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The ANN Aftershow - What Anime Should You Watch Part 2 (Spring 2024)

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Joined: 19 Apr 2020
Posts: 195
PostPosted: Fri Apr 19, 2024 2:12 pm Reply with quote
This is off-topic to this week's ANN Aftershow but there've have been a couple of seasons or so now where I've been watching weekly discussions of 1 or 2 animes airing that season only for the final episode or episodes not to get discussed.

This season it was Solo Leveling. I know that the panel had pretty much lost interest in the show but after weeks of listening to their thoughts I would have liked to hear at least a couple of minutes of discussion of the final episode. Especially given that it ended with a turning point for Jin-Woo that I would have been interested to hear their thoughts on.

I've already read the webtoon so I knew what was coming but I thought that was a pretty good end point to pique people's interest and leave them hanging for what's coming next. Interestingly some of the anime onlies reactions and reviews that I've perused thought the final episode was underwhelming. Some even preferred the penultimate episode with the Igris fight. I suppose the final episode didn't deliver the same kind of hype with it's fights but I thought it delivered a fairly dramatic story twist that people would respond to. Some did but not as many as I thought and I'm talking about people who really liked the series.

When I read James review in the Preview Guide for the Grimm Variations like Jacki I disagreed with him about his assessment of the character of the step-sisters. Basically describing them as terrible people being abused by an even worse person.

I've slightly revised my position. When I first watched the episode I felt like it humanised the sisters and showed that they were flawed but not terrible human beings. I separated their early behaviour from when they were first introduced and behaving more like their natural selves from their later behaviour which was heavily influenced by Kiyoko's manipulations.

They were badly behaved early on but didn't come across as especially abusive. The only incident I think might have spoken to them possessing an abusive nature was when the one sister hit the maid they believed had stolen from them. Even so I believe there's a difference between lashing out at someone you believe wronged you and orchestrating a co-ordinated bullying campaign in the fashion that the sisters from the original fairy tale did.

In retrospect my position on the sisters was that we did not get to know them well enough before they fell under Kiyoko's sway to truly know what kind of human beings they were. Or for that matter who they would have become if they weren't trapped in that situation. Would they have matured into better people over time or progressively become more awful? I can't say.
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Joined: 02 Oct 2019
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PostPosted: Tue Apr 23, 2024 2:37 pm Reply with quote
Why is Yatagarasu not included in Daily Reviews? Was it because it premiered too late for the poll?
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