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Spastic Minnow
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:06 pm Reply with quote
Well, Lagrange is a split cour show- but I guess you do have to at least get to the half-way point before deciding to pick it back up in the Summer. The episode titles and the way they're ramping up the sentimentality seem to hint that the second half will probably take place primarily away from Earth- maybe that will be enough to revitalize it for much of the audience.
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Joined: 05 Oct 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:08 pm Reply with quote
Again, it's a pity you just missed out on Ano Natsu de Matteru episode 11 - a lot more relationship stuff gets resolved/advanced. Also technically there were only two confessions in episode 10 - spoiler[Mio's confession happened at the beginning of summer].

I do find the lack of communication in Another to be incredibly frustrating - how could they be so stupid??!! At the very least, operate on the principle that if only one person has the information and they get killed, you're screwed.

Two episodes to go with Chihayafuru. Wow - what a ride it's been. I actually felt quite manipulated with the first few episodes, but since then it's been one of the best shows every episode. I'm so glad that spoiler[they didn't feel the need to have Chihaya and Arata struggle through tournaments only to emerge on top as the new Master and Queen, but instead portrayed a much more realistic result in the tournaments].

I always felt that Papakiki had something really sweet to it, and wasn't overly bothered by the creepiness some people felt. In particular, Sora's crush always just felt like that to me - a crush that was in no way reciprocated. Sure, early on they went for the cheap shot (Yuuta walking in on Sora, etc), but I kinda feel that a lot of that was to set up the mood of people who were unfamiliar with each other and tentatively establishing a familial relationship.

Last edited by tcdelaney on Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:18 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 21 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:23 pm Reply with quote
Chihayafuru has been getting better with every episode, definitely the big surprise hit of the season. I'm not really expecting any kind of grand resolution for the final episode, though...

Another on the other hand has become really, really silly. It's like they are trying to make up for the relative boredom of the first couple of episodes with over the top horror action now. spoiler[At this rate there won't be a need to find 'the extra' anymore ecause everybody will already have killed each other (or themselves) anyhow... Rolling Eyes]
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Red Fox of Fire

Joined: 24 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:40 pm Reply with quote
Since this season is ending, I'd like to say that it might be more useful to readers in the future if so many shows weren't dropped. Out of what Bamboo started of the shows still airing, only half remain, and then there are the shows she never even picked up (like Symphogear). Some stuff picks up a lot a little later in the season (Brave 10, Highschool DxD, Papakiki [this wasn't dropped but it still applies]), so more patient viewers who are willing to go through a slow start won't get any help from so many shows being dropped.

I realize this may be difficult, but don't we all want the panel to be as good and useful as possible?

Oh, don't think I'm saying that nothing at all should be dropped. If a show is just downright horrible, like Guilty Crown, that's fine, but it should be limited.
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Bob from Accounting

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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:42 pm Reply with quote
Time's running out for the calamity to be stopped, but at this point, who's really left?

Pfft. How about: all the main characters. Only bit parts ever die in Another. It's frankly difficult to feel threatened by this 'deadly curse' when almost everyone with a fleshed-out personality has had their plot armour on for the whole series.

I think at this point given the choice between world peace and a second season of Chihayafuru, I'd be pretty damn torn. I need my second season. Things are only just getting started, dammit!
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:43 pm Reply with quote
I'm not entirely sure how many episodes this series is slated to run.

Well, the preview for Ep 12 suggests its the final episode of PapaKiki... but there was so much talk about 24-26 episodes (going so far as that even Crunchy had it as 26 episodes, and you'd think the streaming license company would know how many episodes they're licensing) that I think it'll be announced to be split cour after that episode.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:45 pm Reply with quote
Merida wrote:

Another on the other hand has become really, really silly. It's like they are trying to make up for the relative boredom of the first couple of episodes with over the top horror action now. spoiler[At this rate there won't be a need to find 'the extra' anymore ecause everybody will already have killed each other (or themselves) anyhow... Rolling Eyes]

Agreed. If I wanted an anime with mindless killing and gore, I would have finished Future Diary. Rolling Eyes

I was hoping as the series progressed, it would be more of a psychological horror with only a few death scenes. spoiler[Now it's just a dull massacre of background characters killing each other while Mei and Kouichi watch from the sidelines. ]

Lately, this show is either making me dislike the characters or not care about them at all. For example, Teshigawara. How many stupid things has he done in the past two episodes? I'll finish the series (since there's only a few episodes left) but I'm pretty disappointed.

And I call B.S with Gon's injury as well. Razz
I'm guessing his recovery was explained better in the manga.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:47 pm Reply with quote
Red Fox of Fire wrote:
Since this season is ending, I'd like to say that it might be more useful to readers in the future if so many shows weren't dropped. Out of what Bamboo started of the shows still airing, only half remain, and then there are the shows she never even picked up (like Symphogear). Some stuff picks up a lot a little later in the season (Brave 10, Highschool DxD, Papakiki [this wasn't dropped but it still applies]), so more patient viewers who are willing to go through a slow start won't get any help from so many shows being dropped.

I realize this may be difficult, but don't we all want the panel to be as good and useful as possible?

Oh, don't think I'm saying that nothing at all should be dropped. If a show is just downright horrible, like Guilty Crown, that's fine, but it should be limited.

You raise a valid point. Maybe what I could do it keep watching all the shows, but only write about the "Dropped" shows every few columns or so? Kind of just to check in on them, and give them a chance to get back into the rankings.
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Joined: 07 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 4:54 pm Reply with quote
I'm surprised bamboo actually continued "listen to me I'm your father" and Another considering his/her disdain for them on ANNcast.

I think "another" has slowly gotten better each episode and it's fascinating to see how far people will go to survive and "papa" is more interesting when they try to focus on more serious problems, but I'm sure it'd be a depressing show if all it showed was how much they lost so it's just going to end in a light note.

Can anyone explain why bodacious is good starting ep 11 because the show seems to have little to no action, which makes little to no sense given the fact the show is about pirates in space...
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:00 pm Reply with quote
Merida wrote:
Chihayafuru has been getting better with every episode, definitely the big surprise hit of the season. I'm not really expecting any kind of grand resolution for the final episode, though...

Another on the other hand has become really, really silly. It's like they are trying to make up for the relative boredom of the first couple of episodes with over the top horror action now. spoiler[At this rate there won't be a need to find 'the extra' anymore ecause everybody will already have killed each other (or themselves) anyhow... Rolling Eyes]

Going to watch episode 23 so I didn't read the part about Chihayafuru but I definitely agree with you on the "getting better with every episode" part.

However, Another becoming silly? The latest episode 11 was probably my favorite so far in the series. The first couple of episodes were psychological that allowed the viewers to form theories on the events and pieces puzzle together to solve the main plot.
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Joined: 03 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:03 pm Reply with quote
I have not seen episode 23 of chihyafuru yet however I did get to see space pirates 11 and I have to ask why after the episode (that you admit to watching twice) and yet it still only got 3rd place.
I also agree hunterxhunter has not been been firing on all cylinders, also the whole deal with canary (misspeeled) was not as good as in the original tv series, but it was still very strong.
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Joined: 14 Jun 2011
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:16 pm Reply with quote
I agree that I like the direction PapaKiki is going in now. With episode 10 I actually started to like Sora's character because of the reality she was facing, and the tone-down of the perverted events she was involved in. I couldn't stand her early on because of all the misunderstandings she basically caused, only to end up blaming it on other people.

But as of episode 10 it still kind of feels like the series hasn't broken much ground with its story. I'm pretty sure that it will continue for another cour for this reason, that is... unless they attempt a quick wrap-up job by episode 13 and call it quits there. That would be really disappointing because there still feels like there's a lot more to this story that they haven't even gotten around to yet. I look forward to it continuing, even if it isn't during the Spring season.

As for Chihayafuru, I'm still quite a bit behind on the episodes, but so far it has been a delight to watch. Who would have thought that a card game that sounds completely mundane would have been able to hold my attention for so long and be portrayed in such an exciting fashion.

Space Pirates is also very entertaining and engaging. I didn't really think too much of it before it started airing, but it's something that I look forward to seeing more of each week.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 5:20 pm Reply with quote
Chihayafuru - The double standard in the Queen qualifier tourney soured my love of this series a bit.
When such a big deal was made about there can be no distractions in the tournament, to the point of shutting off the air conditioning, I guess it is ok for your Karuta Society's leader, in the middle of a match where your star memberspoiler[ is losing, to throw open a window, make a huge scene keeping it open, then shout encouragement for her].
Reverse that, how about if when the former Queen started contesting cards, Taichi throws open the window, and yells to Chihaya that her opponent is spoiler[full of shit, it is just a tactic]. One is apparently ok, one is not.
Afterwards... Chihaya is actually lightly scolded by her Mentor for not spoiler[thanking her opponent after her stunning soul crushing defeat].
It all drives it home that it was just a plot device in a story, still a good story, but not without its tarnish.
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Joined: 28 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:22 pm Reply with quote
Bamboo, the anime producer for Hunter x Hunter pledged to remain as close as possible to the source material, the manga, with no fillers. The pacing is how it is in the manga, so you should blame the real culprit, the Manga Artist, if you need blame anyone at all.

On that matter, perhaps you were not aware that the source material is a Shounen battle manga. It is what it is, but it does it way better than your average battle manga. That doesn't change the fact that some elements are necessary to keep it from getting so overly complex that the target audience, 10-16 year olds, gets turned off. Would you prefer the endless, overly-detailed narratives that explain all of the characters' unnatural abilities, which seems to infect certain other series? Or even worse, where pseudo and junk science tries to rationalize these occurrences? So what if Gon only worked on one arm at night? It makes enough sense that the little amount of strength he gained was enough to tip the scales such that the doors opened with the primary forces being the other two. You have to have some suspension of disbelief, anyway.

In any event, you should be warned that these sorts of tests and challenges to overcome are far from over. They are a staple of Shounen battle manga. And yes, there will be some superhuman powers to gain, as was shown by Hisoka during the exam. You should make peace with the fact that there will be regular occurrences of Gon and company trying to develop unnatural skills necessary to achieve their current goal. Progress will seem extraordinary at times, but sometimes it is necessary so as not to bore the audience. In the first anime, they spent an entire episode where Gon was learning to swing his fishing rod. It was stuff like that which fans were quite disapproving of.

Last edited by dragon695 on Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:30 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 11 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2012 6:29 pm Reply with quote
dragon695 wrote:
Bamboo, the anime producer for Hunter x Hunter pledged ti remain as close as possible to the source material, the manga, with no fillers. The pacing is how it is in the manga, so you should blame the real culprit, the Manga Artist, if you need blame anyone at all.

On that matter, perhaps you were not aware that the source material is a Shounen battle manga. It is what it is, but it does it way better than your average battle manga. That doesn't change the fact that some elements are necessary to keep it from getting so overly complex that the target audience, 10-16 year olds, gets turned off. Would you prefer the endless, overly-detailed narratives that explain all of the characters' unnatural abilities, which seems to infect certain other series? Or even worse, where pseudo and junk science that tries to rationalize the occurrences? So what if he only worked on one arm at night? It makes enough sense that the little amount of strength he gained was enough to tip the scales such that the doors opened with the primary forces being the other two. You have to have some suspension of disbelief, anyway.

In any event, you should be warned that these sorts of tests and challenges to overcome are far from over. They are a staple of Shounen battle manga. And yes, there will be some superhuman powers to gain, as was shown by Hisoka during the exam. You should make peace with the fact that there will be regular occurrences of Gon and company trying to develop unnatural skills necessary to achieve their current goal. Progress will seem extraordinary at times, but sometimes it is necessary so as not to bore the audience. In the first anime, they spent an entire episode where Gon was learning to swing his fishing rod. It was stuff like that which fans were quite disapproving of.

I've read the first 100 chapters or so of Hunter X Hunter and they are speeding through (and in some cases skipping) material.
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