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Tales Of The Industry - Oyaji-san Leaves A Gift

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PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 10:18 am Reply with quote
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 10:21 am Reply with quote
Reminder: any speculation that attempts to identify, via guesswork or any other means, the people involved in this story will be removed on sight. The purpose of the column is to illustrate things that have actually happened in the industry and give you a peek backstage without endangering anyone's career. Anything that goes against this purpose will be removed.

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Joined: 29 May 2013
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PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 10:34 am Reply with quote
Makes me wonder if people waited in line for Oyaji-san because of the show, or if they happened to know how eccentric he was. Anime hyper
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 10:46 am Reply with quote
I am, of course, posting a link to this story into our con's Guest Relations FB group. I love this column so much. Smile
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Joined: 28 Feb 2010
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PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 11:27 am Reply with quote
That sounds like a nightmare of a guest.

It was probably someone that a studio wanted to send to get a break from him if that's how he acts with them.
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Joined: 17 Mar 2013
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PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 11:41 am Reply with quote
I hope an Oyaji-san type will appear in the next season of Shirobako.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 12:04 pm Reply with quote
Sometimes you have to wonder about people. The type of person that is irritating to everyone usually doesn't realize it, doesn't care, or actually sees it as a good thing. That alone would have been enough to wonder what his deal was, but wearing winter clothes in that situation and completely disregarding schedules makes it seem like he was the type that goes out of his way to make life difficult.

Finding out that the interview ended up going to waste just seemed like the natural conclusion to this story.
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Joined: 09 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 12:06 pm Reply with quote
Whoever this man is needed to learn some manners, disrespectful does not even scratch the surface on how bad this gentleman's behavior was. I've met many people who came here to the states (mostly exchange students) from Japan, China, and Taiwan and none of them were even nearly this bad (a few did take getting used to but god damn, I was never subjected to the disrespect this man had), in fact the vast majority of them were friendly and wanted to learn about America and see the good the Americans were.
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Gina Szanboti

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PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 12:44 pm Reply with quote
Well, he's either got the goods on somebody (or a lot of somebodies) or he's reaaaaaaaaaaaaally good at his job.
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Joined: 18 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 12:52 pm Reply with quote
Moderator's note: Edited. Sorry, any identification at all is unacceptable.

I love it when handlers don't get their way. I think quite highly of any guest who tells their convention handler to do this and continues to do what they want to do anyways. So. Refreshing. I've bought a lot of stuff this person worked on because of this behavior too.

Anyways, yeah, this is the downside to going to conventions and meeting someone you admire in person; There's always that small chance that they could be an outright jerk. While most guests are pleasant, with some being very lovely people, every so often, there will be someone who is..well, like this column described. Although, I think the eccentric ones are the fun ones (unless you have to be their handler). The rude guests who belittle fans that are the ones I can't stand. I can't speak for everyone who has experienced something similar, but when I meet guests who act inappropriately, it makes me lose interest in any project they worked on immediately.

I find it amusing that this person's behavior irritated Anon and his/her company so much. Gross, yes, and hugely impolite, but widely amusing nonetheless.

Thanks for sharing!
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bemused Bohemian

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PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 1:07 pm Reply with quote
^ Agree. Some people deviate from the norm and do outrageous things just to see how others, the powerless ones, will (re)act. Happens in many lines of work.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 1:13 pm Reply with quote
Cutiebunny wrote:
Moderator's note: Edited. Sorry, any identification at all is unacceptable.

I love it when handlers don't get their way. I think quite highly of any guest who tells their convention handler to do this and continues to do what they want to do anyways. So. Refreshing. I've bought a lot of stuff this person worked on because of this behavior too.

Yes, because causing disruptions that snowball into delays or result in making things harder for staff and attendees alike is so amusing. Rolling Eyes

It was nice that that he wanted to draw things for people, but if that means that fewer people can even get an autograph, or that the space can't be used for other scheduled events, I'd say the handler was right to ask him to stop. This didn't sound like a case of a handler overstepping their bounds and bossing a guest around. It was a reasonable request, but if you're dealing with somebody who complains about the summer heat all while wearing winter clothes, I'd say the guest was never inclined to be reasonable in the first place.
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Joined: 18 Apr 2010
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PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 1:21 pm Reply with quote
So mods, if you don't mind me asking, am I to understand that verifying an aspect of the story is not permitted on this article? I completely understand the "speculation" policy, but if no name and properties were dropped, I hardly see where verifying portions of your article could be damaging. How could it be independently verified that I am an accurate source?

If anything, the only thing I mentioned was verifying that this:


Was quite accurate.

I mean, I understand the point about speculation, but I think you should also annotate that you don't want anyone to make a statement verifying something as well. That way, I, and others, would know.

Greed1914 wrote:
Yes, because causing disruptions that snowball into delays or result in making things harder for staff and attendees alike is so amusing. Rolling Eyes

If fans don't like it, get there earlier. If people are willing to wait hours in line to get a sketch, they merit priority.

Per Zac's response, I clipped it. Thanks. --willag
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PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 1:34 pm Reply with quote
You know what the saddest part is? When I saw the title, I knew I'd see something about the toilet down the line. XD
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Tue May 05, 2015 1:42 pm Reply with quote
Cutiebunny wrote:

Greed1914 wrote:
Yes, because causing disruptions that snowball into delays or result in making things harder for staff and attendees alike is so amusing. Rolling Eyes

If fans don't like it, get there earlier. If people are willing to wait hours in line to get a sketch, they merit priority.

That might fly if the scheduled time ran out and there were still people left in line, but when the delay is based entirely on something the guest opted to do on the spot, I don't see it as being the fans' fault at all, and I certainly don't blame the handlers for trying to make the problem known. Being a guest doesn't mean that it is ok to blow off schedules. It is tough enough to keep cons running smoothly without someone deliberately causing disruption.
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