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Joined: 10 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:19 pm Reply with quote
I would add that Operation Rainfall hasn't called it quits, and the campaign is still on, as Nintendo's response was oh-so-predictable.

It's really about Nintendo's direction as a company and its future with the Wii U now. So the mass letter writing is still scheduled. If you had planned to participate, please still do so.

Interruption over, sorry.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2011 11:45 pm Reply with quote
though Nintendo had precedent for sitting on that game.

Yes, the precedent was that they were punishing the fans who jumped ship for Sony and FF7, because they were tired of being teased about a possible N64 version of Mother 3. Rolling Eyes Though if Nintenblow really wanted to, it could easily at least to a DS-3D port of Mother 3.

The Wii is seen as a mainstream, childish pursuit. Which makes players less likely to buy so-called “hardcore” games for it. Which makes publishers translate fewer and fewer of those games for North America.

Of course, they'll bring over Dragon Quest X, even though at least the Xenogames have an actual marketable fanbase.

And Nintendo of America will miss a few sales that didn't matter that much to the company anyway.

It won't matter to them now, but it might make a difference when the Wii U comes around.
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Joined: 08 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:42 am Reply with quote
But the cause isn't lost worldwide. Nintendo's European branch will release Xenoblade Chronicles this September, complete with British voice-overs and special-edition packaging. The Last Story will apparently follow there next year, and several sites report that Nintendo of Europe will also bring out Pandora's Tower in 2012. So there'll be English versions, and most of the Americans who want them will import them.

Sigh... I wouldn't say "most." I've imported from the UK once, in order to get the UK version of Last Window for the DS. But the DS is region free, so it wasn't any hassle to get it to play, and all I needed to buy was the game itself. It cost a bit more money than it would have had it been released in the US, but it wasn't that bad, and I was willing to spend the extra cash for a sequel to one of my favorite DS games.

But if I want to play Last Story, I'll need a PAL Wii, a TV that can be connected to it, the adapters needed for US plugs, etc. It is a bit more of a hassle, and is a lot more costly.

It's not that I don't want it, but do I want it that much? When I could use the money to buy a bunch of other games and anime and books that I want?

Maybe Nintendo will make the Wii U region free for both its games and Wii games... yah right. I'd probably be better of hoping I win the lottery by the time Last Story is released in Europe.
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Lightning Leo

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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 12:47 am Reply with quote
Mr. Woodhead wrote:
Looking at the homepage, all I can say is that I didn't know Harry Potter was a unicorn.

Ha, I thought the same thing when I saw that! Laughing I'm pretty happy with the Yawara box set I got for my birthday, I hope AnimEigo will find a way to bring over the rest of the series.
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Joined: 18 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 1:38 am Reply with quote
The most infuriating thing about Nintendo's refusal to license any games published by its Japanese branch to third-party publishers is that it wasn't always like this. Back in the early 2000s (pre-Reggie), they allowed Atlus to publish several of their games. I don't know at what point and due to what catalyst they decided that no one else was EVER allowed to publish a game they'd touched, but it's frustrating as hell.

That said, despite Nintendo of America's stubborn asshattery in regards to this campaign, I'm still not fully convinced that none of these games will be coming Stateside. Nintendo currently has no noteworthy games whatsoever to release between the end of this year and the launch of the Wii U. All of their internal development teams seem pretty clearly to have moved on to developing for that system, and third parties have almost completely abandoned the system for well over a year now. I find it hard to believe that even Nintendo would consider it acceptable to spend upwards of six months coasting off of Zelda and their supposedly "evergreen" titles alone. As much as I'm dying to play Xenoblade and The Last Story, I'm planning to wait until the end of the year before I decide whether or not to import them. (It's not like I don't have a huge backlog of games to play anyway.) If there is still no word on these titles whatsoever by the end of the winter, I will be both legitimately shocked and seriously reconsidering my plans to purchase a 3DS and Wii U.
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Joined: 08 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:05 am Reply with quote
Lightning Leo wrote:
Mr. Woodhead wrote:
Looking at the homepage, all I can say is that I didn't know Harry Potter was a unicorn.

Ha, I thought the same thing when I saw that! Laughing

I loled hard at that. Best part of the whole article IMO.
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Joined: 10 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:35 am Reply with quote
Indeed. In fact, I thought it looked so much like Harry Potter that my mind mentally blocked out the unicorn horn so hard that I didn't see it until it was mentioned.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 2:42 am Reply with quote
Back in the early 2000s (pre-Reggie), they allowed Atlus to publish several of their games.

That's because no one was buying their non-Pokemon and Zelda stuff, because they liked making consoles with limited third-party appeal. And it looks like history's repeating itself.
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Joined: 19 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 3:14 am Reply with quote
ABCBTom wrote:
I would add that Operation Rainfall hasn't called it quits, and the campaign is still on, as Nintendo's response was oh-so-predictable.

It's really about Nintendo's direction as a company and its future with the Wii U now. So the mass letter writing is still scheduled. If you had planned to participate, please still do so.

Interruption over, sorry.

Agreed; it is not over. We haven't even arrived at the target dates for the Xenoblade-related letters, which are July 11th-13th. (though if you do want to send in a letter regarding that game, I recommend within the next couple days. I already have my letter ready to go). Now, is the letter campaign still naive at this stage? Well, to quote myself from another site:
While the letters themselves will more than likely not make NOA go "ZOMG you fans really want this, so we'll give it to you", it is definitely a very good way to show great fan enthusiasm. (I'm still hanging onto a modicum of hope that NOA wants to announce the games when they damn well please, so I'm definitely doing it out of a desire to show fan enthusiasm.) Considering the bit of extra effort in snail mail, I think it shows a more dedicated sense of interest in these titles than angry online ramblings

"But if Nintendo of America has no plans at this time, why still bother?" one may ask. First of all, considering that the Wii U will most likely come out fall/winter 2012, there is surely some kind of wide open window to "change their minds." Second-- and I hope/almost trust that this is the case-- that NOA's statement is pure PR BS denial; in other words, they may already have plans or are formulating plans to bring any one of these titles to the United States, but will make such an announcement on their own damn time when they damn well please. Here are some items that NOA said that they had "no plans" of bringing over:


Oh yes, and the obligatory Operation Rainfall linkage-- try to send in letters, if only to express a solid, snail mail-worthy desire for these games!: http://oprainfall.blogspot.com/
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Joined: 25 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 4:35 am Reply with quote
Yeah, our Wii's aren't region free are they? Ah, oh well.
At least there was an answer - rather than letting the issue blow in the wind.

If there had been a lot of time to pass, then we could have thought, "Oh, they're thinking about it." But no, they aren't. They probably wont have time to adapt a script and put it out before next year if there are no plans. And if the WiiU Arrives, these games will be history.
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Joined: 13 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 6:09 am Reply with quote
Mad_Scientist wrote:
But the cause isn't lost worldwide. Nintendo's European branch will release Xenoblade Chronicles this September, complete with British voice-overs and special-edition packaging. The Last Story will apparently follow there next year, and several sites report that Nintendo of Europe will also bring out Pandora's Tower in 2012. So there'll be English versions, and most of the Americans who want them will import them.

Sigh... I wouldn't say "most." I've imported from the UK once, in order to get the UK version of Last Window for the DS. But the DS is region free, so it wasn't any hassle to get it to play, and all I needed to buy was the game itself. It cost a bit more money than it would have had it been released in the US, but it wasn't that bad, and I was willing to spend the extra cash for a sequel to one of my favorite DS games.

But if I want to play Last Story, I'll need a PAL Wii, a TV that can be connected to it, the adapters needed for US plugs, etc. It is a bit more of a hassle, and is a lot more costly.

It's not that I don't want it, but do I want it that much? When I could use the money to buy a bunch of other games and anime and books that I want?

Maybe Nintendo will make the Wii U region free for both its games and Wii games... yah right. I'd probably be better of hoping I win the lottery by the time Last Story is released in Europe.

If you can jailbreak (softmod) an iPhone legally (e.g. in the USA), then why is it not legal to jailbreak the Wii for legal purposes such as playing legally imported/bought games from other regions such as EU (and running open source software/homebrew)? It starts to become illegal when people are downloading/uploading games illegally (which are intelligent properties from others after all) and make use of those modchips which are illegal in many countries to begin with.
(I have read "teh rules'" articles 1 - 13 and could not find it's inappropriate to discuss this, but if moderators find this is still not the thing to be discussed here, then it's totally fine to remove/edit this particular part of my post)

Ranemoraken wrote:
Yeah, our Wii's aren't region free are they? Ah, oh well.
At least there was an answer - rather than letting the issue blow in the wind.

If there had been a lot of time to pass, then we could have thought, "Oh, they're thinking about it." But no, they aren't. They probably wont have time to adapt a script and put it out before next year if there are no plans. And if the WiiU Arrives, these games will be history.

The European version of XenoBlade has the English script, since the UK citizens do speak/write English (there are probably slight differences since it's "British" English), so it's even more weird that Nintendo decided not to release the game in the USA.

And now about this week's X Button. We in Europe also don't get Excitebots, but it 's not really a big title such as XenoBlade and the Last Story. And I thought it happens the same to the PSP, e.g. White Knight Chronicles origins didn't get a USA release, while Europe did. The USA also didn't get Ridge Racer 2 for the PSP, but that's because it's more like a Race Racer 1.1 since you only get some extra tracks etc. instead of a new Ridge racer game that deserves to be called Ridge Racer 2.

But on the other hand it's a surprise to me that PSP is still getting a US release of Fate/Extra and Hakuōki (especially after the announcement of the PS Vita), both, while being great games, but they are niche games if you know what I mean.

As for Wizardry, the last Wizardry game I played was Wizardry 8 on the PC and it was super hard, therefore never finished it. But those artworks of this new Wizardry look really great! I would like to see a Wizardry anime.
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 8:12 am Reply with quote
Why, that elf lady's not wearing any armor! No wonder these people get killed by monsters so easily!

Sounds like someone didn't refresh the character creation page enough to get 47 starter stat points... Laughing
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 9:56 am Reply with quote
I have no comments on Operation Rainfall. Just like many of the so-called "hardcore" demanding stuff for the Wii, I don't actually trust them to follow through on their word and actually buy TLS and Xenoblade just like how stuff Rune Factory, Muramasa, Madworld, Zack and Wiki, No More Heroes, Sin and Punishment, and TvC. So, I don't blame NoA, I blame the untrustworthy people who dare to call themselves gamers.
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 10:48 am Reply with quote
Glad to know that Matsuno is still alive an kicking. Glad that he found some love at Level-5. They seem to do games for many companies so they don't have to worry about being controlled. They do good work, and this may be a good place for Matsuno to develop some ideas for games for those that appreciate his work.
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Joined: 08 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Jul 06, 2011 11:09 am Reply with quote
TC-man wrote:

If you can jailbreak (softmod) an iPhone legally (e.g. in the USA), then why is it not legal to jailbreak the Wii for legal purposes such as playing legally imported/bought games from other regions such as EU (and running open source software/homebrew)? It starts to become illegal when people are downloading/uploading games illegally (which are intelligent properties from others after all) and make use of those modchips which are illegal in many countries to begin with.
(I have read "teh rules'" articles 1 - 13 and could not find it's inappropriate to discuss this, but if moderators find this is still not the thing to be discussed here, then it's totally fine to remove/edit this particular part of my post)

Because Nintendo says it's not legal, or something. Regardless, I am aware that there are alternatives to importing, but modding a Wii to be able to play Pal games has its own complications and potential issues, of which going to jail is only one of them. I don't have any technical know-how related to doing that, would still need to buy the mods chips or whatever, would risk breaking my Wii due to my aforementioned lack of technical ability, etc. Not something I'd want to bother with, even if it could hypothetically be cheaper than getting a Pal Wii and compatable TV.

I also understand that there are some converters that can convert Pal video signals to NTSC, which would at least prevent me from having to buy a Pal compatable TV, but I think quality converters are fairly costly.

Since I don't generally import games, I'm really a complete newb when it comes to this stuff, so I only have a basic understanding of the various methods available. It's possible some methods might actually be a bit easier/less expensive than I think, but regardless, they all present at least something of an import barrier to a guy like me. And so the question of whether I'd really want to bother importing Last Story, when I could save time and money buying one of the many domestic games I want but don't have yet, still stands.
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