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Astro Toy - Myth Cloth EX Pegasus Seiya

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Lord Geo

Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 11:12 am Reply with quote
The series was likely conceived in some sense with its toy gimmick in mind

Well, Masami Kurumada admitted that he created Saint Seiya to be a mainstream hit, so it's possible that he did consider toys to be an option. I only have one Myth Cloth (Sagittarius Aioros [w/ Seiya head]), but it is a really well done figure; I have the cloth attached to the Sagittarius object, though, simply because it's nigh-impossible to have Aioros stand on his own with those wings,

For whatever some reason, though, when Dave first showed a picture of the figure on Twitter I thought he had gotten the recent 40th Anniversary edition of Seiya. Maybe for another emergency article, right?
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 12:17 pm Reply with quote
David, not on the subject of the review (lovely review, as always, btw), but recent news: What do you think of Tamashii Nations setting up a world-wide web store, which presumably will make web exclusive figures easier for overseas consumers to purchase?
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 1:58 pm Reply with quote
As a collector I'm of course relieved; "Japanese Web store exclusive" has been close to "this doesn't exist" before Bluefin came along and started grabbing SOME of them. It's possible that we'll use them going forward, in the same sense as we sometimes use GSC's shop.
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Joined: 11 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 3:02 pm Reply with quote
Sorry for asking ignorant question, but how good Saint Seiya anime is in comparison to Dragon Ball?

I did not watch either, but ratings for both are lower than rating of Hunter X Hunter, One Piece and Naruto, later big hits (that I have seen).

I like Saint Seiya character, he looks cool, but how much quality of the story differs between those? I do not want to be frustrated.
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Lord Geo

Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 3:45 pm Reply with quote
MaxSouth wrote:
Sorry for asking ignorant question, but how good Saint Seiya anime is in comparison to Dragon Ball?

I did not watch either, but ratings for both are lower than rating of Hunter X Hunter, One Piece and Naruto, later big hits (that I have seen).

I like Saint Seiya character, he looks cool, but how much quality of the story differs between those? I do not want to be frustrated.

First off, DB & SS are older (80s & 90s) series, so it's only natural that compiled ratings will tend to favor stuff that's not quite as old as those.

Anyway, Saint Seiya's original anime is overall really good & well worth watching if you're into older shonen action series, but it has its nagging issues. Essentially, when it's at its best it really is one of the best shonen action series out there simply because it's filled with tons of imagination & action. Kurumada utilizes so many different mythologies to create a lot of awesome stuff. Even when the pacing slows down it's still tons of fun.

Unfortunately, when Seiya isn't at its best it can be pretty rough. This is especially true for about the first 40 episodes, partially due to the manga but mostly due to filler. First, the beginning of the manga doesn't have the most focused story going on, and that's because Kurumada simply went with what was popular, i.e. a tournament, while he got the overall story structure finalized. As much as Zac got hated on by hardcore Seiya fans for hating ADV's first DVD of Seiya, he had a point in that the first few episodes don't have much in terms of important plot. After that stuff is done, though, the anime goes into a series of filler that range from watchable to outright terrible before returning to manga story... That unfortunately shoves in filler characters that are so terrible (the Steel Saints) that they intrude into actual Seiya story. Still, when it's enjoyable it's still really damn good & there is one filler near the end of this stretch of episodes that's absolutely worth watching.

Essentially, Saint Seiya has a rough beginning that you have to go through before you get to the really great stuff. Once you get to the really great stuff, though, it's tons of fun. Or, if anything, you can read the manga up through the Silver Saint stuff, which removes all of the filler & is much better paced, & then start the anime at episode 33, which is the really awesome filler two-parter, and then continue off from there.
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Joined: 07 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 4:08 pm Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:
The series was likely conceived in some sense with its toy gimmick in mind

Well, Masami Kurumada admitted that he created Saint Seiya to be a mainstream hit, so it's possible that he did consider toys to be an option. I only have one Myth Cloth (Sagittarius Aioros [w/ Seiya head]), but it is a really well done figure; I have the cloth attached to the Sagittarius object, though, simply because it's nigh-impossible to have Aioros stand on his own with those wings,

For whatever some reason, though, when Dave first showed a picture of the figure on Twitter I thought he had gotten the recent 40th Anniversary edition of Seiya. Maybe for another emergency article, right?

Friend, Do you know what stands are? You buy them precisely for your figures that dont come with a base and are hard to get them to stand, you use that for some of your myth cloths, they are used mainly when you want them is action pose.

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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 4:51 pm Reply with quote
Minami-Asakura wrote:

Friend, Do you know what stands are? You buy them precisely for your figures that don't come with a base and are hard to get them to stand, you use that for some of your myth cloths, they are used mainly when you want them is action pose.

Yeah, I know about stands, but I've never been too big on collection figures, models, & the like. In fact, my Myth Cloth was a gift from a friend for Christmas a few years back, years after I stopped buying that kind of stuff, so I never really bothered to get a stand. Also, I think the Sagittarius Object looks really awesome with the cloth on; plus, Aioros is chillin' right in front of it on one of my shelves, so he's fine the way he his.
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Joined: 07 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 26, 2014 5:39 pm Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:
Minami-Asakura wrote:

Friend, Do you know what stands are? You buy them precisely for your figures that don't come with a base and are hard to get them to stand, you use that for some of your myth cloths, they are used mainly when you want them is action pose.

Yeah, I know about stands, but I've never been too big on collection figures, models, & the like. In fact, my Myth Cloth was a gift from a friend for Christmas a few years back, years after I stopped buying that kind of stuff, so I never really bothered to get a stand. Also, I think the Sagittarius Object looks really awesome with the cloth on; plus, Aioros is chillin' right in front of it on one of my shelves, so he's fine the way he his.

OK. I do have lots of myth cloths, for standing you dont really need a stand for the myth cloths, I have Aioros and it can stand just find on its own, most of my myth cloths (save for Libra, that put on a LOT of weight), your figure joints are probably loose, if that is the case they can indeed not be able to stand on their own.

But if you prefer object form that is fine.

I have my Aioros on his knees not really standing thou, I have him like in this photo:

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Joined: 11 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 27, 2014 7:21 am Reply with quote
Thanks for clarification, My Lord. Smile

And the golden Seiya is just super cool.
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