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Forum - View topicANNCast - Weeaboo Weekend
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![]() Posts: 8512 Location: Penguinopolis |
I've always run into the opposite of Japanophiles, the folks who overcompensate for their love of anime by attacking all aspects of Japanese culture in ridiculously over-the-top fashion. Like, they like anime, but don't want to be seen as "weeaboos". I mean, come on. Stop qualifying your hobby with, "But I'm not one of THOSE types."
In other words, /a/ posters. And if you didn't know, they think ANN is weeaboo. I never saw Japan as "superior" or "pure", just a country I had interest in learning about. Though I do use honoriffics with one of my friends, mostly ironically, since I used to use it geniunely and now find it funny I was once so lame. To be honest, I don't even have enough interest to go to Japan, and it even annoys me when people will refer to manga artists as "-sensei". Akira Toriyama is not your f'ing sensei. He's a guy who draws shonen manga. You liked Rumbling Hearts? That might be one of the worst anime I've ever seen. The art looks terrible, the animation is poor, the characters are unlikeable, and the melodrama is painful. The highlight of the entire show was a high school girl with the personality of a seven year old getting hit by a car. If it had ended there, I would have cried tears of joy. Last edited by penguintruth on Fri Sep 11, 2009 3:49 am; edited 1 time in total |
Posts: 13 |
Just a tip a really good program for fixing your levels. Check out Levelator. Its free
Output your show in wav and drag in drop into levelator. I've had problems when I've bumped the mic or turned up the music volume a tad to loud on the mixer and levelator has saved my bacon. Just a tip happy podcasting I enjoyed the marketing segment as I only started watching anime in 2006 so I missed the "bubble" days! |
![]() Posts: 593 |
Wait, so what is the Rumiko Takahashi hand movement? Is it the salute-ish motion? I demand photos!
I get the frustration with people who dispense with everything of their own culture - part of that is a normal part of those shaky teenage years - they latch onto something - but as penguintruth said, I've noticed more people who are so afraid of being associated with "that guy" that it's like they squash it down and take their oppressed anger to 4-chan to beat up on others who are openly expressing what they feel. I wish people would just leave these people be, let them get experience and grow out of this stuff naturally - I was a total japanophile in middle school - before the internet became the rambling hate machine it is today - and then I got to go to Japan. Of course, like Justin says, it was nothing like what I expected, but I got to have a great time, meet people I might not have otherwise interacted with, get a taste of my own independence, and foster a love and curiosity for other cultures, not just the one that "spawned my beloved anime". Barring that sappiness, I guess I could always commission another Chris Crocker video. |
The Count
![]() Posts: 303 Location: Milwaukee,WI |
![]() Posts: 167 |
No kidding. While I'm fine with critiquing people who go overboard on their "Anime good, cartoons bad" tirades (even if they'll likely fade), I'm sick of the "don't be that guy" neurosis. Own up to your tastes and hobbies, and don't apologize for other people to make yourself look better. Anyway, I came into anime and an interest in Japan backwards. Family friends had a foreign-exchange student from Japan when I was young, and she came to talk to our pre-school and Kindergarten about her country. Since she kept in touch with the family (and came back to visit years later), I heard even more about where she lived. In elementary school we did a month of Social Studies and history on Japan -- it was to coincide with anniversary of the end of WWII. It'd be fun to visit someday, but I seriously doubt my exposure to Ranma or Higurashi are going to prepare me a lot. And any story about being embarrassed or doing stupid things that starts with "When I was in Middle School" is automatically forgiven in my opinion. Most every one I know wants to find a way to forget those years. |
![]() Posts: 182 |
man, you guys talk about such old series.. (though i've only listened to the latest two, so i guess you could of covered recent stuff in earlier segments <.<)
i start it wanting to listen to you guys talk about the recent stuff, but you talk about stuff from the '90s and early '00s :\ as for "japanophiles".. Sakaki [azumanga] is to cute things, as i am to japan. kinda a disappointment to hear all that about Oblivion island.. figure i'll still check it out though. can't be any worse/more childish than Miyori no Mori, Brave Story or Tokyo Metro Explorers :\. and its interesting to hear that the backgrounds have a 4°C look to them. that just makes it sound awesome. as for documentaries, that one on the Animatrix dvd about the history of japan is pretty interesting. but a new one on modern/evolving anime fandom/culture would be pretty cool. i'd watch it |
Hunter Sopko
![]() Posts: 259 |
Aww. I was hoping for pog form. |
![]() Posts: 1937 Location: Vegas |
![]() I still got about 150 of the dbz ones in storage. Ahh the 90's. Or should I say Ahhghhh the 90's! Zac: Where did you find that miracle whip comercial? Is it an old VHS T.V. recording or something? I believe I've heard that before. That shit is one way to stop fat people from eating. Just keep a jar of miracle whip around. ![]() Last edited by Shadowrun20XX on Fri Sep 11, 2009 9:52 am; edited 1 time in total |
![]() Posts: 256 Location: Seven Seas |
Not sure if this has come up in past threads, but can an mp3 be made available of the original "ANNCast - Test Episode"?
![]() Posts: 1277 Location: Sniper Island, USA (It's in your heart!) |
I am really liking these podcasts. Their nice little thing to listen at work for an hour or so. (With earphones... you curse too much Zac...) Naw its good, I'm suppose to use earphones anyways.
ANYWAYS random thing: When I microwave Pizza Rolls, I eat them with chop sticks. But thats cause they are all soft and really hot. When I bake them, not so much. But I'm asian that's how I've always ate them after my mother got fed up with me making a mess and burning myself. That's probably the weirdest thing I eat with chopsticks. *edit*: Aw man Pogs!! Those we so totally awesome! Until your friend uses a smasher and ends up putting a real big dent in your pog and you still manage to win! *sniff* My favorite power ranger pog. *sniff*. Pogs! It's like gambling but with cardboard! Seriously I think we were spared a bit that anime wasn't as big or still growing back then. I could definitely see some kiind of anime tie in now a days. Thank god Yugioh didn't exist back then. But I agree with that at some point with new anime fans, you'll reach that point where you get to be a bit of a japanophile. Some are a bit extreme like those who declare Japan the greatest; to those who wish they kept the naming of the characters close to the original. *eyeballs Bleach US Manga* But most of us grow out of it. At least I like to think so... I see that moment of life as a bit of overload because one discovers something so different or sees so many different approaches to a medium they thought was only good for making sponges talk or weird funny stuff. Then all of sudden you actually see it used to tell a more normal story, or see how the freedom of the medium is used to tell a deep or expansive story with its own incredibly detailed world or more mature approach that you wouldn't normally get unless it was like a Ralph Bakshi film or cartoon adaption of a Tolken book. Personally that's what keeps me in the fandom. Although now a days I have to be careful not to burn myself out, I still feel the genre is still a diverse genre that still has the potential and ability to offer new things. The premises of the shows might being reused a bit much, but I definitely enjoy series that tell the story in their own ways. Lastly, although its not a documentary on anime fandom, I really enjoy the Starz Inside: Anime: Drawing a Revolution. It has a nice historical info on anime and its origins in the US and how its made an impact on the US and its growth. Unforunately it was made sometime around 2006 - 2008 when the industry was doing better so it definitely is a bit more optimistic about animes futures and the Speed Racer movie ![]() Last edited by TatsuGero23 on Fri Sep 11, 2009 11:54 am; edited 5 times in total |
Posts: 355 |
A bit one-sided on that harem discussion. What about reverse harems? I would've liked to have heard opinions about that, if only for consolation that my gender isn't alone in liking the genre (which I do). (I hope I'm not coming across as a dick either. ><)
![]() Posts: 535 Location: Houston, Texas |
Even as a girl and a huge Utena fan, I found the Touga and Saionji shirt to be a questionable piece of merchandise :/ I mean...lets not have Utena or Anthy looking cool on the front! Lets have two douche bags with flowy hair sandwiching Utena. Everyone will want to wear one in public! D:
anyway. Yeah, I think every newb has that "japanophile" phase. my family still thinks that way about me I think, because everytime we go shopping, they're like "hey! You'll like this! It came from Japan!" and just point to like, a box of pocky or something :/ but I went through my phase when I was about 10 or 11, when abunch of kids were paying attention to anime on TV (via Pokemon) so It wasn't quite as awkward, since everyone else was doing it. --- Also, I think everyone has that ONE harem anime they like, just because it was their first (mine being Ah My Goddess and Tenchi) and even though I see the glaring flaws in them, I can't bring myself to toss them aside. But the rest of them, I would have no problem throwing off a bridge. That goes for reverse harems too. |
Posts: 1906 |
For some reason I'm quite surprised to see the word "weeaboo" penetrate so much that it appears in a professional setting like this.
I was even there when it was created (in its current usage)! |
Posts: 6 |
where did you get those i mean , i only recall about 2 gens worth of DBZ disks - any online info you could link me to read up on those ? |
![]() Posts: 132 Location: The MPLS |
Tenchi got me into anime, and I've got the first OAV box. I also really liked Love Hina when it first came out and picked up all the DVDs. Yet I doubt I'll ever watch them again; I'm not ashamed of owning them, but my tastes have changed. Maybe I'll give them another shot.
I did recently rewatch Outlaw Star, one of the first series I bought, and it held up remarkably well. I still love that show, and obviously my taste from a decade ago wasn't completely terrible. |
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