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This Week in Games - Is There More 2D Zelda on the Horizon?

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Joined: 22 Oct 2023
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2024 3:00 pm Reply with quote
I didn't like the non-traditional gameplay of Echoes of Wisdom, but more 2D Zelda is always a good thing since Link to the Past and Link's Awakening are my favorite. I hope we return to sprite-based or 2D artstyles too.
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Joined: 23 May 2018
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2024 3:00 pm Reply with quote
but they also surprised the world with Echoes of Wisdom: a 2D top-down Zelda that used the art style of the Link to the Past remake
Small correction but I think you mean the Link's Awakening remake?

I wished there was a a favorite selection for echoes but other than that being able to play as Zelda in a 2D Zelda was a Bingo card selection I can finally Stamp off my wishlist for the series. Just need the Tingle spin-off to be released in the US and Boom, BINGO!
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Joined: 23 Dec 2005
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 15, 2024 4:09 pm Reply with quote
I had a sneezing fit just now for some reason.... aaanyways, that Eternal Palace Sakura game is setting off "asset flip" alarm bells in my head. Back in the day, Mitsurugi Kamui Hikae was a bit more acceptable as a novelty game since it vibes like a discount Onechanbara (which in itself isn't the most bombastic FF7R-levels of gameplay and presentation), but with the advent of Unity allowing for all manner of small developers being allowed to stretch thin the definitions of "video game" and "replayability" over the last 5 to 10 years, I think I'm going to be steering clear given what that damage font looks like, among other red flags.

I'm pretty burnt out on both Pokemon and Zelda. I'm more interested in getting an actually-good Digimon game, or at bare minimum a re-release & fixing up of the original PS1 Digimon World and its 2003 sequel. I feel like I could play Ocarina and Majora 3D until the end of time, but with how massive Breath and Tears both are, I just don't think I have it in me to be excited for any further Zelda announcements for the next 5 years - I'm still working on finishing Breath of the Wild, and really it feels like it's the only game I'll ever need to play again of this size. I cant fathom they made a sequel to it with MORE in it.

Nintendo needs to release the original Gameboy Donkey Kong and the portable GBC DK Country series like ASAP onto the Nintendo Switch. I suspect they're holding them back to coincide with some movie or park promos, but all of those are infinitely more exciting games than that wet shart of an announcement that the Mario vs DK remake was a while back - I'm under the impression Nintendo released it and no one noticed.

Lastly, a weekly reminder that Wizardry Variants Daphne is working towards an eventual PC release, in the meanwhile it's a pretty legitimate modern take on the genre, especially if you played Wizardry: Forsaken Land back on the PS2 (a masterpiece btw). Don't be fooled by the fact that it is on phones. Additionally the excellent Wizardry: Five Ordeals which remakes a bunch of older Japanese Wizardry PC/PS2 scenarios is currently on discount for PC.

The bizarro "KonoSuba-simulator" not-Rune Factory game Elin: Eternal League Of Nefia also hit Early Access on PC and is already pretty excellent and showing great mod support right out of the gates. Very much worth the time if you ever watched Kazuma use his Steal skill on a pair of panties and wanted to replicate that in a game the size of Skyrim that plays like a high-quality D&D/Harvest Moon/Pokemon Mystery Dungeon game.
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Joined: 31 Aug 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2024 10:28 am Reply with quote
More Top-down Zelda would be great. I just hope it uses a different art style, not that ugly plastic look Nintendo has become obsessed with. Maybe try doing the look of the Mnish Cap, only in 3D. Go back and do another 2D game. Or even try something completely different.
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Dr. Wily

Joined: 09 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 16, 2024 3:09 pm Reply with quote
I would welcome more 2D Zeldas but what I really want a return to is more of a story in Zelda (which is what the 2D ones have offered more of). Like TOTK was great and I loved Zelda's whole backstory via the tear sidequest, but... well it's a sidequest, you might totally miss it if you don't bother with 100%-ing stuff. And when you beat the bosses in the areas you get 4 identical cutscenes, just with a different person standing beside you to go "What? Is this my ancestor?" before getting their power stone and giving you their annoying ghost power.

I get Aonuma not wanting to be as linear as prior 3D Zeldas, but I think it hurts the story as a whole. I know stuff like Zelda lore isn't high art or anything, but I think the pre-BOTW 3D Zeldas are better at telling a story than BOTW/TOTK.
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Joined: 17 Jan 2022
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 17, 2024 12:10 pm Reply with quote
More 2D Zelda games will always be appreciated! I have fond memories of Minish Cap and the 2 Zelda DS games : Phantom Hourglass and Spirit Tracks.

LinkTSwordmaster wrote:
Lastly, a weekly reminder that Wizardry Variants Daphne is working towards an eventual PC release, in the meanwhile it's a pretty legitimate modern take on the genre, especially if you played Wizardry: Forsaken Land back on the PS2 (a masterpiece btw). Don't be fooled by the fact that it is on phones.

Currently the devs have postponed some upcoming events and are prioritizing on fixing the base game, as a lot of issues have been encountered by players further into the game (they had to do an emergency maintenance earlier on) which is a really good thing that I hope is fixed before the eventual PC release. Also because of the emergency maintenance, they gave a high amount of compensation as an apology to all players, which did allow me to nab nearly all the available adventurers! Now only 6 adventurers remain for me to collect (before anymore new characters are added): Yekaterina, Gerard, Adam, Eckart, Elda and Emil.

On another note, Half Life 2 is available to claim for free to celebrate the game's 20th anniversary!
It is only available for free until November 18th 10 am Pacific Time

And on the Epic Games Store, Castlevania Anniversary Collection is also available to claim for free
Claim ends on 11/21/2024 at 9:30 PM
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Joined: 28 Dec 2023
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 18, 2024 2:41 am Reply with quote
Dr. Wily wrote:
I get Aonuma not wanting to be as linear as prior 3D Zeldas, but I think it hurts the story as a whole. I know stuff like Zelda lore isn't high art or anything, but I think the pre-BOTW 3D Zeldas are better at telling a story than BOTW/TOTK.

It's weird to me people would consider stuff like Ocarina of Time as 'linear' given it has a big world that opens up more and more as you obtain key items that let you traverse new areas and paths. I guess compared to the Ubisoft Towers BOTW/TOTK they're more linear but I still prefer the older 3D Zeldas over the newer stuff,
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