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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 4:10 pm Reply with quote
I appreciate the gesture of doing an Eva episode, but if Jacob Chapman is not on it, I have no interest in listening. Jacob is ANN's best critic, and he has to be in a discussion about a seminal anime show like Neon Genesis Evangelion.
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Joined: 23 Dec 2017
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 7:12 pm Reply with quote
I also heard a similar version to what Zac said about that final line, but it was a bit different. The version I heard is that the original line translated roughly to, "I'd never want to be killed by a guy like you. Never." And that Asuka's actress, Yuko Miyamura couldn't get the line right and they had to redo that scene so often that Shinji's actress, Megumi Ogata actually started strangling Yuko. The rest of the story is as Lynzee told it. I also don't think this urban legend is true

Personally, I think that the End of Evangelion is open to interpretation. My personal interpretation of the ending is the same that Lynzee had, with Asuka having self-actualized and coming back to reality, implying that everyone will eventually come back. Manga Spoilers ahead. spoiler[This is the interpretation that the manga adaptation that Sadamoto penned. there are differences between the manga and anime, some small and some rather large. E.g. Instead of Shinji masturbating over Asuka he begs her to wake up and help him, and then she wakes up and starts attacking him. And Shinji saves Asuka from the white Evas. After the events that occur at the end of End of Eva that also occurs in the manga, the final scene is of the world rebuilt into a normal world where Shinji goes to Tokyo for, I think it was either for High School or College, and meets Kensuke and Asuka on the train there.] Pretty much everyone should read the manga it goes in different directions, but is really great.
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 7:14 pm Reply with quote
The source I read did say that Ogata and Asuka's voice actress acted out the strangling scene, but it was just acting, not due to any frustration between the two.
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Joined: 01 Jun 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jun 28, 2019 8:04 pm Reply with quote
db999 wrote:
I also heard a similar version to what Zac said about that final line, but it was a bit different. The version I heard is that the original line translated roughly to, "I'd never want to be killed by a guy like you. Never." And that Asuka's actress, Yuko Miyamura couldn't get the line right and they had to redo that scene so often that Shinji's actress, Megumi Ogata actually started strangling Yuko. The rest of the story is as Lynzee told it. I also don't think this urban legend is true

Personally, I think that the End of Evangelion is open to interpretation. My personal interpretation of the ending is the same that Lynzee had, with Asuka having self-actualized and coming back to reality, implying that everyone will eventually come back. Manga Spoilers ahead. spoiler[This is the interpretation that the manga adaptation that Sadamoto penned. there are differences between the manga and anime, some small and some rather large. E.g. Instead of Shinji masturbating over Asuka he begs her to wake up and help him, and then she wakes up and starts attacking him. And Shinji saves Asuka from the white Evas. After the events that occur at the end of End of Eva that also occurs in the manga, the final scene is of the world rebuilt into a normal world where Shinji goes to Tokyo for, I think it was either for High School or College, and meets Kensuke and Asuka on the train there.] Pretty much everyone should read the manga it goes in different directions, but is really great.

Asuka's original line is actually on the Japanese BDs as an extra.
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Joined: 03 Feb 2015
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 12:35 am Reply with quote
As a female listener who watched Eva for the first time as a teen, albeit older than 14, I totally feel what Lynzee was saying about relating to Asuka, both as a character and how my guy friends felt about her. I never experienced her sort of trauma, but she felt so authentic even before her breakdown. From how hard she pushes herself to succeed, to trying to make others (including an older man) see her as an adult woman, there's just a lot to her that often feels like it gets boiled down to "bitch" from younger fans (much like the immature summations of Shinji as just a whiny coward). Seeing Asuka in End of Eva just hurt, especially since I watched it not knowing any of the history and had no idea how it was rooted in a lot of anger.

Regarding the dub, while there's some definite stiffness/too literal takes with the script and a few rushed mistakes like inconsistent pronunciation for certain words, I did like some other decisions they made. While there were a couple voices I preferred from the ADV dub, most of the new actors fit their roles fine and the background actors especially sounded more natural. I thought the new VA for Shinji, the character I was most concerned about, basically making or breaking the dub, did a great job. Kaworu's new voice actor (despite the whole translation kerfuffle) felt like an active improvement, as I've never liked any of his English counterparts (which is a feat considering he's had five English voice actors, more than pretty much any other Eva character). So I guess you win and lose some.

I do really hope someone is able to put it out on blu-ray at some point. Its just too seminal a work to not be able to own.
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Joined: 26 Nov 2007
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 11:00 am Reply with quote
I ran through Bloodstained ROTN in 20 hrs. I too play SOTN each year since it's release. The game never gets old and IGA did it again with Bloodstained.

I go through NGE every few years and it still goes off the deep end Berserk eclipse style. The drop off can mess with your mental state depending on how invested you get into the show.
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Joined: 27 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Sat Jun 29, 2019 11:05 am Reply with quote
Evangelion memes have spread to the US presidential election. Comments about angels from Democratic candidate Marianne Williamson have spurred a number of responses that cite that show. Perhaps it's the conjunction of the Netflix release and her campaign.

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Sailor Star Dust

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PostPosted: Sun Jun 30, 2019 5:18 pm Reply with quote
Back in the day, Ogata herself was interviewed regarding how the final scene went down: https://web.archive.org/web/20010507021036/http://www.akadot.com/article/article-ogata1.html

And here's the sources cited on Miyamura's explanation, too: https://wiki.evageeks.org/Statements_by_Evangelion_Staff#Interview_with_Yuko_Miyamura_.28BS_AnimeYAWA.29
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Joined: 28 Jun 2019
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 02, 2019 9:22 pm Reply with quote
Good episode, gotta say I disagree with your assessments of Kaji though. He's probably the most enigmatic character in that you never really get a chance to look under the hood at his mind so to speak, however I think if he were TRULY just constantly changing his allegiances constantly and ducking out the moment things got tough he wouldn't have undertaken a mission that he thought he'd probably give his life for. Now, who those allegiances are actually to and what his ultimate objective was we don't really know since his walls are up high to the end and his actions seem scattered, but whatever they are they were more important than life itself to him. Never rally gave too much thought to try really break those down and figure it out but...
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Gilles Poitras

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PostPosted: Sat Jul 13, 2019 8:59 am Reply with quote
Back in the late 1990s I had a question at a panel as to the meaning of the last episode. I replied I could not put it into words but I understood it on an emotional level. I explained that in all seriousness what made me understand it was the essays of Jean-Paul Sartre. I recommended people skip his longer works.

You succeeded in explaining the ending in ways that I could not. Thank you.
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