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This Week in Games - Fire Breath, Radioactive Breath, and Tales of Breath

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Joined: 17 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 10:05 am Reply with quote
I haven’t played Xenoblade Chronicles 3 yet, so I can’t really compare it, but the new Metaphor game has a lot of excellent side quests; some would say they’re just as good as the main game!

As a Fortnite player myself, I find some of the hate it gets to be unfounded. Not that there aren’t legitimate reasons, but a lot of people seemed to start hating it just because of how popular it became.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 10:15 am Reply with quote
On the one hand, I am not at all surprised at which Godzilla they used for Fortnite. On the other hand, I am still disappointed. I really liked the look for Minus One. Godzilla looked like a monster meant to inspire fear. But other than that, yeah, it's another brand collab, and the more times you dip into that well, the less special each one becomes.
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Joined: 15 Oct 2003
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 10:24 am Reply with quote
Ahh yes, the character quests in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 are great stuff for both the main party and the heroes plus all the game benefits you get out of them! The one I was really iffy on was spoiler[the quest for Sena who ended up being tertiary in her own side quest! The story itself is fine, but it fits more towards Ghondor's and Shania's than Sena's. Pretty much the best you can get out of Sena is if you're able to unlock Segiri which has quite a number of prerequisites.]
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 5:52 pm Reply with quote
CAPCOM has long since voiced interest in revitalizing some of their older franchises, but as any Lost Planet fan can tell you,

Guess Darkstalkers fans finally gave up.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 6:04 pm Reply with quote
Now I find myself deeply in the mood to replay through my favorite Breath of Fire game... only I can't remember which one it was. BoF3 or Bof4? Could be either one. Shame there's no go-to platform for either (and I'm a bit too afraid of seeing whether or not my Vita will still turn on to even try)... so I guess it's time to see how well the emulation's working.

Speaking of, I don't think I ever finished playing through the 5th Breath of Fire game. I kind of... lost interest in it. Maybe I should go back and give it another go, instead. ...Assuming my old PS3 still works.....

The Tales of... games have just a bit too much of that "chuuni" energy, I think.

Absolutely mind-boggling that you were able to write this sentence so soon after mentioning that you were unfamiliar with the recent games. It feels wrong, somehow, that you should be able to characterize the series as not just chuuni, but too chuuni without having played through Tales of Berseria -- the most chuuni game to ever chuuni it's way into being the chuuniest possible game to chuuni.

This is like accurately judging the size of a mountain range from a glimpse of the foothills. Very Happy

On the one hand, it's not really a Tales of... game if it doesn't wear its melodrama on its sleeve and feature a kickin' J-pop song as its intro (I'm particularly fond of Ring A Bell, from Vesperia).

I will forever be thankful to Tales of Zestiria for introducing me to Superfly... whose opening was, unfortunately, cut from the overseas release of the game. (Wanted to link to Superfly's wiki page -- here's that link, by the way: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superfly_(band) -- but you'll have to copy-and-paste it, because evidently the forum can't handle URLs with underscores, which is... odd. But here we are.)
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i got the shivers!

Joined: 30 Nov 2022
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 8:34 pm Reply with quote
I guess it's not surprising people forgot about Breath of Fire 6 already. Laughing My only reason for not wanting more Breath of Fire is I'm not sure modern Capcom would do it justice. I'm worried it'll go the Tales of Arise/Final Fantasy 16 route and try to aim for the Game of Thrones audience and also make it action game rather rather than an RPG because those are dead apparently despite games like Metaphor doing well. Which is also why I'm worried about the next numbered Dragon Quest game which is supposed to be following a similar path of being the more darker and edgier entry.

I'm not sure if Tales will ever fully recover without Hideo Baba working on them anymore. Those were some of my favorite RPGs of all time. It's a shame to see how much the series has suffered since he left. Never say never though. If you asked me over a year ago if we'd have gotten an amazing remake/remaster of Star Ocean: The Second Story I'd have said you were crazy and there's no way. Still hoping for that Blue Sphere remake using the same engine Laughing
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Joined: 24 May 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 10:45 pm Reply with quote
Fluwm wrote:

I will forever be thankful to Tales of Zestiria for introducing me to Superfly... whose opening was, unfortunately, cut from the overseas release of the game. (Wanted to link to Superfly's wiki page -- here's that link, by the way: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Superfly_(band) -- but you'll have to copy-and-paste it, because evidently the forum can't handle URLs with underscores, which is... odd. But here we are.)

Not cut just instrumental like Karma was on Abyss.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Dec 06, 2024 11:26 pm Reply with quote
Fluwm wrote:
(and I'm a bit too afraid of seeing whether or not my Vita will still turn on to even try)...

Unless you’ve been habitually dropping it for or willfully damaging it or there’s some sort of design flaw/defect that randomly decides to rear its ugly head it should still work.

Mine’s still does most frighteningly it’s worked having been left on for days even months in sleep mode more than once.

Sure it occasionally needs to have it’s clock reset and menu fixed due to a DIY years earlier that was meant to fix a charging issue that also lead to me bricking it’s memory card and wiping out all the save data on it. And I’ve recently discovered the start button is acting up.

But otherwise Little bastard is still hanging tough all the years on.m

i got the shivers! wrote:
I guess it's not surprising people forgot about Breath of Fire 6 already. Laughing My only reason for not wanting more Breath of Fire is I'm not sure modern Capcom would do it justice.

Dragon Quarter didn’t exactly do it justice either hence why the series was dormant up until then.
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Joined: 17 Jan 2022
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 1:36 am Reply with quote
We also had mobile Tales of... games, such as Tales of Crestoria and Tales of Luminaria, but both of those shuttered in 2022.

Crying or Very sad I played both of these games till their EOS. Then their was Tales of Link that ended in 2018 and Tales of the Rays (I played this one as well) whose Global and Japan servers closed in 2018 and 2024 respectively.

I'm not sure I have any strong feelings about Godzilla being in Fortnite; it feels like one more license for the pop culture pile. There's been a lot of ink spilled about how all of these crossovers have watered media down, and I think I'm firmly in that camp. Not that there's some deep, thematic purity that's ruined by Freakazoid making an appearance on Teen Titans or whatever, but it's all pretty obvious that this is all done for the sake of expanding a portfolio. Sure, you can still get some good stories out of it (the Transformers crossovers with The Real Ghostbusters or the Ninja Turtles/Batman OVA were fun), but more of it seems to be along the lines of Droogs in the backgrounds of more Space Jam 2's. Far be it for me to deny mangaka their bag of money (especially if it nets us genuinely neat crossovers like the Naruto/Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle comic or the Ultraman/Spider-man comic, Along Came A Spider), but that means everything has been Funko Pop'd. No time to think about what it means for Godzilla to stomp around Tilted Towers, folks need their action figures smashed together (even if everything else is smashing action figures together).

Yeah I don't have any particular strong feelings towards Godzilla inclusion in Fortnite neither, it just the inevitable crossover into the Ready Player One-esque world that Fortnite has become. I mostly tike crossovers that makes sense like Straight Outta Nowhere: Scooby-Doo! Meets Courage the Cowardly Dog (It was okay IMO, but at least I got to see my favourite pink dog after a long time), the Marvel/DC crossovers in the comics, that one time Invincible crossed over into Spider-Man's world in the comics (which sadly couldn't be replicated one to one in the animated show due to the character rights being split between Sony and Disney, so they had to make their own spoofs as stand-ins).
I was not a fan of all the cameos in Space Jam : A New Legacy, they served one purpose: to be an ad for HBO Max (it is by far the most blatant and excessive case of product placements I have ever seen in a film). And as for Funko Pops, it's a mixed bag for me - I feel both a sense of grimness (they all look samey, no to little variations in poses, black soulless eyes) and a sense of amusement (if your character gets Funko Pop'd, you have hit the big leagues Laughing ). My elder brother likes collecting them and he even gifted me two of them......looks over to Funko Pop Meowth and Dobby...... gets up from my chair and turns their boxes around....even though he knows I'm not a fan of them Rolling Eyes and that I prefer anime figurines that have different poses to them, damn it!

i got the shivers! wrote:
I guess it's not surprising people forgot about Breath of Fire 6 already. Laughing

Considering it was a Japan only, free to play game that barely lastly over a year after it's release, it makes complete sense that people forgot about it Laughing
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Joined: 07 Jan 2024
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 5:29 am Reply with quote
BadNewsBlues wrote:
Dragon Quarter didn’t exactly do it justice either hence why the series was dormant up until then.

I'm not sure if you're implying Dragon Quarter was 6 or not but it was the 5th game. 6 was the mobile game that only released in Japan after many long years and people were disappointed by.

Dragon Quarter was odd. I liked the premise and the idea of a limited resource/time based RPG is interesting but I can easily see why people would not like it. The only other RPG like it I can think of is Natural Doctrine where MP was a finite resource and that also had a mixed reception.
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An Unchosen One

Joined: 07 Dec 2024
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 9:26 am Reply with quote
i got the shivers! wrote:
I'm not sure if Tales will ever fully recover without Hideo Baba working on them anymore. Those were some of my favorite RPGs of all time. It's a shame to see how much the series has suffered since he left.

That's a funny thing to say when the series suffered after he became producer; both Xillia games were rushed to point of being incomplete, and Zestiria was half the game it could have been because he forced the dev team to change who the heroine was without also delaying it. If anything, Berseria was a sign that the series would recover because of his departure, though who it's hard to say how things will ultimately go under Tomizawa.
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 4:26 pm Reply with quote
malvarez1 wrote:

As a Fortnite player myself, I find some of the hate it gets to be unfounded. Not that there aren’t legitimate reasons, but a lot of people seemed to start hating it just because of how popular it became.

Fortnite is a fun game, I think there's something to be said about how there are so many "games" inside of Fortnite (moreso when they try to add in new mini-games for all of their crossovers). I think the biggest genuine issues are how much Fortnite has dominated the gaming space such that any game that releases is competing with it.

darkchibi07 wrote:
Ahh yes, the character quests in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 are great stuff for both the main party and the heroes plus all the game benefits you get out of them! The one I was really iffy on was spoiler[the quest for Sena who ended up being tertiary in her own side quest! The story itself is fine, but it fits more towards Ghondor's and Shania's than Sena's. Pretty much the best you can get out of Sena is if you're able to unlock Segiri which has quite a number of prerequisites.]

spoiler[Yeah, after finishing Sena's quest I was a bit surprised to see the notification for her class pop up because the whole thing really did feel like Ghondor's quest more than anything Laughing But I still really love the character stuff they do with those quests; on paper, a quest about Triton mourning an old friend shouldn't be that engaging, but the execution stuck with me. I also like how so many of those side-quests touch on major story plot-threads--like Taion's sub-quest having Eunie bring up the time she found her remains from a previous life and they start questioning what they might have been like in their past lives. I think it's fair to say that XB3 doesn't quite succeed at all of the many themes it tries to juggle, but the character writing is just superb.]
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Dec 07, 2024 6:59 pm Reply with quote
Doubleclouder wrote:

I'm not sure if you're implying Dragon Quarter was 6 or not but it was the 5th game. 6 was the mobile game that only released in Japan after many long years and people were disappointed by.

Yes I know of DQ being the 5th game and the mobile game being the 6th hence my prior point of Capcom doing noting major with the series in between those two games. Because DQ’s quirky elements chasing fans away.
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Joined: 23 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2024 11:18 am Reply with quote
FinalVentCard wrote:
The day this goes live will actually be my 35th birthday.

Kudos for making it through another year.
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Joined: 24 May 2012
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PostPosted: Sun Dec 08, 2024 9:01 pm Reply with quote
An Unchosen One wrote:
i got the shivers! wrote:
I'm not sure if Tales will ever fully recover without Hideo Baba working on them anymore. Those were some of my favorite RPGs of all time. It's a shame to see how much the series has suffered since he left.

That's a funny thing to say when the series suffered after he became producer; both Xillia games were rushed to point of being incomplete, and Zestiria was half the game it could have been because he forced the dev team to change who the heroine was without also delaying it. If anything, Berseria was a sign that the series would recover because of his departure, though who it's hard to say how things will ultimately go under Tomizawa.

the games were the bestselling dude get over your hate mode also the zestiria lies are just 4chan shit nothing more
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