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Resources to Support Asian American Communities

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Joined: 15 Oct 2019
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 6:59 pm Reply with quote
I'm thankful to see all these resources, yet I'm sorry they're needed.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 20, 2021 11:34 pm Reply with quote
This kind of thing is long overdue. I wish it happened sooner when the Pandemic started. That's when all the hate escalated to the extremes.
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Joined: 18 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Sun Mar 21, 2021 3:26 am Reply with quote
StarfighterPegasus wrote:
This kind of thing is long overdue. I wish it happened sooner when the Pandemic started. That's when all the hate escalated to the extremes.

Violence against Asian-Americans has existed long before last year. From Japanese-American internment camps, to the L.A. Rodney King riots, and now this.
There's been many situations where Asian-Americans have been targeted with hate and violence.

So I agree. It's long overdue.
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Joined: 09 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 1:26 am Reply with quote
With the Atlanta killings, it's curious to note that the vast majority of media outlets refuse to acknowledge the elephant in the room. It's not just about an anti-Asian hate crime, in fact it may not be about race at all (or more likely it's far more complex than that). I think that speaks volumes about how most people view those connected to the sex industry. Note that some US police departments tag murders of sex workers as no human involved, especially for women of colour.
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Joined: 16 Jan 2006
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 3:31 am Reply with quote
As an Asian American who was adopted by a white family, I can say that it is unfortunate that everything seems to be seen through the lens of race in the United States where I live. It is almost like Martin Luther King, Jr. never lived or left a legacy at all where people "will not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character." Frankly, I am tired of the cycle of someone killing people, the media running with a narrative that may or may not be true, guns and racial tensions getting blamed, politicians getting involved, and nothing ever happening in the long run. For now, it is best that we wait for the facts before saying that Asian Americans are being hunted down in the street by white people. If that is the case, fine. We can address the issues as such. If not, then it reflects poorly upon the media and harms the cause of actual victims of violence and hate.

To be honest, I have grown up and lived my life having felt like an invisible minority, having heard and seen the conflict between black and white people mostly. I have been bullied for racial reasonsas well. Still, I have striven to be the best me that I can and tried to treat people as people, regardless of skin color. As things have shifted in the past few years especially, it seems that we have regressed as a nation to before the Civil Rights era and movement. If we are now thinking exclusively in terms of Ibrahim X Kennedy-style anti-racism, I would like to suggest that the end result is racist because it relies on racist discrimination from the past to continue to the present and into the future. I share this not necessary to call out cancel culture or the woke mindset. Rather, I would rather see everyone living one another regardless of race, sex, religion, political beliefs, etc.

The fact that I am writing this on a site that is meant for anime is a sign to me for how far we have stayed culturally. I come to this site for news and to chill. I don't care or want to think about politics or current events when it comes to anime or anything anime-related. I know that might go against what the mods and site owner would like for their vision for this site. However, I think it is important to have that place where we can all come together to heal and find something in common. If we want to combat hate in any form, we need to talk more and show respect and deference more. I would rather fight about whose waifu is trash or some other stupid thing with a smirk and a smile instead of going into race-based matters. I know others have expressed their support for the materials provided. That is fine, and they are entitled to their opinion, and I would defend their ability to express that opinion ardently, even though I disagree with it. As an Asian American, I want to be able to stand up for myself without outside support in the form of any crutches. So, I politely and respectfully decline those resources, especially seeing that they seem to come from a left-leaning political bias without balance. ANN has the ability and right to post them. It is their site after all. However, I do not wish to be suitable by a narrative that would see me as a victim of anybody. I have had to fight bullies in the past. I don't need them in the present or the future, whether they are from actual racists or people who would portray things solely in light of racism. For those who need the resources provided, no shame is intended. I merely speak for myself.
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 4:07 am Reply with quote
Greboruri wrote:
With the Atlanta killings, it's curious to note that the vast majority of media outlets refuse to acknowledge the elephant in the room. It's not just about an anti-Asian hate crime, in fact it may not be about race at all (or more likely it's far more complex than that). I think that speaks volumes about how most people view those connected to the sex industry. Note that some US police departments tag murders of sex workers as no human involved, especially for women of colour.

It's hard to argue it's not about race, because there's still a reason that he particularly fetishized Asian women enough to target them. Adding on to that, "sex addiction" is not classified as a real disorder or addiction. There are two groups that continually bring it up as if it is are. The first are Evangelicals who treat any amount of sex as evil and wrong, and then when someone who buys into those beliefs acts on those beliefs they use it as a scapegoat for the real reason. The other large group are creeps who use it as an excuse for harm they've done. There's some notable celebrity examples, and plenty of others that a lot of us have encountered in our day to day lives who have done this. Media outlets have done a terrible job covering this because they want a single motive, when the truth of the matter is it was a hate crime both against women in general and Asian women in particular.
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El Hermano

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 6:23 am Reply with quote
scrwbll19 wrote:
As an Asian American who was adopted by a white family, I can say that it is unfortunate that everything seems to be seen through the lens of race in the United States where I live. It is almost like Martin Luther King, Jr. never lived or left a legacy at all where people "will not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character." Frankly, I am tired of the cycle of someone killing people, the media running with a narrative that may or may not be true, guns and racial tensions getting blamed, politicians getting involved, and nothing ever happening in the long run. For now, it is best that we wait for the facts before saying that Asian Americans are being hunted down in the street by white people. If that is the case, fine. We can address the issues as such. If not, then it reflects poorly upon the media and harms the cause of actual victims of violence and hate.

There's always going to be people who use any incident or tragedy to push their own talking points, whether they're politicians, news outlets, or just everyday people who will have their own personal beliefs reinforced. It used to bother me, but there's not really anything you can do so I eventually learned to stop caring. Whether people are going to blame this specific thing on incels, racism, guns, mental health is up to them. Even if the perp explains why they did what they did, people will probably ignore it. Any loss of life is tragic though. It's unfortunate it happened.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2013
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PostPosted: Mon Mar 22, 2021 10:09 am Reply with quote
scrwbll19 wrote:
As an Asian American who was adopted by a white family, I can say that it is unfortunate that everything seems to be seen through the lens of race in the United States where I live. It is almost like Martin Luther King, Jr. never lived or left a legacy at all where people "will not be judged by the color of their skin but the content of their character." Frankly, I am tired of the cycle of someone killing people, the media running with a narrative that may or may not be true, guns and racial tensions getting blamed, politicians getting involved, and nothing ever happening in the long run. For now, it is best that we wait for the facts before saying that Asian Americans are being hunted down in the street by white people. If that is the case, fine. We can address the issues as such. If not, then it reflects poorly upon the media and harms the cause of actual victims of violence and hate.

To be honest, I have grown up and lived my life having felt like an invisible minority, having heard and seen the conflict between black and white people mostly. I have been bullied for racial reasonsas well. Still, I have striven to be the best me that I can and tried to treat people as people, regardless of skin color. As things have shifted in the past few years especially, it seems that we have regressed as a nation to before the Civil Rights era and movement. If we are now thinking exclusively in terms of Ibrahim X Kennedy-style anti-racism, I would like to suggest that the end result is racist because it relies on racist discrimination from the past to continue to the present and into the future. I share this not necessary to call out cancel culture or the woke mindset. Rather, I would rather see everyone living one another regardless of race, sex, religion, political beliefs, etc.

As much as I want this to be reality it isn't. People tend to mishear MLK's message. MLK wanted people to be judged by their character but understood that society doesn't do that. Its why he called it a dream. You can't just sit around and dream. You have to take actions to make that dream reality.

For example I can dream of wanting to real light novels in Japanese. But if I never put any action towards studying Japanese it will only be a dream and not reality.

As for your comments about the media you have to understand that most news outlets have a responsibility to report the truth to the public. They can be held legally liable for blatantly misleading the public. Do News networks get it right all the time? No they do not but that does not mean they are not trustworthy. It is up to the viewer to verify the information given, not take it all face value.

As for guns, politicians and gun violence, that is something that I could go into but I would be going off topic so I will not.

All I can say is this. Downplaying racism leads to more racism. It is why the media has to report on it, if racism is not called to the nation's attention it would only make things worst. The Asian American community already has a problem with reporting crimes because many feel it isn't worth bringing attention to it due to myth about Asian Americans being considered ideal because they don't speak out. This myth is so damaging to the Asian American community and needs to be dispelled. That can only happen if America stands up and supports the Asian American community, showing them that they are not some other that they are as American as the rest of us.
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Joined: 09 Jul 2003
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 12:20 am Reply with quote
ATastySub wrote:
It's hard to argue it's not about race, because there's still a reason that he particularly fetishized Asian women enough to target them. Adding on to that, "sex addiction" is not classified as a real disorder or addiction. There are two groups that continually bring it up as if it is are. The first are Evangelicals who treat any amount of sex as evil and wrong, and then when someone who buys into those beliefs acts on those beliefs they use it as a scapegoat for the real reason. [...]. Media outlets have done a terrible job covering this because they want a single motive, when the truth of the matter is it was a hate crime both against women in general and Asian women in particular.

There may be no real psychological diagnosis as sex addiction, but there is something call stigma. If your church is hammer home the false idea that your normal sexual desires are wrong and you have an addiction, as in the killer's case, then we have the outcome here.

Of course this is a multi-faceted crime. I think misogyny has a lot to do with it as does racism. But like the media outlets which you blame for focusing on a single cause, you too seem to be dismissing the elephant in the room. It was a specific type of business targeted. You can't deny that.
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 12:33 am Reply with quote
Greboruri wrote:
ATastySub wrote:
It's hard to argue it's not about race, because there's still a reason that he particularly fetishized Asian women enough to target them. Adding on to that, "sex addiction" is not classified as a real disorder or addiction. There are two groups that continually bring it up as if it is are. The first are Evangelicals who treat any amount of sex as evil and wrong, and then when someone who buys into those beliefs acts on those beliefs they use it as a scapegoat for the real reason. [...]. Media outlets have done a terrible job covering this because they want a single motive, when the truth of the matter is it was a hate crime both against women in general and Asian women in particular.

There may be no real psychological diagnosis as sex addiction, but there is something call stigma. If your church is hammer home the false idea that your normal sexual desires are wrong and you have an addiction, as in the killer's case, then we have the outcome here.

Of course this is a multi-faceted crime. I think misogyny has a lot to do with it as does racism. But like the media outlets which you blame for focusing on a single cause, you too seem to be dismissing the elephant in the room. It was a specific type of business targeted. You can't deny that.

I think you misread, because my post agrees with everything you said. The conservative stigma towards sex is the problem that festers into hateful acts and gets hidden behind the idea of sex addiction, and the business he targeted was due to racial stereotyping of what those businesses are. The racism and sexism are intertwined, and it does us all a lot of good to recognize how that leads to radicalization.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 3:56 am Reply with quote
Many people consider the shooting a hate crime and the former administration is to blame for contributing heavily to the Anti Asian atmosphere that has been accelerating since the pandemic began.
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Joined: 01 Jan 2020
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 6:53 am Reply with quote
StarfighterPegasus wrote:
As for your comments about the media you have to understand that most news outlets have a responsibility to report the truth to the public. They can be held legally liable for blatantly misleading the public. Do News networks get it right all the time? No they do not but that does not mean they are not trustworthy. It is up to the viewer to verify the information given, not take it all face value.


All I can say is this. Downplaying racism leads to more racism. It is why the media has to report on it, if racism is not called to the nation's attention it would only make things worst. The Asian American community already has a problem with reporting crimes because many feel it isn't worth bringing attention to it due to myth about Asian Americans being considered ideal because they don't speak out. This myth is so damaging to the Asian American community and needs to be dispelled. That can only happen if America stands up and supports the Asian American community, showing them that they are not some other that they are as American as the rest of us.

But you just explained why news outlets aren't reporting this as racism. There's no credible evidence suggesting that anti-Asian prejudice was a factor. As the investigation proceeds, that may change, but deliberately pushing a story at this point would be irresponsible and more for the tabloids. News outlets have a duty to report facts, not speculation or sensationalism.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 7:27 am Reply with quote
The man traveled to two Asian spas and killed the people there a majority of them Asian. The motive of the killer doesn't really matter. A hate crime is a hate crime. A majority of the population believes its a hate crime including the leaders in our government.

It common knowledge that fetishization and objectification of Asian women has been a source of racism against them for centuries. So its no surprise that a group that is often deem as temptress in American culture are targets of a man wanting to rid the world of temptation.
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Redbeard 101
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 12:01 pm Reply with quote
Alright folks, this article is merely a list of resources available to show support for the Asian community. This is not the place for an overall debate on what is racism, fetishization of certain groups of people, or other debates that are offtopic and simply in poor taste. The facts in this case, and the continuous of crimes against Asian people that have happened since it (and the countless before it), are rather clear. If you disagree with them that is your right, but this thread is not the place to debate it. This is a thread showing support for Asian communities with resource links available. If you don't support that then that's fine, go on your way and believe whatever you want, but the various poor taste debates stop now. Thank you.
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Joined: 18 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 5:02 pm Reply with quote
Sadly, it happened again. Can the article be updated in light of the events in Colorado with resources to help those affected as well?
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