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Joined: 11 Sep 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:22 am Reply with quote
I thought the Playstation TV was going to use a PS4 controller's weird touchpad thing to approximate touch functions in Vita games (there's supposed to be a $150 version that comes with a controller, right?). Did I just make that up?
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:38 am Reply with quote
Fronzel wrote:
I thought the Playstation TV was going to use a PS4 controller's weird touchpad thing to approximate touch functions in Vita games (there's supposed to be a $150 version that comes with a controller, right?). Did I just make that up?
DS4s are compatible, but they simply emulate a PS3 controller. The touchpad is not used.
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Joined: 14 Sep 2011
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 11:54 am Reply with quote
Fronzel wrote:
I thought the Playstation TV was going to use a PS4 controller's weird touchpad thing to approximate touch functions in Vita games (there's supposed to be a $150 version that comes with a controller, right?). Did I just make that up?

Actually $140, and it comes with a PS3 Controller, 8GB card, and Lego Movie game (also Sly collection if you get it from Walmart).
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Joined: 12 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:01 pm Reply with quote
So when a game is incompatible for Playstation TV due to lack of certain Vita features, does that mean the game won't play at all? Does a game like any of the Project Diva games rely on touch that much? I haven't played any Vita games, but have considered getting a system (or maybe just this) for Muramasa, which is on Sony's list of compatible games.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:05 pm Reply with quote
According to Wayforward on Facebook, it seems the Wii U version of Shantae will be coming out some time in the Winter. I guess I can wait a little longer.
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Paul Soth

Joined: 06 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:20 pm Reply with quote
Before this thread turns to shit... spoiler[(posters, please prove me wrong through your actions, I beg of you)]

There actually is a bit of rational, civilized debate in feminist and feminist-supporting circles concerning Bayonetta's depiction and if she is a positive or negative character.

For instance, you have one side who feels that Bayonetta is cut from the same mold as trashy 90's bad girl comics and that she exists as fetish pandering and only to feed the Male Gaze, doing little to improve the depictions of women in a medium that has numerous problems with this issue.

On the other, there are those who feel that Bayonetta is depicted as being in charge of her sexual agency and is also seen as a celebration of camp sensibilities. This article brings up some of these points: http://gaygamer.net/2014/10/bayonetta-the-great-exception/

Anyway, the thing to take away is that both sides have their points and they are able to discuss and debate with each other in a polite manner without resorting to insults and petty anger. Imagine that.
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:27 pm Reply with quote
Paul Soth wrote:
Before this thread turns to shit... spoiler[(posters, please prove me wrong through your actions, I beg of you)]

There actually is a bit of rational, civilized debate in feminist and feminist-supporting circles concerning Bayonetta's depiction and if she is a positive or negative character.

For instance, you have one side who feels that Bayonetta is cut from the same mold as trashy 90's bad girl comics and that she exists as fetish pandering and only to feed the Male Gaze, doing little to improve the depictions of women in a medium that has numerous problems with this issue.

On the other, there are those who feel that Bayonetta is depicted as being in charge of her sexual agency and is also seen as a celebration of camp sensibilities. This article brings up some of these points: http://gaygamer.net/2014/10/bayonetta-the-great-exception/

Anyway, the thing to take away is that both sides have their points and they are able to discuss and debate with each other in a polite manner without resorting to insults and petty anger. Imagine that.

Characters like Bayonetta really point out the strengths of Feminism, because people feel differently about her and that's okay. Some women adore Bayonetta and what she stands for, and others find her too "male gaze"-y. That's up for the viewer to decide, and considering how few games star women, I think it's a start.

It'd sure be nice if we got more games that starred women that weren't sexpots "that also kick lots of ass!", though.

Also, choice words on GamerGate, Todd. Choice words. *thumbs up*
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Joined: 19 Jan 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:28 pm Reply with quote
OOh, Fantasy Life wasn't even on my radar, but now it is! Lookit that pedigree! An Animal Crossing where I can do more than just chores for other people? This pleases me! That's going straight on my Xmas list!
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Joined: 18 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:29 pm Reply with quote
Of course gamersgate is republican conservative's fault. I have no idea how this has anything to do with right left politics at all but blame anything that's bad in life on the party you don't associate with.
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Joined: 29 May 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:50 pm Reply with quote
thenix wrote:
Of course gamersgate is republican conservative's fault. I have no idea how this has anything to do with right left politics at all but blame anything that's bad in life on the party you don't associate with.

There is no mention of Republicans in the article. Todd's use of the word "conservative" leans more towards "traditional", in the sense that "traditional" hardcore gaming has a bad reputation for being a boy's club that's decidedly unfriendly towards women.

It's nice to see GamerGate summed up so succinctly, though. Googling it during it's peak led to a mire of good intentions gone bad, the Zoe Quinn "expose" debacle, and general mixed results all around.

As for the games, I really liked the original Bayonetta, and the character as well. If I could just divorce her from the creator's awful remarks about how her conception came about, I'd be a happy camper; it's been quite a while since I've seen a female character who basically wields her sexuality like a whip. Definitely eyeing picking up a Wii U for the holidays.
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Aura Ichadora

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:51 pm Reply with quote
Eh, I still can't get used to the art style for The Lost Valley. I may eventually pick it up if it turns out to be a nice game and I can get it for cheap, but I think I'll stick to Story of Seasons as my next Harvest Moon release.
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Joined: 09 Aug 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 12:57 pm Reply with quote
Levitz9 wrote:
Paul Soth wrote:
Before this thread turns to shit... spoiler[(posters, please prove me wrong through your actions, I beg of you)]

There actually is a bit of rational, civilized debate in feminist and feminist-supporting circles concerning Bayonetta's depiction and if she is a positive or negative character.

For instance, you have one side who feels that Bayonetta is cut from the same mold as trashy 90's bad girl comics and that she exists as fetish pandering and only to feed the Male Gaze, doing little to improve the depictions of women in a medium that has numerous problems with this issue.

On the other, there are those who feel that Bayonetta is depicted as being in charge of her sexual agency and is also seen as a celebration of camp sensibilities. This article brings up some of these points: http://gaygamer.net/2014/10/bayonetta-the-great-exception/

Anyway, the thing to take away is that both sides have their points and they are able to discuss and debate with each other in a polite manner without resorting to insults and petty anger. Imagine that.

Characters like Bayonetta really point out the strengths of Feminism, because people feel differently about her and that's okay. Some women adore Bayonetta and what she stands for, and others find her too "male gaze"-y. That's up for the viewer to decide, and considering how few games star women, I think it's a start.

It'd sure be nice if we got more games that starred women that weren't sexpots "that also kick lots of ass!", though.

It won't happen in Japan, Japan is at a point of no return when it comes to the gaming market made worse by mobile taking over, with some exceptions fanservice has to be added to their games to even have a chance of selling. The results can backfire as well (ex. Dodonpachi, changing from a ship to fanservicey moe dolls ended up killing the series). I'm glad Raiden didn't have to change to moe and still has a ship like, Raiden as a cute em up would spell the end of the shmup genre as a whole.
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Joined: 03 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 1:28 pm Reply with quote
No write-up or mention of Tears to Tiara II? Such a shame, just came out for the PS3* yesterday. Would have been a good chance to highlight the game as it's one of those we would have missed out on seeing in NA years ago.


Last edited by FlamingFirewire on Wed Oct 15, 2014 3:44 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 31 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 2:08 pm Reply with quote
thenix wrote:
Of course gamersgate is republican conservative's fault. I have no idea how this has anything to do with right left politics at all but blame anything that's bad in life on the party you don't associate with.
At no point did he blame Republicans for gamergate. The reference was to those conservative pundits who have latched onto the controversy to further their agenda.
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Hobbiton Guard

Joined: 05 Jan 2013
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PostPosted: Wed Oct 15, 2014 3:11 pm Reply with quote
FlamingFirewire wrote:
No write-up or mention of Tears to Tiara II? Such a shame, just came out for the PS4 yesterday. Would have been a good chance to highlight the game as it's one of those we would have missed out on seeing in NA years ago.


Tears to Tiara II was mentioned in last week's 'The X Button.' I have yet to pick up a copy myself (trying to avoid too many console games while in school), but it looks like a great game.

The anime for the original, while I know it's not the best, got me interested enough that I'd gladly jump into the sequel. Also, SRPGs on console are always appealing. We don't get many of those.
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