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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 9:34 am Reply with quote
[EDIT: Non-contributing comment removed.-TK]
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Joined: 21 Apr 2021
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 9:48 am Reply with quote
A small correction to your final "tidbit": Guilty Gear: Strive's new character is the last one for season 2. A season 3 has already been announced.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 9:54 am Reply with quote
Blizzard also tried to 'clarify' things by saying that canceling the PvE wasn't something they were canceling out of nowhere, but had decided months ago. As in, when or shortly after Overwatch 2 went live. That ended up making it even worse since Blizzard probably released what they said was a sequel knowing that it wouldn't have the stuff that made it a sequel. They for sure let people spend months thinking that it was still in the works.
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Silver Kirin

Joined: 09 Aug 2018
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 11:02 am Reply with quote
- MK1: To be honest, I don't like the extreme violence in the latest MK games either, but sadly it became a part of the franchise's history so I think people would complain if they tried to tone it down, thugh it kind of surprises me that not too many people mention it, kind of shows how people see violence these days. Apart from that, I think MK1 is going to be a big seller, MK is actually the best-selling fighting game series, I think it is due to the fact that ever since WB. accquired the rights they've expanded the brand and the latest MK games have a lot of content, even if they're not the favourite games among the FGC. It also helps that MK is popular internationally, I know people talk a lot about KoF being popular in LatAm but MK is huge there as well, not to mention that MK is the only fighting game that is dubbed into multiple languages. I was also surpised that MK1 is coming to the Switch, that's kind of surprising considering that other games like Tekken 7, Guilty Gear: Strive and KoF XV are not available for the system, even the 3DS had a Tekken, Dead or Alive and Street Fighter IV ports.
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Joined: 10 Feb 2009
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 11:15 am Reply with quote
I have played all the Shantae games (the original on the Nintendo DS as a downloadable, I believe.) I have completed all but one of them. I do remember seeing the game for sale in a store back in the day -- even took a look at the box itself. It looked interesting, but since I didn't own a GBC, that's all I did. Then again, it was because I remembered that box that I bought it on the DS when I saw it there.

The original Shantae is certainly a really cute game, but I'm kinda glad you mentioned how harrowing travelling between cities could be. It was frustrating enough during the day -- the game has a day and night cycle for those who haven't played it, which is a mechanic that all the other Shantae games don't have -- but come night, everyone suddenly needs twice the hits to go down, and they were damage-spongy enough during the day.

I loved the dancing mechanic, though, where Shantae had a lot more dancing moves in her repertoire. I know holding buttons and directions might make more sense in a streamlined kind of a way, but I honestly preferred the... well, code mechanic method for the dances.
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Joined: 11 Jul 2022
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 1:30 pm Reply with quote
Sorry, but I find the take of "Mortal Kombat has gotten too violent" just silly more than anything. Not that the reasons listed aren't valid, specially the one about the actual devs not being able to stomach it so easily, but complaining about this in a franchise that has always had ultra violence as one of it's most recognizable aspects is just..... what?

It's like playing a good chunk of the Senran Kagura franchise and complaining about one specific game being "too fanservicey".
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 2:11 pm Reply with quote
But I do know a lot of people can't take temperatures above 70 degrees Fahrenheit, so I hope you guys are hydrating and keeping safe while you torture Koroks.

Should come to New York then where just a few days ago we had temperatures in the 70’s hitting or nearly hitting the 80’s but for some reason the temps dropped down to the mid 40’s upper 50’s

Like WTF.

Street Fighter 6 or Guilty Gear -Strive- that aren't as bothersome to deal with.

Of course they’re not made by Altus who’ll lose their shit if someone uploads a clip with spoilers or whoever it was that was causing game clips to have the audio removed because they featured licensed music

Silver Kirin wrote:
- MK1: To be honest, I don't like the extreme violence in the latest MK games either, but sadly it became a part of the franchise's history so I think people would complain if they tried to tone it down,

We already saw what happened with Mortal Kombat vs DC Universe which not only had to tone down the fatalities but at least two of them were edited because shooting people in the head is bad.

Silver Kirin wrote:
I was also surpised that MK1 is coming to the Switch.

Well if you recall 11 also came to the Switch looked meh but it was functional more or less.
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ANN Reviewer

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 3:09 pm Reply with quote
b-dragon wrote:
A small correction to your final "tidbit": Guilty Gear: Strive's new character is the last one for season 2. A season 3 has already been announced.

Thanks for the heads-up, we've corrected the mistake! Sorry for the trouble.

Silver Kirin wrote:
I was also surpised that MK1 is coming to the Switch, that's kind of surprising considering that other games like Tekken 7, Guilty Gear: Strive and KoF XV are not available for the system, even the 3DS had a Tekken, Dead or Alive and Street Fighter IV ports.

For all their faults, Neverrealm and Warner Bros know that people with Switches don't care if the Switch port for Mortal Kombat has a compromised framerate or resolution. They know that people with Switches just want X-game on the Switch. Not sure why that's so hard for other devs/studios to understand.

Greed1914 wrote:
Blizzard also tried to 'clarify' things by saying that canceling the PvE wasn't something they were canceling out of nowhere, but had decided months ago. As in, when or shortly after Overwatch 2 went live. That ended up making it even worse since Blizzard probably released what they said was a sequel knowing that it wouldn't have the stuff that made it a sequel. They for sure let people spend months thinking that it was still in the works.

I legitimately don't understand how anyone can have any kind of faith or respect in Blizzard after the constant stream of skullduggery they get up to. Like, jeez. Corporations aren't your friend, but when one just intentionally obfuscates things like that for months... that's lust leading people on. At least Nintendo openly told folks they were starting over from Square One with Metroid Prime 4.
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Joined: 07 Aug 2006
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 3:38 pm Reply with quote
The ActiBlizz saga continues to be a mess; MS gets a bit of a headwind with the EC approving the deal...but then Overwatch 2 gives up on its biggest feature that was supposed to justify the update. It's like every time MS thinks they have a chance, another finger on the monkey's paw curls
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 4:15 pm Reply with quote
FinalVentCard wrote:
For all their faults, Neverrealm and Warner Bros know that people with Switches don't care if the Switch port for Mortal Kombat has a compromised framerate or resolution. They know that people with Switches just want X-game on the Switch. Not sure why that's so hard for other devs/studios to understand.

Don’t think it’s through lack of understanding but simply them not wanting to do it.
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Silver Kirin

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 7:23 pm Reply with quote
BadNewsBlues wrote:
Well if you recall 11 also came to the Switch looked meh but it was functional more or less.

I do remember MK11 Switch version, but back then the game came out for the PS4 and Xbox One, this time there is no version for those consoles, I can understand the lack of a Xbox One version since MS has practically discontinued the console, but the PS4 still gets titles like Resident Evil 4 Remake and Street Fighter 6.

BadNewsBlues wrote:
Don’t think it’s through lack of understanding but simply them not wanting to do it.

It's interesting seeing how Western devs have done more impressive ports (like Doom Eternal, Witcher 3 or Crysis Remastered) compared to Japanese ones, especially considering that Nintendo used to be ignored by major Western devs and how the Switch is one of the best-selling consoles of all time in Japan. Some developers like Square-Enix, Namco, Capcom and SNK have said things like "the Switch is too weak", "We looked into it but couldn't run", "Our engine can't handle the resolution change from handheld to docked", "Too little memory". I know porting a game takes time, money and resources, so I can understand how games like NieR Automata took so long to arrive to the Switch, but some games like the first two Kingdom Hearts have no excuse. Then there's people like Toshihiro Nagoshi that said that Yakuza would never arrive to the Switch because the console targets younger players, ignoring that Mortal Kombat, Doom and GTA are available on the console, not to mention that SEGA did not bother porting the Shin Sakura Wars to the Switch either.
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Joined: 10 Nov 2022
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 7:48 pm Reply with quote
TheSleepyMonkey wrote:
Sorry, but I find the take of "Mortal Kombat has gotten too violent" just silly more than anything. Not that the reasons listed aren't valid, specially the one about the actual devs not being able to stomach it so easily, but complaining about this in a franchise that has always had ultra violence as one of it's most recognizable aspects is just..... what?

I find it more weird how puritan they became when it comes to sex appeal. 9 was the last one that wasn't afraid of it. Come X they started toning everything down heavily and then by XI it was gone entirely. But I guess that's the standard people always point out in American culture: violence good, sex bad.

FinalVentCard wrote:
I legitimately don't understand how anyone can have any kind of faith or respect in Blizzard after the constant stream of skullduggery they get up to.

Sunk cost fallacy. People who invested 20+ years of their life into the Warcraft or Diablo universe and the thought of quitting it now is more troubling that just putting up with the awfulness. It's especially bad in Warcraft's case given it's an MMO and how they operate. I would mention Starcraft but that franchise is all but dead at this point along with the RTs genre in general. Nobody ever played Heroes of the Storm. Oh, I guess Hearthstone is still a thing as well. Never got into Overwatch myself so I don't know how that fandom operates. I think I stopped playing Blizzard games by the time that franchise came out. Diablo 3 killed Diablo for me and Warcraft hasn't had a good expansion in ages.

I guess it was pretty easy for me to stop caring about Blizzard when I prioritize games based on how good they are. I loved Warcraft growing up and it shaped my childhood and young adult life, but that just makes my decision to walk away from it all the more vindicated after seeing the sorry state of the game has been the past numerous expansions. But I suppose some people just can't let go. You can see it with a lot of long-running franchises that have been driven into the ground but people will still stand by it out of brand loyalty and nostalgia. I guess I'm just one of the people who's fine with saying "Yeah, that franchise sucks now, the old entries were way better!" and focus on enjoying other franchises now. My MMO of choice these days is FF14 and I play Master Duel for card games.
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Joined: 06 Apr 2015
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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 8:39 pm Reply with quote
I'm a bad Little Tail Bronx fan. Not only have I never played Tail Concerto on PS1, I completely forgot that Fuga: Melodies of Steel 2 was released last week.

It's ok; much like the first game, it seems like Fuga 2 had a shoestring marketing budget and is spreading mostly by word of mouth.

I'm around 2/3 of the way through it now and am enjoying it a lot, and I'd say it's a solid, incremental improvement over the first in most aspects; the pacing of the story has been better, battles are more challenging and more complex thanks to new mechanics, and individual characters are getting more focused development. I don't think the soundtrack is quite as good as the first game's, but it's still fine.

Gotta respect that they keep pouring love into what is clearly a passion project, though. For anybody who is interested in more details about the origins of CC2 or the Little Tail Bronx series, I strongly recommend reading "Digital Daydreams: A Tale of a Japanese Video Game Creator", a book by Hiroshi Matsuyama (CEO of CC2) about the early days of the company; they may be famous for making licensed games now, but Tail Concerto was their first game, and made mostly by Matsuyama himself (while he was learning how to make games after having previously worked in the concrete industry). It's short and has some rough edges even for an early PS1 3D platformer, but it's still got a lot of charm and is pretty impressive considering the circumstances around its creation.
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ANN Reviewer

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PostPosted: Fri May 19, 2023 10:32 pm Reply with quote
CrimeVsCrime wrote:
I find it more weird how puritan they became when it comes to sex appeal. 9 was the last one that wasn't afraid of it. Come X they started toning everything down heavily and then by XI it was gone entirely. But I guess that's the standard people always point out in American culture: violence good, sex bad.

Gonna have to disagree on this one, Chief. Mortal Kombat was never really about the weird "sex appeal" stuff until the PS2 games came out (like with Mortal Kombat VS DC Universe and how Sonya had her nipples bleeding through her tank top). MK was always violence, through and through, and people that make the "sex being toned down" their hill to die on with MK always felt like they were just hitching onto a bandwagon to rattle their sabers at something. And heck, if that's your Waterloo, it's not like the current MK games don't have sexy characters. Sindel was done a ton of justice, people love Jacqui and Cassie for plenty of reasons, and Kitana and Mileena are still the heart-throbs of the series. "Toned down?" Hardly. If anything, the sex appeal characters are still hot as hell, just more "Hollywood actress" than "comic book".


Kudos to you for being the one to remind me in the first place last week! And thanks for the contribution, I didn't know Matsuyama had his start in concrete, of all things! There needs to be a study on game developers that didn't have conventional starts in their careers. FromSoft's Miyazaki was another one, I know he later came into games from some other industry. I wish this happened more often, I think there are a lot of great things gaming can get that would come from people that otherwise only dabble in game development.
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Joined: 21 Sep 2014
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PostPosted: Sat May 20, 2023 12:36 am Reply with quote
Silver Kirin wrote:
Then there's people like Toshihiro Nagoshi that said that Yakuza would never arrive to the Switch because the console targets younger players, ignoring that Mortal Kombat, Doom and GTA are available on the console,

The more puzzling thing about his comments is that 1st & 2nd Yakuza games were on the WiiU I also hope this also wasn’t mentioned before Yakuza 7 came out otherwise that would be the cherry on top of the BS sundae.

Silver Kirin wrote:
not to mention that SEGA did not bother porting the Shin Sakura Wars to the Switch either.

Supposedly that game didn’t sell too well in Japan.
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