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Joined: 22 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:44 am Reply with quote
for a second I thought the Lupin III game was a new release. There's no Extra Lives heading and I get confused easily, lol
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Joined: 02 Sep 2009
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 7:29 am Reply with quote
They won't see Yuffie, Edge, Shadow, or any other ninja, even though a fighting game should demand one.

Onion Knight. He turns into a ninja. And not everyone thinks side characters are oh so cool. Sure there's some memorable ones, but for the inaugural game in the Dissidia franchise, one that is meant to represent the 20th anniversary of the Final Fantasy franchise, doesn't it just make a little bit of sense to do it with the main characters and villains? It just seems like a week complaint to me.
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Joined: 06 Oct 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:39 am Reply with quote
Quina Quen deserves her (his?) own game.
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Joined: 18 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 8:59 am Reply with quote
I thought the fight system was deep in its own way. Kind of like Kingdom Hearts but with Smash Brother's attack commands. Not traditional like a fighting game but you definitely need to learn strategy and the details of your attacks. It's still more an action RPG to me then a fight game though. Only difference is more 1 on 1's. It really feels like an RPG if your gutsy enough to take on higher level characters then your current level. Attack speeds, range, possible defensive properties and varying battle styles need to be learned to level up characters. Cloud, Jett, Sephiroth and Tidus are your basic fighters who rush in and either pound away or dodge and create openings. But each excels in different fields. Terra, Cloud of Darkness, Ultimicia and Firion sit back from a distance but each do so differently. Cecil, Bartz and the Warrior of Light are more balanced (or limited depending on your POV) with attacks so attack knowledge and fight strategies are needed. And so on and so forth. Plus its fun leveling up this way. I kind of hope future RPGs from squarenix use this battle system. And yeah, I was hoping for some Edge or Shadow. *sigh... maybe they'll be DLCs.

And I like it when Disgaea games go PSP. You can then use the powersave feature of your PSP when you get tired but your crazy enough to try to get to the 100th floor of the item world in your item! I still don't get how console users do it.... without cheating. Rolling Eyes
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Joined: 19 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 9:17 am Reply with quote
What do you mean by cheating? All it takes to get to the 100th floor is lots of grinding. (Lots)
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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:03 am Reply with quote
Man what a cover. Though I'm more interested in an definitive artbook of George Kamitani's work. Yeah, that's a reference if I ever saw one. Again with the setting being 100% Japanese folklore.

La Pucelle makes a comeback. Well, you knew it was going to happen eventually. But I'm wondering when they're going to release 'Little Princess' and 'Angel's Present'. Those were the follow-ups to the series that I WANTED to play. But I don't know if NIS USA can be trusted anymore with localization. Because they've been seriously sucking. Take some lessons from Atlus. YOU HEAR ME NIS??? But good to see it getting another chance at life. Now the question is will they port it over?

Didn't expect to see a follow-up to 'Okami'. Should prove interesting.
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Joined: 24 Aug 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:12 am Reply with quote
From the title I was wondering if for some reason they made a Now and Then, Here and There game. Hmm.. I wonder if one ever got made where you control Shu to take down Hellywood.

Anyway, I loved the original Okami. It's one of my favorite games on the PS2, so I really hope the original creators/producers can get behind the sequel, even though I'll never play it due to not having a DS.
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Joined: 24 Jun 2004
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 10:14 am Reply with quote
I like the screencap of Tidus gtting hit by Squall. Reminds me of http://www.penny-arcade.com/comic/2009/8/26/ .
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John Casey

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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:44 am Reply with quote
The moment this column reaches the Dissidia Gamefaqs forum, this site will find itself with quite a few new members...and this thread in a shitstorm. Anime hyper
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 11:48 am Reply with quote
Definitely excited for Okamiden; at least the guy directing it had enough enthusiasm for the series to create a demo for the sole purpose of trying to get the title greenlit.

As for Dissidia, blegh. I have better things to do with my money than play a mediocre fighting game that's too obsessed with looking "sophisticated". I would say Sakaguchi is crying somewhere, but he probably has the common sense to just not care.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:26 pm Reply with quote
Tales of VS. will most likely turn out better than Dissidia (probably not, FF fans outnumber Tales fans like a virus) if it ever comes here for many RPGers. It's got a much more unique premise mixing all the worlds of Tales heroes together. And it has better character analysis.

I can say I don't give a rat's toosh about Dissidia. It is just another shameful excuse for Square to cash in on the hordes of fans, and since Crisis Core was soooooo amazing (sarcasm), telling everyone to skip Dissidia is fruitless. I won't play it though, Mana Khemia 2 has got my interest. Don't get me wrong, I love the FF series, but the magic died out for me some time after the otaku started worshipping every FF7-related game Nomura wouldn't stop spewing out every other month.
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:30 pm Reply with quote
The Dream of the Fisherman's Wife was recently shown in an episode of "Mad Men".
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Cain Highwind

Joined: 08 May 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 1:59 pm Reply with quote
AiddonValentine wrote:

As for Dissidia, blegh. I have better things to do with my money than play a mediocre fighting game that's too obsessed with looking "sophisticated". I would say Sakaguchi is crying somewhere, but he probably has the common sense to just not care.

I agree with this and the article. I do plan on getting a PSP to play it eventually. I still like the fact that the older Amano characters FINALLY get their due. It always bugged the hell out of me that characters from VII onward always took center stage in cameos and crossover games (Ehrgeiz, Chocobo Racing, Kingdom Hearts, Idataki Street Special). And the sad reality is people seem to relate more to Nomura's Anime style designs and 3D models than Unconventional Amano artwork and sprites.

I got the soundtrack mostly for the cool Amano artwork, but it's so mediocre. It has to be, by far, the most mediocre feature of the game. A game celebrating 20 years of FF and no Uematsu? Really? They couldn't even get Kenji Ito as his FF Arrangements for spinoff games have always been great to listen to.

And speaking of the character selection. The article here talks about how having just a sole hero and villain represent the first 10 FF games (and two bonus characters) despite being equal across the board of FF games, it seems rather lacking in diversity to the FF universe as a whole, at least as far as heroes go. Most of the heroes are sword wielders of some kind. Yeah Onion Knight is maybe a small nod to some of the job classes. But they all seem roughly the same to me with different variants of speed and power. Like the equivalent of playing a Capcom fighter with nothing but the shotos. Where are the monks, and summoners, and dragoons that can offer completely different playstyles?

And going back to the music, it's like the same thing. There's MORE to FF than just the battle themes. The most creative remix from the OST to me, is the FFI Dungeon theme used as a fighting theme. It's like they started out with an idea for the soundtrack but then just said "Screw it" and just tossed in Battle themes. They even REUSED original music for games VII and up like they just didn't want to try AT ALL. Seriously, the soundtrack is such a let down it pisses me off.
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Joined: 18 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:39 pm Reply with quote
Maybe a Dissidia sequel can use the B-stories in each game. I imagine Yuna/Seymour, Balthier/Dr. Cid, pairings like that. The non-lead characters have more variety, so we'd see a lot more different combat styles(like Yuna as Summoner and Balthier as a shooter). I can't say I'm familiar with every FF game, but don't most of them have B-hero/villains who can be paired up?
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Joined: 20 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Sep 02, 2009 2:47 pm Reply with quote
I'm really getting sick of the argument about Dissidia being a letdown because of a lack of support characters. This game is supposed to be a celebration of sorts for the Final Fantasy franchise of the last 20 years! Therefore, it makes perfect sense that the main hero and villan of each game take center stage considering that the games were based around them in the first place. Besides, there is another big reason why support characters can't be included in this game aside from their portraits appearing in relics and other accessories: memory capacity. SQUARE-ENIX had already pushed this game to its limit with everything they threw in there. Adding more characters would've caused considerable slowdown issues.

The review also mentioned something about characters people are unlikely to remember. Guess what? BLAME NINTENDO OF AMERICA!!! It's not OUR fault that the big N didn't do enough to promote their RPG line back then. It's also not our fault that Final Fantasy II & III got shafted for a NA release because Nintendo wanted to put more focus on the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. It's also not our fault that Final Fantasy V didn't get a release because of differences between Squaresoft and Nintendo! Let's also not forget that we believed that Final Fantasy IV was Final Fantasy II and Final Fantasy VI was Final Fantasy III! Then, when Final Fantasy VII came out, we had to endure being called a bunch of gullible retards by the hardcore fans for believing what Nintendo put us through!

Yes, the Final Fantasy games got their just due by Nintendo years later on GBA and DS, but the scars are still there for the people who aren't knowledgeable in true Final Fantasy lore. So, it's not fair to say that the characters are unlikely to be remembered when Nintendo's corporate policies were to blame.
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