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Joined: 21 Jan 2008
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Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:14 pm
Normally a character's verbal tic really annoys me after the first couple of episodes but that never happened in Squid Girl and I think it is because of the subs (and I've seen some other people agree). And I've found that the best advertisement for Princess Jellyfish it to show people the opening, the crazy mash-up of movies in there is hilarious, doesn't really have anything to do with the series, but at the same time manages to show off all the characters.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2008
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Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:18 pm
YEAAAA KEY! John Woo Boobie shot. You didn't let me down. But I demand a screen shot!
Last edited by TatsuGero23 on Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:19 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:19 pm
I don't care how much you can hate the series, Naruto had THE BEST death scene of the year with Jiraiya. Oh, the tears that were shed. But alas, its mainstream appeal makes the elitists sneer.
And even if it wasn't permanent, Hinata's death during the Pain fight had a lot of people stunned. Hell, that scene was one of my favorite scenes all year in all of anime now that I think about it. It was so gut wrenching I actually wanted to cover my eyes at times. It's horrible to see such a sweet girl get beat to death after a love confession. They animated it with a fantastic budget too, which made it all the more wince-worthy.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:34 pm
Totally on the same page as Theron and Carl with these... Except I haven't seen Living for the Day after Tomorrow. Obviously I need to remedy that.
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Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:35 pm
"For instance, the entirety of Otome Yōkai Zakuro has been available on Crunchyroll as it came out during the fall season, yet no less than five groups have still done English fansubs for most or all of the series. Deplorable. "
Actually, you're wrong. I don't think anyone actually DID English FANsubs. They just used the CR subs, and used the video from Japanese TV. So in fact, this made releasing CR shows much easier, since there was no need for a translator. Double-edged sword.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:45 pm
Actually surprised to see Broken Blade here (well vampire knight was more of a shock because I dislike that melodramatic thing). Let's see, Escaflowne fan?
I'm enjoying Broken Blade so far, but I'd rather see them going on a wilder direction, opposed to Escaflowne.
Regarding Angel Beats!
Quote: | (And the licensor needs to make sure that it also secures the recently-released OVA bonus episode 14, aka the Bad Ending, which is an absolute riot.) |
And a packaging that fits the series' quality. Needless to say, it just has to be BD. This is the one series I don't even want to hear the word DVD.
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Joined: 13 May 2008
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Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:52 pm
I disagree with the Endless Eight arc, I actually didn't think it was that bad. I need to watch Asobi now that the fansubs for the uncut BD are starting to come out. I got a bit annoyed with the censorship and stopped watching after episode 2. I do agree that it needs to come out in North America with a good dub and get a proper BD release.
Episode 9 of Mitsudomoe, that was classic and still one of my favorite scenes of that series.
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Joined: 31 May 2005
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Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:54 pm
littlegreenwolf wrote: | And even if it wasn't permanent, Hinata's death during the Pain fight had a lot of people stunned. Hell, that scene was one of my favorite scenes all year in all of anime now that I think about it. It was so gut wrenching I actually wanted to cover my eyes at times. It's horrible to see such a sweet girl get beat to death after a love confession. They animated it with a fantastic budget too, which made it all the more wince-worthy. |
Not sure about the anime, but in the manga it was pretty clear that she was still alive. Though the fight also lasted less than a second. Not that it really matters in the end, with what followed :/
Quote: | Biggest Anime-Related Production Gaffe: The Twelve Kingdoms - Skies of Dawn hardback novel flaws
Theron: 2010 saw a few big trouble spots pop up, such as the ghosting issue on the first Toradora! collection, but this was by far the most egregious. It saw the incorrect gender assigned to one minor character, maps that didn't correspond to descriptions given in the text, numerous typos, and formatting code where some katakana should have been. Its biggest problem, though, was the outright omission of part of chapter 16, a problem that I'm told has been corrected for the recent paperback version. Tokyopop did a good job with previous volumes in this series, so hopefully this was just a fluke. |
Wow, I didn't even know about these. I just went to NIS and ordered a replacement for Toradora (just got it today too!). I also have the 12 kingdoms novels... I've heard that Tokyopop's novels weren't that great, but that sounds pretty bad.
Not looking forward to getting to that book now. Anyone know if Tokyopop has addressed it in any way like NIS did?
Edit: Now that I think about it, anyone know of any other major mess-ups this year I should keep an eye out for?
Edit2: Oh yeah, and I really enjoyed the article. Wouldn't mind seeing another sooner then next year. Maybe in 6 months we can get a mid year vote and see how it holds up 6 months after that for the year wrap up?
Last edited by Covnam on Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:05 pm; edited 2 times in total
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The King of Harts
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Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:56 pm
Great piece again this year. This is pretty much the only thing I actually look forward to every year on this site, and it's never a disappointment. Anyways:
I want Seikon no Qwaser licensed so bad. I've never seen it, but I NEED to. It just sounds so absurd and from the screen shots I've seen from the BD specials, this show is certainly something, mostly disgusting. It's like Queen's Blade, it sounds so absurd that I have to question the creator's sanity, but I need to see it because I'm a tad insane myself (for the record, I am buying the Queen's Blade BD as soon as it starts shipping).
I haven't finished the last three Panty and Stocking episodes yet (and I am aware of the "Gainax Ending"), but I think it's an unlicensed gem. Why Funimation or Section 23 haven't grabbed this up yet is beyond me because it's got their style all over it and it's sure to jive well with America's youth on Adult Swim (although the sperm episode may be a little extreme for even them). And while others, like yourselves, find it disgusting, I find it hilarious. Maybe I'm an immature, little brat because I think toilet humor is funny when done right, but I don't care. I need to see this in HD with Cherami Leigh voicing Stocking, so make it happen, Texas.
I remember when watching Canaan and hearing Jessica Boone sound like an absolute psycho and being amazed. She nailed that role so hard that I'm surprised she wasn't a hands down choice for Theron. I'll never see Chiyo-chan in the same light ever again. Also, the Irish accents in Tears to Tiara bugged me at first, but that's mostly because it's jarring. They quickly grew on me and Chris had a pretty good performance as Arthur. I am still a little peeved that Matt Greenfield somehow didn't know Rathy was a girl even though she totally screams little girl (the blushing, the voice, the actions, THE CAT EARS). Jason Liebrecht also deserves a mention as Takizawa, I think. I am curious, though, Theron, what casting choices you didn't like in Eden of the East. I thought everyone sounded terrific and it was one the best dubs I've heard recently.
I'm also with asimpson2006 about the Endless Eight. I didn't love it, it's more a love the idea, kind of like the execution deals, but it's not the absolute terror so many make it out to be. I will admit, though, that I "only" watched six (the first 5 and the last one). Perhaps that's the difference between watching it weekly with fansubs and watching them back to back on DVD?
Last edited by The King of Harts on Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:00 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:59 pm
Great to see Cross Game snag so many awards, though I think that the Kou/Aoba pair could be just as strong as a Kou/Wakaba pair.
And I'm not sure why Cross Game not having its conclusion out by 2010 placed it behind Eden of the East when the end of the Eden of the East TV series didn't really conclude much of anything itself.
That said, great picks, though I would have loved to see Shiki get mentioned more than just in passing (particular if it were inserted instead of the Vampire Knight anime).
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Joined: 10 Aug 2002
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Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 5:59 pm
I take exception with Eden of the East being called the greatest anything. It was good, don't get me wrong, I did enjoy it, but ending with a cliffhanger so it could segue into two movies cheapened the entire series for me. I felt like I was strung along by the creators using the series as a vehicle intended to sell movie tickets. Maybe if the TV series had a fulfilling ending of its own I would have enjoyed the overall experience more, but as a self contained TV series it's incomplete and I could never call something that unfinished "the best". I would have easily chosen Toradora!, Casshern (which didn't even get mentioned ), or Cross Game over it.
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The King of Harts
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Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:07 pm
Quote: | Maybe if the TV series had a fulfilling ending of its own I would have enjoyed the overall experience more |
See, I don't agree with people that say this. I actually thought it was pretty good ending and I didn't feel like I was hanging on a cliff, either. I honestly think I'd have no problem not seeing the movies. I'm going to watch them anyways because I do think it's a great serious (though not amazing), but I'm not dieing to because I'm pretty satisfied with the ending. However, that said, I certainly know why people don't like it. I guess I've just seen so many shows with cliffhanger endings that they don't bother me anymore, at least not as much as they did when I first started watching anime.
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Joined: 09 Nov 2005
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Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:39 pm
DmonHiro wrote: | "For instance, the entirety of Otome Yōkai Zakuro has been available on Crunchyroll as it came out during the fall season, yet no less than five groups have still done English fansubs for most or all of the series. Deplorable. "
Actually, you're wrong. I don't think anyone actually DID English FANsubs. They just used the CR subs, and used the video from Japanese TV. So in fact, this made releasing CR shows much easier, since there was no need for a translator. Double-edged sword. |
I'm going to have to disagree with this. I don't have the fansubs downloaded to compare the two, I have a crunchyroll subscription, so honestly I don't bother. But, I can almost guaruntee atleast 2 groups translated and fansubbed Otome Yokai Zakura themselves, without stealing CR subs.
With that said, its probably still only like 2 groups, not the 5 that stated. We're still looking at probably 10,000 to 15,000 downloads per episode from the fansubs alone. And another 10,000 to 15,000 downloads per episode from the people ripping CR subs. For a series thats relatively unpopular on crunchyroll like Zakuro, it only has 776 ratings on it. Even a disproportionately large number of people watch and don't rate (at the order of <5%), thats still massive amounts of lost revenue there.
The King of Harts wrote: |
Quote: | Maybe if the TV series had a fulfilling ending of its own I would have enjoyed the overall experience more |
See, I don't agree with people that say this. I actually thought it was pretty good ending and I didn't feel like I was hanging on a cliff, either. I honestly think I'd have no problem not seeing the movies. I'm going to watch them anyways because I do think it's a great serious (though not amazing), but I'm not dieing to because I'm pretty satisfied with the ending. However, that said, I certainly know why people don't like it. I guess I've just seen so many shows with cliffhanger endings that they don't bother me anymore, at least not as much as they did when I first started watching anime. |
I'm going to have to agree with this. The TV series was a complete, standalone, arc. It didn't explain everything, but it didn't really need to. It still would have been the best series of 2010 even if the movies never existed. Its not like its Shikabane Hime or Karekano or something.
With that said, I don't think it was necessarily as satisfying of an ending as Durarara had. But I was content with it.
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Joined: 20 Jun 2008
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Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:42 pm
Quote: | The TV series was a complete, standalone, arc. It didn't explain anything, but it didn't really need to since it will continue with the movies. |
Reworded to better fit reality.
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Joe Mello
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Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:50 pm
Would it be out of turn to ask what RPG you guys play?
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