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Posts: 2272 |
Shocked I’m saying this, but Guilty Gear won with the DLC. Heihachi is cool too, but grabbing an anime character only semi-related to a video game is crazy and super unexpected.
Posts: 516 |
Lucy from Cyberpunk was definitely not a character I had on my EVO predictions bingo card. I have to guess she fights with her wires, so...mid/long range screen control? I guess?
Also, this isn't the first we've heard of Fate: EXTRA Record. Its a remake of Fate:EXTRA on the PSP, and was originally announced in 2020 iirc. And went radio silent for 4 years, only popping up now to announce an upcoming announcement. I want to be excited for it, I like Fate in general and EXTRA specifically. But we'll see. Last edited by b-dragon on Fri Jul 26, 2024 9:31 am; edited 1 time in total |
![]() Posts: 68 |
No SAG-AFTRA shoutout?
Lord Geo
Posts: 2748 Location: North Brunswick, New Jersey |
As part of the base roster? Yes, it would suck, because SNK has generally been very focused on telling proper stories in its fighting games since the very beginning with Fatal Fury. Geese's death played a big factor in Mark of the Wolves (not just for Rock dealing with the sheer power he inherited from his father, but also Kain's entire M.O. as the boss), so seeing Geese added into the main roster of City of the Wolves would more or less ruin everything that MotW had established, & modern SNK has tried to maintain that focus on storytelling with its games. Even the idea of reviving characters in KOF XV, like for Ash, was mainly handled well. Now, "Nightmare Geese" (complete with a halo over Geese's head, ala Real Bout Special & 2) being added as DLC later down the line for the fun of it? Sure, I'd be down with that. Series like Street Fighter & Tekken have always been more loose in their lore, to begin with, so bringing back Bison & Heihachi (as absurd as those ideas are) isn't as shocking, but SNK just doesn't seem like the kind of company to just say "Screw the lore we've built up over the decades" when it comes to its fighting games, unless they just outright make games non-canon or treat them as their own unique universe, like they do for KOF. Meanwhile, a couple of clarifications & corrections. Mature & Vice's last appearances were in KOF XIV in 2016, not 2002 UM, though there (just as in KOF XIII) they were spirits that haunted Iori & could take physical form, while here in XV they've likely been fully revived following the end of XIV, like Ash was. As for Kevin Rian, apparently the most SNK has ever stated is that he & Blue Mary Ryan are distant relatives (probably the explain for the similar, not quite 100% exact same, last names), but nothing else, so I wouldn't really put much deep thought into that. Kevin was also apparently pretty infamous among hardcore MotW fans as he was especially strong in that game, to the point where it pissed off a lot of people. As for Art of Fighting being revived, I am interested and apparently SNK also stated that it would still take place in the late 70s/early 80s, like the original trilogy did. However, I'm most curious about how a modern AoF game would work, especially if the spirit gauge was still implemented like before, because most modern fighting game players tend to prefer much more offensive-based gameplay that don't restrict players as much as AoF could sometimes do. I just wonder how a modern FGC would respond to the idea that they'd have to deal with a spirit gauge that would weaken their special moves over time, & the like. Last edited by Lord Geo on Fri Jul 26, 2024 1:25 pm; edited 1 time in total |
ANN Reviewer
![]() Posts: 703 |
The SAG-AFTRA strike news came in after our deadline, sadly. The downside of a weekly column; we gotta cut off at some point, so last minute stuff like this might get lost in the shuffle (and be old news by the next column). I stand in solidarity with the striking VAs, though, and I hope their demands are met. We hate AI here at TWIG. |
Joe Mello
![]() Posts: 2357 Location: Online Terminal |
If I had a nickel for every streamer that was also the voice of Iono I'd have two nickels, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.
Nintendo choosing to vacate the Splatoon championship instead of something else is unsurprising if you follow college sports. I guess one could argue that just giving the runners up the win is unfair to the other teams because you don't know what would happen if Jackpot was removed from the start, but whatever. The point is that protecting speech from the government does not mean protecting speech from everyone else. Actions have consequences. Also if you think the new KR looks cheap, the Legendriver from Gotchard is literally a refurbished Decadriver. It's hilarious to see in person. |
![]() Posts: 2259 |
I don't know who wrote Azuma's KOF A New Beginning but such manga has a subplot of Verse reviving characters with the clone Kusanagi and his leader Igniz getting decaptiated by Kyo Kusanagi as a personal vendeta for using his genes to create an army. In the climax more characters are revived which felt like Endgame scene but there isn't too much of an ending or proper showoff since it focuses on Shunei vs Verse and whatever was Geese Howard doing around.
Geese also revived in Maximum Impact under the nickname Nightmare Geese (XIV gave him a zombie look) while Kyo's father Saisyu was revived in 95 out of pity cos the SNK staff ended up liking him. Then again, they barely used him in future games and his unique moves were instead given to Kyo like a variation of the Mushiki or different styles of projectiles. Then XV brought back Rugal who was killed by Kyo twice in the first games, Goentiz, who was incinerated by Kyo and Iori. For some reason, Vice and Mature (who were killed by Orochi Iori) were always playable since XII and XIII without much commentary other than the possibility of the two being specters. SNK sure loves reviving characters. The only characters lacking resurrections are the two Zeros from NESTS, Krizalid (K' other being) and Ash Crimson's ancestors. |
![]() Posts: 93 Location: Florida |
Regarding the Splatoon tournament vacating it's a bit disappointing but that's what happens when you decide to be a jerk, and they're learning the hard way that actions have consequences. That said I've read that not all members of Jackpot were guilty of this behavior, which if true stinks for the innocent one(s). I do agree that companies should be more careful in not doing stuff that will inevitably tick of their communities, but I also agree that community members need to behave themselves more & not flame or harass company members. Obviously we want companies to be transparent with us, but that can't happen if we verbally abuse & harass them when they do so.
This reminds me of the time Smogon had to retroactively declare no winner for a finished tournament (one with cash prizes) because it turned out Mazar, a member of the winning team, used a bot to spy on peoples matches, then build teams that perfectly countered his opponents (he wasn't the bot maker, he just used it very aggressively). He was later permabanned from the site for cheating. For those interested here's the video Freezai did on it: Last edited by Flash33 on Fri Jul 26, 2024 12:02 pm; edited 1 time in total |
![]() Posts: 585 Location: PA / USA |
The Zau news caught my attention because I hadn't heard about the layoffs until now - very unfortunate. They had the double-misfortune of launching during the same media cycle as a Prince of Persia game that had snappier combat and faster traversal in its trailers, and all while in the midst of an online idiot-flash mob having a resurgence. At the same time, I remember one of the big things that hooked Hades players back when the original launched was how much of a surprise the tight action-combat was in spite of a lot of players being insta-turned off by the prospect of "losing progress when you die" in its genre. General consensus seems to be that Zau dropped the ball in the action department, and that's kind of a cardinal sin in 2024 for a 2D action-platformer when Celeste and Metroid Dread set a pretty big standard for the genre - I personally know folks that specifically bought Prince of Persia for the name recognition and the good time they had coming off of Dread, & cant help wonder if Zau would have been their pick if timing had been better. The irony is, PoP Lost Crown is having another PC storefront launch in about 2 weeks and people are yelping about boycotting Ubisoft over their business practises. It will be interesting to see in the future, if people wind up returning to Zau and giving it more of a fair shot once the current social climate dies down since they seemed to have had a win with its story/narrative aspects.
Given what Crunchyroll has been up to lately and how notoriously litigious Nintendo is (and Sega when they're in a bad mood), I'm honestly shocked Nintendo hasn't dropped the ability to draw things in Splatoon 3 yet. There's some pretty big, scary bills that have been floating around for a while pertaining to companies being held responsible for the posts/custom content of their userbase, and I cant help but worry the entirety of the internet is going to be a barren wasteland in the future between that and Ai if more things go the way of Crunchyroll. EVO was really interesting this year - it somehow kind of turned into enough of a spectacle that it almost felt like more of a "fighting game E3" than it has in the past. The Granblue and Strive top finals were absolutely amazing to watch live, though by the time Tekken and SF6 rolled out, I was pretty okay to call it a night and thinking back on the weekend, the reveals and trailers weigh more in my mind than they have in previous years. EVO hit in the midst of all the computer systems going down and I was seeing tons of folks online saying they missed flights trying to get there.... Lily's match with Harada was fun - to my knowledge, she's actually legitimately been practising to get better and putting the time in, so seeing her get recognition for it and it not-being just some "hey kids, come see your favorite streamer!" sort of moment was pretty cool. Back when Tekken 5 DR hit PSP, Lili was finally the first character to make Tekken combat "click" for me, so seeing someone else find their footing three whole mainline games later with Lili gives me the warm-fuzzies. Strive definitely impressed. A week or two prior, I was talking here on ANN about the new anime character almost-certainly being in a new Rev2 or Season Pass, and sure enough there they are. I'm personally very interested in where they are taking Dizzy more, because ever since GG2 Overture, her trajectory through the series' story had a complete shift compared to the PS2 days. EVO definitely got me to reinstall Strive, I might get the new pass too if Dizzy and Lucy's movesets look good. Ah, also shoutout to the shadow-drop that SvC Chaos got. People are whining about the promotional art going flat, but it's the full untouched game and I hope it gets a lot of players since we really need these companies to pay attention to their older IPs and harder-to-find releases. |
![]() Posts: 96 |
I wonder if that SEGA lawsuit was about that Midori person who was allegedly blackmailing a Japanese SEGA employee for leaks while pretending to be a Japanese woman for some reason. Or it could have been another case of someone being upset about their bad gacha rolls so they cussed out the game devs. That one is not uncommon to see.
Companies seeking litigation seems more common in the East than in the west since there's not as many free speech laws here and it's easier to cross the line of legality. It is unfortunate that there's so much toxicity being directed at game developers and companies butunless they directly step over the legal line and open themselves up for litigation there's not much they can do. I'm not sure how I feel about this in general though. It was annoying seeing so much outrage over games like Palworld, Genshin Impact, and Stellar Blade this year and attacking the developers by accusing them of plagiarism, racism, or sexism. Statements like those seem like defamatory and should have grounds for legal action. But if a company just puts out a bad game then I don't think people should be punished for complaining about it or the practices. A lot of people use the law as a means to silence criticism as well. |
ANN Reviewer
![]() Posts: 703 |
Lily Pichu gets short thrift for her squeaky voice and her slight frame, but she's a grown-ass 32-year-old woman who's been playing games her whole life. (She's only two years younger than me!) It's definitely inspiring to see her knuckle down and actually go head-to-head with Harada. Just goes to show, you're never too old to try something new--if Lily can pick up Tekken, you can do whatever you put your mind to!
The original source for the story was a statement issued by Sega in Japanese; I'm gonna go on a limb and say it likely has nothing to do with Midori and was some other figure in Japan that was regularly harassing staff. |
Davy Sprocket
![]() Posts: 43 |
I find all card-based toku series tend to be cheap just by the nature of the cardboard. At least until the CSM comes out and the cards are actual plastic. But then if you want good quality toku roleplay items CSM is always the way to go since the DX toys are for kids and scaled down appropriately.
Lost Crown also get a lot of negative press and end up underperforming though. That's been a trend for a lot of Ubisoft titles. Skull and Bones didn't seem successful either. I never heard of Zau but sometimes games just don't appeal to a lot of people so they underperform. A lot of games seem to be in this boat these days. I did like the OG Prince of Persia. And even that PS2 Sands of Time was fun. Passed on Lost Crown since it didn't look that good and now I hear they're making another reboot. The western side of games doesn't seem to be in the best position right now. |
Trollhiti Tour Guide
![]() Posts: 17 |
Yeah the western side of Splatoon fanbase is so toxic and annoying. Japanese and Spanish speaking fanbase usually stay away from that. I think a simple option would be for Nintendo to just keep this stuff Japanese only. It's already annoying seeing people complain about stuff in Coroika and freak out on Japanese artists and players for drawing stuff they don't like.
ANN Reviewer
![]() Posts: 703 |
"Hey, Jiro Nintendo!" "Yeah, Ichiro Nintendo?" "You know what would be great? If we stopped hosting any and all in-person and online events for the American audience!" "Doesn't that completely leave out a massive chunk of our prospective audience in the cold, killing any community we've accumulated over the past nine years Splatoon has been on the market and killing any goodwill the greater American Nintendo fanbase might have accrued towards us?" "Yes! Isn't it great?!" Yeah, let's not do that. There is a line between fandoms having bad eggs and communities just being "like that", and the Splatoon community is nowhere near the likes of what the Smash Bros community is. And even if it was, Nintendo isn't going to smother a whole community in its crib when it's for a game series that's this successful and with this wide an audience--especially not when the more-positive parts of the fandom have done things like the Battle for BIPOC tourney we mentioned in the article. |
![]() Posts: 3166 Location: Wallington, NJ |
To me SvC Chaos won only because I have a bit of a weird history with that game and I finally get to (properly) play it after almost 20 years and for $20 which was a surprise since other games with third party IPs (JoJo's Bizarre Adventure HD ver, Marvel Vs. Capcom Fighting Collection) tend to cost a little more, even digitally.
As for Capcom, I was hoping for a release date for the Marvel Vs. Capcom Fighting Collection since I'm pretty sure the December date on some sites is a placeholder so the lack of one is disappointing.
The most hilarious is one guy who made a video solely blaming Capcom for it as if this was their published game like Capcom vs SNK 1 & 2 are. Anyway, Code Mystics is looking to make a patch to fix things, hopefully including infinite continues since they know about how much of a pain it has been to play with them being limited to 4. |
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