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NEWS: Judos Manga Ends on Monday in Shonen Jump

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Joined: 19 Apr 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 4:23 pm Reply with quote
Ah, too bad it ended.
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leafy sea dragon

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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2015 10:42 pm Reply with quote
I found this to be the worst of the August trio, and the author came off like an egotist, always speaking like he was some kind of superstar and that everybody was anticipating Judos, so I'm glad to see it gone. I only read what was in Viz's Shonen Jump though, but I didn't like that it was framed through a character whose only trait was drooling at the hero (who looks way too much like Gintoki from Gin Tama and is off-model half of the time anyway) and that there were way too many burly butt-chin characters. I couldn't relate to any of the characters, and it seemed to lack an internal logic.

I do know there were plenty who liked Judos though, and there's absolutely nothing wrong with that. In fact, I am pretty surprised Judos was the first to get the axe, as Sporting Salt seemed to be struggling more in the rankings.
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Joined: 27 Sep 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 12:56 am Reply with quote
The exact order probably has more to do with filling the volumes; Judos getting the axe first since it started first.

Honestly, if I had to pick a series that I wanted gone from the mag as soon as possible, this would be my first pick. Within WSJ, there's a direct competitor in the area of grappling martial arts, Hinomaru Zumou. And Judos was inferior in every way; art*, choreography, characterization**, pacing. In my book, if you have a competitor in the same genre, and you can't match, let alone beat, it in any area, then there is no justification for your continued existence in the mag.

*primarily in two ways. One is the stylistic mismatch between the mangaka and what he's trying to accomplish here. His art style is more suited for gags and just isn't really cut out for a more action-centric series. The other is that when he did get around to drawing action, there's a noticable disparity in his ability to express intensity, compared to Hinomaru Zumou

** primary offender for me in this case was the practically nonexistant attempt to connect the reader to the protagonist in the first chapter. Really, an opening chapter should prioritize establishing the protagonist and giving the reader some reason to invest in the journey.
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Joined: 30 May 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 12:19 pm Reply with quote
Sproting Salt was so much worse than Judos IMHO but neither where particularly strong, where they?
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Joined: 24 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 8:22 pm Reply with quote
It sounds like I was lucky to miss this one from what you guys are saying, but as a judo fan, I'm always wishing something would come around that did anything close to what Yawara did in Japan or could shine light on judo the way Hikaru no Go did for go in the US.
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Anton Chigurh

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 16, 2015 11:34 pm Reply with quote
So all other factors remaining the same, next week should be SPORTING SALT and after that HI FI CLUSTER, right? Good, because HFC sucks. SALT's art was deplorable (when it had any art to speak of), but I liked the idea of using principles of medicine in a sports manga.
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leafy sea dragon

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 3:52 am Reply with quote
I liked Hi-Fi Cluster, though I would've preferred it remain an exploration of what society would be like where practice and skill can be purchased and worn, and the disadvantages for those unable to use or afford them. Given its nature in Weekly Shonen Jump though, it didn't have much option but to become a fight series with Candela overshadowing Peta as the protagonist though.

Another thing is the curse of Viz's Shonen Jump: With the exception of World Trigger, every manga that has had its debut simulpublished between Weekly Shonen Jump and the English-language counterpart had gone belly-up within its first year. I can remember it happening to Barrage, Takama-ga-hara, Cross Manage, and Stealth Symphony. It figures that Judos would've met the same fate too, as is inevitably Sporting Salt, though it'll be interesting to see the rankings continue as Hi-Fi Cluster makes occasional jumps up the rankings, though it typically sinks back down a week later. Stuff like Assassination Classroom and My Hero Academia have succeeded wildly and also happened to be series Viz passed on putting into its magazine.

I wonder if this curse will extend to Ageha's Table Tennis, E-Robot, and Gakkyu Hotei: School Judgment too.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 10:25 am Reply with quote
leafy sea dragon wrote:
Another thing is the curse of Viz's Shonen Jump: With the exception of World Trigger, every manga that has had its debut simulpublished between Weekly Shonen Jump and the English-language counterpart had gone belly-up within its first year. I can remember it happening to Barrage, Takama-ga-hara, Cross Manage, and Stealth Symphony. It figures that Judos would've met the same fate too, as is inevitably Sporting Salt, though it'll be interesting to see the rankings continue as Hi-Fi Cluster makes occasional jumps up the rankings, though it typically sinks back down a week later. Stuff like Assassination Classroom and My Hero Academia have succeeded wildly and also happened to be series Viz passed on putting into its magazine.

I wonder if this curse will extend to Ageha's Table Tennis, E-Robot, and Gakkyu Hotei: School Judgment too.

There is no "curse". This is pretty much standard for Shonen Jump. It's one of the most popular manga magazines in history, so it's only natural that being able to stay serialized in it for any real notable length of time (even at least one year) is tough.

Just look at the list of manga that have run in SJ. There's an unfathomable number of titles that only lasted a couple of months throughout the entire 45+ year history of the magazine. Viz simulpublishing chapters isn't affecting new titles in any way. In fact, it would be cool if there was at least one title that showcased a difference of success between Japan & North America enough that Shueisha might consider keeping a title running simply because it's much moer successful here than in Japan.

It's never going to happen, for a variety of reasons, but it would be cool.
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Joined: 27 Sep 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:21 pm Reply with quote
Yea, the situation's basically statistics. Counting the number of successes in the past 5 years.... Boku no Hero Academia, Hinomaru Zumou, Isobe, World Trigger, Shokugeki no Souma, Assassination Classroom, Saiki, Haikyuu!!, and Nisekoi. 9 successes from 2010 on*. Currently at ~59 series having debut in this time period? We're below 1 success out every 6 series.

At its core, this is fundamentally a zero-sum game. Sure, the magazine fluctuates in size over time within a certain range, but most of the time, a new series that survives means that some other series had to be canceled (or naturally end). And just look at the current WSJ lineup. Not counting the revolving door of newcomers, it's a pretty stacked group.

*essentially, 2012 was an anomaly with how loaded it was, while 2010 and 2011 were practically barren. Technically, Nisekoi actually debut towards the end of 2011, but it gets lumped together with the 2012 group due to New Power Generation branding. Also, Souma's debut was the last issue of 2012, but it gets grouped together with World Trigger for the Fresh Power Campaign.
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leafy sea dragon

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 2:57 pm Reply with quote
There's a name for each of these?

Yeah, I suppose in hindsight it does make sense then, regarding the rate of cancellation. The authors are aware of this, I'm guessing, and wouldn't be too down for having their series end. I do wonder why Viz passed on Assassination Classroom and My Hero Academia though.

Bleach is the obvious example of a franchise succeeding in the west where it fails in the east, or at least having sustained popularity more so than in Japan. Bleach is still that series on Toonami, for one, that I hear about from non-anime people, and if Viz's Shonen Jump's order reflects the popularity polls, Bleach is doing fine in the third quarter of the rankings. I do wonder how Hi-Fi Cluster is doing, since it at least got enough votes to stay in the magazine.
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Joined: 30 Jul 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 17, 2015 8:37 pm Reply with quote
leafy sea dragon wrote:
Another thing is the curse of Viz's Shonen Jump: With the exception of World Trigger, every manga that has had its debut simulpublished between Weekly Shonen Jump and the English-language counterpart had gone belly-up within its first year. I can remember it happening to Barrage, Takama-ga-hara, Cross Manage, and Stealth Symphony. It figures that Judos would've met the same fate too, as is inevitably Sporting Salt, though it'll be interesting to see the rankings continue as Hi-Fi Cluster makes occasional jumps up the rankings, though it typically sinks back down a week later. Stuff like Assassination Classroom and My Hero Academia have succeeded wildly and also happened to be series Viz passed on putting into its magazine.

I wonder if this curse will extend to Ageha's Table Tennis, E-Robot, and Gakkyu Hotei: School Judgment too.

Viz have picked up Gakkyu Hotei which seems to be off to a good start in Japan. It's getting a colour page next issue which is pretty rare for such an early point in the series. Hopefully the Jump Start initiative will see Viz have an increase in success rate though. Picking up one series each time three début rather than picking up one series once in a blue moon should hopefully see better results.

leafy sea dragon wrote:
Yeah, I suppose in hindsight it does make sense then, regarding the rate of cancellation. The authors are aware of this, I'm guessing, and wouldn't be too down for having their series end. I do wonder why Viz passed on Assassination Classroom and My Hero Academia though.

I believe Assassination Classroom was passed on because the issue of guns in classrooms was a very sensitive issue in America when it debuted. I think the title and premise of guns and killing in a school scared Viz off even if the actual content is pretty safe. Not sure why they passed on My Hero Academia as superheroes are big business at the moment. Maybe they were scared it would be another Barrage for the mangaka? I'd like to see Viz pick it up now they know it's a success.
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leafy sea dragon

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PostPosted: Sun Jan 18, 2015 2:41 am Reply with quote
Oh yeah, that makes sense, the issue with guns in classrooms and North America having frequent school shootings. I'm guessing for the same reason, it's kept in the lower-key volume releases only.

And I'm also guessing I'm far from the only one wondering about the hesitance behind My Hero Academia. I felt weird seeing a lot of potential in Barrage where no one else saw any.
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