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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 11:30 am Reply with quote
I mean, The main character in Kemono Michi does get clothes. He was wearing them in the inn. I don't know that he will keep them on the whole time, but he definitely does get clothes before the end of the episode.

What are you talking about on Cautious Hero, Zac? Everyone loves him? Ristarte is clearly extremely frustrated by his personality. That's kind of the main joke of the series. I get not liking the comedy, but entirely missing that it is a parody baffles me. Every other reviewer on the site who has seen it, even those who don't usually care for the genre, picked up on that. Like, did you even watch the whole episode or did you stop part way through, think "same old isekai" and just make assumptions about what the show is about? I'm not expecting you to like the show, but you could at least convey what happened in the episode accurately and not just spew out stereotypes about the genre.
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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 12:04 pm Reply with quote
So far the new season's offerings have been mostly disappointing. Ascendance of a Bookworm is the only real promising show I have seen. This season would be weak if it wasn't for the return of MHA, Food Wars and Chihayafuru, and the continuations of Dr. Stone and Vinland Saga.
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Joined: 07 May 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 12:28 pm Reply with quote
I really don't get the media's uproar with Joker. It's basically a movie like Taxi Driver or Falling Down (especially the latter) but in the context of a supervillain origin story.

The movie is a cautionary tale about how we have mentally ill people hiding in plain sight and instead of getting help they get beaten down until they snap. The movie shows respected members in society, popular media figures, and ordinary people just trying to live their lives all contributing to a complete mental breakdown and how that spawns a complete monster. In other words, we all too easily create our own villains.

If Into The Spider-Verse is about how anyone can be Spider-Man, this film's message is that anyone can become the Joker. It's an uncomfortable message, true, but it's just as prudent. The criticism being based in ludicrous notions of inspiring violence means that the critics are missing the movie's whole point.

Or, perhaps, they don't like how they're reflected in contributing to the creation of our monsters.
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 12:42 pm Reply with quote
My favorite Batman movie - no, superhero movie, and one of my favorite movies of all time is Mask of the Phantasm.

I always have to roll my eyes at these "superhero movie critical mass" comments. Nobody is forcing you to see every one of them. Or any one of them. "There's too many superhero movies!" There are dozens of other movies out there, go find and watch them if you're tired of superhero movies. I only watch the ones I'm really interested in seeing, myself. I feel no obligation to see any. Complaining about them is so trite. (And hey, Scorsese, gangster films are just superhero films for forty plus.)
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Joined: 23 Dec 2017
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 1:11 pm Reply with quote
I thought the discussion on the Joker movie was very interesting. I personally haven't seen the movie yet, but this is really making me want to watch the movie even more, just so I can have my own thoughts on it. I'm personally not sure which side of the controversy I'm on, but I'm leaning towards thinking that this is completely overblown. I get that movies don't exist in a vacuum, and I also understand why people are worried about this film in the current political climate, but I still think people might be overreacting. Although, I could watch the film, and change my thinking.
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Joined: 19 May 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 6:08 pm Reply with quote
db999 wrote:
I thought the discussion on the Joker movie was very interesting. I personally haven't seen the movie yet, but this is really making me want to watch the movie even more, just so I can have my own thoughts on it. I'm personally not sure which side of the controversy I'm on, but I'm leaning towards thinking that this is completely overblown. I get that movies don't exist in a vacuum, and I also understand why people are worried about this film in the current political climate, but I still think people might be overreacting. Although, I could watch the film, and change my thinking.

Max G summed it up pretty well I'd say. All the controversy stems mainly from journalists who need outrage hate-clicks to survive. So they were all but outright begging people to shoot up a theater so they have something to write for the next couple of weeks. Props to Phoenix and Phillips for not humoring those guys with their loaded interview questions. Glad the movie is apparently doing super well, especially for an R rated movie compared to all the T rated cape flicks. If you're tired of the same old MCU formula, it's worth a watch.

I would hope with Joker's success we could see an R rated Punisher, Ghost Rider, or Moon Knight from Marvel, but I don't think the Mouse would do it regardless if it was successful or not since they want to keep Marvel family friendly now.

Last edited by DavetheUsher on Sat Oct 05, 2019 6:14 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 6:28 pm Reply with quote
DavetheUsher wrote:

Max G summed it up pretty well I'd say. All the controversy stems mainly from journalists who need outrage hate-clicks to survive. So they were all but outright begging people to shoot up a theater so they have something to write for the next couple of weeks.

This is galaxy brain thinking and deeply insulting to everyone who sincerely thought the movie had a very sinister message based on cultural context and what literally happens in the movie.
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Joined: 11 Jan 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Oct 05, 2019 10:40 pm Reply with quote
The thing I like about movies like the Joker one is that it seems like a chance to re-connect people of today with the Victorians.

A lot of times it seems like people have this view of the Victorians as uptight prudes who saw vice lurking in every corner and were willing to censor art and oppress free expression in order to fight it, and that they were replaced by more liberated modern thinkers who promoted free love, free expression, and a belief that leaving these things bottled up only lead to neurotic and unhealthy people.

People don't often seem to make the connection between the Victorians and us today unless a piece of art shows up that places you into the same mindset, a feeling that art should be viewed as something that can negatively influence real life, that even a villain should not glorify certain habits, promote certain thoughts.

Right now these two attitudes, the modern and the Victorian, seem like they are kept in two separate boxes in people's minds, which I feel keeps people from understanding what the past can teach us.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 2:00 pm Reply with quote
Someday I'll hop into one of these threads about how I didn't like a thing and gave all the nuanced reasons I didn't like a thing and not be accused of pearl-clutching, censorship-shrieking.

Equating "I think this movie's "message" was poorly conceptualized and the director lacks the ability to read the [expletive] room" as "Dr. Kellog says we gotta cut off your foreskin so you don't whack it too much and go blind" sure is something.
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Joined: 03 Feb 2015
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 2:34 pm Reply with quote
Haven't seen Joker, but I honestly wasn't super interested in it as a "must-see," even before all the recent press about it.

The Fall anime season seems pretty empty for me personally. There's a good number of sequels which is never a bad thing (except in maybe Psycho-Pass's case), and I'm still definitely going to keep watching MHA. I felt like every other season this year had at least 3-5 good shows though, so I'm not too upset. I have enough in my backlog to keep myself entertained, anime-wise.

I'm definitely looking forward to that 2010s Decade Retrospective! Those 80s, 90s, and 2000s shows were what originally got me listening to ANNCast! Being a new-ish fan at the time who had only heard of many of the 90s entries and seen about half of the 2000s ones, those shows helped me find a lot of classic anime. The discussion on War in the Pocket led to it being the first ever Gundam anime I watched.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 3:38 pm Reply with quote
DavetheUsher wrote:
db999 wrote:
I thought the discussion on the Joker movie was very interesting. I personally haven't seen the movie yet, but this is really making me want to watch the movie even more, just so I can have my own thoughts on it. I'm personally not sure which side of the controversy I'm on, but I'm leaning towards thinking that this is completely overblown. I get that movies don't exist in a vacuum, and I also understand why people are worried about this film in the current political climate, but I still think people might be overreacting. Although, I could watch the film, and change my thinking.

Max G summed it up pretty well I'd say. All the controversy stems mainly from journalists who need outrage hate-clicks to survive. So they were all but outright begging people to shoot up a theater so they have something to write for the next couple of weeks. Props to Phoenix and Phillips for not humoring those guys with their loaded interview questions. Glad the movie is apparently doing super well, especially for an R rated movie compared to all the T rated cape flicks. If you're tired of the same old MCU formula, it's worth a watch.

8Chan literally developed the phrase "in Minecraft" to get around talking about making shootings IRL. There is a legit culture of people itching to grab a gun and exact some weird revenge against some group of people, any group of people that they've decided has wronged them.

The same day someone I know went to see Joker, there was a shooting right across the river from where I live.

I'm not gonna call you disingenuous or a troll, but I'm gonna have to ask you to be way more aware of where you're standing and what you're saying.
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Joined: 18 Jun 2019
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 5:57 pm Reply with quote
Final Vent Card wrote:
8Chan literally developed the phrase "in Minecraft" to get around talking about making shootings IRL. There is a legit culture of people itching to grab a gun and exact some weird revenge against some group of people, any group of people that they've decided has wronged them.

The same day someone I know went to see Joker, there was a shooting right across the river from where I live.

Whaat. That's not what "in Minecraft" means. It's just a way to get around TOS on sites like Twitter or games like League of Legends where telling someone to kill themselves can get you banned, but clarifying you just meant in a video game is just telling them to play badly at a game. Sounds like something Fox News or CNN would report. News outlets are always terrible when it comes to covering internet culture and memes.

All the Joker movie stuff stems from a bunch of Joker memes people are taking seriously, specifically the "Gamers Rise Up!" and "We live in a society.." memes. People actually think people are going to dress up as the Joker and kill people because of a meme. People are even trying to retroactively paint the Aurora shooter as being inspired by the Joker and even saying he dressed up as him when police established his actual goal and motive back in 2012. The disinformation campaign is out in full force on this one.
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Joined: 05 Oct 2019
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 7:10 pm Reply with quote
macattack wrote:
I really don't get the media's uproar with Joker. It's basically a movie like Taxi Driver or Falling Down (especially the latter) but in the context of a supervillain origin story.

Both of those movies would cause an uproar if they were made today as would many movies that are considered classics but were not made within the past decade. The political climate has changed a lot in the last few years. Look at what's going on in the comedian sphere right now.

The movie is a cautionary tale about how we have mentally ill people hiding in plain sight and instead of getting help they get beaten down until they snap. The movie shows respected members in society, popular media figures, and ordinary people just trying to live their lives all contributing to a complete mental breakdown and how that spawns a complete monster. In other words, we all too easily create our own villains.

I think that's why Joker is doing amazingly well in Asian countries. It's getting phenomenal praise in Korea and Japan and on track for being huge at the box offices there. Tons of Japanese movie-goers were lining up in Joker cosplay to see the film on opening night. Asian societies expect you to keep your issues to yourself and not stand out. Salarymen who would rather go home after work but are obligated to go out drinking with their boss and co-workers and work themselves to death.

The criticism being based in ludicrous notions of inspiring violence means that the critics are missing the movie's whole point.

This is a movie that was doomed to be uncritiqable. People have already made up their mind if they're going to support the movie or not before they watched it. It became a part of the 'culture war'. That's usually what happens with films that have such a huge discrepancy between critic and audience receptions.
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PostPosted: Sun Oct 06, 2019 8:24 pm Reply with quote
Rentwo wrote:
macattack wrote:
I really don't get the media's uproar with Joker. It's basically a movie like Taxi Driver or Falling Down (especially the latter) but in the context of a supervillain origin story.

Both of those movies would cause an uproar if they were made today as would many movies that are considered classics but were not made within the past decade. The political climate has changed a lot in the last few years. Look at what's going on in the comedian sphere right now.

There's literally a movie coming out this month with someone playing Hitler in a comedic role. Todd Phillips crying that *his* comedy of yelling slurs is poorly received hasn't stopped plenty of good comics from continuing to make great, and funny, art. The idea that classic films couldn't be made now is a complete myth and usually based in completely misunderstanding what those movies actually say. A lot like how the comparisons around Joker mentioning Taxi Driver or King of Comedy point out that it tries to get by on those aesthetics without the care put into the framing and character that those movies do, and why so many people are tying themselves into knots over why their film-daddy Scorsese won't praise them for missing the point of his work.
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Joined: 22 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 07, 2019 2:01 am Reply with quote
Rentwo wrote:

I think that's why Joker is doing amazingly well in Asian countries. It's getting phenomenal praise in Korea and Japan and on track for being huge at the box offices there. Tons of Japanese movie-goers were lining up in Joker cosplay to see the film on opening night. Asian societies expect you to keep your issues to yourself and not stand out. Salarymen who would rather go home after work but are obligated to go out drinking with their boss and co-workers and work themselves to death

Um, no the issues that were being brought up in response to Joker don't exist in those countries. They don't have to worry a movie possibly inspire shootings because they don't have gun violence.
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