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Iwatch2muchanime's Anime

Seen some Rating
009-1 (TV)
2×1 (OAV) Decent
5 Centimeters Per Second (movie) Excellent
A.LI.CE (movie) Decent
(The) Adventures of Mini-Goddess (TV) Very good
After War Gundam X (TV) Good
Ah My Buddha (TV) Good
Ah! My Goddess: Flights of Fancy (TV) Very good
Air Master (TV) Good
All Purpose Cultural Cat Girl Nuku Nuku (TV) Good
Ane Haramix (OAV)
Angel Cop (OAV)
Angel Core (OAV) Decent
Angel Heart (TV) Good
Angel Links (TV) Decent
Angel of Darkness (OAV) Good
Angel Tales (TV) Decent
Angel's Egg (movie) Very good
Angel's Feather (OAV) Good
Aquarian Age - Sign for Evolution (TV) Good
Aquarion (TV) Good
Arc the Lad (TV) Good
Area 88 (TV) Good
Argento Soma (TV) Very good
Ari Doll (OAV) Decent
Aria the Animation (TV) Excellent
Arjuna (TV) Very good
Armored Trooper Votoms (TV)
Astro Boy (TV 2/1980) So-so
Astro Boy (TV 1/1963) Good
Aura Battler Dunbine (TV) Good
Avenger (TV) Very good
Ayakashi - Samurai Horror Tales (TV) Decent
B-Legend! Battle Bedaman (TV) So-so
Baki the Grappler (TV) Good
Baldr Force EXE (OAV) Good
Bartender (TV) Good
Battle Athletes (OAV) Very good
Battle Athletes Victory (TV) Excellent
Beet the Vandel Buster (TV) Decent
Birth (OAV) Good
(The) Black Mail II - The Animation (OAV) Good
Blackmail (OAV) Good
Bleach (TV) Very good
Blue Dragon (TV)
Blue Seed Beyond (OAV) Good
Blue Seed Ver. 1.5 [Premium] (OAV) Good
Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo (TV) So-so
Bokura ga Ita (TV) Very good
Bondage 101 (OAV) Good
Bondage House (OAV) Not really good
Boys Be... (TV) Good
Boys Over Flowers (TV) Good
BPS - Battle Programmer Shirase (TV) Good
Brain Powered (TV) Good
Brave Story (movie) Good
Burn Up Excess (TV) Decent
Burn Up! (OAV) Very good
Burn-Up Scramble (TV) Decent
Cage (OAV) Good
Campus (OAV) Good
Can Can Bunny Extra (OAV) Decent
Canary (OAV) Good
Candy Candy (TV) Very good
Canvas - Sepia-iro no Motif (OAV) Very good
Canvas 2 - Niji Iro no Sketch (TV) Very good
Cardcaptor Sakura The Movie 2: The Sealed Card Good
Carried by the Wind: Tsukikage Ran (TV) Very good
Case Closed (TV) Very good
Ceres, Celestial Legend (TV) Good
Chance Pop Session (TV) Decent
(Le) Chevalier D'Eon (TV) Excellent
Class Reunion (OAV) Very good
Class Reunion Again (OAV) Very good
Claymore (TV) Very good
Cleavage (OAV) Good
Cluster Edge (TV) Good
Code Geass: Lelouch of the Rebellion (TV) Excellent
(La) Corda D'Oro - primo passo (TV) Very good
Cutey Honey Flash (TV) Good
Cybuster (TV) Good
D.Gray-man (TV) Good
D.I.C.E. (TV) So-so
Daa! Daa! Daa! (TV) Good
Daddy Long-Legs (TV)
Dan Doh!! (TV) Good
Daphne in the Brilliant Blue (TV) Good
(The) Dark Chapel (OAV) Very good
Dark Future (OAV) Very good
(The) Dark Myth (OAV)
Dark Tours (OAV) Good
Darker than Black (TV) Very good
Death Note (TV) Excellent
Debutante Detective Corps (OAV) Good
Demashitaa! Powerpuff Girls Z (TV) Decent
Demon Lord Dante (TV) Decent
Demonbane (TV) Good
Densha Otoko (live-action TV)
Descendants of Darkness (TV)
Devil May Cry (TV)
Devilman (TV) Decent
Devilman Lady (TV) Good
Di Gi Charat Christmas Special Good
Di Gi Charat Summer Vacation Special Very good
Diamond Daydreams (TV) Good
Digimon: Data Squad (TV) Not really good
Dino Mech Gaiking (TV 1/1976) Good
Dirty Pair (OAV) Very good
Dirty Pair: Flight 005 Conspiracy (OAV) Good
DNA Hunter (OAV) Decent
DNA² (TV) Decent
Doki Doki School Hours (TV) Good
Dragon Drive (TV) Decent
Dragon Knight: Wheel of Time (OAV) Good
Dragon Quest: Dai no Daibōken (TV 1991)
DT Eightron (TV)
E's Otherwise (TV) Good
Earthian (OAV) Very good
Eden's Bowy (TV) Decent
El Cazador de la Bruja (TV) Decent
El Hazard: The Alternative World (TV) Very good
Elf ban Kakyūsei (OAV) Good
Elf Princess Rane (OAV) Decent
Ellcia (OAV) Decent
Ergo Proxy (TV) Very good
(The) Erotic Adventures of Tom Thumb! (OAV)
Eyeshield 21 (TV) Very good
F-Force (OAV) Decent
Fafner (TV) Very good
Fairy Musketeers (TV) Good
Fantastic Children (TV) Good
Farewell to Space Battleship Yamato (movie) Good
Fight! Iczer-One (OAV) Decent
Fighting Beauty Wulong (TV) Decent
Final Approach (TV) Good
First Kiss Story (OAV) Good
Fist of the North Star 2 (TV) So-so
(The) Five Star Stories (movie) Decent
Flag (ONA) Good
Flame of Recca (TV) Very good
Flashback (OAV) Decent
Freedom (OAV) Good
(The) Fuccons (live-action TV) Very good
Full Metal Panic! The Second Raid (TV) Excellent
Full Metal Panic? Fumoffu (TV) Good
Fushigi Yugi (TV) Very good
Futakoi (TV) Decent
G.I. Joe Sigma Six (U.S. TV) Good
Gaiking: Legend of Daikū-maryū (TV 2/2005) Good
Galaxy Angel (TV) Good
Galaxy Fraulein Yuna (OAV) Decent
Gantz (TV) Good
Gargoyle of Yoshinaga House (TV) Good
Gasaraki (TV) Good
Gatchaman (TV) Good
Gate Keepers (TV) Good
Generation of Chaos Next (OAV) Decent
Generator Gawl (TV) Good
Genocyber (OAV) Weak
Getbackers (TV) Very good
Ghost Slayers Ayashi (TV) Good
Ghost Talker's Daydream (OAV) Good
Gift - eternal rainbow (TV) Good
Gigantor (TV 1963) Decent
Gilgamesh (TV) Good
Gin-iro no Olynssis (TV)
Girls Bravo (TV) Very good
Glass Fleet (TV) Good
Gloria (OAV) Decent
Godannar (TV) Good
Gravion Zwei (TV) Good
Gravitation: Lyrics of Love (OAV) Decent
Great Dangaioh (TV) Good
Gundam Evolve (OAV) Good
Gunparade Orchestra (TV) Good
Hajime no Ippo (TV) Good
Hakugei: Legend of the Moby Dick (TV) Decent
Hanaukyo Maid Team: La Verite (TV) Good
Hanaukyo Maid-tai (TV) Good
Hanoka (TV) Good
Happiness! (TV) Good
Happy Seven (TV) Decent
Haré+Guu (TV) Good
Hatsuinu The Animation (OAV)
Hayate the Combat Butler (TV) Very good
Hell Girl: Two Mirrors (TV) Good
Hello Kitty and Friends (TV) Very good
Hello Kitty's Animation Theater (TV) Good
Hellsing Ultimate (OAV) Excellent
Heritage From Father (OAV)
Heroic Age (TV) Good
Hi Hi Puffy AmiYumi (U.S. TV) Good
Hikaru no Go (TV) Good
Himawari! (TV) Good
Hininden Gausu (OAV)
His and Her Circumstances (TV) Very good
Hitohira (TV)
Hi・Me・Go・To (OAV) Good
Honey and Clover (TV) Good
Honey x Honey Drops (OAV) Very good
Hoop Days (TV) Good
I''s (OAV) Very good
Immoral Sisters: Blossoming (OAV) Very good
Intrigue in the Bakumatsu - Irohanihoheto (TV) Very good
It's a Family Affair (OAV) Good
Jigoku Sensei Nube (TV) Very good
Jing: King of Bandits (TV) Good
Jūsō Kikō Dancouga Nova (TV)
Juuni Senshi Bakuretsu Eto Ranger (TV)
K.O. Beast (OAV)
Kakyūsei (TV) Good
Kakyūsei 2 (TV) Good
Kakyūsei 2: Anthology (OAV) Decent
Kamichu! (TV) Very good
Kamikaze Kaito Jeanne (TV) Very good
Kamyla (OAV) Decent
Kanon (TV 2/2006) Masterpiece
Kanon Kazahana (special) Good
Karas (OAV) Excellent
Kaze no Yojimbo (TV) Decent
Keitai Shoujo (ONA) Decent
Kekkaishi (TV) Excellent
Kemonozume (TV) Very good
KenIchi the Mightiest Disciple (TV) Very good
Kimba the White Lion (TV 1/1965) Good
Kino's Journey (TV) Excellent
Kirarin Revolution (TV) Decent
Kirby: Right Back At Ya! (TV) Weak
Kishin Taisen Gigantic Formula (TV)
Knight Hunters (TV) Good
Kodocha (TV) Good
Koi Kaze (TV) Good
Koi Koi Seven (TV) Not really good
Kokoro Library (TV) Decent
Koutetsu Sangokushi (TV) Decent
Kujibiki Unbalance (TV) Good
Kyo no Gononi (OAV) Excellent
L/R: Licensed by Royalty (TV) Decent
Lamune (TV) Good
Landlock (OAV) Good
(The) Last Kunoichi (OAV) Good
(The) Law of Ueki (TV) Good
Legend of Basara (TV) Good
Legend of Himiko (TV) Decent
Legend of the Wolf Woman (OAV) Good
Legendary Armor Samurai Troopers (TV) Good
Lemon Angel (TV) Decent
Lemon Angel Project (TV) Decent
Lesson of Darkness (OAV) Good
Lil' Red Riding Hood Cha-Cha (OAV) Good
Living for the Day After Tomorrow (TV) Very good
Looking for the Full Moon (TV) Good
Love Doll (OAV) Good
Lovedol ~Lovely Idol~ (TV) Weak
Lovege Chu - Miracle Seiyū Hakusho (TV) Good
Lupin III: The Castle of Cagliostro (movie) Good
M.D. Geist (OAV) Decent
Maburaho (TV) Decent
Macross 7 (TV) Good
Macross Zero (OAV) Very good
Magic User's Club! (TV) Good
Magic Woman M (OAV) Decent
Magical Girl Pretty Sammy (OAV) Good
Magical Meow Meow Taruto (TV) Good
Magical Project S (TV)
Magical Witch Punie-chan (OAV) Good
Mahō Shōjo Sae (OAV) Good
Mahoraba ~Heartful days~ (TV)
Mahoromatic: Summer Special Good
Maid Service (OAV) Decent
(The) Maiden Diaries (OAV) So-so
Maison Ikkoku (TV)
Malice@Doll (OAV) Decent
MÄR (TV) Good
Maria Watches Over Us (TV) Very good
Mars Daybreak (TV) Decent
Maze (TV) Good
Maze (OAV) Good
Medical Humiliation (OAV) Weak
Megazone 23 (OAV) Good
(The) Melody of Oblivion (TV) Good
Meltylancer: The Animation (OAV)
Miami Guns (TV)
Midori Days (TV) Very good
Millennium Actress (movie) Very good
Mirage of Blaze: Rebels of the River Edge (OAV) Decent
Misaki Chronicles (TV) Decent
Mission of Darkness (OAV) Very good
Mobile Suit Gundam 0080: War in the Pocket (OAV) Good
Mobile Suit Gundam Seed Destiny (TV) Good
Mobile Suit Gundam ZZ (TV) Good
Mobile Suit Victory Gundam (TV) Good
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam (TV) Very good
Mobile Suit Zeta Gundam: A New Translation (movies) Good
Momiji (OAV)
Monster (TV) Good
MoonPhase (TV) Excellent
Moribito - Guardian of the Spirit (TV)
Munto (OAV) Decent
Murder Princess (OAV) Good
My Brother's Wife (OAV) Good
My-Otome Zwei (OAV) Very good
Mystery of the Necronomicon (OAV) Decent
Mythical Detective Loki Ragnarok (TV) Decent
Nadia - The Secret of Blue Water (TV) Very good
Nagasarete Airantou (TV) Decent
NANA (TV) Excellent
Nanaka 6/17 (TV) Decent
Natural Obsessions 2 (OAV) Very good
Naughty Nurses (OAV) So-so
Necromancer (OAV) Decent
Negima!? (TV) Very good
Neo-Tokyo (movie) Good
Nerima Daikon Brothers (TV)
New Fist of the North Star (OAV) Good
Nighthead Genesis (TV) Very good
Ninja Cadets (OAV) Good
Ninja Nonsense (TV) Very good
Ninku (TV) Very good
No Money (OAV)
Nodame Cantabile (TV) Very good
Noein - to your other self (TV) Good
Nurse Angel Ririka SOS (TV)
Ocean Waves (movie) Very good
Ogenki Clinic Adventures (OAV) Decent
Oh My Goddess! (OAV) Excellent
Ojamajo Doremi (TV) Good
Ojamajo Doremi # (TV) Good
Oku-sama wa Joshi Kōsei (TV) So-so
One Piece (TV 1999) Masterpiece
Oni-Tensei (OAV) Good
Orphen: The Revenge (TV) Good
Oruchuban Ebichu (TV) Good
Otaku no Video (OAV) Very good
Otogi Zoshi (TV)
Over Drive (TV) Good
Paprika (movie) Excellent
Papuwa (TV) Decent
Parasite Dolls (OAV) Decent
Patalliro! (TV) Good
Patlabor the Mobile Police (TV) Very good
Peach Girl (TV) Decent
(The) Perrine Story (TV)
Perverse Investigations (OAV) Good
Pet Shop of Horrors (TV) Decent
Petite Princess Yucie (TV) Good
Photon: The Idiot Adventures (OAV) Very good
Piano (TV) Very good
Pigeon Blood (OAV) Very good
Ping Pong Club (TV) Decent
Pita-Ten (TV) Very good
Planetes (TV) Very good
Please Twins! (TV) Very good
Please Twins! (OAV) Very good
Pocket Monsters: Diamond & Pearl (TV) Decent
Pom Poko (movie) Very good
Power Dolls (OAV) Good
Power Stone (TV) So-so
Prayers (OAV) Very good
Prétear (TV) Very good
(The) Prince of Tennis (TV) Very good
Princess Nine (TV) Good
Princess Princess (TV) Good
Princess Resurrection (TV)
Princess Tutu (TV) Very good
Private Psycho Lesson (OAV by U-Jin) Good
Project ARMS (TV) Decent
Project Blue Earth SOS (TV) Excellent
Psychic Academy (ONA) Good
Pucca (Korean ONA) Decent
Pumpkin Scissors (TV) Very good
Reborn! (TV) Good
Red Garden (TV) Very good
Rei Rei (OAV) Decent
Reideen (TV)
Requiem from the Darkness (TV) Decent
RG Veda (OAV) Good
Ride of the Valkyrie (OAV)
Riding Bean (OAV) Good
Riki-Oh: Tōkatsu Jigoku (OAV) Decent
Rizelmine (TV) Good
Robotech II: The Sentinels (U.S. OAV) Good
Robotech: The Shadow Chronicles (U.S. OAV) Good
Rocket Girls (TV) Good
(The) Roommate (OAV) Very good
Rumbling Hearts (TV) Excellent
Rurouni Kenshin (TV 1996) Excellent
Saber Marionette J (TV) Good
Saber Marionette J Again (OAV) Decent
Saint Beast (TV) Decent
Saint October (TV)
Saiyuki Gunlock (TV) Good
Sakura Diaries (OAV) Good
Sakura Wars (TV) Excellent
Samurai Gun (TV) Not really good
School Rumble (TV) Very good
Sci-Fi Harry (TV) Very good
Scrapped Princess (TV) Excellent
SeeIn (OAV)
Seraphim Call (TV) Decent
Servant Princess (OAV) Decent
Seven of Seven (TV) Decent
Sgt. Frog (TV) Very good
Shadow Skill (TV) Good
Shadow Star Narutaru (TV) Decent
Shattered Angels (TV) Decent
Shin chan (TV) Very good
Shining Tears X Wind (TV) Good
Shonan Junai-gumi! (OAV)
Shonen Onmyouji (TV) Very good
Silverhawks (U.S. TV) Decent
Simoun (TV) Decent
Sister Princess (TV) Decent
Slayers Excellent (OAV) Good
Slayers Great (movie) Very good
(The) Slayers Try (TV) Good
Slayers: The Book of Spells (OAV) Good
Sola (TV) Very good
Solty Rei (TV) Very good
Sonic Soldier Borgman (TV)
Sora no Iro, Mizu no Iro (OAV) Excellent
Souten no Ken (TV) Decent
Spectral Force (OAV)
Speed Grapher (TV) Very good
Spider Riders (TV) Decent
Spirit of Wonder (OAV)
Star Ocean EX (TV)
Starship Operators (TV) Good
Steam Detectives (TV) Decent
Steel Angel Kurumi Zero (OAV) Good
Stellvia (TV) Very good
Stratos 4 (TV) Good
Stratos 4 (OAV)
Strawberry Marshmallow (TV) Very good
Strawberry Panic! (TV) Very good
Sugar Sugar Rune (TV) Decent
Sukeban Deka (OAV) Good
_Summer (OAV) Decent
(The) Super Dimension Century Orguss (TV) Decent
(The) Super Dimension Fortress Macross (TV)
Super Duper Sumos (U.S. TV) Excellent
Tactical Roar (TV) Very good
Tail of Two Sisters (OAV)
Tales of Eternia (TV)
TANK S.W.A.T. 01 (OAV)
Tattoon Master (OAV)
Teacher's Pet (OAV) Decent
Tenchi Forever!: The Movie
Tenchi Muyo! (OAV 1/1992)
Tenchi Muyo! GXP (TV)
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo Ohki (OAV 3/2003)
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo Ohki: Final Confrontations (OAV)
Tenchi Muyo! Ryo-Ohki (OAV 2/1994)
Tenjho Tenge: The Past Chapter (special)
Those Who Hunt Elves 2 (TV)
Tide-Line Blue (TV)
Tohai Densetu Akagi -Yamini Maiorita Tensai- (TV) Good
ToHeart - Remember my memories (TV)
ToHeart2 (TV)
Toka Gettan: The Moonlight Lady Returns (TV) Good
Tokimeki Memorial (OAV) Good
Tokimeki Memorial ~Only Love~ (TV) Good
Tokumu Sōsakan Rei & Fuko (OAV) Good
Tokyo Majin (TV) Good
Tokyo Mew Mew (TV) Decent
Tokyo Tribe 2 (TV)
Toward the Terra (TV)
Transformers: Beast Wars II: The Movie (special)
Trapp Ikka Monogatari (TV)
Tristia of the Deep Blue Sea (OAV)
Trouble Chocolate (TV)
True Love Story (OAV)
Tsubasa: RESERVoir CHRoNiCLE (TV) Good
Tweeny Witches (TV)
(The) Twelve Kingdoms (TV)
Twin Dolls (OAV)
UFO Ultramaiden Valkyrie 2: December Nocturne (TV) Good
Ultra Maniac (TV) Good
Urusei Yatsura (TV 1981) Good
Uta∽Kata (TV) Excellent
Vampire Princess Miyu (OAV) Decent
Vampire Princess Miyu (TV) Good
Vampiyan Kids (TV)
Variable Geo Neo (OAV) Good
Venus to Mamoru (TV) Good
Vicious (OAV)
Violinist of Hamelin (TV) Excellent
Virgin Fleet (OAV)
Voltage Fighter Gowcaizer (OAV)
Voogie's Angel (OAV) Good
(The) Wallflower (TV) Awful
Wandaba Style (TV) Decent
Weather Report Girl (OAV) Good
Wedding Peach (TV) Decent
Wedding Peach DX (OAV) Decent
Welcome to Pia Carrot (OAV)
A Wind Named Amnesia (movie) Good
Windaria (movie) Good
(The) Wings of Rean (ONA) Good
Witchblade (TV) Good
Women at Work (OAV)
W~Wish (TV) Very good
xxxHOLiC (TV) Very good
Yakitate!! Japan (TV) Good
Yokoyama Mitsuteru Sangokushi (TV)
Yomigaeru Sora - RESCUE WINGS (TV) Decent
Yoshimune (TV)
You're Under Arrest (TV) Very good
Yu-Gi-Oh! (TV 1/1998) Very good
Yu-Gi-Oh! GX (TV) So-so
Yugo the Negotiator (TV) Good
Yukikaze (OAV) Decent
Yumeria (TV) Good
Zatch Bell (TV) Excellent
Zettai Seigi Love Pheromone (TV) Decent
Zettai Shonen (TV) Good
Zoids Genesis (TV) Very good