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Joined: 24 Mar 2014
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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 9:29 am
I was unable to recognize a few titles in the mega poll and had to actually google those up until I realized "Oh, that." Maybe that proves just how many shows we've had just in ONE year. Or how some of them are forgettable.
That, or my memory is getting worse.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2008
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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 9:31 am
Where's Kotaro on these character lists?
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Joined: 04 May 2009
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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 10:24 am
I'm happy that someone else has recognized the greatness that is Ranko Mannen!
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smurky turkey
Joined: 30 Jan 2022
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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 10:36 am
L'Imperatore wrote: | I was unable to recognize a few titles in the mega poll and had to actually google those up until I realized "Oh, that." Maybe that proves just how many shows we've had just in ONE year. Or how some of them are forgettable.
That, or my memory is getting worse. |
Yeah, it was a crazy full year, and some disappointments you tend to want to forget.
I completely forgot being hyped for season 2 of Shield Hero for was that a thing.
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Joined: 08 Jul 2017
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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 10:48 am
No Legend of the Galactic Heroes on the Mega Poll?
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Joined: 26 Aug 2018
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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 10:57 am
Isekai Quartet:Another World is missing from the movie list
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Joined: 30 Dec 2022
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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 10:58 am
I was voting in the mega poll but I noticed that the last batch of Jojo Part 6 was missing, is it because all the batches are combined?
As for my top 5 anime of the year it's:
5.IDOLiSH7 Third Beat! (TV 2)
I don't play the game but each season keeps getting better and better. The drama is still very entertaining with charming characters and a good sense of humor. I also really like the music but that's subjective and there aren't that many concerts anyway. It's still ongoing though so I hope it doesn't fall off or something.
4.Chainsaw Man
I'm one of the few (from what I've seen) anime-onlies but I enjoyed it a lot thanks to the great production values and the quirky but human cast. I was always interested in where the story would go but this is still an introduction so I don't think it's a masterpiece or anything. I'm also not the biggest fan of vulgar themes but at least they fit the story here.
3.JoJo's Bizarre Adventure Part 6: Stone Ocean Part 3
One of the rare cases where I've read the manga. Everyone has said this but the visuals of part 6 are rougher compared to the other parts. Thankfully it's a bit better in this batch. The ending is also divisive but I've always liked it and I think it's really impactful. Part 6 was never one of my favorite parts but the adaptation has definitely improved my appreciation for it.
2.Summer Time Rendering
It's just nice to get a full adaptation with a satisfying ending once in a while. The animation was uneven and the genre shift in the second half was hit-or-miss for some people but they both didn't bother me that much.
1.Mob Psycho 100 III
It's not as bombastic as season 2 but I couldn't have asked for a better ending so I'm perfectly satisfied. I love kind characters and Mob Psycho has that in spades.
As for my favorite character of 2022 (excluding returning characters) despite not liking the show that much I would choose Schwartz von Liechtenstein Lohengramm from Fantasy Bishoujo Juniku Ojisan to. To be honest since I wasn't a huge fan of the show and it was in winter I've already forgotten a lot about it so I might be inaccurate somewhat. It's a comedy anime so he's a Kirito parody (at least appearance-wise, I've never seen SAO so I can't comment on the personality) but he's his own character. He's like the only cast member who is a decent and functional human being despite being a chuuni teenager and seeing him try his best to be a real hero and to make Tachibana and Jinguuji get along is really endearing.
My honorable mentions are Elf from Isekai Ojisan and Kabe Taijin from Paripi Koumei (not a fan of what they ended up making him do in the show but whatever).
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Joined: 26 Aug 2020
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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:11 am
I voted for my faves this year, which were Bibliophile Princess, Delicious Party Pretty Cure, Healer Girl and Heroines Run the Show.
Personally I'd say Healer Girl is the anime of the year.
As for best character, it's a tie between Elianna from Bibliophile Princess and Amane from Delicious Party Pretty Cure.
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Joined: 07 Jan 2022
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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:14 am
smurky turkey wrote: |
Yeah, it was a crazy full year, and some disappointments you tend to want to forget.
I completely forgot being hyped for season 2 of Shield Hero for was that a thing. |
Oof, did you have to remind me about Shield Hero 2? My biggest disappointment of the year by a large margin
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Hiroki not Takuya
Joined: 17 Apr 2012
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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:33 am
The poll list highlighted for me how long a year it's been as I thought Mushoku Tensei was a 2021 title and I ask how is it that it was not even mentioned among the reviewers? Also, list showed how many really good shows ended up in 2022! Not many real "stinkers" either. Had a hard time picking just 10 "best" candidates as many that were quite good would have pushed the number to 20 and those were just among the shows I actually watched.
This article showed where the divide in tastes of reviewers fell relative to my sensibilities and Ms. Silverman and I are the only ones on the same page...I'll leave "best/quite good" to others to sort out but here is my "worst" again among shows watched
1, Peter Grill.... S1 showed what a horrid one-note narrative it had and S2 doubled down on that. Intellectually painful to watch. UNbelievable...
2. "Not Most Horrible" Don't Hurt Me... I'll probably get hate and discontent but it didn't pass my generous 3-Ep rule as it was a less funny comedy than Fruit of Evol... and that at least thought it was funny
3. "Didn't deserve this" Yurei Deco wasn't "good" but it was far better than Peter Grill
OK, I'll weigh in with Saeryen because Healer Girl deserves a special mention as best and most original show this year and in many years, not having seen Cyberpunk
Last edited by Hiroki not Takuya on Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:40 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 11 Jun 2019
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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:40 am
5. Kaguya sama S3
4. Urusei Yatsura
3. AoT Final 2
1. Chainsaw Man
I mean, I know that the Fall season usually has an advantage because the series are more recent, but they were really exceptional this year. Chainsaw Man takes the much deserved throne.
Best character: Anya from Spy x Family. Her charm and charisma are what elevates the series in general. Lum from Urusei Yatsura is a close second. Also Bachira from Blue Lock in third place.
Worst of the year: Me, personally, I, in my humble opinion, subjectively (= don't attack me) I mean my personal worst experience from what I saw, not from the ones I imagine that are truly the worst: Sasaki to Miyano. Personally I think I would have had more fun watching paint dry on my walls.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2010
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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 11:51 am
There were many anime I enjoyed though was kinda disappointed by the lack of ending in Sabikui Bisco. I tried enjoying Shield Hero season 2 but it kept reminding it was an isekai as Naofumi kept being the only prominent male character and the other ones remained as jerks for some reason.
I guess my favorites were The Case Study of Vanitas, 86, Spy x Family, Mob Psycho 100 III, Summertime Render and Chainsaw Man
If there was something I kinda missed from the original manga of Chainsaw Man was one of those fight scenes that felt like an orgy violence. Other than that series surprised me. Spy x Family also bothered with those onenote Inuyasha-like characters who only existed to make the "main love interest" (like are we supposed to root for Lloid and and Yor despite their lack of progress?) more complicated. Vanitas season 2 more enjoyable than the first for completely revealing the true face of the title character but it's a shame the manga went on hiatus as it didn't give a full closure to his newfound feelings towards Jeanne despite them playing a big role into his sudden change.
Favorite character? Maybe I'll pick... Piccolo and Yuta Okkotsu for their roles in their movies.
NOTE: So far none of us mentioned Demon Slayer?
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Joined: 24 Sep 2004
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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 12:41 pm
Man, that was tough to narrow down, I had a solid 30 picks that in lesser years could have been top 10 contenders. I did appreciate being able to throw votes at The Orbital Children twice (series and movie) though.
Favorite character's a pretty tough call too, but I've gotta go with Ko Yamori. Bocchi may have made me feel seen with her escalating depictions of introvert anxiety, but Ko made me feel SEEN in ways that mirrored a lot my own late teen experiences (minus the vampire escapades, alas). I'll also toss out a favorite minor character nod to Desumi's dad in Love After World Domination, living his best life.
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ANN Executive Editor
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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 12:49 pm
Auriana wrote: | No Legend of the Galactic Heroes on the Mega Poll? |
Ohiotaku wrote: | Isekai Quartet:Another World is missing from the movie list |
It (and a few other movies) were listed with "Gekijoban" at the beginning of the title which is a typical addition that basically just means 'this is a movie.' I renamed it so it'll be easier to locate on the movie list.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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Posted: Fri Dec 30, 2022 1:18 pm
pi8you wrote: | Man, that was tough to narrow down, I had a solid 30 picks that in lesser years could have been top 10 contenders. I did appreciate being able to throw votes at The Orbital Children twice (series and movie) though. |
I was up around 20 myself, and that's by far the most I've had to choose from in the 15+ years that I've (formally or informally) been making these lists. With such a deep field and no overwhelming critical darling, this could be one of the most diverse sets of Top 5s we've ever had on this site. We already have 14 different titles mentioned out of a possible 15.
I'm going to wait until all of the individual awards are out to post my list, so I can do it all at once. I will also do my annual reviewer summary at the end.
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