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Estelle the White Mage
Joined: 01 Mar 2015
Posts: 51
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 10:08 am
Im loving Senran Kagura: Estival Versus so far. Picked up the Endless Summer bundle on Amazon for the same price as the normal game plus a bunch more content.
The jiggle physics and main menu cutscenes are perfect, along with the ability to play dress-up with your favorite characters from the series.
Not to mention a mode where you can slap the character's butt, kiss her, or physically rip her clothes off to see her embarrassed reaction.
However, Im having trouble finding proper combo controls for the game. While the game clearly comes with an instruction manual, I can't find anywhere in the box set, nor in the game settings, anyhting regarding what are proper combo rotations for each character.
For example, I like playing as Haruka, and she is noticeably slower at attacking than characters like Asuka or Homura (whom each I can rack up a 4200 streak combo). So trying to find a nice niche on how to position oneself without getting overwhelmed is hard.
Also playing online seems to be just as difficult. As far as I can tell, there isn't a grading system to match you up with people at your skill level. Playing Haruka once again, I got pummeled by more experienced players (or just from players better at their respective classes).
Though none of the grievances above will stop me from continuing to play. Senran Kagura Estival Versus ranks pretty high on my list of awesome games to add to my collection.
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Joined: 09 Aug 2013
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Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 10:49 am
VR right now will not be successful in the long run for gaming until the price drops and corrections are made to prevent motion sickness, imagine playing Gundam in VR at 120 FPS, you'd be sick as all hell, it would be like you flying the Gaplant with it's booster at full speed for the first time. Also PSVR just won't do, a PS4 cannot do the 120 fps minimum needed for an ideal experience.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2013
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Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 11:32 am
I really don't think VR will pick up that much. There's the usual list of talked about reason: price, VR sickness, awkward and uncomfortable for long gaming session, looks goofy and no standard for all game to adopt. All of which are perfectly valid reason but the chief one that's almost never touched on is that almost no games can take advantages of VR, worst some games are made far worse by it. Anything that's not 1st person (strategy, RPG, 3rd person, puzzle, top down, ect. ie 90% of all games) can't really use VR, even in 1st person you can't really shoot all that well so shooter won't even really work, the only game that can take advantage of VR are simulator: space ship, robot, car and walking, which is a super limited selection of game. For VR to pick you need to reach a critical number of people that buy it so it become worth it to develop game for it, is there really that many fan of simulator type game with 400$+ spare cash to throw ready to be early adopter? I don't think so.
The saga franchise has always been weird, it felt so unfocused with strange convention like random level up and skill learning. Every time I played one I felt like I was playing an ambitious half finished RPG maker game.
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Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 12:03 pm
I remember when Nintendo Power covered Tales of Phantasia and Star Ocean (I had those particular issues for a long time before throwing them away with a ton of old junk). Back then, I had always wished I could play both of them, but of course neither were ever to be. Sure we can play both fan-translated nowadays, but I don't care for fan translations anymore. At least Star Ocean got its sweet PSP remake that we can enjoy, but we have yet to get a version of Phantasia that doesn't suck.
Romancing SaGa 2: I would really love to play this officially translated, but of course hardly anyone overseas has heard of or cares much for the SaGa series. As I said before, we SaGa enthusiasts are a niche bunch. It'd be like winning the lottery if they'd even bother localizing any SaGa titles at this point.
It's funny though. Make a JRPG open-ended and people bitch about its lack of focus; make a WRPG open-ended and they celebrate about the lack of focus. The SaGa series really doesn't deserve the bad rap it's gotten over the years, but alas, this is how it is.
I Am Setsuna: A gorgeously rendered game with callbacks to Chrono Trigger sounds like a winner to me. And this game just gave me yet another reason to invest in a PS4 soon. I think I need to hurry up on that; there's going to be a storm of JRPGs down the line this year and I have to be ready for it.
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Joined: 23 Dec 2005
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Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 12:49 pm
Shout-out to Hyrule Legends - if you have a new3DS, like Zelda stuff, and are down for an action/RTS kind of game to play on your portable, definitely give it a purchase. I've logged something close to 200 hours on the WiiU version and it's still just as fun now (especially with the new characters) as it was when I bought it.
Oy, that SK: Estival Versus opening movie makes me scream dear lord, the back pain!
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Joined: 29 Apr 2013
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Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 2:41 pm
I did not even know I am setsuna wsa for pc, if the price is not crazy and I start getting paid on my job,, I might buy it.
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Joined: 28 Dec 2010
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Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 2:49 pm
Also loving Senran Kagura: Estival Versus. Try playing on Hard Mode with under Level 4. It's a lot harder then your think. I love the Fan service even more then the last one. Giving all the girls Ryona's Swimsuit. it's the hottest one in the game so far! Can't wait for the ikkitousen DLC
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Joined: 04 Dec 2007
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Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 3:02 pm
I sould point out that the Fire Emblem Fates series makes it pretty clear that the Avatar character and his/her step siblings are not related by blood in any way. In Birthright, Sakura's confession scene implies that the Avatar and the Hoshino Royal Family have a a different mother and father, meaning the Hoshino siblings and the Avatar were already born by their respective parents before the Avatar's mother married the King and the Avatar was adopted into the royal family. My guess is that the King's original wife died sometime after Sakura was born and the king remarried the Avatar's mother afterwards. Ergo, no blood relation = not incest.
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Joined: 28 Dec 2010
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Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 3:03 pm
Nevermind. The West won't get the Ikkitosen DLC. Oh Well. Still Love the Game.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 3:30 pm
Quote: | The Senran Kagura series is less a line of games and more a collection of varied excuses, all for the same thing: enormous wobbling breasts. Yes, Senran Kagura is technically the ongoing saga of shinobi women bound together in friendships, rivalries, and the occasional tragedy, but the games fool no one for very long.
Well unless those nobody's are people looking to complain about the game's use of fanservice which is easily ignored believe it or not.
Quote: |
It's a brawler, after all, and it's arranged in the broad melee tradition of Dynasty Warriors. Stages throw together clumps of enemies, threatening only because of their sheer numbers, |
Actually not some enemies particular those in Burst were threatening because of the damage they could do which depended upon things like your level, the difficulty, & if you were playing in Frantic Mode which effectively turned your characters into glass cannons.
Most of the enemies in Shinovi Versus were easy to beat sans the enemies with the turtle shells on their back who can't be hurt while.......turtling and Asuka/Homura in the game's true final battle.
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Joined: 04 Dec 2007
Posts: 170
Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 3:59 pm
Quote: | Most of the enemies in Shinovi Versus were easy to beat sans the enemies with the turtle shells on their back who can't be hurt while.......turtling and Asuka/Homura in the game's true final battle. |
Actually the Turtle Ninjas can be hurt in their defensive mode, you just have to use a Special Technique in your transformed state or when you have the power boost associated with "Frantic Mode".
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Joined: 11 Sep 2003
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Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 4:32 pm
The X Button: Finger-Wagging Edition
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Bowl of Lentils
Joined: 08 Oct 2015
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Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 4:47 pm
The creepy subtext between Eldigan and Lachesis in Genealogy of the Holy Wars isn't just in the manga adaptation, its in the game itself. They can't get married or anything but it is implied that they harbor incestuous feelings for each other. Hard to believe something like that was in a Nintendo game.
Also if anyone is interested there is currently a group over at Rom Hacking Dot Net working a translation patch for Genealogy of the Holy Wars and it is looking like it will be finished pretty soon. There are other patches currently available but they don't translate the whole game and their quality is hit or miss.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 5:43 pm
VR is going to have to do quite a bit to convince me to buy into it. I don't have a Playstation camera or a Move controller, so those are added costs on top of something that cost as much as my PS4 brand new. I'm not saying it can't win me over, but it would need to add significant benefits to regular PS4 games that support it and need at least some of its own games that I'd actually want to play. I don't think I'd get it if the VR games come off as glorified tech demos.
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Joined: 06 Feb 2007
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Posted: Thu Mar 17, 2016 6:42 pm
I think Todd has a really fair view on Senran Kagura. It's a competent game, but it's really hard to escape the way it treats its women. You can skip the disrobing animations, but you can't skip the clothes-shredding or the emphasis on how humiliated these girls look. Just having the option of skipping these things would have been nice, because the game looks fun, but I really don't want to have to put a girl through the wringer for a shot of boob.
And the thing is, I like boobs. I'm cool with pervy games. I played SRWOG: Endless Frontier. I got into Rogue-likes because of Izuna the Unemployed Ninja. Skullgirls is my favorite fighting game. The difference is that even though those games were naughty, they're still tongue-in-cheek and honestly in good fun. Sure, constant jokes and emphasis are made of Kaguya's impossible rack, but it's not to the point where the game emphasizes that she's in tears over how everyone gloats over her chest.
I know that the defense is that the girls have deep stories, but that just feels like an excuse, and Todd's got a point: I don't want to see characters I actively care about reduced to meat for the proverbial grinder. (Moreso if they're being humiliated over it all.)
There really has to be a better way to handle this kind of thing. The wait for a game equivalent to Smut Peddler continues.
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