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This Week in Games - Who Owns Sonic's Freedom Fighters?

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Joined: 26 Apr 2018
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 11:01 am Reply with quote
Sorry to break it up to you, but it's been said that Alex Hedgefox has been known to spreading some misleading things so... That document may be fake.
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Joined: 01 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 11:01 am Reply with quote
At the risk of sounding brusque, I think the best course of action is to move on.

Yep. The problem with bringing back the Freedom Fighters is that they're just the tip of the iceberg. There are literally hundreds of Sonic characters who came out of the same comics universe as the Freedom Fighters, some of which are great and many of which are embarrassing. The moment you bring back Princess Sally and friends, people will start asking when Sega will be bringing back such luminaries as Dulcy the Dragon, Sleuth Doggy Dog, and Locke, Knuckles' abusive father who microwaved him when he was a baby.

And those characters are mucked up with a whole different set of legal issues, because they might belong to Sega, or they might belong to Archie Comics, or they might belong to former Sonic writer Ken Penders, because Archie literally can't find the legal documents that say who owns those characters.

As much as I would love to see Sega bring back the Freedom Fighters so Sally can finally get gay married to the AI who lives in her phone (I'm only half-joking, those two actually have the best-written romance in the whole franchise) the can of worms it would open would probably be too much to bear.
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Joined: 26 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 11:07 am Reply with quote
One could make the case that the movies did well is because they specifically avoided the bloat of the latter Sonic franchise, keeping the focus on adding at most, one or two characters or concepts, and the Freedom Fighters represent everything they want to avoid, a lot of bloat.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 11:45 am Reply with quote
Tales of Graces Remaster came out this week.
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Nigel Planter

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 4:28 pm Reply with quote
Beatdigga wrote:
One could make the case that the movies did well is because they specifically avoided the bloat of the latter Sonic franchise, keeping the focus on adding at most, one or two characters or concepts, and the Freedom Fighters represent everything they want to avoid, a lot of bloat.

I never knew that the "Freedom Fighters" were a thing beyond the old short-lived Sonic cartoon. I guess there was comics that followed up after it was cancelled but how many people read those? Most people only know Sonic from the games. I don't think the old cartoon and comic characters matter much to people who only play the games who are the main audiences for the movie. Comic tie-ins for franchises always seem to be easily ignored
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Joined: 28 Dec 2023
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 4:58 pm Reply with quote
The policy goes on to explain that Square Enix reserves the right to refuse services or products to people who "engage in action [...] against one of our employees or partners that exceeds socially acceptable behavior",

I'd be curious to know how they plan to "refuse" a product to a customer. It sounds like an empty threat on their part unless they can tell a storefront to not sell you the next Dragon Quest game. And if they can do that then we're in a bigger corporate hellscape than I thought. Personally this just sounds like a class action suit waiting to happen to me if they actually follow through.

It doesn't sound like this is about people saying Dawntrail or Wuk Lamat is bad though. This sounds like it's actual actual threats and criminal acts not just saying a game, character, or actor sucks. All the sources I'm seeing are citing things like the guy who threatened to Kyoani Square-Enix's headquarters if they didn't refund him all his Square-Enix games and FF7R fans who threatened to kill Nomura and other staff members for not confirming their ship in Rebirth. I think that's what they mean by making unreasonable demands and not simply re-recording dialog. They actually did the latter in the 7.1 patch where they went back and re-recorded a number of Wuk Lamat's English lines due to how much criticism they got and how much of a meme they became in the NA community. So it seems they felt that was a reasonable request by fans.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 4:59 pm Reply with quote
Leave it to Nintendo to leave a bunch of rumor mill clout chasers sweating bullets before stealth-dropping the Switch 2 announcement in the morning. Nothing much to say other than I find the name really bland, mostly because a lot of people are clearly too stupid to take five minutes to look it up online. For the most part, we basically haven't learned anything new aside from it existing and...something going on with the new Joy-Cons literally drifting. As for people who are claiming there won't be a gimmick: Ha. HA. HA, if you haven't been paying attention the past twenty years, you are clearly a fool. Will definitely be tuning in on April 2.

As for rumor mills and leaks, I might find the information intriguing but the people who peddle in them are the absolute most insufferable, vain, and contemptible people to walk the Earth. Seriously, there has never been a leaker who didn't vanish up their own ass and suffocate on their farts. Pyoro, Midori, PH Brazil, NateTheHate, Jeff Grubb, take your pick, these people even outside of their clout chasing are the absolutel worst from not being able to handle criticism to even outright digital yellowface. And yet as long as they have their sources (which will eventually dry up) people will handwave away their rancidness which is why leak culture is a cesspool and has only gotten worse.

Anyway, I'm going to rewatch Castlevania: Nocturne to look for Easter eggs
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light turner

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 5:49 pm Reply with quote
Nekbone wrote:
All the sources I'm seeing are citing things like the guy who threatened to Kyoani Square-Enix's headquarters if they didn't refund him all his Square-Enix games and FF7R fans who threatened to kill Nomura and other staff members for not confirming their ship in Rebirth.

The part about unreasonable demands, apologies, and defamation are 100% about Jairus. Guy/girl (who knows at this point) who spent the better part of 4 years being a complete psychopath who roleplays as Jessie Rasberry to the point they used AI to replicate Jessie's English voice to say things in-character in regards to both Aerith and Tifa as well as their English voice actors. They also threatened to kill Kitase, Toriyanma, Hamagushi, Nomura, and Nojima if Jessie wasn't brought back and put into FF7 and they kill off Tifa. Got so crazy to the point some of them refused to discuss anything in English for a time out of fear for their safety.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 6:08 pm Reply with quote
The Freedom Fighters never appeared in any of the Sonic games

Outside of cameoing in Sonic Spinball?
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Top Gun

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PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 6:31 pm Reply with quote
As someone whose Sonic fandom only extended through the Genesis days, I've always been bemused by even most of the prominent extended cast, to say nothing of the more obscure characters. I don't think I ever saw any of SatAM as a kid, but I have some fond memories of the goofy afternoon syndicate series with the two bits from Sonic 2.
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 6:31 pm Reply with quote
I’ve got zero interest in Fortnite — heck, I’m opposed on principle to anything Epic does, on account of how they wrecked both Harmonix and Mediatonic — but if enough of you could play Fortnite Festival to convince PDP to make new third-party drum kits to go along with the guitars they released in 2024, my weekly Rock Band 4 sessions would be grateful.
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Joined: 09 Sep 2018
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 10:26 pm Reply with quote
Speaking of harrassement, Happy Elements had to update their policies so people arent allowed to discuss the lates Ensemble Stars event story, because they added a character to an existing unit and people are losing their minds.
Which is weird because this has been known for a while (the latest main story ended with the leader inviting the new character to join)
I found it really fun and exiting so it really bummed me out to see so much hate for no reason other than people don't like changes.
I also feel bad for the voice actor, it's probably not fun entering a franchise that's 10 years old and people hating it
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 17, 2025 10:27 pm Reply with quote
Wasn’t Harmonix complicit in helping kill the music rhythm genre a decade ago?
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ANN Reviewer

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PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 1:20 am Reply with quote
Wyvern wrote:
At the risk of sounding brusque, I think the best course of action is to move on.

Yep. The problem with bringing back the Freedom Fighters is that they're just the tip of the iceberg. There are literally hundreds of Sonic characters who came out of the same comics universe as the Freedom Fighters, some of which are great and many of which are embarrassing. The moment you bring back Princess Sally and friends, people will start asking when Sega will be bringing back such luminaries as Dulcy the Dragon, Sleuth Doggy Dog, and Locke, Knuckles' abusive father who microwaved him when he was a baby.

And those characters are mucked up with a whole different set of legal issues, because they might belong to Sega, or they might belong to Archie Comics, or they might belong to former Sonic writer Ken Penders, because Archie literally can't find the legal documents that say who owns those characters.

As much as I would love to see Sega bring back the Freedom Fighters so Sally can finally get gay married to the AI who lives in her phone (I'm only half-joking, those two actually have the best-written romance in the whole franchise) the can of worms it would open would probably be too much to bear.

And that's why Knuckles has spikes on his knuckles. Wokka-wokka~!

Yeah, the current writing crew for Sonic has a lot on their plate. No doubt a good part of Archie just torching the series and running was because they got tired of fending off Penders; two retcons and he was still hounding them. The only way to really get the guy off their back is just not using anything he was remotely involved with.

It really is a shame because I do agree, the Freedom Fighters had some great stores! I had heard a ton about Sally and NICOLE's relationship, and that's just the tip of the iceberg (like the wizard who decides to stop fighting and wait out Sonic's lifespan because Sonic is such an embodiment of chaos that he'd somehow trip up any other plan to stop him, or Robotnik showing the depths of his cruelty by sealing Snively in a capsule and sending a robotic copy to live out his life in public). I can see why folks would have wanted the IDW comic to just pick up where Archie left off! But that's just not in the plan. And it's a shame to get hung up on that, because the IDW books do a lot of other stuff that's equally as amazing (like Tangle and Whisper, or the whole "metal-virus" arc).

BadNewsBlues wrote:
The Freedom Fighters never appeared in any of the Sonic games

Outside of cameoing in Sonic Spinball?

I didn't know this one, and it's just cameo appearances anyway so it doesn't really affect matters in the long run.

Nekbone wrote:
The policy goes on to explain that Square Enix reserves the right to refuse services or products to people who "engage in action [...] against one of our employees or partners that exceeds socially acceptable behavior",

I'd be curious to know how they plan to "refuse" a product to a customer. It sounds like an empty threat on their part unless they can tell a storefront to not sell you the next Dragon Quest game. And if they can do that then we're in a bigger corporate hellscape than I thought. Personally this just sounds like a class action suit waiting to happen to me if they actually follow through.

They can ban your FF14 account. It's pretty simple, and they'd be well within your rights. Incorporating their anti-harassment policy into FF14's terms of service is a no-brainer, and if you're playing the game then you're at least on some level agreeing to the TOS--not to mention legally sound.

Blanchimont wrote:
Tales of Graces Remaster came out this week.

This one passed me by. I've heard a lot of people say great things about Graces, I'm definitely gonna keep an eye out on it.
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Azure Chrysanthemum

Joined: 23 Apr 2023
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 18, 2025 2:55 am Reply with quote
The harassment of Sena Bryer has been frankly horrific to witness and I'm really happy to see Square Enix standing behind her. From the chatter in the FFXIV community, they've been using behavior outside of game to permanently ban people who are doing these things, which is a bit of a new thing since usually they will only ban based on in-game performance (although not always, when ToS-violating mods were used for high profile content races and streamed on Twitch or uploaded that did get a few folks banned).
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