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Astro Toy - Nendoroid Hatsune Miku 2.0

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Joined: 06 Aug 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:13 pm Reply with quote
I still don't get the huge Vocaloid fandom; the things can still not sing worth crap. Is having an anime character on the album art really that big of a deal to people? I mean there are some good songs with Miku, but I don't think it warrants the massive fanbase.

The figure looks good, but I really hope people aren't going to be spending a hundred bucks on it. I couldn't ever bring myself to order a figure from a scalper since it would probably be a bootleg anyway.
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Joined: 13 May 2006
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:32 pm Reply with quote
Bam. Reasonable prices ($50~$60) from a couple different sellers. I have never understood the mentality that "If you don't preorder, you're 99% screwed". Other stores always have these figures once they're released. Its never been a problem for me, and yet people still always say that.
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Joined: 07 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:41 pm Reply with quote
I'm happy with my support Japan Miku Nendoroid I got after the quake.
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Joined: 10 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 5:47 pm Reply with quote
I was wondering about this one, glad to hear that it was well made.
I'm not much of a Miku fan myself (I like Gumi and alot of the English Vocaloids more) but since I have the Gumi nendoroid and this was a landmark figure for GSC, I was thinking about getting her. Too bad I missed my chance. Maybe once the hype dies down I can find one in AmiAmi's used section...?

EnigmaticSky wrote:
I still don't get the huge Vocaloid fandom; the things can still not sing worth crap. Is having an anime character on the album art really that big of a deal to people? I mean there are some good songs with Miku, but I don't think it warrants the massive fanbase.

Well I like vocaloid because I think the songs are interesting, and I love all the creativity and effort that goes into writing, programming and drawing for the music/PVs. The cute mascot/avatar is just a plus. Also vocaloid characters can pretty much be whatever you want them to be. So the possibilities are endless.

I like the way they sound for the most part when they're tuned properly. (Mitchie-M and Giuseppe songs for example are tuned pretty well)

Ah, but if you don't like them that's fine too. Just wanted throw in my perspective as a long-time fan.
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Joined: 28 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 8:40 pm Reply with quote
I pre-ordered her from the anime shop near where I live and I've had this nendoroid for a few weeks now. I'm surprised you didn't mention one thing that I consider a big improvement - from #300 Miku 2.0 onward, Nendoroid's face plates and neck joints are separate pieces and you only have to remove the front hair part to change the face, rather than having to disassemble the whole head to change it.

Also, one thing I like about Miku nendoroids is that depending on your pose, you might be able to get away without using the nendoroid stand and just let her lean on her twintails.


I still don't get the huge Vocaloid fandom; the things can still not sing worth crap.

How good a vocaloid sounds really depends on how good the person writing the vocaloid script is. There are songs that sound great and songs that sound bad.

While it's easy to write a script with notes and lyrics, getting all the other parameters (breathiness, dynamics, velocity, etc) just right to get it to really sound lifelike is hard, and it takes skill and practice. It's really best to think of vocaloids as musical instruments, themselves. It's the same to me as being a fan of Fender, Gibson, or Ibanez.

KEI's character designs are secondary, but I do like them. However, while Miku is my favorite of the character designs, Luka is actually my favorite voice.
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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 8:45 pm Reply with quote
EnigmaticSky wrote:
I still don't get the huge Vocaloid fandom; the things can still not sing worth crap.

By my tally, there are no less than four accomplished singers who have lent voices to product.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 8:46 pm Reply with quote
NidhoggRocketman wrote:
I pre-ordered her from the anime shop near where I live and I've had this nendoroid for a few weeks now. I'm surprised you didn't mention one thing that I consider a big improvement - from #300 Miku 2.0 onward, Nendoroid's face plates and neck joints are separate pieces and you only have to remove the front hair part to change the face, rather than having to disassemble the whole head to change it.

I am so used to popping heads off to change faces (and I did so throughout this review) that I didn't notice or even think of the idea that I didn't have to do so here. I can't imagine that kind of world. I am retroactively grateful to GSC for this.
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 9:42 pm Reply with quote
Oh, and about the Amazon link above: keep in mind that while those listings appear legit, I wouldn't trust them for GSC figures with my own money any more than I would trust random Ebay sellers, because Marketplace (as in not buying direct from Amazon) is basically the same thing. There are many Amazon sellers selling genuine product directly from Japan. I suspect that the people selling Miku 2.0 on that link (Japan Mania) are for real.

However, I can say from personal experience (on multiple occasions, with DVDs of rare films) that Amazon does not really care at all about its Marketplace sellers selling bootlegs when it comes to anime stuff.

I have personally been ripped off by an Amazon seller with an intentionally vaguely-named item... which was not a Gold Lightan figure packed in a jewelry box, but an empty wooden box. Amazon refunded me immediately and didn't ask for a return. However, the item's page on Amazon is still up to this day. Clearly the seller was allowed to continue making deceptive listings to get rid of dead stock of empty wooden boxes.


Here is a listing for a $45 bootleg of the original Miku Nendoroid where most of the reviewers say that it is a bootleg, and the rest just can't tell the difference. The seller one of the big Marketplace toy sellers, they appear to sell many items of dubious origin, and Amazon isn't going to lose their business.

In closing, I would typically not direct you guys to deals on Amazon Marketplace, any more than I would direct you to deals on Ebay. When I use either, I do so at my own risk.
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Joe Carpenter

Joined: 29 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Sun Jul 07, 2013 10:05 pm Reply with quote
can she dance on your Dominoes pizza box?
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 12:02 am Reply with quote
The link's not working due to the comma in don't. Gotta take it out.
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Joined: 16 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 6:48 am Reply with quote
Hater's gonna hate. Rolling Eyes

I got to be the only person in the whole of the UK with one of these dangling from my rear view mirror. I even took her on holiday in the States last year where she dangled from the rental car's rear view mirror as well. She's well traveled. Laughing
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Mesonoxian Eve

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:21 am Reply with quote
I'm not sure why people forget RACS, but they have it: Link to 2.0

Price is reasonable and qualifies for free shipping.

Sarukah wrote:
I have never understood the mentality that "If you don't preorder, you're 99% screwed".

This mentality usually has an enemy: time.

For many people, they'll discover a series that's been out for a while, then want to own a piece of it via figure collecting, only to discover the item is long sold out.

For those outside of Japan, this is an issue because not too many people are collectors of figures in general, especially considering the high cost of such a hobby (I speak from experience on this one).

Now with streaming, the likelihood of not being able to get a figure is slowly evaporating, but it now requires pre-ordering considering how explosive the figure industry has become in just the past few years.

The industry is getting to the point its own success may also hinder its ability to deliver, as the rise in production delays is now at an all-time high.

Long gone are the days of just finding figures unsold in shops of series having run their course.

I used to shop on HLJ because they always had stock. Now, most import sites are filled with Bandai crap or pre-order requests.

If anyone's late to the party, I recommend RACS. You'll pay about the same price as you would had you pre-ordered with shipping (and in most cases, less than this).

RACS has a limited stock on hand, so when they sell out, it's usually permanent.

TRSI has barely a handful of items on hand, so most figures are usually either pre-order or special order, and that's too risky because AAA Anime may dry up before the special order is processed (pre-orders are submitted well ahead of time).

Sorry, folks. Buying from AAA Anime direct isn't possible. Business only (and proof is required).
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Joined: 01 Jul 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Jul 08, 2013 9:12 pm Reply with quote
I pre-ordered Miku 2.0 from the GoodSmile Online Shop


which is linked to from the English version of the main Good Smile site


The GoodSmile Online Shop had approximately a month long window to place an order for it, if you knew about it.

The cost was ¥3900 + ¥2000 shipping = ¥5900 ($59.31 US).

My box actually came from Toy N Toys in Singapore, which Good Smile lists as a partner shop,


Not saying it was the best option, e.g. I see Miku 2.0 is slightly cheaper at RACS and is available now, I'm just mentioning this pre-order option exists for Good Smile stuff.
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Joined: 27 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 10, 2013 9:54 am Reply with quote
GSC doesn't reprint Miku Nendoroids except for special events. If you actually see one at a convention, it is almost certainly a bootleg. So you might as well have a look at the box.

Just wanted to point out that GSC has definitely reprinted the original Miku. She used to be impossible to find but after Oct '10 the reprint was issued and she was more easily attainable (I have one myself). Too bad this new version is so cute, It seems I'll need to buy a new one...

The whole preorder mentality is such a double-edged sword... Some figures are hyped like crazy but then they come out and are actually pretty easy to find (on sale even). GSC's Ultimate Madoka comes to mind... I preordered her for almost full price and now she floats around for half of that *sob*

Ah well, such is the life of a collector I suppose! XD
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