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Answerman - What Does An Anime Producer Do?

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Shay Guy

Joined: 03 Jul 2009
Posts: 2477
PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 3:14 pm Reply with quote
I completely missed the memo that you were retiring from Answerman. Six years is a pretty damn good run.

Thanks for all the answers, man.
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Lord Geo

Joined: 18 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 3:19 pm Reply with quote
I fully understand why producers aren't usually given their due credit by anime fans, because for everything they do in making an anime, it's still the direct result of those people the producer brought. Take Masao Maruyama, for example. He's a big reason why Satoshi Kon was able to make all of his movies, but in the end those movies became iconic because of Kon's ideas & execution; the fact that Maruyama was the guy who made it possible feels ancillary, in comparison.

That being said, though, whenever an anime con brings in producers as guests, that's when I'm more than happy to get something autographed, or go to a panel to hear them talk about their productions, especially if someone like the director is either dead or isn't there, in person. If anything, a producer is someone who's tough to give credit to when it comes to something like writing or in a video, mainly because it'd be like praising someone's shadow. But when you have the chance to interact with a producer in person, then it's much easier to give thanks to them & pick their brains to see how things work, because you know that, for all the hard work everyone else put into that production, they were only able to do it in the first place because the producer made it possible.
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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Wed Aug 21, 2019 5:09 pm Reply with quote
Shay Guy wrote:
I completely missed the memo that you were retiring from Answerman. Six years is a pretty damn good run.

Thanks for all the answers, man.

Judging from the last bit at the end, it looks like the Answerman Column is retiring completely, not just Justin. Kind of crazy to think that a column that has been around for as long as I've been a regular reader here is ending. I do want to say that I appreciate all the questions and answers that came out of this since it's probably been the main way I've learned about how anime works.
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Joined: 14 Sep 2011
Posts: 636
PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:05 am Reply with quote
Yeah, not only that, but there wasn't even a shelf life article this week, meaning...yeah...>.>

Either way, yeah, I suppose this last Answerman kinda ended on a good note, in a way, though more people would probably ask in the future how the industry still works in mysterious ways. Though it won't be the same without Answerman.
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Joined: 10 Dec 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 3:24 am Reply with quote
So sad to see you go Justin, but if that is what best serves your interests then all the power to you. Thank you truly for all these years of quality content, it was most educational and informative. I hope we get to see you around in some other form, maybe later. is there any twitter or such we can follow you at?
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Joined: 03 Jul 2011
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 12:17 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for everything, Justin! This was my favorite feature on ANN, even before Brian was Answerman. We wouldn't even have ANN without you, so thanks for all the years of information and entertainment. It's definitely appreciated. Smile
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Joined: 26 Dec 2016
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PostPosted: Thu Aug 22, 2019 2:22 pm Reply with quote
Thanks for a great last Answerman column, Justin. Sayonara, and good luck!
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Shay Guy

Joined: 03 Jul 2009
Posts: 2477
PostPosted: Fri Aug 23, 2019 12:30 am Reply with quote
MiloTheFirst wrote:
is there any twitter or such we can follow you at?

There's a link at the bottom. And on that topic...

Greed1914 wrote:
Judging from the last bit at the end, it looks like the Answerman Column is retiring completely, not just Justin. Kind of crazy to think that a column that has been around for as long as I've been a regular reader here is ending.

He said on his Twitter, "There will be a new Answerman but I don't know who yet, and it won't involve email I'm told."
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Joined: 06 Dec 2003
Posts: 145
PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2019 11:39 am Reply with quote
Thank you for another great article Justin, it clarified some bits I'd never even thought to question, but which makes some things make a lot more sense (I actually read your article just after watching a BBC bit on producers which was more general)..

Thank you for all the Answerman columns you've done over the years, they've always been informative, usually fun to read, and often filled in gaps in my knowledge that I didn't even realise I had, or didn't realise the Japanese did things in a slightly different way to say the Americans or Brtis even though they're working in the same field.
You've done a great job of lifting the veil about the industry and practices
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