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REVIEW: One Piece: Movie No. 8 DVD

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Ktimene's Lover

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PostPosted: Mon Feb 18, 2008 11:52 am Reply with quote
Hey, I have hardly ever seen One Piece. but at least the Funimation dub on Toonami is not as edited as much as when it was done by 4Kids (that is, Toonami will edit/cut things out but it still lets be a "TV-PG" versus a "TV-Y7").
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Joined: 26 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 2:45 pm Reply with quote
As long as there are no water guns and lollipops,It's all good here.I can't wait for the day when(if ever) funimation gets around to releasing the boxsets like DBZ is getting now.I got a question,does anyone ever fill out those reply cards that come in the Funimation DVD's?I usually throw them away.
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Top Gun

Joined: 28 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 22, 2008 11:56 pm Reply with quote
You won't have to wait too long, since the first set will be released in May. At least according to the catalog listings, it seems as though Funi's starting with the beginning of the series, which is rather awesome.

If I had had the chance to see Alabasta before, I'd be all over this movie, just for the sake of supporting Funi. I'll definitely buy that first box set as soon as it comes out.
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Joined: 26 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 9:27 am Reply with quote
It truly is a movie clip show.One piece is such a huge adventure.It's like a 1000 hr RPG.You gain some exp being with the characters like you do.

I'll say it here,I can't stand dubbing(I'm a-hole purist,I know).I'm 211 episodes and 6 movies into the series,and very connected to the Japanese VA's.But I rather enjoyed the dubbing for this movie.The VA who did Vivi's voice was really good.I applaud FUNimation for keeping Zoro's name the same,not making excuses for Sanji's cigarettes and really even releasing this movie altogether.The broadcast showing (Funimation)is on the Skypea Arc.The Alabasta Arc was quite a few islands back.It's odd viewing order for anyone who never looked into the series before.

I do have a problem with the insert,in the Movie 8 DVD,for the game though.The ad was on ANN as well.I understand that you have to catch the viewers eye but now I've seen a few things i wish I hadn't seen.I'm a hardcore videogamer and the newest game is a guaranteed buy (I've got the two on PSX,the one on the Wonderswan,and the two horribly dubbed,powerstone type ones on PS2),but I don't want to see where One piece is currently in the story.I would rather get to that,when I get to it.Yes I'm very grateful that it's getting a quick release over here(if at all) but all these odd releases and revealing plot are becoming irritating.

Top Gun wrote:
If I had had the chance to see Alabasta before, I'd be all over this movie, just for the sake of supporting Funi. I'll definitely buy that first box set as soon as it comes out.

If they support One piece like they did with DBZ,I'll buy everything they sell.
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Top Gun

Joined: 28 Sep 2007
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PostPosted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 8:15 pm Reply with quote
Yeah, I heard someone who's current with the Japanese broadcasts mention that the insert was immensely spoilerific for a long ways past the movie. I'd imagine that's a case of the left hand (marketing) not knowing what the right hand (actual series production) is doing.

I feel like Funi most likely decided to go after and release movie 8 as a show of good faith and an advertisement for their future series releases to come. Getting any sort of fully uncut, uncensored, un-fooled-around-with (jeez, sounds like I'm selling orange juice here) One Piece out on the market helps to get fans excited about their work on the series and encourages them to shell out money for the actual series boxsets when the time comes. It may not be the best example of One Piece cinema out there, but as long as it does its job for Funi, that's all that really matters.
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PostPosted: Mon Feb 25, 2008 5:35 pm Reply with quote
The only complaint that I have with this release is that FUNi really messed up on the credits. I mean, they couldn't even capitalize names correctly. I'll still buy this one, but I expect that they won't mess up like this again.
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