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Hey, Answerman! [2009-09-25]

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Joined: 23 Dec 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:21 pm Reply with quote
Um ... before I read more I have to say that Honey and Clover WAS dubbed. It has a dub track (only the first 12 eps have been released). The dub is passable (mispronunciation of names, but oh well). The Nana dub is much better, IMO, though.
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Joined: 21 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:26 pm Reply with quote
Adult Swim loves anime, but they hate that nobody watches it. The blame for that simple fact could be attributed to many things; lack of promotion, lousy timeslots, or just plain lack of viewer interest. But anime is still on the air, and that's a good thing.

I was fascinated with anime and manga BEFORE Adult Swim, but Adult Swim really brought anime into the limelight for me. Inuyasha, Outlaw Star, Yu Yu Hakusho, Cowboy Bebop... they were my gateway drug into true otaku-dom. It bums me out that you got a question like this.

Bums me out, but doesn't surprise me. I teach at a middle school and also run a morning manga club and after-school anime club. (We've been packed for the past 10 years - so what I'm about to say isn't a reflection on having 2 or 4 students.) This school year I've heard a lot of my students complain about Adult Swim because they removed shows from their line-up. If they only knew how sparse the pickins' were at my age. Voltron and the occasional Robotech. Imagine how much more we would see on TV or in the DVD market if those students would spend their dollars on anime or manga instead of one or two Happy Meals.
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Joined: 08 Dec 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:46 pm Reply with quote
I personally believe that Adult Swim uses ratings as a smokescreen for their indigence towards anime fans, but by and large, anime fans deserve that, or at least the ones that frequent the AS forums. I think that AS probably just wants to spend as little on programming as possible.

Anyway, with all types of internet streaming and OnDemand service, I don't really have any need for Adult Swim anymore. I'll check out an episode of Bleach here and there, and watch Moribito, but it just isn't as important to my anime viewing as it used to be, and there's nothing wrong with moving on.

I'm not really sure what some anime fans want out of AS, anyway. Some still suggest subtitled anime. Like that's going to ever happen.
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Joined: 11 Jun 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 24, 2009 11:51 pm Reply with quote
Adult Swim loves anime, but they hate that nobody watches it. The blame for that simple fact could be attributed to many things; lack of promotion, lousy timeslots, or just plain lack of viewer interest. But anime is still on the air, and that's a good thing.

I heard a different take on this matter from Greg Ayres, at a panel he did at AnimeIowa. He theorized that Adult Swim puts down anime so much because anime doesn't generate a profit like the original [as] shows like Robot Chicken. Their original shows make money from DVD sales and merchandise sales, but anime turns little to no profit for them since DVD sales are so low and so much anime merchandise is owned by other companies. I don't know if that's necessarily what's going on, but it seems plausible. *shrug*
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Joined: 16 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 12:05 am Reply with quote
maichips wrote:
Adult Swim loves anime, but they hate that nobody watches it. The blame for that simple fact could be attributed to many things; lack of promotion, lousy timeslots, or just plain lack of viewer interest. But anime is still on the air, and that's a good thing.

I heard a different take on this matter from Greg Ayres, at a panel he did at AnimeIowa. He theorized that Adult Swim puts down anime so much because anime doesn't generate a profit like the original [as] shows like Robot Chicken. Their original shows make money from DVD sales and merchandise sales, but anime turns little to no profit for them since DVD sales are so low and so much anime merchandise is owned by other companies. I don't know if that's necessarily what's going on, but it seems plausible. *shrug*

It's more that Adult Swim doesn't get anything from anime since they don't make any money from DVD sales and of course they don't get anything from merchandise either. The only thing AS gets is money from ad-revenue which apparently for anime is low. I get what Brian is saying about Adult Swim's attitude towards anime, but I don't buy it. The reason that ratings bombs like Moribito and so many other anime that shared the same fate still finished out their series run is contracts, contracts, contracts. AS signed a contract agreeing to show these shows in their entirety, so that's what they have to do, even if it takes 3 years for them to do so. I guarantee you probably won't seen any Moribito syndication after they've fulfilled their contract and shown the whole series.
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Joined: 11 Jul 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 12:24 am Reply with quote
Honey and Clover is dubbed. There's even a cast list on it's ANN page.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 12:25 am Reply with quote
penguintruth wrote:
I personally believe that Adult Swim uses ratings as a smokescreen for their indigence towards anime fans, but by and large, anime fans deserve that, or at least the ones that frequent the AS forums. I think that AS probably just wants to spend as little on programming as possible.

Still I can't help but feel it's pretty unfair. They constantly give anime the short end of the stick, make fun of it and basically do whatever they can to piss off the fans. Then when the fans get mad they sit back and go 'ha ha, stupid angry anime fans'. I don't doubt that a lot of anime fans kind of are overly angry and prone to nerd-rage. However, it's hardly fair to deliberately provoke these people to this extent and then laugh at how angry they are. I guarantee you if the situation were reversed and Family Guy was the niche show and they incessantly treated it and it's fans like crap, they'd be pretty irritable too.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 12:49 am Reply with quote
flyer888 wrote:
Honey and Clover is dubbed. There's even a cast list on it's ANN page.

that dripping sound? that's the egg on my face.

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Joined: 12 Dec 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:01 am Reply with quote
Bridget Hoffman voiced in a Jackie Chan movie. I know that she has a lot of aliases, but that's fantastic. I love her voice. lol Gotta find this...
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Sea Lion

Joined: 07 Apr 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:04 am Reply with quote
The most embarrassing anime I'll admit to watching? Probably the one I'm getting through now: Girls Bravo.

Sure, GB has every bad anime meme in existence going on, and it's got so much fanservice that even a dedicated heterosexual man like myself says, "Wow, that's too much boobage" at times. However, a funny thing happened on my way to finishing out the string -- darned if some of these characters didn't grow about halfway through the second season.

Fukuyama showed he had a scrap of human decency and wasn't a walking hormone. Toyo let her guard down and allowed herself to act her age. Kosame wasn't a female Fukuyama. Kirie had relationships to other people besides Yukinari and his crew, and she didn't spend all her time pretending to not crush on the jellyfish-like dork.

GB isn't a masterpiece. It isn't even above average. It is better than it lets on, though.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 1:23 am Reply with quote
kakoishii wrote:
maichips wrote:
Adult Swim loves anime, but they hate that nobody watches it. The blame for that simple fact could be attributed to many things; lack of promotion, lousy timeslots, or just plain lack of viewer interest. But anime is still on the air, and that's a good thing.

I heard a different take on this matter from Greg Ayres, at a panel he did at AnimeIowa. He theorized that Adult Swim puts down anime so much because anime doesn't generate a profit like the original [as] shows like Robot Chicken. Their original shows make money from DVD sales and merchandise sales, but anime turns little to no profit for them since DVD sales are so low and so much anime merchandise is owned by other companies. I don't know if that's necessarily what's going on, but it seems plausible. *shrug*

It's more that Adult Swim doesn't get anything from anime since they don't make any money from DVD sales and of course they don't get anything from merchandise either. The only thing AS gets is money from ad-revenue which apparently for anime is low. I get what Brian is saying about Adult Swim's attitude towards anime, but I don't buy it. The reason that ratings bombs like Moribito and so many other anime that shared the same fate still finished out their series run is contracts, contracts, contracts. AS signed a contract agreeing to show these shows in their entirety, so that's what they have to do, even if it takes 3 years for them to do so. I guarantee you probably won't seen any Moribito syndication after they've fulfilled their contract and shown the whole series.

The contractual obligations are strongly hinted at with the decision to put Code Geass and Moribito premieres on at 4 AM. That smacks of, "We have to show it, but we don't want to." We're seeing very few new shows because the ratings are bad, but they're holding onto some simply because I think they're afraid of totally losing those viewers. The general vibe I get from the boards over there is that a lot of the anime viewers are still watching and also tuning in for the comedy shows, but if they lose everything then they're totally done with AS. The numbers might not be huge, but they're definitely dedicated. Also, with Moribito, if it really has been bombing hard, then they would have dropped it when they got stopped at episode 10. The delay would have given them the perfect excuse to just not continue. It's possible that the ratings for Saturday in general just aren't so hot no matter what and that has become accepted (most channels seem to have times where their programming suggests this) but normally if a network has a stinker on their hands they get rid of it ASAP and don't just let the show continue.

I will also add that it is sad for me because I am yet another one of the people here who really got into Anime because CN and AS had it on frequently.
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Joined: 20 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:08 am Reply with quote
kakoishii wrote:
The only thing AS gets is money from ad-revenue which apparently for anime is low.

Sounds like, if it's just too small a market for normal advertising revenue to make sense, maybe the system as a whole needs to change.

Instead of channels like AS buying shows in the hopes of ad revenue, the people who do own the DVD/merchandise rights and who'll make money off that could pay AS (or other channels) to air it, i.e. they'd sponsor their own show, maybe put it in the same (relatively) inexpensive middle-of-the-night timeslots as infomericals, and just advertise their own products (DVDs, soundtracks, books, whatever) during the breaks, basically use TV as a promotion to sell the DVDs and related stuff.
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Joined: 13 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 2:15 am Reply with quote
Gurren Lagann was only released without a dub first because Bandai was trying to placate the fans who were already tired of waiting for ADV's dub release that never happened and were eager to own the series on DVD in any format. It was only a temporary measure while they were working on the new dub. Gurren Lagann's genre might be niche, but the title itself doesn't work as an example in this instance because there were plans to dub it from the beginning, and it even ended up having two separate dub casts.
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Joined: 18 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 4:16 am Reply with quote
I think AS themselves are anime fanboys, and just air shows they like. That's why they air shows like Moribito and Blood+ and Trinity Blood that are nothing like their usual ratings grabbers like Bleach(and their comedies). Plus the bit another user said about the Anime fanbase being small but dedicated and constant.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 6:26 am Reply with quote
How on earth can "Tom is nothing if not a dude" recommend Sky Girls to a wide American audience? Not only is it REALLY BAD, but it's girls who, at least appear, underage wearing skimpy, revealing outfits. Past series have proved most people don't agree with this.[/u]
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