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Joined: 16 May 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 3:14 pm Reply with quote
The problem with One Punch Man isn't that it's being handled by a different team, it's that it's being handled by a different Studio. J.C. Staff at that. Those guys are pretty nice, but when you handle 50 mil light novel adaptations a season, you're bound not to have enough man power to handle something as demanding as One Punch Man... well, let's hope they come through.
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Joined: 17 Jul 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 5:36 pm Reply with quote
What the heck was Zac talking about at the end with Kill la Kill; did he forget what happened in that show, or just deeply misinterpret the material??
spoiler[The fascists didn't win at the end they were defeated, and their grip on the world and humanity was released. If it's because Satsuki was forgiven for her deeds that's another misinterpretation. Her actions were a ploy to get close to Ragyo to kill her, but in doing so she had to genuinely give it her all and play along. Even though Satsuki never truly believed Ragyo's words she still in turn had hurt Ryuko, and her friends, throughout the show so that is why she is apologizing at the end. She wasn't asking for forgiveness for being evil and turning good, because she was never evil to begin with; but in having to play along with evil to defeat it she still had to hurt and lie to people, hence the apology.]
Sorry for going on a tangent, I've just never seen someone so completely misread the show like that. Maybe it's because Zac hasn't seen it in a while, I dunno.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 5:43 pm Reply with quote
AksaraKishou wrote:
The problem with One Punch Man isn't that it's being handled by a different team, it's that it's being handled by a different Studio. J.C. Staff at that. Those guys are pretty nice, but when you handle 50 mil light novel adaptations a season, you're bound not to have enough man power to handle something as demanding as One Punch Man... well, let's hope they come through.

No, they are correct that it is the team rather than the studio. Madhouse is not in the same state as it was when they made the first season, with much of their talent leaving for the various offshoot studios. Even if it were, they would not have gotten the results that they did without the connections that Natsume Shingo brought. You have to remember that, aside from at KyoAni, many of the animators and other staff are freelance, which is to say that they do not work for the studio(s). That means that even if it had stayed with Madhouse, the new director would not be working with the same animation staff. They can only work with the connections that the top level staff bring with them. Even with the same director and same studio is no guarantee they will achieve the same level of quality. Just look at ACCA, also directed by Shingo at Madhouse, which, while not a badly produced show, was not on the same level as One Punch Man, even accounting for the difference in genre.

J.C. Staff is no different in terms of variation in quality based on the team making the individual shows. Just look at their four shows that aired this past summer: Back Street Girls, Angels of Death, Planet With, and High Score Girl. I think it is fair to say that those shows vary significantly in quality (and in many other ways) despite airing at the same time and being produced by the same studio. As for the number of shows that they produce, One Punch Man 2 is their only show that is airing next season, though they are probably working on Accelerator and Railgun III and the Konosuba movie that premiere later this year as well.
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 5:59 pm Reply with quote
AliceTheHare wrote:
What the heck was Zac talking about at the end with Kill la Kill; did he forget what happened in that show, or just deeply misinterpret the material??
spoiler[The fascists didn't win at the end they were defeated, and their grip on the world and humanity was released. If it's because Satsuki was forgiven for her deeds that's another misinterpretation. Her actions were a ploy to get close to Ragyo to kill her, but in doing so she had to genuinely give it her all and play along. Even though Satsuki never truly believed Ragyo's words she still in turn had hurt Ryuko, and her friends, throughout the show so that is why she is apologizing at the end. She wasn't asking for forgiveness for being evil and turning good, because she was never evil to begin with; but in having to play along with evil to defeat it she still had to hurt and lie to people, hence the apology.]
Sorry for going on a tangent, I've just never seen someone so completely misread the show like that. Maybe it's because Zac hasn't seen it in a while, I dunno.

Yeah, after I said that I was like "you know, I should go back and make sure I'm remembering right" and it sounds like I wasn't! Time for a revisit after all.
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Joined: 17 Jul 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Mar 15, 2019 6:22 pm Reply with quote
Zac wrote:
Yeah, after I said that I was like "you know, I should go back and make sure I'm remembering right" and it sounds like I wasn't! Time for a revisit after all.

Ah, it's fine! I wasn't mad or anything just confused. We all forget things from time to time.
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Joined: 06 Jul 2018
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 11:28 am Reply with quote
Saw Captain Marvel for free (friend works at the theater) and the only thing I remember is the internet backlash over Monica being a child. The movie itself was okay (I'm quite curious why Jacob hates it) but I actually hated Infinity War the most next to Thor 2. Spiderverse has spoiled me so much that I have zero interest watching the new Marvel one but DC's Shazam looks fun and lighthearted.

For Neverland I caved at episode 10 and read the manga. The puzzles really are the most interesting part of the series. spoiler[I knew Norman wasn't dead but I was so frustrated thinking how the kids would escape a deep hole. The answer was more obvious than I thought!!]
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Joined: 23 Dec 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Mar 16, 2019 2:30 pm Reply with quote
Zac wrote:

Sorry for going on a tangent, I've just never seen someone so completely misread the show like that. Maybe it's because Zac hasn't seen it in a while, I dunno.

Yeah, after I said that I was like "you know, I should go back and make sure I'm remembering right" and it sounds like I wasn't! Time for a revisit after all.[/quote]

If nothing else it'll be interesting to revisit the reaction to that series. Kill la Kill's reception kind of had a bunch of ups and downs. Felt like people first didn't like it, then loved it and then disliked it again.

I mean I would generally consider Kill la Kill to be against fascism. It was also show that just wanted to entertain everybody and was good at it. But at the same time the fanservice elements remain uncomfortable at best and misogynist at worst. I suppose Kill la Kill's reputation being so up and down is pretty much a juxtaposition of those two things. How much you like Kill la Kill depends on how much one wins out over the other in your mind.
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Joined: 22 May 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 7:50 am Reply with quote
what's "problematic" about Krone?
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Joined: 20 May 2014
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PostPosted: Thu Mar 21, 2019 5:04 pm Reply with quote
rtil wrote:
what's "problematic" about Krone?

I assume because she's black.
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