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The Mike Toole Show - The Con Job

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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:08 pm Reply with quote
Isn't it kind of weird that there's no English adaptation of Heroman yet?


On another note, that was such a nice thing for J Michael Tatum to have done for that girl. What a class act!
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:19 pm Reply with quote
Well, I had fun. Razz
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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 8:49 pm Reply with quote
Well I think I sufficiently complained on twitter about Chris, Justin and Bamboo not being at the ANNpanel, at least my phone battery thought so and cut me off from the outside world by 3pm. I like Mike Toole, I liked him on ANNcast too when he was a guest but I'm not such a fan of the other journalists. Not that they're not good I just don't follow their work as much. On top of it the audience was asking great questions which couldn't be answered by anyone but Justin and Chris. The attendance for the panel this year was way better than it was in the last 2yrs. I guess Zac could have answered the questions but we all knew he wasn't coming.

I'm sorry maybe its weird that I'm sort of an ANN fan girl but i love this site. I don't post on the boards much and sometimes I go weeks without looking threw the news feed because I'm busy with school, work and life in general. I ANN is my only way of following anime and I've been on this site for at least 3yrs now. One of my favorite parts of NYAF is joining my best friend at the panel and being able to ask questions to staff and interact with them. Sad So boo! first they cancel the live ANNcast then these 2 don't come. :'(

Ok I'm done.

NYCC clearly overshadowed NYAF, it was like Yao Ming and Mini Me, smh. Overall, I have to say the best part of the two cons being combined is was more adult & socially adept fans. NYAF tends to be comprised mostly of 13 year old kids running around screaming and hugging. A in person message board personality meet up. I wasn't the only person, aside from my best friend, in panels for the speakers and not for the free stuff for once or the only adult. I'm 26, I dislike screaming preteens and their butchered cosplay, I do like speaking with mature individuals who discuss their hobby in mostly calms tones despite disagreements. I like hearing insider info and what industry members think about the industry. Geez I even learned something at the Yaoi/Yuri panel and I do not like those genres! Unfortunately there were no really big anime people. Last year we had Yoshi Tomino!!! I don't really care about voice actors so that's a mute point for me. If they can manage to bring big directors/creators/animators (even just one) I'll be happy to have my NYAF overshadowed by NYCC again.

sidenote: thank God it was warm this weekend! they had the A/C on nonstop in the Javitz Center which kept nerd stench to bare minimum. When I saw the crowd I was seriously scared for my nose.
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Joined: 17 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 9:11 pm Reply with quote
don't be afraid to turn to the guy or gal behind you and ask a question. How about “What was the last anime you watched?”

awman, that is exactly what i'm all about at cons. always anxious to get into a discussion over anything like favorite title or most recently viewed. Though usually the only people who i chat with that are as into the conversation as i am, are only into titles I'm not really familiar with xD
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Joined: 03 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 10, 2010 10:29 pm Reply with quote
I think what suffered most at NYAF was the amount of anime dealers on the show floor. I will point out that's the biggest Artist Alley I've seen for NYAF yet and for once the there was space so all those silly dance parties weren't blocking up crap in artist alley. There did seem to be less panel rooms.

Well we did seem to have some production people over from sunrise who where there to promote Gundam UC. They had musical guests from Japan.

I still got hit with nerd stench up in the NYCC artist alley and I had a cold the whole weekend. I wonder if it's because there's a higher female population in anime/manga.

I find it more enjoyable when we are a minority at a con the panels don't seem as crowded I was able to slip into the Crispin Freeman Spotlight.

Still i think every first con is magical. I know at mine i learned about script adaption in a subs vs dubs panel. The other thing was to always check out an alternate route to the con or leaving very early works wonders.
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Joined: 22 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:36 am Reply with quote
neocloud9 wrote:
Isn't it kind of weird that there's no English adaptation of Heroman yet?


On another note, that was such a nice thing for J Michael Tatum to have done for that girl. What a class act!

I know, right? (that's what I was wondering, too)
I would really love to see an English Dub of Heroman Very Happy but who would get the license?
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Joined: 21 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 2:20 am Reply with quote
Small cons still exist. The next con I'll be attending is Tsunacon. They're expecting 1000 visitors this year. I'm looking forward to it, even though there isn't much to do there (around 3-4 PM people plop down on the floor and stay there until they're ready to go home Anime hyper). It as a good atmosphere and that's enough.

It's also in the mid of winter. Sometimes people are brave enough to go outside and have a little snowball fight. The line outside look very un-animecon-like. Instead of seeing hunderds of people in cosplay, you see hundreds of people bundled up in thick coats, scarfs and mittens. It's gezellig.
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Reinhard Von Lohengram

Joined: 24 Mar 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:35 am Reply with quote
I haven't posted on these forums in a good while, but, thought I would after reading this story.

I'd have to agree the small con feeling is gone, even if you're going to a small con. My first anime con was in 1997, and, just like in the author's case, it was amazing going somewhere that was full of both the stuff I liked, and people who liked it just as much as me. At the time, it was still something of a subculture, even if in its waning years.

The last anime con I went to was Otakon 2009, mainly because it just did not feel the same anymore. It was mostly full of kids with nothing to do on a weekend, and seemingly wanting to be there more to feel like a member of a subculture than any real interest in the medium. Personally, I don't even watch anime a great deal anymore, with a few exceptions such as the new Evangelion or Gundam Unicorn, or to go back and watch shows from the "glory days" that I missed when I was in high school. So, maybe it's just a fandom that has passed me by, but I don't think so.

I think anime, and larger fandoms, in general have lost a great deal. I'm currently finishing up my Master's Thesis, and some of my sources include old pulp magazines from the 20s and 30s, when sci-fi (before it was called that, but rather "Scientifiction") was just beginning in fandom. You could see a real inter-connectivity there among fans, swapping ideas and coming together to form groups, not to just throw around other people's creations, but to add some contributions of their own. It isn't like that anymore, and hasn't been for a while, and anime fandom used to be like that, but, as it's become mainstream, it's lost something of that community feeling as well. I find it interesting now, that you can go to a big comic con or anime con, and talk to people, who have no idea as to what comic or anime you may or may not be referring to.

One can say that that is a good thing, bringing more people into the interest. But, I'd rather have that small community feel, full of people who had a passion for the medium, as opposed to the majority of con-goers now, with just a passing interest, or something to claim membership of some sub-culture that is long since dead.
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Joined: 05 Jun 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 8:24 am Reply with quote
I am lucky that the largest con in my area had 700 people last year and is only 4 years old. I have yet to attend that con but, first con I went to (last year) was just starting and had only 300 people over the weekend. There was this amazing feeling of success and community at that con. The committee had been trying to raise money for six months just to get one guest. You kept running into the same group of people all weekend. When I entered in my cosplay the other cosplayers got really excited, likely because there was only a handful of us dressing up at the con. When I went to my second con, anime north, I noticed that if had a different feeling, nice but still less close and more like a business. I love the small con feeling and it's sad to know that it is getting hard to find in some places.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:06 am Reply with quote
I'm kinda of mixed on this whole combining at the con job. It was great to get this kind of numbers but it was a mass overwhelming. I saw that crowd on Sat. and my thoughts were "OH MY GAWD!!!" Not to mention my energy was sapped after ONE panel that morning. I didn't even want to go to the dealers room. When I did get up there I wish I hadn't. I even left the place with a co-worker just to go out for lunch. I started feeling better being away from that place. But as soon as it was time to head back, my legs started becoming weak and my heart started fluttering. The place is like a MASSIVE GODDAMN SUCKING VAMPIRE!! It just sucks the life out of you. I guess there's a big difference in being there for work and play. If I didn't go to some of the fun panels I'd have gone crazy. Laughing

I think this was the first time I've seen it this crowded. That's because they combined the two. I also have come to the realization after analyzing the two separately just how much of a difference in the attendance and the number of events there is. NYCC is much bigger and caters to not just the comic crowd but also, gaming, and anime fans too. Though there events are still somewhat geared toward the mainstream. So it still tends to draw a larger audience either way. Not to mention the number of panels is vast. NYAF caters to a more niche crowd and the panels are fewer. However it's still enough for a sole anime con. On their own they need enough filler, but allows for you to concentrate more on specific thing. Combined combined there it's a lot with not a a lot of room to split your attention. I get sent on library assignments and I realized that the NYAFF doesn't have as many professional panels to attend. If any at all. The ones they do have [like NYCC] are directed toward librarians of what manga libraries are collecting. Whereas with the NYCC professional panels they talk about GNs and manga is included. So in a way I can almost see why they would want to combine them.

I attended 3 professional panels on Friday and Saturday about GNs. Afterwards I didn't want to see another GN panel because after awhile it gets redundant. Same talking points, same speakers, etc... by this time if you haven't figured out why GN and manga are important to library collections they you weren't paying attention. I was also disappointed at some of the panels for not having their "stuff" together. People showing up late, starting late, technical difficulties, panels forgetting equipment for their presentation (especially when fans had been waiting hours to get to that panel), etc... I mean it happens but you gotta be better prepared. It's also disappointing to see your base walking out in disgust. The only anime panel I went to that seemed to do ok was Aniplex. Ended just in time for an early autograph session.

Well, I guess they'll do this again next year but I'd prefer them separate. But if they do it again, then I just hope they're better prepared for massive onslaught.
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Joined: 01 May 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 10:43 am Reply with quote
animeroxsmysoxs wrote:
neocloud9 wrote:
Isn't it kind of weird that there's no English adaptation of Heroman yet?


On another note, that was such a nice thing for J Michael Tatum to have done for that girl. What a class act!

I know, right? (that's what I was wondering, too)
I would really love to see an English Dub of Heroman Very Happy but who would get the license?

Ugh, don't talk about Heroman. I imported Heroman manga from Japan just to get Stan Lee's autographs, which my friends and I spent all 3 days chasing as our #1 mission. And one of those friends sat on one of the lucky chairs that had the ticket to get that autograph at Stan Lee's Guardian panel - a seat another friend and I reserved for him after waiting in line for over an hour. The bastard! Laughing
Well, at least on the third and final day, yet another "exhibitor" friend went through for us, and we had our photos taken with The Man himself, talked, shook his hand, and introduced myself (same name exactly as his name) - so not bad for a consolation. But next year, we definitely have to get those "exhibitor" passes, so we could get in before the mass and get in line before anybody else. Twisted Evil

And oh, I'll probably post the video of the ANN panel sometime later, so ya guys who missed it could see how boring it was. Kidding! Razz
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Joined: 03 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 1:51 pm Reply with quote
I only was on the anime side for panels but i did go to a marvel panel on something digital or something like that. I wish that they had had a more rational posting system for panel listings online aka the grid because the listings online and in the program made it hard to effectively plan. I swear that has to have had an impact on panel attendance because even at noon on at a Saturday I was able to walk into the Cpispin Freeman panel having come from another panel before that and get a seat. But i had a great time as most of the panels as many of the panelists are very nice people.
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Joined: 31 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 2:09 pm Reply with quote
I didn't make it up to NYAF/NYACC this year, I keep saying I'll go so maybe next year.

I started going to anime cons just in time to see them explode. My first was Otakon in 2001 and it's been amazing (and sometimes shocking) to watch these events grow. I will agree that the focus of a lot of cons has shifted and the demographics have definitely changed. I feel like in a short couple of years I went from being in a minority group of younger fans to being in a minority group of older fans (and I'm only 24!).

Recently I've been trying to branch out and attend smaller and more regional conventions and recently joined the staff of a con.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 3:24 pm Reply with quote
Oddly enough, I do remember Moldiver-- it was one of the shows my local library, situated in an area heavily populated by Japanese folks, carried a couple of tapes of. I checked it out. Some 13-14 years later, I could barely tell you anything that happened in it.
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Joined: 17 Mar 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 11, 2010 7:45 pm Reply with quote
giapet wrote:
Oddly enough, I do remember Moldiver-- it was one of the shows my local library, situated in an area heavily populated by Japanese folks, carried a couple of tapes of. I checked it out. Some 13-14 years later, I could barely tell you anything that happened in it.

Not only to I remember Moldiver, I own the DVD and can tell you were I rented the VHS from. Now, Takegami: Guardian of Darkness and Black Magic M-66- I know I watched them, but I couldn't tell you a thing about 'em to save my life.

I think the more cons you go to, the less the 'con magic' shows. So many panels are similar from con-to-con (there's almost always an AMV contest, a masquerade ball, a cosplay contest, etc.). It's worse if you attend the same come each year, since panels tend to repeat at cons. I keep going for 2 reasons: firstly, I love gettin' me some autographs Laughing Secondly, there's always that one moment- sometimes it's a big part of the con, sometimes it's a tiny little thing that only a few people even see... but it makes the whole thing just feel special. My last con, that moment was when I stopped to take a picture of a young Card Captor Sakura cosplayer (I think she was 10-12 or so). I snapped my shot, thanked her and started to go on my way, and she stopped me and gave me a clow card. How freakin cute is that?! She only had about 3 at that point, so I'm guessing she bought 1 set and was just handing them out until they were gone. That was better than anything I got in the dealer's room- I've still got it, too.
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