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Joined: 10 Nov 2012
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Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 10:33 am
Seems like a pretty fair assessment of the show. I personally wasn't as moved by the dub as I wanted to be though. The tone of many moments in the show were completely "rewritten" along with the script, which lowered my overall impression. But overall, it may just be my bias talking. I still always give dubs a chance so I can truly appreciate the technical achievement that such a project requires.
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Joined: 11 Dec 2011
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Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:30 am
I enjoyed this a lot, but in the end I was annoyed that everything that the show had be building to was simply pushed aside. In the end, it just became a romance, and SERN really didn't matter at all.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 11:53 am
Cue storm of die-hard Steins;Gate fans insisting that the overall grade be bumped to nothing less than an A+.
A- seems a fair grade for this set. Overall the entire show is about a B+, but this half is clearly superior to the first. I liked the final few episodes which ramped up the tension and tied everything together, but I especially loved Miyano's voice work as Okabe; he knocked the role out of the park.
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Angel M Cazares
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Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:20 pm
Very nice review. I like the approach Ms. Silverman took. Rather than boring us with technical aspects (at least I get bored), I like that she assessed the characters's emotions and development. I definitely enjoyed Steins;Gate a lot.
I think A- is a good grade for the whole series.
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Joined: 12 Apr 2010
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Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:47 pm
I find nothing wrong with your opinion of this review of the second part. I honestly dont get the whole "The second half is better than the first part" though. They are really two different shows from the halfway point and the first part gets you introduced to the characters and sets up the plot.
I always felt the first part was quite endearing, getting to know the characters.
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Joined: 21 Feb 2011
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Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 12:48 pm
"Jive talk in episode 14 seems off" Haha, wasnt that the point?
I say this a pretty accurate review. Sure, it isnt the best anime, but its still pretty damn good lol
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Joined: 07 Apr 2012
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Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:20 pm
dtm42 wrote: | Cue storm of die-hard Steins;Gate fans insisting that the overall grade be bumped to nothing less than an A+.
A- seems a fair grade for this set. Overall the entire show is about a B+, but this half is clearly superior to the first. I liked the final few episodes which ramped up the tension and tied everything together, but I especially loved Miyano's voice work as Okabe; he knocked the role out of the park. |
I actually liked the first half more. The first half was very atmospheric and was essentially about Okabe becoming more and more lost in the alternate timelines, getting farther and farther from what was familiar. The second half became a kind of simplistic 'we must fix the timeline and prevent BAD THING X from happening', coupled with a romance (which was done relatively well), but this half lacked the punch the first one had for me.
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Joined: 19 Apr 2006
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Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 2:21 pm
Good review, I agree on most points. One of my favorite shows of the past few years, though I also found the first half just as good as the second, but in different ways.
I thought Tatum was magnificent as Okabe, although I admit some of that comes from meeting him at the premier of the dub at Otakon, he's a hell of a nice guy.
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Joined: 28 Mar 2012
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Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:12 pm
Although slow & a little meandering, I thought the first 12 episodes were rather effective in laying down the premise & characters. They may not be the most exciting of the series, but I appreciate the effort behind them.
Honestly, the only episodes I thought flat-out stunk were the two Feris & Ruka centred arcs in the second half. Up until that point I’d completely forgotten Steins;Gate was a visual novel, then all of a sudden we’re treated to some ‘win the girl’s heart & beat her path’ scenarios. They just felt really jarring in contrast to the rest of the show, & the overall conclusion to Ruka’s story was a little insulting & poorly thought out. I actually wish those two were written out of the series entirely, as both their arcs felt tacked onto the main story. They were ultimately harem padding, with only somewhat superficial connections to the time travel plot, & the show could have carried on perfectly well without them with only a few adjustments. You might be able to pull it off in a VN, but an anime adaptation doesn’t translate as well.
Quote: | I enjoyed this a lot, but in the end I was annoyed that everything that the show had be building to was simply pushed aside. In the end, it just spoiler[became a romance,] and spoiler[SERN] really didn't matter at all. |
That seems to be a deliberate move, one which Robotics;Notes is also attempting right now. They both create huge over-encompassing conspiracies, only to narrow down the focus to the viewpoints of some seemingly insignificant characters. The whole ‘organisation’ thing was always meant to be this huge overbearing presence that Okabe could never defeat, only escape from its line of sight. I’m actually glad the series did just that; it allowed a much stronger character focus & prevented the show from devolving into a messy ‘stop the man!’ tale. There are enough shows like that, & I don’t think Steins;Gate could have pulled it off. Put too many eggs in one basket, & you ending with the nonsensical garbage that was Chaos;Head. I’m so glad Nitroplus learned from their mistakes after that mess!
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Joined: 05 Mar 2010
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Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 3:42 pm
I have been re-watching Steins;Gate on BluRay and have found the dub to be excellent, in both execution and adaptation. I know there are a lot of purists that will moan about the changes made to the jokes about Otaku culture, but I agree with the approach taken by J. Michael Tatum, who was also the head script writer for the adaptation in addition to playing the lead role. If you watch the commentary on episode 12 (in volume 1 of the set, not the volume being reviewed here) he and the head writer for all Funimation dubs detail their approach. In particular, the modification of the jokes, from Japanese Otaku culture specific jokes to concepts more familiar to the average US viewer. (Mostly Star Trek fan culture, but also references to other SF titles like Dr. Who are used.) The idea of taking these character specific sections and using a concept that has a similar gestalt to the target audience does a good job of maintaining the original intent of the dialog. Sure, they could take a "literal translation" of the Japanese dialog, (though they also comment on the fact that, due to language differences, sometimes it is actually not possible to use a literal translation and have the dialog make sense) but it would result in cryptic references to aspects of Japanese Otaku culture that would be entirely lost on a large portion of the viewing public. Sure, the hardcore anime fans, who are likely to complain about this type of change, would understand, or THINK they understand, the references, but that would leave more casual fans and people who are new to anime out in the dark. They would likely not understand why Kurisu would be embarrassed about being outed as a closet Otaku. However, most US viewers have at least a passing acquaintance with Star Trek, even if they are not a fan of the franchise, and they also would have a familiarity with the general way rabid fans of the franchise are viewed by people and portrayed in media. Many of them would have seen William Shatner's famous "Get a Life!" SNL skit or watched enough episodes of "Big Bang Theory" to understand very well why a bright young woman would not want the stigma of "Trekkie" attached to her.
People who think this type of adaptation is going out of bounds need to understand that, ideally, the dub is not for the hardcore fans. Many of them won't be watching the dub anyway! Ideally Funimation wants a lot of people to buy these disks, and in the case of a show like Steins;Gate, it could have legitimate mass appeal if given a decent shot. A dub script that allows the characters to shine in a way a non-anime fan audience can understand is vital if the show is going to get that shot.
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Joined: 11 Feb 2013
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Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 4:16 pm
fathomlessblue wrote: | Although slow & a little meandering, I thought the first 12 episodes were rather effective in laying down the premise & characters. They may not be the most exciting of the series, but I appreciate the effort behind them.
Honestly, the only episodes I thought flat-out stunk were the two Feris & Ruka centred arcs in the second half. Up until that point I’d completely forgotten Steins;Gate was a visual novel, then all of a sudden we’re treated to some ‘win the girl’s heart & beat her path’ scenarios. They just felt really jarring in contrast to the rest of the show, & the overall conclusion to Ruka’s story was a little insulting & poorly thought out. I actually wish those two were written out of the series entirely, as both their arcs felt tacked onto the main story. They were ultimately harem padding, with only somewhat superficial connections to the time travel plot, & the show could have carried on perfectly well without them with only a few adjustments. You might be able to pull it off in a VN, but an anime adaptation doesn’t translate as well.
That seems to be a deliberate move, one which Robotics;Notes is also attempting right now. They both create huge over-encompassing conspiracies, only to narrow down the focus to the viewpoints of some seemingly insignificant characters. The whole ‘organisation’ thing was always meant to be this huge overbearing presence that Okabe could never defeat, only escape from its line of sight. I’m actually glad the series did just that; it allowed a much stronger character focus & prevented the show from devolving into a messy ‘stop the man!’ tale. There are enough shows like that, & I don’t think Steins;Gate could have pulled it off. Put too many eggs in one basket, & you ending with the nonsensical garbage that was Chaos;Head. I’m so glad Nitroplus learned from their mistakes after that mess! |
I can understand why you feel the way you do with Feyris and Ruka. But there is one thing you need to know. The Visual Novel that this came from is a linear path. Basically the linear path is Kurisu's route and as you go through the story depending on the choices you made, you'll branch off into another route of the girls (Excluding Moeka. Her story is part of Kurisu's route). Basically those routes are alternate endings for each of the girls' respective episodes. So you are wrong (Although you obviously couldn't have know) about the fact that they were unnecessary for the anime. In the game you had to take part in both Ruka and Feyris' stories no matter what. You couldn't reach the end if you wanted to. The same thing goes for Robotics;Notes too.
And on a different note. Don't judge Chaos;Head on what you saw in the anime. The Visual Novel is better ten fold. Not only were there not enough episodes, but the director's most noticeable contribution was "Viewtiful Joe" and the worst strike is that not only were there not enough episodes, one of the episodes was not even in the Visual Novel. So its not Nitroplus's fault at all. All there is to blame is Madhouse. In fact I truly believe Nitroplus gave the ports of Chaos;Head a different name (Chaos;Head Noah) just so someone could make a new anime and have a new name already.
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Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 6:36 pm
A- is fair for the second half; so that would be B+ overall?
fathomlessblue wrote: |
Honestly, the only episodes I thought flat-out stunk were the two Feris & Ruka centred arcs in the second half.[...] They just felt really jarring in contrast to the rest of the show, & the overall conclusion to Ruka’s story was a little insulting & poorly thought out. I actually wish those two were written out of the series entirely, as both their arcs felt tacked onto the main story. |
I strongly agree. Even if the show is based on the video game, I wouldn't mind if they had cut out both characters in the second half. Out of the entire cast, Feris and Ruka were mainly just background characters with little to no redeeming qualities. Everyone else, especially Moeka and Suzuha, played a crucial role to the overall story. Even Daru slightly changed once he found out about Suzuha's origin. Although, I sort of hate how Alpha Line!Mayuri kept dying in Ep. 14. I get it was supposed to illustrate how exhausted Okabe must have felt, constantly trying to save her but, after the train death, I felt so numb inside.
What I most enjoyed from the second half was A. Okabe and Kurisu's relationship (not too mention their individual growth) and B. the tying up the whole time travel thread. I mean, who would have thought that the blood Okabe saw in Ep. 1 was from the self-inflicted "future"!Okabe. I enjoyed how he, in the spur of moment, thought of the most convincing way to start the story. The series is flawed but still enjoyable.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 7:26 pm
I didn't mind Feris' part but Ruka's parts bored me.
But in general I like both the first & second part. I actually feel the first part lays the foundation for the second & makes you care about the characters.
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Joined: 07 Jan 2012
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Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:06 pm
MCAL wrote: |
In the game you had to take part in both Ruka and Feyris' stories no matter what. You couldn't reach the end if you wanted to. The same thing goes for Robotics;Notes too. |
I don't remember needing to go through all the other routes in Steins;Gate to get the true ending. I remember getting one of the endings before using a walkthrough to power through the game and finish it (skipping some of the heroine routes in the process).
Same thing with R;N - you can totally skip routes and continue with the "true route."
Quote: |
So its not Nitroplus's fault at all. All there is to blame is Madhouse. In fact I truly believe Nitroplus gave the ports of Chaos;Head a different name (Chaos;Head Noah) just so someone could make a new anime and have a new name already. |
Noah was the name given to the 360 port 5pb brought over who also worked on the original. It had another scenario if I remember correctly that wasn't in the PC version.
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Joined: 11 Feb 2013
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Posted: Mon Feb 11, 2013 8:32 pm
superdry wrote: | I don't remember needing to go through all the other routes in Steins;Gate to get the true ending. I remember getting one of the endings before using a walkthrough to power through the game and finish it (skipping some of the heroine routes in the process).
Same thing with R;N - you can totally skip routes and continue with the "true route."
Noah was the name given to the 360 port 5pb brought over who also worked on the original. It had another scenario if I remember correctly that wasn't in the PC version. |
Ah. Sorry. I should have been more specific. What I mean is that the episodes of Ruka and Feyris in the anime were part of the linear route. Their branching paths are entirely optional, but you still go through the events that the anime portrayed in the linear route regardless. The second part with Chaos Head Noah was just a joke though. Please don't take it too seriously.
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