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Anime News Network to Simulcast togainu no chi Anime

posted on by Jacob Browning
Post-apocalyptic anime from Black Butler's A-1 to stream in N. America 6 days after Japan

Anime News Network and the anime licensor Aniplex USA have jointly announced that ANN will begin simulcasting the anime series togainu no chi -Bloody Curs- this month. This anime will be the second confirmed simulcast for ANN; Oreimo's simulcast was announced on Monday. Episodes of both titles will be available on ANN six days after they premiere in Japan.

“We (ANN) would have liked to have a same-day simulcast," said ANN CEO Christopher Macdonald. "We know that's what the fans want, and Aniplex is aware of this too. So we were all working together to try and make that a possibility, but it just wasn't a possibility this season.”

ANN has partnered with Aniplex for simulcasts but is open to working with more companies in the future. The simulcasts are currently available in North America only. "Hopefully there are a number of people who decide to support the shows financially," Macdonald added. "But even those people who just watch the streams are really increasing the chance we'll get more shows next season, and those shows will be same day simulcast."

For each anime series being streamed, ANN is also planning to offer prizes such as a trip to Japan.

The togainu no chi -Bloody Curs- anime adapts a 2005 bishōnen videogame from the multimedia studio Nitro+CHiRAL (sweet pool, Lamento –BEYOND THE VOID-). It centers on Akira (Kousuke Toriumi), a man who is falsely accused. In order to clear his name, he goes to the fallen city of Toshima to face a syndicate leader named Il Rey.

The show will premiere in Japan on Thursday. Naoyuki Konno (009-1, Dance in the Vampire Bund) is directing the anime at A-1 Pictures (Kannagi, Black Butler) and designing the characters. Natsuko Takahashi (07-Ghost, Nura: Rise of the Yokai Clan, Moyashimon, Tokyo Magnitude 8.0) is supervising the scripts. Tokyopop will publish the sixth volume of Suguro Chayamachi's manga version in North America in November.

Oreimo, also known by its full title Ore no Imouto ga Konnani Kawaii Wake ga Nai (My Little Sister Can't Be This Cute), revolves around a high school student, Kyōsuke Kōsaka, and his little sister, Kirino, who happens to be a closet otaku.

Image © Nitroplus / HOBIBOX, Togainu Committee, MBS

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