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Joined: 11 May 2010
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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2019 2:41 pm Reply with quote
As a result, deer and boar populations have been exploding, and causing major damage to agriculture and forest land. ... Facing such challenges, local governments have been trying to get more young people interested in hunting, holding sponsored events and such.

That sounds so strange but I guess Japan is just really different from the west.
Anytime I hear anything on the news or internet about hunting its always about how wildlife is being endangered and poachers are a problem (although I suppose poachers are targeting the endangered species).

I suppose this also means if you're not a citizen of Japan you have zero chance of hunting as a tourist.
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Joined: 15 May 2007
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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2019 3:05 pm Reply with quote
Sounds like a good time for a cute girls go hunting anime.

A potential escalation of the laid back camp series into an awareness campaign.

I wonder if we can make moe versions of guns like they do battleships.
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Joined: 14 Jun 2008
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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2019 3:10 pm Reply with quote
jdnation wrote:
I wonder if we can make moe versions of guns like they do battleships.

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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2019 3:12 pm Reply with quote
A 2006 film, Babel, documents the story of a Japanese businessman who travels to Morocco to hunt mountain goats. After a successful hunt, he presents his very fine rifle to his local hunting guide as a gift. Much later, the sons of the man who was guide are playing with the rifle when it goes off. Very far away an American woman on a tour bus is hit by the bullet. The lives of four families are wound up in panic and tragedy before the truth is revealed. A highly recommended film.
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2019 3:15 pm Reply with quote
Why is the sidebar header image from Flying Witch?

Makoto wasn't hunting that bird, she was just having fun trying to catch it because they don't have pheasants in Yokohama.
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Joined: 03 Oct 2005
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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2019 3:20 pm Reply with quote
Calsolum wrote:

That sounds so strange but I guess Japan is just really different from the west.
Anytime I hear anything on the news or internet about hunting its always about how wildlife is being endangered and poachers are a problem (although I suppose poachers are targeting the endangered species).

I suppose this also means if you're not a citizen of Japan you have zero chance of hunting as a tourist.

in the USA it is similar--some regions are full of wild pigs. Others have deer overpopulation that it is becoming a pest, because people don't hunt as much now and due to loss of predators and deer causes spread of disease and causes traffic accidents.
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Joined: 10 Oct 2018
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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2019 3:38 pm Reply with quote
Calsolum wrote:

That sounds so strange but I guess Japan is just really different from the west.
Anytime I hear anything on the news or internet about hunting its always about how wildlife is being endangered and poachers are a problem (although I suppose poachers are targeting the endangered species).

I come from a hunting family in North America. Modern day hunters aren't at all the reason for the decline of wildlife: the destruction of natural habitats for the sake of farming, mining, and logging is. Even poaching is down as the demand for various animal parts is way down. How many of us wear fur coats these days? Modern day hunters pour a lot of money and resources into making sure no animal gets over-hunted.
Hunters are a bit of a strawman for people to point at and blame for the decline of wildlife, when it's actually Big Business. But really the hunters don't want all the wildlife to go away any more than the rest of us.
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Joined: 27 Jul 2014
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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2019 3:41 pm Reply with quote
jdnation wrote:
Sounds like a good time for a cute girls go hunting anime..

Sabagebu had a episode where the girls tried to get hunting licenses, only to fail because high-school students obviously aren't old enough to do so.
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Joined: 10 Nov 2014
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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2019 3:42 pm Reply with quote
Calsolum wrote:
As a result, deer and boar populations have been exploding, and causing major damage to agriculture and forest land. ... Facing such challenges, local governments have been trying to get more young people interested in hunting, holding sponsored events and such.

That sounds so strange but I guess Japan is just really different from the west.
Anytime I hear anything on the news or internet about hunting its always about how wildlife is being endangered and poachers are a problem (although I suppose poachers are targeting the endangered species).
Culling particularly abundant species of wildlife is definitely a thing in at least some western countries. There's probably just not much of a need for the governments to promote it due to greater popularity of hunting.

jdnation wrote:
Sounds like a good time for a cute girls go hunting anime.

A potential escalation of the laid back camp series into an awareness campaign.

Not a whole anime, but a part of an episode of Sabagebu! had a subplot about hunting animals to preserve agricultural crops, and it was actually presented in a semi-serious way (which is unusual, as the show is based on a gag manga and spends most of its time subverting and parodying typical CGDCT clichés).[Edit: ninja'd by Posts Sometimes!]

Tenchi wrote:
Why is the sidebar header image from Flying Witch?

Makoto wasn't hunting that bird, she was just having fun trying to catch it because they don't have pheasants in Yokohama.
The show is mentioned right there in the question..
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Joined: 10 Jan 2019
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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2019 3:47 pm Reply with quote
I live in the southern US, and feral hogs are a HUGE problem here. They cause many millions of dollars in damage to property and agriculture here. In some places the state or local governments will even pay a bounty for hogs, and many farmers will pay hunters or otherwise encourage them to shoot hogs on their land. They are one example of a non-native species wreaking havoc on local wildlife. There are countless others: European starlings will kill and out-compete native American birds. Rabbits and cats in Australia, etc.

Often times the problem has nothing to do with native species and instead happens due to well-meaning but fundamentally flawed laws interfering with complex ecosystems. This is a huge problem facing many parts of the US, and I assume other places worldwide. It sounds silly, but this is a legitimate problem in the US:
-Wolves were mostly killed off a century or more ago
-Human hunters kept the elk population in check
-Fairly recent laws banned or severely restricted elk hunting in many areas
-Elk population explodes
-There are so many young elk that they eat the tops off all the saplings, stunting their growth
-Now there aren't enough trees for beavers to build their dams from
-Massive flooding ensues
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Joined: 31 Aug 2014
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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2019 3:48 pm Reply with quote
Do they hunt those screwy wabbits?
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Joined: 03 Jan 2002
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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2019 3:51 pm Reply with quote
vonPeterhof wrote:

Tenchi wrote:
Why is the sidebar header image from Flying Witch?

Makoto wasn't hunting that bird, she was just having fun trying to catch it because they don't have pheasants in Yokohama.
The show is mentioned right there in the question..

You're right, I probably shouldn't have skimmed the full question before reading the answer.

I don't think Kei's father wanted to kill the pheasant either so at most, if he had a gun, he'd just have shot it into the air to scare it away from his crops. But there are other ways of making noise so any hypotheticals about what he'd do if he had a gun is pretty much a non-starter.
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Joined: 01 Jan 2014
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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2019 3:55 pm Reply with quote
Well this was interesting. I recall a long time ago I was wondering if there was hunting activity in Japan, but I never got around to looking that up.

As for the issue of overpopulation of deer and boar, I am sadden the ecosystem in Japan is like this due to people long ago wiping put the only predators that could control those populations. Also, I can imagine getting more people interested in hunting those deer and boar being difficult given how costly and time consuming it would for one to earn the responsibility to owning a gun to take them down. I feel even if a campaign or company try to encourage others through manga/anime starring cute/attractive women or girls that enjoy hunting with guns most people would get too intimidated by regulation to owning a gun and the cost of money to fulfill the requirements of those regulations.

I think it would be a good idea to take these regulations into consideration and figure out ways the local/national government can help make the process of easier for those who want to hunt using rifles.

Calsolum wrote:

That sounds so strange but I guess Japan is just really different from the west.
Anytime I hear anything on the news or internet about hunting its always about how wildlife is being endangered and poachers are a problem (although I suppose poachers are targeting the endangered species).

That is typically the case, Calsolum. However hunters (or at least what people commonly think of as hunters) are not out hunting endanger animals but instead local animals that have more of a healthy population. Pretty much like ThrowMeOut said most hunters actually do care about the wildlife and do not want to see animals go extinct (after all if the animals go away then so does the hunting sport/hobby). Also, we have conservation cops or game wardens who make sure hunters are following the law and not going overboard the quota of animals to hunt. I do not know if you live in the United States, but if you do if you watch Animal Planet you will see shows about game wardens and how they go about managing the natural resources of the state they are in including checking up on hunters.
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Joined: 13 Mar 2011
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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2019 3:58 pm Reply with quote
jdnation wrote:
Sounds like a good time for a cute girls go hunting anime.

A potential escalation of the laid back camp series into an awareness campaign.
Well, the mentioned in the article Kentaro Okamoto, which Sanzoku Diary was autobiography about his hunting training, made another series, Sounan Desu Ka/Are You Lost, which is adapted to anime this summer - and it's basically comical, but quite realistic survival guide with cute girls with it. And of course, it includes trap hunting.
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Joined: 11 Jan 2015
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PostPosted: Wed May 22, 2019 4:03 pm Reply with quote
Calsolum wrote:
As a result, deer and boar populations have been exploding, and causing major damage to agriculture and forest land. ... Facing such challenges, local governments have been trying to get more young people interested in hunting, holding sponsored events and such.

That sounds so strange but I guess Japan is just really different from the west.
Anytime I hear anything on the news or internet about hunting its always about how wildlife is being endangered and poachers are a problem (although I suppose poachers are targeting the endangered species).

I suppose this also means if you're not a citizen of Japan you have zero chance of hunting as a tourist.

There's been a huge decline in hunters in the west as well. Around my parts deer are like giant rats. During the spring/summer my county alone has 15 deer/car accidents per DAY. They even had to hire snipers to cull the urban/suburban herds they got so bad.
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