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Joined: 05 Aug 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 1:32 pm Reply with quote
Enter the Florpus was good for the most part,Gir's "Peace is Nice" song,gave me the big laugh in a while. It did feel like it was trying to fit a while season's worth of story into a movie. Out of the two,I found Rocko's more enjoyable just for what it had to say about reboots and nostalgia.
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El Hermano

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 2:42 pm Reply with quote
Themaster20000 wrote:
Enter the Florpus was good for the most part,Gir's "Peace is Nice" song,gave me the big laugh in a while. It did feel like it was trying to fit a while season's worth of story into a movie. Out of the two,I found Rocko's more enjoyable just for what it had to say about reboots and nostalgia.

I can only really see that if someone is all for that whole "subverting expectations and going against franchise norms is actually good" thing some modern takes on old franchises seem to love doing. I'd rank Static Cling the worse of the three, personally. At times it didn't even feel like Rocko.and just came off as resentful of its fanbase. Of course, Jhonen Vasquez also resents and openly hates large portions of the Zim fanbase yet still delivered a good sendoff which is always nice. Then there's Craig Barlett who spent over 2 decades trying to get The Jungle Movie made, and it turned out the best of the three because it was essentially written back when the original show was airing, even if the last 15 minutes are pretty iffy.
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Joined: 07 Sep 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 5:12 am Reply with quote
On Weathering With You, I think it being saddled with the question "is it as good as or better than Your Name?" is a really unfair hurdle it has to jump, but nevertheless one that can't really be avoided.

I've been able to see it and really enjoyed it - if you expect a unique experience like the first time you saw Your Name you likely won't get it, if you expect something completely different you definitely won't get that. It's a good movie that's built on similar narrative bones to YN (maybe to a fault) but that makes it a pretty safe followup. It's also staggeringly beautiful and a crowd pleaser from how well received it was at my screening.

Also strong concur with Zac on Cannon Busters, unfortunately. I gave up half way through, absolutely could not deal with that main character.
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Joined: 01 Jul 2004
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 1:06 pm Reply with quote
Themaster20000 wrote:
Enter the Florpus was good for the most part,Gir's "Peace is Nice" song,gave me the big laugh in a while. It did feel like it was trying to fit a while season's worth of story into a movie. Out of the two,I found Rocko's more enjoyable just for what it had to say about reboots and nostalgia.

I don't know. It felt like the purpose of the Rocko nostalgia movie was to make fun of people who wanted a Rocko nostalgia movie, almost designed to preemptively mock people who would complain about the changes so it would have been better to just not do it to begin with. And it felt like rather than the importance of accepting change, the message was that change is inherently good and should always be liked which is something I would greatly disagree with. Back in the day when Camp Lazlo premiered a lot of Rocko fans hated it because of how different and unlike Rocko it was. I wouldn't be surprised if Joe Murray kept that resentment all these years and used this special to gripe about it.

It's probably worth noting that most American cartoons are not very creator driven. They have a group of writers and directors who do most of the actual work and Rocko had a high pedigree staff back in the day. Steven Hillenberg who would go on to make Spongebob Squarepants, Dan Povenmire and Jeff Marsh who would go on to create Phineas and Ferb. Those 3 specifically were responsible for most of the more memorable and popular episodes like Zanzibar and Wacky Delly. None of them returned for Static Cling according to the credits, so if people weren't that happy with the special, that may be why. I'd rank it the most disappointing of the Nick revival specials, but I have a hunch the Rugrats one wlll be worse. Mainly because Rugrats devolved into a pretty terrible show before it ended due to seasonal rot, while Zim, Arnold, and Rocko were all good series for their entire run.
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 1:30 pm Reply with quote
I don't know. It felt like the purpose of the Rocko nostalgia movie was to make fun of people who wanted a Rocko nostalgia movie, almost designed to preemptively mock people who would complain about the changes so it would have been better to just not do it to begin with. And it felt like rather than the importance of accepting change, the message was that change is inherently good and should always be liked which is something I would greatly disagree with. Back in the day when Camp Lazlo premiered a lot of Rocko fans hated it because of how different and unlike Rocko it was. I wouldn't be surprised if Joe Murray kept that resentment all these years and used this special to gripe about it.

"I get all of my opinions from angry conservative YouTube and have been told that I'm supposed to hate LGBT people, so here's this"

You could've said this in fewer words and wasted less of our time, is all I'm saying.
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Joined: 20 May 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 4:17 pm Reply with quote
Amibite wrote:
It's probably worth noting that most American cartoons are not very creator driven. They have a group of writers and directors who do most of the actual work and Rocko had a high pedigree staff back in the day.

Bill Oakley and Josh Weinstein leaving The Simpsons after season 8 was why the show fell in quality and became known as "Zombie Simpsons". It does appear like Static Cling disappointed most long-time fans.
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Joined: 19 May 2014
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PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 6:50 pm Reply with quote
Amibite wrote:
I don't know. It felt like the purpose of the Rocko nostalgia movie was to make fun of people who wanted a Rocko nostalgia movie, almost designed to preemptively mock people who would complain about the changes so it would have been better to just not do it to begin with. And it felt like rather than the importance of accepting change, the message was that change is inherently good and should always be liked which is something I would greatly disagree with. Back in the day when Camp Lazlo premiered a lot of Rocko fans hated it because of how different and unlike Rocko it was. I wouldn't be surprised if Joe Murray kept that resentment all these years and used this special to gripe about it.

Well said. I'd throw in those Boomer jokes about cell phones, superhero movies, drones, and Starbucks as well. Simpsons did that exact same joke back in 1998.

Professor. Membrane absolutely stole the show in Florpus. Always felt he was underutilized in the original show and glad he was given a more prominent showing here.
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