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REVIEW: Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero Anime Series Review

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Shay Guy

Joined: 03 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:05 pm Reply with quote
Like many, many other series coming out for the past couple of years, Level 1 Demon Lord and One Room Hero asks the question, "What happens after the hero defeats the Demon Lord and the world is at peace?" Despite their ubiquity, there's a decent amount of variety among stories that use this idea as the jumping-off point, from the quiet melancholy of Frieren to goofy comedies.

For that matter, it was part of the backstory to the Princess Maker games 30 years ago, where I believe your character was the retired hero post-world-saving.
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Joined: 14 Jan 2019
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 3:10 pm Reply with quote
I think Yuria is rather the kind of character that got her life in order, and after saving the world decided to just retire instead of getting into ill-conceived military adventures, serving horribly corrupted bastards, or ending like Max. She still keeps an eye on her old friends, but she's too wise to get into boyish fights. Basically, I see her as someone who is like old wizard who only returns to plot to teach the young hot-headed morons few lessons (even if here they're same age as her), like Ben-Kenobi in Star Wars, which is kind of fitting for a party's wizard. Or maybe like the old priest in Frieren.

As for fan service, I'm definitely in the "it was hilarious" camp.
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Joined: 06 Jun 2023
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 4:36 pm Reply with quote
Is it possible in 2023 for a review of an anime where 'fanservice' is not a negative. its been a main stay in anime since the 70s; it's a given as part of the media. When did the west become so prudent about it. Did we all get conservative with things? Why would fan service not be a positive for reviews or is that not possible in any series review?
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Joined: 13 Apr 2014
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:10 pm Reply with quote
This show was one of the surprise treats of the season...it had it all, action, a dash of romance, comedy, fun character dynamics, actual political intrigue, an all-star cast, solid animation, and fanservice!
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Hopeless Weeb

Joined: 10 Oct 2022
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:17 pm Reply with quote
Turtleboy76 wrote:
Is it possible in 2023 for a review of an anime where 'fanservice' is not a negative. its been a main stay in anime since the 70s; it's a given as part of the media. When did the west become so prudent about it. Did we all get conservative with things? Why would fan service not be a positive for reviews or is that not possible in any series review?

Ehm. . . do you not read the reviews for episodes of "100 girlfriends"? As for why fanservice is often listed as a negative: reviewers aren't horny teenagers and just find the fanservice offputting; for this series specifically it's specified the numerous ass-shots just detract from what is an actual decent story. Why shouldn't unnecessary fanservice be judged?
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Joined: 14 Jan 2019
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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 6:30 pm Reply with quote
Hopeless Weeb wrote:
Turtleboy76 wrote:
Is it possible in 2023 for a review of an anime where 'fanservice' is not a negative. its been a main stay in anime since the 70s; it's a given as part of the media. When did the west become so prudent about it. Did we all get conservative with things? Why would fan service not be a positive for reviews or is that not possible in any series review?

Ehm. . . do you not read the reviews for episodes of "100 girlfriends"? As for why fanservice is often listed as a negative: reviewers aren't horny teenagers and just find the fanservice offputting; for this series specifically it's specified the numerous ass-shots just detract from what is an actual decent story. Why shouldn't unnecessary fanservice be judged?

I don't really agree that fanservice is unnecessary here. It's a series where lot of humor is based on fanservice, sometimes clearly ridiculous and over the top on purpose. Just like in some anime fart and poop jokes are absolutely necessary (actually, I think there could be fart or poop joke in this series, though I don't remember). If someone isn't into that type of humor, it's one thing and it's fine, but it doesn't make it unnecessary. Even this reviewer noted that some (like me) will find it funny.

IMHO fanservice should be only clearly negative when it clashes with the tone of the scene, like pantyshot in a serious scene of a friend's betrayal, or when it keeps making a character into a joke when narrative tries to treat her seriously. Outside of that, it depends how it is used and on the general "mood" of the anime. Fanservice in Ishuzoku Reviewers obviously would never be issue unless it would be used in a way that "harms" a character.
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Hiroki not Takuya

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PostPosted: Tue Nov 28, 2023 11:30 pm Reply with quote
Hopeless Weeb wrote:
... As for why fanservice is often listed as a negative:... for this series specifically it's specified the numerous ass-shots just detract from what is an actual decent story. Why shouldn't unnecessary fanservice be judged?
One has to consider the source and it is interesting how some reviewers overlook certain aspects of some shows that others find objectionable so as not to be distracted from the better aspects while, in this case I think, they focus on one aspect that others can overlook to the detriment of full appreciation of the better aspects. Distancing one's biases from analysis is indeed difficult. I was able to overlook the "fanservice" because the concept, character writing and comedy were enjoyable enough to offset it's impact. Not a great show, but not too bad either...
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Joined: 12 Feb 2018
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 9:34 am Reply with quote
One of the biggest surprises from last season, and one of my favorites.

Hilarious, with some pretty good serious moments and great fanservice. Zenia's ass was always welcome every episode.

About the review, it is better not to talk about it. I feel that in the end, these depend on whose hands they fall into. And nowadays, most of them are more misses than hits.
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ANN Reviewer

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 12:09 pm Reply with quote
Hiroki not Takuya wrote:
Distancing one's biases from analysis is indeed difficult.

Not difficult - impossible, especially in an inherently opinion-driven form like reviews. When I think of reviews that are biased to the point it's detrimental, my mind goes to the critics who were annoyed Miss Hokusai was about O-Ei instead of her father, which led them to miss the entire point of the film. Not a reviewer having opinions about the content.

I'd like to point out that I was very intentional about how I discussed the fan service aspect. I didn't condemn the series for it, and was very clear that if you like service, it would be a pro and not a con. After all, the point of a review is to guide potential viewers toward something they'd like or away from something they wouldn't, and I feel like I did that. If you're here to have your opinion repeated back to you, that's a you problem.

Besides, I would be no less biased if I loved anime tits and was waxing rhapsodic about Zenia's thick juicy ass. I'd just be biased in a direction you agree with.
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Collector Extraordinaire

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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 1:02 pm Reply with quote
One of the most off-the-wall manga I've been reading these past few years and when I heard it was going to be adapted I was surprised and elated. The anime did a great job overall, especially the relationship between Max and the Demon Lord which comes across even more endearing then in the manga. A fun series.
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Joined: 16 Feb 2012
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PostPosted: Wed Nov 29, 2023 4:06 pm Reply with quote
a_Bear_in_Bearcave wrote:
I think Yuria is rather the kind of character that got her life in order, and after saving the world decided to just retire instead of getting into ill-conceived military adventures, serving horribly corrupted bastards, or ending like Max. She still keeps an eye on her old friends, but she's too wise to get into boyish fights. Basically, I see her as someone who is like old wizard who only returns to plot to teach the young hot-headed morons few lessons (even if here they're same age as her), like Ben-Kenobi in Star Wars, which is kind of fitting for a party's wizard. Or maybe like the old priest in Frieren.

As for fan service, I'm definitely in the "it was hilarious" camp.

I fully agree to both statements. Plus, I'd go further and say Yuria was the only one who never doubted Max. It was a joke when we learned the mother of the playground girl stuck her with Max but it flips once we learn it was Yuria. Despite of what his appearance is, his heart remains that of a hero to her. She can't come out and knock some heads together but she does help Max to do it. Out of all of them, she may have been the one who left the spotlight the most but she is also the one who believes the most in their friendship.

I will never get enough of Zenia's "spy suit". "Wait, isn't that..." Yes it is and Fred knows it. I would also love to see her interact more with Fred as they're just the perfect pair/duo/whatever you want. She needs someone with his skills and he needs someone with her attributes.
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Hiroki not Takuya

Joined: 17 Apr 2012
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 30, 2023 1:58 am Reply with quote
all-tsun-and-no-dere wrote:
Hiroki not Takuya wrote:
Distancing one's biases from analysis is indeed difficult.
...When I think of reviews that are biased to the point it's detrimental, my mind goes to the critics who were annoyed Miss Hokusai was about O-Ei instead of her father, which led them to miss the entire point of the film. Not a reviewer having opinions about the content.

If you're here to have your opinion repeated back to you, that's a you problem....
To prevent misunderstanding, I was responding to Turtleboy76's insinuation that the reviewer could not consider "fanservice" as other than a negative but should consider it a positive by attempting to point out that the ability to overlook some aspects of shows depends on the reviewer and having a strong reaction to one aspect tends to have some effect on the rest of the review if it seemed not sufficiently positive. However, I did not mean to state the latter as a fact and for that I apologize my poor phrasing.

Following from that, I was implying it's understandable you found the "fanservice" hard to keeping from reacting to and that that is in no way a failing. So I hope you can accept that I applaud that you went out of your way to highlight a number of positives in the show without bias. I hope this clarifies that my motivation was not to fault the reviewer but rather the critic and not to imply that what I can overlook, everyone should be able to. I was just stating that I could. Good review, OK show.
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