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Teriyaki Terrier

Joined: 26 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 11:19 pm Reply with quote
Whoa, almost any time Level-five works on a game, the game is really exceptionally well made, has exceptional soundtrack music, well done voice over's and a fantastic translation.

In the last decade and six years I've been a gamer, Level-5 is one the top five video games companies that is grade A or sometimes even higher. I've bought Dark Cloud, Dark Cloud 2, Rogue Galaxy (which I thought was pretty well done) Dragon Quest 8 and other games.

90% of the time level 5 games are A+ or even higher. Even though I don't have a Nintendo Wii video game system, based off the last five or so games I bought from them, I can tell the current wii game released is going to be fantastic.

But the moe game that is released on the PS3, I don't even want to know and for a reason. More often than not, those games can be quite creepy, offensive or otherwise disturbing. Sometimes, even if the characters are 18 or older, the game can still be very odd.

Great article Todd, you really know how to write an excellent article and your comments make the article even better.
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Joined: 17 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 11:28 pm Reply with quote
Rogue Galaxy (which I thought was pretty well done)

I thought so as well, and I nerd raged a little inside when it was called dissappointing.
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Teriyaki Terrier

Joined: 26 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Tue May 18, 2010 11:54 pm Reply with quote
Akumaphyre wrote:
Rogue Galaxy (which I thought was pretty well done)

I thought so as well, and I nerd raged a little inside when it was called dissappointing.

Although the game did have some minor faults. Those "burning attacks" felt like they were nearly impossible to do because the lack of time you were given to complete the operation.

But other than that, the game was pretty good. Sure, Dark Cloud I an II were are parts slightly better, but the characters were pretty cool and the voice actors (even the minor ones) did a fantastic job.

But like I said earlier, Level-5 makes solid games for the most part and it's extremely rare for a long time gamer for me to really dislike a level-5 game.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 12:13 am Reply with quote
SqEx renewing the Tactics Ogre trademark is intriguing, but I'd only be interested if they apologized to Matsuno for being such jerks during FFXII's development and give him full reign over the project as the Ogre Battle Saga is one of the great unfinished series in gaming.
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Joined: 06 Jan 2005
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 12:20 am Reply with quote
Akumaphyre wrote:
Rogue Galaxy (which I thought was pretty well done)

I thought so as well, and I nerd raged a little inside when it was called dissappointing.

I third this sentiment! Smile
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Teriyaki Terrier

Joined: 26 Mar 2008
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 12:30 am Reply with quote
FeralKat wrote:
Akumaphyre wrote:
Rogue Galaxy (which I thought was pretty well done)

I thought so as well, and I nerd raged a little inside when it was called dissappointing.

I third this sentiment! :)

I am actually slightly surprised that more than one person actually knows about this game and actually enjoyed the game like myself. Haven't seen that happen in years.

This game actually was my favorite game next to Dragon Quest 8 and Dark Cloud 2. The action/rpg elements made this game as exciting and fun as it is. Turn based battles are great and have their place in role playing games, but free range action battles are also quite cool.
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Joined: 17 Aug 2007
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 1:11 am Reply with quote
Super Mario Galaxy 2, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Super Mario Galaxy 2, Super Mario Galaxy 2...

*continues to repeat on and on in his head*

Can't wait. Very Happy
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Joined: 18 Jul 2006
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 1:20 am Reply with quote
Good column this week, Todd. Nice balance of information and chuckles. Seriously, I can't even tell which body parts are supposed to be which in that Neptune screenshot. Is that thing in the middle a kneepad? A boob? God damn.

Also, didn't Leonard Nemoy just announce that he was retiring from acting? Huh. Maybe he'll become another one of those retired actors who still does VO, like... hmmm... who am I thinking of? I want to say Malcolm McDowell, but I just looked him up and discovered that he was in the new Halloween movies that I never saw because Rob Zombie is a godawful filmmaker. Anyway.

I was also intrigued by SquEnix renewing their trademark for Tactics Ogre, but I'm not sure I'd want them to make a new game or even a remake without Matsuno's involvement. I've just been playing Knight of Lodis for GBA, and... well, it's just got his style all over it. I'd guess that their reason for renewing the trademark is more likely because they intend to release Tactics Ogre on Virtual Console or PSN, though.
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Ojamajo LimePie

Joined: 09 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 1:24 am Reply with quote
I've been looking forward to Witch's Wish, since I'm a fan of magical girls. I watched shows like Rainbow Bright as a little girl, and I just never grew out of loving them. Totally a sucker for anything cute. Anime catgrin

Oh, and it's definitely a game aimed towards little girls, not adult men. If you watch the Japanese trailer, you'll notice that the game's writing is 99% hiragana and katakana. The few kanji in the OP have furigana.
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Joined: 22 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 1:25 am Reply with quote
Most probably you should add the (Level-5's) Inazuma Eleven games, at least they are posed to be released in Europe, so a US-release is not out of question...
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Joined: 15 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 2:51 am Reply with quote
Rogue Galaxy rocked except for its cop-out story. Resonance of Fate on the other hand.....
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Joined: 24 Feb 2007
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 4:14 am Reply with quote
Great article this week - lots of RPGs to try now. My hope is with the on-set of digital delivery services like XBox Live and PlayStation Network, more of these will stay in print long enough for me to actually play them. Smile

As for Kingdom Hearts, come on Square, what's the hold up! At least announce something so GameStop stops listing BBS as 12/31/10 *which I guess is their default when a game is TBA?*
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Joined: 15 Nov 2004
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 4:37 am Reply with quote
tasogarenootome wrote:
Great article this week - lots of RPGs to try now. My hope is with the on-set of digital delivery services like XBox Live and PlayStation Network, more of these will stay in print long enough for me to actually play them. Smile

As for Kingdom Hearts, come on Square, what's the hold up! At least announce something so GameStop stops listing BBS as 12/31/10 *which I guess is their default when a game is TBA?*

Gamespot, ign, Kotaku (Everywhere else) Has a september 7th release date with a Silver PSP/KH BbS bundle.
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Joined: 05 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 5:11 am Reply with quote
AS for Ar Tonelico 3 it seems a lot more sexualized than the previous two games.
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Reaper gI

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PostPosted: Wed May 19, 2010 5:36 am Reply with quote
Teriyaki Terrier wrote:

But the moe game that is released on the PS3, I don't even want to know and for a reason. More often than not, those games can be quite creepy, offensive or otherwise disturbing. Sometimes, even if the characters are 18 or older, the game can still be very odd.

They won't be over 18 (and that explicitly stated) for a console release, that's only on PC games that are actually sexualy expicit.

For once I won't complain about misuse of moe asuming you speak of "HYPER DIMENSION GAME NEPTUNE", as that is about moe-antropomorphisms. Might work on shout outs to obscure long dead publishers etc. and apeal by nostalgia, otherwise looks generic and pandering as hell.
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