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REVIEW: Princess Princess DVD Complete Collection

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Joined: 21 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:12 am Reply with quote
Man. This anime was really..dull. I was expecting more comedy out of it, but it was just really lame. I remember watching it at the same time as Gakuen Heaven (which was horribly cheesy and lame), and of the two, GH was at least entertaining :/ Princess Princess is a BL situational comedy without the BL and without the comedy. It just lacks something. Not to mention the blinding pastels :/
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Joined: 14 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:24 am Reply with quote
Nothing really to disagree with about the review, but...
After such a scathing review, citing just one minor positive, overall a C-?
Slightly below average?

Do not be afraid to give D's or even F's.

I caught it on Netflix, and looking back into my memory I find little to like as well (though at the time being new to anime, I did think some of the sarcastic comments and observations by the main character were good, the whole situation was really absurd though).

If I can pick up a series for under $1 per episode for a physical disc, I will usually take a chance on it. Get it down to 50 cents an episode, and I still might not buy this series.

(Disclaimer, I think I rated this 3 on netflix, and 6 here, but that was many series ago, might be a time to redo some ratings)
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Joined: 05 Sep 2006
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 12:59 am Reply with quote
Heh. And here I actually liked this series. I found it charming and I feel in love with the characters.

Oh well. Cant please everyone.
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Joined: 23 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:13 am Reply with quote
I'm with Eruanna on this one.

I was just rewatching the series this week, and I find it to be an entertaining farcical comedy that has likeable characters and doesn't take itself too seriously.
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Joined: 05 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:16 am Reply with quote
Wow, I don't remember this series being this awful, but then again it's been a few years since I saw it (and I'm not willing to rewatch it). I do remember being sort of puzzled with its lack of BL, despite what I was (mistakenly) expecting. Oh well, no matter how bad the anime is, it can't be worse than the live action drama they made based on the same story, although that was so weird and amateurishly-done that it's actually kinda perversely charming (at least that's what I kept telling myself since, in the end, I watched all 12 episodes. Hmm...).
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Joined: 13 Jun 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:01 am Reply with quote
Half arsed show meets Half arsed Media Blasters to make Half arsed release.

Makes for sence.
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Joined: 17 Feb 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 3:44 am Reply with quote
Looking at the Anime with the expectation that it will be realistic will, of course, garner such a staunch criticism. I don't know what the creator intended the story to be, but It sure is not realistic.
But had the story been viewed in the Decadent perspective, rather than the Realist perspective (which I find passe), one would find that it is desirable. The problem with realists is that they want Literature to be like reality. Imagine then, if the decadent perspective, which wants reality to be like Literature, got its way with Princess Princess.
yeah, the story is unrealistic to say the least. But that's a loss for reality, not the title.
Oh, and humor is subjective in terms of culture and individual experiences, so one person might find it completely shallow while another might find it brilliant. I, for one, found it moderately entertaining.
But hey, it was made to give images of cross-dressing, and it sure did cover its quota, didn't it?
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Joined: 23 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:51 am Reply with quote
Oh man, this brings back so many memories for me. We watched an episode of this anime at our anime club's "Craptacular" - an end of the semester showcase for bad anime that we sit and made fun of. Good times, and that's about the extent of the show's entertainment value. I'm incredibly surprised this ever made it to domestic release at all.

This review is more than fair to the series, I probably would have been way more harsh Smile
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Joined: 14 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 8:22 am Reply with quote
I KNOW it's bad, and I agree with all the points in the review... >.< But I have to admit, I kind of enjoyed what I saw of it... haven't actually finished it, though...
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Joined: 20 May 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 11:44 am Reply with quote
I was gonna look for this soon - not sure I'll bother.... Dropped down my priority list a lot now
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Joined: 11 Nov 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 1:08 pm Reply with quote
Ugh, I barely made it through the first episode, and that was with multiple headshakes and WTFs. Sad that shows of this caliber make it to North America.
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Joined: 11 Mar 2007
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 2:57 pm Reply with quote
Funny, I meant to check out this show since my yaoi-obsessed friend is such a big fan of it (I'm a yaoi fan myself, but not a yaoi fangirl, if you get what I mean.) But now I'm thinking not so much. I knew she liked bad anime, but... Well, maybe I should recommend Sukishou to her, after all. Laughing
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Joined: 30 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:35 pm Reply with quote
Hm, and here I was thinking of checking it out. But considering how horrified I was by disk five of Black Cat (with the "big battle" being composed almost entirely of dialogue over stills), I might not be able to stomach its slow pace.

The one thing that interested me about this title was the lack of BL. Despite the dissapointment others seem to have with this, I was intrigued by a show that had such an obvious BL set-up, but managed to show that crossdressers are, surprise!, not always gay. Considering Japan pretty much says gay=funny crossdresser, that's really something...
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Joined: 08 Apr 2008
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 5:49 pm Reply with quote
Gewürtztraminer wrote:
Nothing really to disagree with about the review, but...
After such a scathing review, citing just one minor positive, overall a C-?
Slightly below average?

Do not be afraid to give D's or even F's.

I caught it on Netflix, and looking back into my memory I find little to like as well (though at the time being new to anime, I did think some of the sarcastic comments and observations by the main character were good, the whole situation was really absurd though).

If I can pick up a series for under $1 per episode for a physical disc, I will usually take a chance on it. Get it down to 50 cents an episode, and I still might not buy this series.

(Disclaimer, I think I rated this 3 on netflix, and 6 here, but that was many series ago, might be a time to redo some ratings)

Heh, I was thinking the same thing. If this show is a -C, what in the world would Casey rate a D or lower? Confused
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Joined: 03 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Jan 15, 2009 6:27 pm Reply with quote
The only successful cross-gender interactions are between men and men dressed up as idealized women! Needless to say, this animated television series is as phony as the gender relations it depicts.

Actually, I have heard the argument who better understands the equipment than those who possess it themselves? Thus I have seen the argument guys do know how to pleasure guys better than gals do. God knows most gals I've spoken with have more than a few inept dude-in-the-sack stories. I can't say how many times the guy in my life "missed it"

Would you really want to attend an all-boys' school where first-years cursed with unusual physical attractiveness are forced to dress up as cute girls called Princesses in order to “inspire” their classmates?

Would YOU pretend to be a boy & sign up to go to an all-boys' school to be close to the High Jumper you happened to see on TV? It's part of the "situation" of Hana Kimi's comedy.
Would you allow a guy to blackmail you into being his girlfriend because he saw the home pregnancy kit you were taking to your sister? Again, situation.

A bunch of springs that turn fallees into whatever drowned in them last.
Giant Robots. Alchemists. Demons.
These are NOT REAL. These are all part of the set up for various stories. You can either buy into it (suspend your disbelief that there are creatures called Hobbits, say), or sit there & say there are no Wizards, Harry Potter is stupid, etc.

Crossdressing IS real. I really can't see all the hate. Gender Bender is a popular enough form of entertainment, is it not? I know there's one down the street--people pay good money to see men dress up as women all the time. If it freaks you out so much, by all means avoid it, but understand the author herself is the first to say Princess Princess isn't yaoi.

There is no English-language dub, so viewers who do not understand Japanese will be obliged to watch it subbed and suffer through to the seiyuus' mediocre performances.

Jun Fukuyama as Tooru Kouno
Romi Paku as Yuujirou Shihoudani
Souichiro Hoshi as Akira Sakamoto

Yep, they really cast some horrible VA's on this title, didn't they? Romi Paku is usually pretty good. I can't think of any times Souichiro Housi has disappointed me. Jun Fukuyama has a fair-sized following now, I believe. It's not like the source material is all that much of a stretch. This is Oscar-calibur material--just a fun little situation comedy. In fact, if you notice, most of the BL fans are quite familiar with the VA's that do BL/harem titles (& this is probably more a harem like Kyo Kara Maoh) & they would most likely recognize Mr Hoshi as Ran/Sukisho, Kazuki/GetBackers, Son Goku/Saiyuki, & Eisen/Haruka & Mr. Fukuyama as Lelouch/Code Geass, Keita/Gakuen Heaven & Yayou/Loveless.
Among other titles. Trust me. BL fans seem very aware of who the various VA's are & probably wouldn't bother with a dub considering dubs like Descendants of Darkness.

1)-Blow $10 on Vol 1 of the manga. If you don't like that, you are not going to like the anime.

2)- this artist uses 2 names & Tsuda is her shojo name, NOT her yaoi name so no, this is not BL. This is that near/tease/slash stuff we see in shojo mags. Lots of hot guys, but the anti-yaoi throngs can easily point out (as they have with this one many, many times) that it isn't BL because no male is shown to be in a relationship with another guy.

I remember the poor guy at the hamburger joint I worked at who had to wear the mascot outfit (youngest employee-no power) At least these boys get certain perks out of playing school mascots.

Interesting thing about the title is the main cast is largely recycles from prior stories. Makoto (the least willing) is the boyfriend of the gender-changed heroine of Day of Revolution (she made an appearance in this one, remember?). Akira was the normal-looking member of the family of beautiful people in his title. His older brother has one of those brother crushes we see in dozens of orther titles (Saint Seiya. CardCaptor Sakura. Here is Greenwood. Etc. Etc. Etc.)

Is it life-changing?
Frankly, I don't think I've ever read a life-changing manga or seen a life-changing anime. Sorry.
It's fun. That's all it's meant to be. Situation comedy. Let's put a boy in the house with 2 girls by claiming he's gay just to fool the landlord. 2 guys cross-dress to find a place to live in a girl's dorm.
Do I need to list the number of actors we've seen cross-dressing in tv & movies?

I don't see what the problem was with this title. I enjoyed it as the eye-candy it is. I was far less bored than watching Yumeria. The fan-service wasn't excessive (when we have to have a panty shot in a life-or-death scene such as happened in Chrono Crusade, I feel they've gone too far.)

Which, in itself, would not have been so bad were the still images in question actually attractive. But alas. Backgrounds are limp watercolor paintings of buildings that look like they were recycled from Sailor Moon, and character designs are suitably bishounen but unsuitably short on richness of detail. Even their many supposedly intricate costumes border on minimalist. (Do not be deceived by the art adorning the outside of the box set. If all you are in the market for is eye candy, you might as well forgo opening the package.)

We get character designs by Atsuko Nakajima who has worked on GetBackers, You're Under Arrest, Ranma 1/2, & Trinity Blood. I love her art. I have her artbook so yeah, I'm pre-disposed to liking the look of this show, but I have to respectfully disagree with your hate of her drool-worthy boys. Yes, I actually recognized the art enough to check out the name since it did resemble GetBackers. My daughter didn't even need to be told because she recognized ti immediately.
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