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NEWS: Disgaea RPG Gets Steam Release in English

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Joined: 01 Sep 2007
Posts: 32
PostPosted: Wed Nov 17, 2021 3:06 pm Reply with quote
I played and quickly dropped this when it launched, didn't like the combat because it was such a shock coming from the grid based console games to be a normal turn based RPG, and also with no pity on the gatcha I knew it would just frustrate me trying to get my favorite characters.

BUT, I returned recently and have been actually having a great time! They added a reasonable pity to the gatcha so you can be assured to get the character you want. And after I got over my expectations of the combat, it's actually quite fun, fast, and strategic - I can understand when they adopted it for this platform.

There is very little stamina or player rank gating which is very refreshing and unusual for a gatcha. You can play hours and hours if you desire like the console games with nothing limiting you. There is a LOT of modes and content, almost overwhelming at first but in a good way.

Would really recommend checking it out if you are a Disgaea fan, even if just for the story. There is a lot of original story too and it's pretty well written and fun, lots of unique interactions between the characters from the different games.

Cool to see a steam release coming!
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Joined: 16 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 11:27 am Reply with quote
Well, I'm also a Disgaea fan, and I don't really recommend. There's fanservice for the fans, sure, but I found the gameplay repetitive and boring, and the gacha rates are WAY worse than the other gacha game I play which also has much more interesting gameplay.
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PostPosted: Thu Nov 18, 2021 4:03 pm Reply with quote
As someone who loves the char designs and humor of the series... even going as far as to purchase the 1st two games on the PSP... only to find out the grind to continue the game's story for the first two games was a ginormous time sink with such little progression to the story (No, seriously, I wouldn't doubt it if it took u MONTHS to beat the game's story with how BAD the grind and slower than a snail's pace the story progressed cus u had to constantly restart ur prog to gain a lil bit in the lv department... not to mention u could easily lock urself out of Etna mode which adds more story to the game...) and the fact that none of the remakes fixed the god awful grind, only the later titles fixed it from what a friend told me (But IDC for the other titles, the designs aren't as great imo as the st two and I rather play the first two b4 I consider playing any others), the fact is, Laharl's VA was right, he is a time thief. I went and watched the anime based on the 1st game with some changes to the story and loved it all the more.

Anyway, its a shame its not easy to get into the 1st two games and that brings me to, this game, a gacha, based on one of THE MOST grindy and time sink series (make no mistake, later titles are still very much grindy and a time sink), I just cannot see this game not eating up someone's time and worse, money. That said, I am still a Disgaea fan, but I don't think this mobile game even ported to the PC is worth it if u'r just here for the story, more so if (and I dunno if it does but doubt esp does it properly) it does't retell the games stories the chars come from becus then u'll run into spoilers for thsoe games and or lost refs and so on. I'd say this is only for hard core Disgaea fans (Which i am not) and I won't touch this game cus of how i can't even play the 1st two games and would miss what i said. Idc how many improvements to this mobile gacha game they have made here, they can't bother to improve the 1st two games' grind/progression whenever they remake em or even port em...

This is just my perspective on the game/series as a Disgaea fan. I certainly haven't tried nor will i try this Disgaea RPG
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Joined: 16 Jun 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 19, 2021 12:06 pm Reply with quote
Villain-chan wrote:

The Disgaea series was always meant to target the hardcore JRPG players that enjoy grinding though? The later games don't fix the "grinding problem," though they improved their design so that rather than just grinding the same thing over and over, you grind a little on one thing, so you can grind a little on the next thing, ad nauseam, which makes grinding a little less tedious, but it's still grinding. I really like them, but don't recommend any of them to anyone who hates grinding.
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