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NEWS: Del Rey announces Tsubasa, XXXHolic manga

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 1:10 pm Reply with quote
YAY!! sorry, know that not all of you guys are Clamp fans, but I am so I am really looking forward to these titles! surprised TP didn't grab'em though, it seemed like they were getting as much of Clamp's manga as possible...
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 2:16 pm Reply with quote
WHOA! ::jaw drops:: Talk about a marketing coup! - CLAMP is notoriously difficult to do business with as is, and at that, those are the two manga titles I probably least expected to see in English! What next, someone actually - FINALLY - picking up AngelSanc?!?
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 2:43 pm Reply with quote
The anime companies, for a number of years, said that it'd be hard for a big business to get into the market because they didn't KNOW the market.

It looks like Del Ray's done their homework, and are snagging some good titles thanks to their alliance with Kodansha.

I guess we can find out now if "big business" can actually provide the same quality and style that fans and casual readers want.

As for me, I know I'm very excited by the news.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 2:59 pm Reply with quote
The reason Del Ray got them is because they now have exclusive rights to what is it... all Kodonsha manga now? So now Tokyopop will only get the left overs from Del Ray from that area.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 3:41 pm Reply with quote
Cookie wrote:
It looks like Del Ray's done their homework, and are snagging some good titles thanks to their alliance with Kodansha.

Let's not forget that they picked up Dallas Middaugh. Was a big mistake on Viz's part to let him go IMHO.

So, the simple fact is that the guy handling a huge part of their Manga business has a huge ammount of knowledge and eperience with the domestic Manga market.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 3:52 pm Reply with quote
littlegreenwolf wrote:
The reason Del Ray got them is because they now have exclusive rights to what is it... all Kodonsha manga now? So now Tokyopop will only get the left overs from Del Ray from that area.

Yup, this deal is going to be a bit harsh of TOKYOPOP. Del Rey will have first pick from Kodansha titles. Previously TOKYPOP relied pretty heavilly on Kodansha.

VIZ has first dibs on Shueisha and Shogakugan.
Del Rey has first Dibs on Kodansha.

Those are the big 3.

And on top of it, Gutsoon has first dibs on Coamix titles (Comics Bunch).

That leaves TOKYOPOP, Dark Horse, I.C Entertainment and the other manga licensors to fight over the left overs and titles from the smaller publishers. Fortunately for them, there are still a lot of Manga publishers in Japan other than those four.

TOKYOPOP will obviously have the strongest bidding power, but the situation still sucks from their point of view.

And ADV Manga is still an unknown.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 4:42 pm Reply with quote
They have one small problem. XXXHolic is cute and fun, but Tsubasa is a train wreck. Japanese fans started shunning it a while ago, because the plot is nonsense and the artwork is extremely sparse. CLAMP is doing it once a week, which is faster than anything they've ever done before, and it really shows. There's very little detail; backgrounds are very basic. The characters are all very, very OOC. Don't expect Chii to act like Chii or Sakura and Li to act like Sakura and Li. It's a mess and a debacle; I find it humorous that the guy said "I think these two are some of CLAMP's best work!" when in fact they're the only two CLAMP titles that haven't been released here.

I look forward to XXXHolic and the subsequent confusion/dissapointment that Tsubasa is going to cause.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 6:23 pm Reply with quote
Zac wrote:
when in fact they're the only two CLAMP titles that haven't been released here.


um...Tokyo Babylon?
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 6:39 pm Reply with quote
CorneredAngel wrote:
Zac wrote:
when in fact they're the only two CLAMP titles that haven't been released here.


um...Tokyo Babylon?

Also Gohou Drug (from off the op of my head). I wish GD would be licensed but there might be trouble with that, ne? The logo and all, and the name kinda. I wish TB was licensed too. But I have read a little of XxxHolic and Tsubasa. XxxHolic seems pretty good but I haven't read too much of it yet. (I hope they keep up the shonen ai pattern ^^) But I agree with Zac
Zac wrote:
Tsubasa is a train wreck.

From what I have read it is very hectic and difficult to understand from the begining. Tsubasa contains CLAMP characters (they are OOC though) and is very much like an AU crossover. But some of the characters many people may not know outside of Japan, from CLAMPs smaller or older works (dosn't mean that they're less famous tho). I'm curious if there are any RG Veda characters in it. I want to read the RGV manga. I don't think its licenced tho. u.u Please tell me if it is! ^^
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 7:31 pm Reply with quote
Tempest wrote:
That leaves TOKYOPOP, Dark Horse, I.C Entertainment and the other manga licensors to fight over the left overs and titles from the smaller publishers. Fortunately for them, there are still a lot of Manga publishers in Japan other than those four.

ADV Manga's manga appears to be stretched across the various publishing houses..
Full Metal Panic (Dragon Comics/Kadokawa)
Cat Girl Nuku-Nuku (Shonen Ace/Kodansha)
Those Who Hunt Elves (Dragon Comics/Kadokawa)
Azumanga Daioh (Dengeki Comics/Media Works)

Prolly plenty more where that came from. Seems pretty balanced, once you take into consideration these and the others announced back at anime expo
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 7:44 pm Reply with quote
Normally whatever property from whatever company will go to whatever highest bidder for whatever contract. As we've seen, the producer of a certain property, even if they do have a US distribution branch, might not be the ones who release it here.

Witness Tenchi Muyo. That was about as solid a brand as Pioneer had, but they're now letting it go to other distributors; most likely because the money they reap from licensing it to other US distributors is better than what they get putting it out themselves.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 8:38 pm Reply with quote
Zac, how do you know anything about Japanese fans? Are you even Japanese? Asian at all? If not, I doubt you know how the Japanese fans really feel.

Stop assuming things.

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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 8:49 pm Reply with quote
Aarolye wrote:
Zac, how do you know anything about Japanese fans? Are you even Japanese? Asian at all? If not, I doubt you know how the Japanese fans really feel.

Stop assuming things.


Um...that point is based (presumably) on sales figures and surveys. Looking at which, to the best of my knowledge, in no way requires being Japanese or Asian.
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 9:56 pm Reply with quote
Yume_no_Ryuu wrote:

From what I have read it is very hectic and difficult to understand from the begining. Tsubasa contains CLAMP characters (they are OOC though) and is very much like an AU crossover. But some of the characters many people may not know outside of Japan, from CLAMPs smaller or older works (dosn't mean that they're less famous tho). I'm curious if there are any RG Veda characters in it. I want to read the RGV manga. I don't think its licenced tho. u.u Please tell me if it is! ^^

I worked on a Tsubasa scanlation *and loved doing it to death* and we actually had no problem at all knowing who was who. There were two RG veda characters in it. So far the most cross overs characters come from Rayearth. Miyuki-chan pops up for two seconds or so, two Clamp School characters pop up, 3 X characters *Arashi and Sorata are MARRIED*, and it goes on and on. Personally, I loved it. Japanese fans have really been shunning it? o.O Well, The americans are eating it up no matter what. *has had problems getting her hands on the tankubon and shonen weeklys because they sell out in the Kinos*

Oh yeah, and Tokyopop has the liscense to RG Veda
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 28, 2003 11:13 pm Reply with quote
"Zac, how do you know anything about Japanese fans? Are you even Japanese? Asian at all? If not, I doubt you know how the Japanese fans really feel.

Stop assuming things.


Why would you presume that I don't know any Japanese people living in Japan? How about a handful of JET teachers who see what the kids read? How about sales charts?

Just because Japan is some mysterious impenetrable place to you doesn't mean everyone else treats it like a black hole from which no communication comes. I know a lot of folks that live there and they tell me what's hot and what's not if I ask.

Don't assume that because you're ignorant and landlocked that everyone else is, too.

Try travelling once in your life, or maybe talking to someone who isn't a white college or high school student. They may be able to tell you things about cultures that *gasp* are not your own!

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