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You are welcome to look at the talkback but please consider that this article is over 22 years old before posting.
Last reply was 11 years, 9 months ago.

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REVIEW: Banner of the Stars DVD 1

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Joined: 04 Nov 2011
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 5:25 pm Reply with quote
Lol, this review rightly calls the dubbing "terrible", but then gives the overall dub a B grade! Yet the overall sub only gets a B+.

It might be a good idea to match the grades with the text description next time. Since the dubbed version is certainly more than a "+" grade worse than the subbed version. The dub is a D at best, and even that is being overly generous at times.

Why is it that 99% of reviewers in general are so terrified to rate/grade things as harshly as they deserve. If something is rubbish, then grade it accordingly.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2012
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 5:28 pm Reply with quote
With all due respect, sir.... You're commenting on an article that's over 10 years old.

That's like..... the text-book personification of necro-posting right there. Confused
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Joined: 04 Nov 2011
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 5:37 pm Reply with quote
True, the article is 10 years old, but it's still a review of this anime, whether it be 10 years old or 10 minutes old. And the dub is just as bad now as it was when the review was written. So my post was undoubtedly a massive bit of necro, but IMO it's still a valid comment in relation to this review.

I rarely comment on reviews, but when I read the review (having recently watched the anime), and I seen the B grade for the dub, I just had to comment at how laughable it was to give it such a ridiculous grade (and totally contradicts the "terrible" text description of the dub).

But apologies if nerco is not the done thing here.
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 5:54 pm Reply with quote
It's not a B grade for the dub.

It's a B grade for the entire show when watching the dub. That's why it "Overall (dub)" next to the score. Meaning that the show is so good that even a crappy dub doesn't affect its overall score much.
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 7:49 pm Reply with quote
Calahan, for as long as you've been here, you should understand how reviews are graded. It's just like Megiddo said: the Overall (dub) grade is *not* for the dub alone, but the overall grade while watching the dub. Note that it *is* lower than the overall grade if you're watching the subbed version, and this is indeed reflected in the body of the review.

Personally, the dub grated on me a bit at first (mainly noticable when I watch Crest of the Stars). But after a while, I more or less got used to it, and I don't think I ever minded Lafiel's VA.

And, yes, this is definitely a necropost as the review is 10 years old.
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Tony K.

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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 7:54 pm Reply with quote
I've been advised by Zac to leave reviews (only) open for discussion no matter how old they are. So if you guys wanna' talk about it, have at it.
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Joined: 07 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Sun May 26, 2013 8:22 pm Reply with quote
I agree. There shouldn't really be a necro rule for reviews. Why should review comment threads be time sensitive?

Anyways, this is interesting, as I've just finished Banner of the Stars myself (on to Banner II now), and I must say that it is a good piece of science ficiton. I liked how Crest, Banner, and now Banner II are set in the same universe, and have the same characters, but the types of situations that arise are wildly divergent. I do also like how the series seems to have a bit of a sardonic tone to it, with moments like the robot horse at the end of Crest.

Also, everyone else seems to disagree with me, but I find the spaceship battle scenes in this show to be exquisitely animated.
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PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2013 1:26 am Reply with quote
Tuor_of_Gondolin wrote:
Calahan, for as long as you've been here, you should understand how reviews are graded.

Think you're getting him mixed up with Calathan.

And I pretty much agree with Zac's assessment. Banner's dub is actually an improvement over Crest's but it's still not very good. Even so, it doesn't weight down the series much, hence the reason why the Overall grade is only one step down. In this franchise, what's being said is so much more important thant how it's being said.

Last edited by Key on Mon May 27, 2013 10:58 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2013 10:02 am Reply with quote
Key wrote:
Tuor_of_Gondolin wrote:
Calahan, for as long as you've been here, you should understand how reviews are graded.

Think you're getting him mixed up with Calathan.

Calahan: Joined: 04 Nov 2011. That's what I based my comment from.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2013 4:42 pm Reply with quote
They also have a grand total of exactly three posts, two of which are in this very thread. Accusing them of being an old hand who should know better due to all that 'massive' amount of experience is, well, kind of laughable. And unfair.
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Joined: 20 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2013 10:55 pm Reply with quote
dtm42 wrote:
They also have a grand total of exactly three posts, two of which are in this very thread. Accusing them of being an old hand who should know better due to all that 'massive' amount of experience is, well, kind of laughable. And unfair.

That's nice, dtm42, only I don't care if you think I'm being unfair. Neither you nor I know how much he's been lurking over the past few years. But either way, I think you're making a mountain out of a molehill, so I'll just leave you to it.
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Joined: 05 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Mon May 27, 2013 11:19 pm Reply with quote
Says the guy who made an issue out of it in the first place. And you're right, you don't know how long he's been lurking, so you using the join date as an absolute indicator of experience is by your own logic flawed.
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