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Joined: 14 Aug 2015
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 11:37 am Reply with quote
Zero Escape fans are no doubt familiar with Sigma, Phi, Akane, and Junpei, though Zero Time Dilemma remains coy about just how they might have changed (Phi still calls Sigma “old man,” so there's that).

Shouldn't the Sigma in this game be spoiler[Zero Sr.'s consciousness in past Sigma's body?] And is this Phi spoiler[the Phi that time leaped after the events of VLR, or is this how she was before she experienced the events of VLR?] So many questions...
One thing strikes me off the bat: Spike Chunsoft replaced the marvelously talented Kinu Nishimura with Rui Tomono as character designer. Tomono's a good artist, but Nishimura's distinctive style was one of Zero Escape's strongest suits.

Uchikoshi said that this was to give impression that the series have evolved and uses more 3d cinematics, and so that it's more likely to be well-received on the west
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 1:15 pm Reply with quote
Kirby Robobot: This looks to be yet another fine Kirby game and the mecha feature sounds like a lot of fun, especially when his copy powers can upgrade the robot. So many years of Kirby and he has yet to truly disappoint. That extra game still isn't what I had in mind for a Kirby RPG though.

Paper Mario: Color Splash: As usual, the Paper Mario fans are in anti-Nintendo mode. After Sticker Star and Paper Jam (which was just a crossover with Paper Mario simply being there), they're already looking at this as a failure. It gets so tiresome seeing people repeat "It's nothing like Paper Mario 64 and Thousand Year Door!" over and over again. I don't think there's ever going to be a Paper Mario title like the first two because they're trying to do new things with the series (and the same argument can be made with the Mario & Luigi series). That's why Super Paper Mario was different, and despite the initial attitude toward it, people have grown to like it for a number of reasons. I understand Sticker Star removed way too much of what made the series so memorable since its inception, but I don't think that should be a good reason to label Color Splash as bad by default and that anything Intelligent Systems makes from now will suck no matter what. I swear, Mario fans have become as nasty as Sonic fans.

Shin Megami Tensei IV Final: If this does get a localization, and I don't see why it shouldn't, I know which demon I want to align myself with immediately when the choice comes up.
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Joined: 20 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 3:27 pm Reply with quote
Todd Ciolek said in article wrote:
Estival Versus improves on the viewpoint controls and comical excesses of its predecessors, though its entry fee remains steep. It's not the actual cost of the game. It's the fact that every character is a walking, talking mass of excuses for pandering nonsense at best and cartoon misogyny at worst. The game never misses an opportunity to show them losing their clothing, wincing in agony, or landing naked and exhausted in a basketball net. That's the sort of game Senran Kagura is, and no cover changes will wash that away.

Well, that is only true for those that don't like that sort of thing. The target audience for the most part will have no problem.
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Joined: 04 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 4:28 pm Reply with quote
I'm with Todd on the latest Nintendo Direct. Kirby with mechs sounds pretty awesome. Otherwise, I'm acutally looking forward to Tokyo Mirage Sessions #FE (interesting translation, lol) I'm a little surprised that NoA is publishing it themselves, given the niche audience for the game.

irfanf wrote:
Uchikoshi said that this was to give impression that the series have evolved and uses more 3d cinematics, and so that it's more likely to be well-received on the west

Tomono's art does translate better into 3d models. The 3d models in VLR looked pretty clunky, I thought. Just from looking at the screenshots, the 3d models look pretty good. There looks like a slight cell shading effect similar to what you see in the Atelier games.
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Joined: 01 Feb 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 5:29 pm Reply with quote
Ace Attorney 6 shows an older Maya, presumably more experienced as a spirit medium, meeting up with Phoenix during his trip to the nation of Kurain

Aww, now she really DOES look like Maya channeling older Mia Fey!
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 6:33 pm Reply with quote
That sounds exactly like Mega Man (and its upcoming spiritual descendent Mighty No. 9)

[Citation needed]

and ineffectual gimmick Klavier Gavin.

What gimmick is Klavier supposed to have especially since he's no longer a musician on the side.

It's how they hide bizarre secrets and screw over each other.

I think you mean how they screw over the main character especially in the endings.


It's the fact that every character is a walking, talking mass of excuses for pandering nonsense at best and cartoon misogyny at worst. The game never misses an opportunity to show them losing their clothing, wincing in agony, or landing naked and exhausted in a basketball net. That's the sort of game Senran Kagura is, and no cover changes will wash that away.

Geez Todd who pissed in your coffee this week?
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Joined: 07 Jan 2015
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:08 pm Reply with quote
belvadeer wrote:

Paper Mario: Color Splash: As usual, the Paper Mario fans are in anti-Nintendo mode. After Sticker Star and Paper Jam (which was just a crossover with Paper Mario simply being there), they're already looking at this as a failure. It gets so tiresome seeing people repeat "It's nothing like Paper Mario 64 and Thousand Year Door!" over and over again. I don't think there's ever going to be a Paper Mario title like the first two because they're trying to do new things with the series (and the same argument can be made with the Mario & Luigi series). That's why Super Paper Mario was different, and despite the initial attitude toward it, people have grown to like it for a number of reasons. I understand Sticker Star removed way too much of what made the series so memorable since its inception, but I don't think that should be a good reason to label Color Splash as bad by default and that anything Intelligent Systems makes from now will suck no matter what. I swear, Mario fans have become as nasty as Sonic fans.

*Claps* Finally a great opinion and not anticipating to how bad it is, sometimes Nintendo fans themselves make me cringe.
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Joined: 11 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:12 pm Reply with quote
BadNewsBlues wrote:


It's the fact that every character is a walking, talking mass of excuses for pandering nonsense at best and cartoon misogyny at worst. The game never misses an opportunity to show them losing their clothing, wincing in agony, or landing naked and exhausted in a basketball net. That's the sort of game Senran Kagura is, and no cover changes will wash that away.

Geez Todd who pissed in your coffee this week?

He wants to lecture his audience like the cool kids but ANN doesn't punish disagreement in comment threads so he can't get away with it.
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Joined: 25 Jun 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 7:36 pm Reply with quote
I hope Gyakuten Saiban 6 will go back to the tried-and-true formula of the first 5 games. The only thing that would be a deal-breaker for me are the "Interrogate-ten-witnesses-at-once" nonsense they used in Professor Layton VS Phoenix Wright. That was an utter nightmare to play through.

BadNewsBlues wrote:
What gimmick is Klavier supposed to have especially since he's no longer a musician on the side.

He could always be a NEET. I'd love to see an exaggerated parody of Welcome to the NHK.
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Lynx Amali

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 8:52 pm Reply with quote
As an action game, Estival Versus improves on the viewpoint controls and comical excesses of its predecessors, though its entry fee remains steep. It's not the actual cost of the game. It's the fact that every character is a walking, talking mass of excuses for pandering nonsense at best and cartoon misogyny at worst. The game never misses an opportunity to show them losing their clothing, wincing in agony, or landing naked and exhausted in a basketball net. That's the sort of game Senran Kagura is, and no cover changes will wash that away.

The main games actually tell fairly dark and decent coming of age stories, especially Burst/the original. I guess that would require one to look past the gratuitous fanservice the game's have though. I didn't enjoy SV because character arcs weren't balanced.

Hopefully, Estival's different in that regard because I really dig the character arcs that the main games have.
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Mr. Oshawott

Joined: 12 Mar 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 9:43 pm Reply with quote
I've been assessing the folks' reaction towards the previews of Paper Mario: Color Splash on YouTube and Twitter for some time. From the looks of it, nearly everyone has expressed sheer disheartening towards its debut, thanks to Color Splash sharing a close resemblance to Paper Mario: Sticker Star.

Sticker Star got serious heat for not featuring any partners, unlike the three preceding titles (Paper Mario 64, The Thousand Year Door, Super Paper Mario) and the battle system's unbalanced difficulty due to it being based on what Stickers you've collected; on top of that, the battles in Sticker Star are also virtually pointless as there is no level-up system present.

Based on the Japanese trailers, Color Splash, so far, seems to be little more than a mere HD version of Sticker Star. That's the one thing that most of the Nintendo fanbase didn't want to see happen, thus resulting in Color Splash's severely underwhelming fanfare.
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Joined: 10 Dec 2010
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 9:45 pm Reply with quote
Lynx Amali wrote:
As an action game, Estival Versus improves on the viewpoint controls and comical excesses of its predecessors, though its entry fee remains steep. It's not the actual cost of the game. It's the fact that every character is a walking, talking mass of excuses for pandering nonsense at best and cartoon misogyny at worst. The game never misses an opportunity to show them losing their clothing, wincing in agony, or landing naked and exhausted in a basketball net. That's the sort of game Senran Kagura is, and no cover changes will wash that away.

The main games actually tell fairly dark and decent coming of age stories, especially Burst/the original. I guess that would require one to look past the gratuitous fanservice the game's have though. I didn't enjoy SV because character arcs weren't balanced.

Hopefully, Estival's different in that regard because I really dig the character arcs that the main games have.
"I'd rather masturbate to actual hentai."
~ Jim f*cking Sterling son
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 9:55 pm Reply with quote
Lynx Amali wrote:

The main games actually tell fairly dark and decent coming of age stories, especially Burst/the original. I guess that would require one to look past the gratuitous fanservice the game's have though. I didn't enjoy SV because character arcs weren't balanced.

Hopefully, Estival's different in that regard because I really dig the character arcs that the main games have.

I'm curious as to what you mean about SV's character arcs not
being balanced.
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Lynx Amali

PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 10:33 pm Reply with quote
BadNewsBlues wrote:

I'm curious as to what you mean about SV's character arcs not
being balanced.

Balanced might not be the best word to use in regards to the character arcs in retrospect.

I feel like the cast exploded (to the benefit of the gameplay) so instead of the massive walls of text that the original/Burst had, they toned it down so you don't have as much monologues with said walls of texts.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 10, 2016 10:39 pm Reply with quote
Lynx Amali wrote:

I feel like the cast exploded (to the benefit of the gameplay) so instead of the massive walls of text that the original/Burst had, they toned it down so you don't have as much monologues with said walls of texts.

......weird I felt that we still got the same amount of monologues with walls of text with the same annoying thing of having some of the characters offering this dialog not actually appearing on screen in the game......like Hanzo.
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