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Joined: 28 Oct 2007
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 4:43 pm Reply with quote
This is one of those seasons that feels deceptive to me because I feel like there isn't as much that I'm interested in, but then a review of my streaming queue reveals that I'm still keeping up with several ongoing shows that are easy to forget about in the moment because they didn't start this season.
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Angel M Cazares

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 5:42 pm Reply with quote
I agree that this is a weak anime season, as Winter seasons typically are, but I found plenty of stuff to watch. I am watching Dororo, Zac, and so far it is looking like the anime of the year.
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Alternative Ice

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 6:50 pm Reply with quote
Between Mob Psycho, Neverland and Dororo Winter 2019 is already better than all of 2018.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 7:06 pm Reply with quote
I couldn't possibly disagree more about it being a weak season. In fact I'd likely say it's the strongest in a long time for me. For once I'm watching more than 1 or 2 shows.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 7:48 pm Reply with quote
"Dororo is Tezuka doing Go Nagai"

I get what Jake's going for with Dororo, but I just find it an amusing way to look at it, because when Dororo debuted in 1967, Go Nagai hadn't even debuted his first serialized work yet. In fact, Osamu Tezuka apparently admitted in a later interview that he created Dororo primarily because he was jealous of the success Shigeru Mizuki was seeing with GeGeGe no Kitaro, so he tried to take some of that yokai manga momentum for himself.

Still, I do get the Nagai similarity, especially for this newer anime, since it does up the violence & bloodshed.
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 7:56 pm Reply with quote
Lord Geo wrote:
"Dororo is Tezuka doing Go Nagai"

I get what Jake's going for with Dororo, but I just find it an amusing way to look at it, because when Dororo debuted in 1967, Go Nagai hadn't even debuted his first serialized work yet. In fact, Osamu Tezuka apparently admitted in a later interview that he created Dororo primarily because he was jealous of the success Shigeru Mizuki was seeing with GeGeGe no Kitaro, so he tried to take some of that yokai manga momentum for himself.

Still, I do get the Nagai similarity, especially for this newer anime, since it does up the violence & bloodshed.

Oh yeah, I definitely wasn't trying to imply that Tezuka was aping Nagai. Of course the reverse is true, since Tezuka was the OG for many creations that would influence genres that Nagai was working within. Laughing
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 8:01 pm Reply with quote
Dimension High School is airing at 22:00 on Tokyo MX, a time where a lot of junior high/high school kids watch TV after getting out of cram school.
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Joined: 23 Dec 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 8:23 pm Reply with quote
Glad to see ANNCast back, for a while I was a bit worried you were both burned out on it. Which is you know cool, I don't think you owe listeners a show if you guys didn't enjoy recording it anymore, but I'd definitely miss it if it ended.

Honestly this season I'm enjoying more then most anime seasons. Counting shows like Jojo and Run With the Wind there are five shows I'm following week to week, with an anime season I usually get one or two.

And Dororo is indeed great. I always thought it was the easiest of Tezuka's works to modernize. There's just something inherently cool about a feudal-horror story starring a guy killing demons to regain his body-parts. Also really enjoying where it's going thematically. Comparing Hyakkimaru's journey in regaining his capacity to feel pain, to the various samurai warlords and murderers who are trying to do the opposite. It's a cool show and I wish more people were talking about it openly.

Also really enjoy Neverland, never made the prestige TV connection although now I see it. I do love it's subtle horror directing. It's an interesting contrast with the manga, which tonally is more of a pulpy children's adventure. Kind of like reading a Nancy Drew book (how it feels to me at least, even if I've never read Nancy Drew).

Stopped watching Boogiepop after the first episode mostly due to the slow pacing but Jacob's description does make me want to pick it up again. Did enjoy the first episode where the viewpoint character basically goes "Wait? The story ended? Weren't we supposed to go on an adventure and save the world? And that will lead to a big catharsis that'll fix my lack of direction in life?" and Boogiepop just goes "Dude, punching a monster will not fix your issues. Where the hell did you get that idea?".

Boogiepop, Mob Psycho, SSSS.Gridman (and a bunch of other anime) kind of share similarities in that way. I guess when you manage to make it to adulthood while still holding onto to the love of those kid stories, you start getting introspective on that kind of escapism.
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Lord Geo

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PostPosted: Fri Feb 01, 2019 9:34 pm Reply with quote
JacobC wrote:
Oh yeah, I definitely wasn't trying to imply that Tezuka was aping Nagai. Of course the reverse is true, since Tezuka was the OG for many creations that would influence genres that Nagai was working within. Laughing

No doubt, but it is funny that the "OG" himself actually admitted at least once that Dororo was him aping another creator, in this case Mizuki.
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Joined: 03 Feb 2015
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 4:53 am Reply with quote
I'm just watching The Promised Neverland, Dororo, and Mob Psycho 100 II. After the onslaught of Fall, I'm pretty content with just those. There are still shows I need to catch up on from last year anyways, and Spring will have so much. Dororo is definitely my favorite so far, especially since TPN isn't much of a surprise week to week after reading it.

I actually had a bit of a harder time with Mob Psycho's first season grabbing me too, despite loving so many other aspects of it, but season 2 had such a good premiere and the season so far has felt a little more emotionally resonant and focused for me, which I'm happy about.

Looking forward to hearing more of the podcast!
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 8:35 am Reply with quote
I am actually surprised Zac and Jake didn't mentioned the other and arguably the more superior cute girls and planes show, The Magnificent Kotobuki done by the Shirobako and Girls und Panzer director Tsutomu Mizushima. While the first 2 episodes were too brisk in their introductions and the CG could be a hit or miss, the dogfight scenes were spectacular and the 3rd episode gave a bit of a Seven Samurai vibe to it.
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Joined: 24 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 3:30 pm Reply with quote
Yes, The Magnificent Kotobuki seems more interesting than Girly Air Force (Arpeggio of Blue Steel Strike Witches?), even with the janky CGI. It's got a promising ensemble cast, a world they can explore should the plot lag, fun air battles, and no magical girl-friends.

(With respect to Girly Air Force, it seems pretty clear that the Xi which Gripen was made of is going to be the one that killed Kei's mother --- maybe even fused with her somehow.)

Kaguya-sama is already moving on from its one-joke premise, but even if it weren't, it would be worth tuning in for the ending animation from episode 2 on (especially episode 3).
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Nom De Plume De Fanboy
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 4:45 pm Reply with quote
dm wrote:
Kaguya-sama is already moving on from its one-joke premise, but even if it weren't, it would be worth tuning in for the ending animation from episode 2 on (especially episode 3).

Does anyone know if the ep 3 ending was done in 3D CG and then put through a filter to match the 2D background? Or just how it was done in general? And/or is there a way to know if it was done "on the 1s"? The dance itself and the singing are pretty routine J-Pop idol stuff, but the animation of the clothing, especially the skirt, is excellent. I'm interested because I think 3D is the future hope for better anime animation.

The Magnificent Kotobuki ... yeah, I was liking that, especially as a minor WWII airplane nerd, even with some of the sillier stuff, I still liked it. The flying looked really neat and actually plausible. But then, they didn't jump a shark, they had a man spoiler[jump from one plane onto the front of another so he was sitting backwards in front of the cockpit canopy, then he slid open the canopy, stuck a pistol in the pilot's face, and 'carjacked' the airplane. Shocked Rolling Eyes I did like the devilish look he had on his face. Cool Then we see the pilot in his parachute, and the 'planejacker' (?) flying away. They never showed how he got inside.] I'm still going to watch for the airplanes, and how they animate the boss lady walking in her high heels, but I'm not taking anything else seriously. I hope it's fun somehow.
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 5:58 pm Reply with quote
Nom De Plume De Fanboy wrote:
dm wrote:
Kaguya-sama is already moving on from its one-joke premise, but even if it weren't, it would be worth tuning in for the ending animation from episode 2 on (especially episode 3).

Does anyone know if the ep 3 ending was done in 3D CG and then put through a filter to match the 2D background? Or just how it was done in general? And/or is there a way to know if it was done "on the 1s"? The dance itself and the singing are pretty routine J-Pop idol stuff, but the animation of the clothing, especially the skirt, is excellent. I'm interested because I think 3D is the future hope for better anime animation.

It looked like rotoscoping to me (basically drawing over live action footage). A well done sequence regardless of the technique.
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Joined: 24 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2019 6:31 pm Reply with quote
Maybe I spoke too soon. Episode 4 of Kaguya-sama has reverted to the episode 2 ED (a homage to both Laputa and On your mark).

Episode 4 had lots of other Fujiwara antics to make up for it though.
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