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Joined: 20 Jul 2010
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Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 11:26 am
I dunno, gamers united in their hatred of Konami in 2015. I'd say that prediction was fulfilled.
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Joined: 09 Aug 2013
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Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:19 pm
The NX may have a chance at least in Japan, it has a third party developing for it (Square-Enix) right out of the gate before the system even had a patent revealed and they have a game (DQXI) coming to it, however it may not last long if the thing is underpowered or they rely on the handheld gimmick too much. Also, in the West, Nintendo needs to find third parties badly (they need to beg and plea for them to come onboard to the NX like a desperate man asking a one of a kind hot chick to marry them). The NX must be powerful, an underpowered system will scare the third party developers away, they also need to announce and release at least 1 major first party title on launch (a Mario, a Zelda even if they have to ditch Zelda WiiU and make it Zelda NX, a Donkey Kong title, or a Kirby title), 2 would be ideal. Also, the price needs to be fair, it can't be no more than $400 otherwise few would buy it and put in a 1 TB hard drive at least, 32 GB does not do on consoles anymore much less 8.
Other than that, I can't wait for the demo and full game of Dragon Quest Builders, it's turning out to be one of those goty titles and it has very good longevity exceeding 100 hours for the full experience.
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Percival King
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Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:33 pm
Quote: | I hoped that the PlayStation 4 and Xbox One releases of Final Fantasy Type-0 would mark a turnaround for the series, washing away the taint of Final Fantasy XIII and driving most Final Fantasy nerds to enjoy a new game and argue over which character is the coolest. That didn't happen. Critics didn't hate it, but Type-0 just didn't seem to excite great hordes of fans. Was it the game's oversized cast of student-soldiers? Or names like “Vermillion Peristylium”? Or the fact that it was a prettied-up version of a PSP game that Square Enix should've localized back in 2011? |
Or maybe because it was an extremely mediocre game to start with? The only reason why that game got so much attention was because of an insanely loud and obnoxious minority that heralded it as the second coming of Christ. And most everyone looked upon it with a curious eye because it was that one game that never came out stateside, thus it had the pedigree of being "more exclusive" than the rest.
The reality, however, bit hard. The game was mediocre as hell. The curious ones simply overestimated it. And the loud minority was, well....they were idiots. Punk-asses who actually ended up getting banned on all of the big gaming news sites for flaming anyone who didn't agree with them.
I know this because I trolled these jokers a while back with a fake Steve Blum tweet regarding the game's release. Anyone who "denied" the tweet was insulted and humiliated to high hell.
Lesson of the day: Don't listen to what fans have to say. They are incapable of thinking clearly and rationally, and most are probably very foolish to begin with.
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Joined: 06 Feb 2007
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Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 12:40 pm
If anything, a subset of gamers have united in thinking that they're "persecuted" and that games are the victim of "censorship"... but that's kinda been going on for ages anyway. *shrug*
Mediocre as it might have been, I wish Gaist Crusher came to the U.S. I was really excited for it, silly as it might have been, and the kiddie-design spoke to me.
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:50 pm
I adore the Mario & Luigi RPGs, they're actually my favorite current Mario-related series, ever since the first one on GBA. The second one wasn't as good, it had that problem of trying to use all of the DS's more useless shiny functions, but the third one is awesome. I'm way behind though, going to get the fourth one (Dream Team) for a late Xmas/Bday present. And while I enjoyed Paper Mario and Super Mario RPG (both of which I played after M&L SuperStarSaga), I like how good platforming skills are well rewarded in the M&L series where button timing doesn't just reduce damage, but eliminates it, and encourages learning enemy patterns better. It's the perfect hybrid of platforming and RPG for me.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 1:53 pm
Hoppy800 wrote: | The NX may have a chance at least in Japan, it has a third party developing for it (Square-Enix) right out of the gate before the system even had a patent revealed and they have a game (DQXI) coming to it, however it may not last long if the thing is underpowered or they rely on the handheld gimmick too much. Also, in the West, Nintendo needs to find third parties badly (they need to beg and plea for them to come onboard to the NX like a desperate man asking a one of a kind hot chick to marry them). The NX must be powerful, an underpowered system will scare the third party developers away, they also need to announce and release at least 1 major first party title on launch (a Mario, a Zelda even if they have to ditch Zelda WiiU and make it Zelda NX, a Donkey Kong title, or a Kirby title), 2 would be ideal. Also, the price needs to be fair, it can't be no more than $400 otherwise few would buy it and put in a 1 TB hard drive at least, 32 GB does not do on consoles anymore much less 8.
Other than that, I can't wait for the demo and full game of Dragon Quest Builders, it's turning out to be one of those goty titles and it has very good longevity exceeding 100 hours for the full experience. |
And watch as none of this happens because Nintendo has far better things to do with its time and money. Third parties would just find another convenient excuse anyway and considering how they're floundering financially while Nintendo has a freaking war chest the size of Kyoto, that's probably for the best. Better to build yourself up internally and go down your own path rather than take after a bunch of badly-managed companies who engage in self-destructive activities.
Anyway, it was rather amusing for people to make such a big deal over FF Type-Zero...only for them to be reminded we're dealing with latter-day Square and thus were given a middling game.
As for "controversies" it seems to me that gamers find something new every week to complain about. It really goes to show why gaming still isn't taken all that seriously in spite of the industry making billions in revenue.
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Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 2:43 pm
Percival King wrote: | Or maybe because it was an extremely mediocre game to start with? The only reason why that game got so much attention was because of an insanely loud and obnoxious minority that heralded it as the second coming of Christ. And most everyone looked upon it with a curious eye because it was that one game that never came out stateside, thus it had the pedigree of being "more exclusive" than the rest.
The reality, however, bit hard. The game was mediocre as hell. The curious ones simply overestimated it. And the loud minority was, well....they were idiots. Punk-asses who actually ended up getting banned on all of the big gaming news sites for flaming anyone who didn't agree with them. |
The worst of them were definitely the fan translation idiots. Dear lord, did you ever see their comments on that one discussion site? Every time anyone tried to reason with those morons and tell them Type-0 wasn't going to be anything special, they hurled insults at you and told you to leave because you were standing in the way of progress. I'm glad that silly fan translation was shut down, just to see those losers suffer and complain once they realized an official localization was happening. Type-0 is still a boring and unnecessary entry in the FF series at the end of the day.
Quote: | Lesson of the day: Don't listen to what fans have to say. They are incapable of thinking clearly and rationally, and most are probably very foolish to begin with. |
It's a very big part of why I don't consider myself part of any fandom any longer. There's just way too much insanity present in almost all of them.
classicalzawa wrote: | I adore the Mario & Luigi RPGs, they're actually my favorite current Mario-related series, ever since the first one on GBA. The second one wasn't as good, it had that problem of trying to use all of the DS's more useless shiny functions, but the third one is awesome. I'm way behind though, going to get the fourth one (Dream Team) for a late Xmas/Bday present. And while I enjoyed Paper Mario and Super Mario RPG (both of which I played after M&L SuperStarSaga), I like how good platforming skills are well rewarded in the M&L series where button timing doesn't just reduce damage, but eliminates it, and encourages learning enemy patterns better. It's the perfect hybrid of platforming and RPG for me. |
You're more caught up than I am. Of the M&L games, I've only played Superstar Saga. Of the Paper Mario games, the first one and Super Paper Mario. I'm not sure why I haven't tried Bowser's Inside Story, Dream Team or Thousand Year Door yet (I'll need to get a memory cartridge for the last one since I never owned a GameCube and only have my Wii to rely on for playing the game). I just can't seem to make enough time for all these RPGs anymore. -_-
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Joined: 07 Jan 2015
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Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 3:54 pm
I don't think Konami will get fan trust any soon again (Capcom is still distrusted by the Mega Man fanbase), aside they still win with PES and YGO.
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Percival King
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Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 4:59 pm
belvadeer wrote: | The worst of them were definitely the fan translation idiots. Dear lord, did you ever see their comments on that one discussion site? Every time anyone tried to reason with those morons and tell them Type-0 wasn't going to be anything special, they hurled insults at you and told you to leave because you were standing in the way of progress. I'm glad that silly fan translation was shut down, just to see those losers suffer and complain once they realized an official localization was happening. Type-0 is still a boring and unnecessary entry in the FF series at the end of the day. |
Oh god yes. You're talking about that dipshit MagiusNecros that had to get his dick out the moment anyone even remotely mentioned Gilgamesh? Yeah, that punk ass pretty much got banned on every site and forum because of just that. Aaaand...he was pretty much the main reason why I had to fudge with those people.
Though, the dude who created the actual translation patch, SkyCloud or something or other wasn't a terrible guy. In fact, I actually liked him. It was kind of cute how he gave that diarrhea-streak Magius the idea that he was in charge of the translation, yet he had complete control over it and always superseded anything he had to say.
And that's nothing to say of his work on Dissidia. Because of him, we went from crappy recolors to actual model, stage, and sound imports. I STILL play Dissidia 012 to this day...every now and again...purely because of his work on the modding scene.
Last edited by Percival King on Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 31 Jul 2006
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Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:00 pm
Type 0 came out so long ago, I think many just plain forgot about it. Made my list at #4, and I think one of Gamespot's crew had it on their top 10, but other than that, it didn't get much love at year's end.
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Percival King
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Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:02 pm
varmintx wrote: | Type 0 came out so long ago, I think many just plain forgot about it. Made my list at #4, and I think one of Gamespot's crew had it on their top 10, but other than that, it didn't get much love at year's end. |
It was just too innocuous of a game to leave any sort of mark anywhere. You played it, you kinda enjoyed it, then you completely and utterly forgot all about it. The very definition of mediocre.
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Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:19 pm
Percival King wrote: | Though, the dude who created the actual translation patch, SkyCloud or something or other wasn't a terrible guy. In fact, I actually liked him. It was kind of cute how he gave that diarrhea-streak Magius the idea that he was in charge of the translation, yet he had complete control over it and always superseded anything he had to say. |
Oh no no, I have nothing against SkyCloud. I meant his horde of idiot followers on his site. They were some of the worst I'd ever seen. Always pestering, always offering their so-called "input" on things, always telling people to leave if they weren't with them, they were the very definition of fantards.
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Joined: 19 Jun 2011
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Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:38 pm
Final Fantasy Type-0? You mean that game they bundled in for free when you bought Final Fantasy XV: Episode Duscae?
I kid, but in the end, that's what it ended up feeling like, as I've probably put more into the XV demo than Type-0 itself. Type-0 definitely suffered from an excessively large cast thrown right at you from the start, but I really just didn't like the gameplay. XV ended up being the main thing I got out of my copy of Type-0, and at the very least, it seems promising, even though the fact that the combat was changed from what was earlier shown to pretty much just simply "Hold Square".
And the new Mario & Luigi releases next week? I didn't even know. Might check it out, since I loved Mario & Luigi and Paper Mario, but Mario & Luigi's been going downhill since BiS and Paper Mario: Sticker Star was one of the worst games I've ever had the displeasure of playing.
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Mr. sickVisionz
Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 5:39 pm
Capcom has died to me. Other than EA (and solely because of BioWare) Capcom put out the more games I liked last gen than any other publishers.
I'd love to be excited for them but it seems more and more like Dead Rising 3 was the only new title they're willing to make for Xbox One. I wouldn't be shocked if they've been in talks to be purchased by Sony for years and all of this is just them moving closer and closer to getting the deal locked down.
"Tell us why The Adventures of Dino-Riki contains brilliant insights into humankind's primal nature, why the Variable Geo games are deeply feminist, or why Puyo Puyo is all about class struggle."
Are those really what makes something art or not?
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Joined: 28 Aug 2007
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Posted: Thu Jan 14, 2016 6:05 pm
Levitz9 wrote: | If anything, a subset of gamers have united in thinking that they're "persecuted" and that games are the victim of "censorship"... but that's kinda been going on for ages anyway. *shrug* |
Considering games publishers have never figured out how to NOT censor games and just let game ratings do their job, there's a good reason why people dislike censorship. Some of us were dealing with the ups and downs of extreme censorship in games for 30+ years (like me). It's especially more painful when more loyal ports and uncensored games were starting to become a thing in late 2000s. Now it's kind of sliding back into 90s level of every game being up for censure.
It's less a 'perception' issue as it's the fact many games do get put through the ringer instead of letting game ratings do its job.
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