored where a female trainer uses Pokeballs as fake breasts but that seems to be it, to my knowledge of course. Violence very much intact as I can see. Fits the NA societal boundaries - violence, okay; sex-anything, no. |
Well that I can agree with. Viz did the same thing with Zatch Bell and the first naruto series (both manga and anime ) a while back. Edited it to make it them kids shows but did not went 4kids on the series and both was liked by the general audience.
When it comes to some content , there is a time and place for it as well as the series in general.
Also when did that ( I read that one scene in Pokemon Adventures was censored where a female trainer uses Pokeballs as fake breasts but that seems to be it, to my knowledge of course. ) happened. I have never heard that was included in the manga , though if it did I'm not susprised it was censored in the US , but after how parental advocates cried " bloody murder " cause a singer was wearing kid friendly cleavage on seasme street , you can't be susprised.
Could you imagine what backlash would have occured if that was in the anime version and not been censored in the US???
Asrialys wrote: |
There are all manners of bumps and bruises on Pokemon and human alike, trainers get thrown against walls, Red is imprisoned and takes a powerful Thunderbolt (then thrown into the ocean to drown), and this is all in Volume 1. While technically bloodless, a Pokemon's life is taken right on the page in Volume 2.
Censorship is pretty minor, and sometimes odd. Like that thing with Green's hidden Poke Balls, I believe it was left intact in VIZ's original release years ago. |
well I never read Vol 2 but did that REALLY happened? ANd with Nintendo's approval?? That's a shock there were no backlash from it.
well hopefully there is not much from it , cause to prevent the franchise's reputation to parents eyes , THAT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN IN THE ANIME VERSION PERIOD.
and hopefully it'll stay that way.
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