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Joined: 23 Dec 2013
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 5:31 pm Reply with quote
Warren Ellis did write that the role of Godbrand was pretty much written with Stomare in mind, and if they didn't get him he'd be screwed.

I figured the reason season 2 focused less on Trevor Belmont is that he already completed his arc in season one. spoiler[From a lazy useless drunk to symbolically sacrificing his life to kill Dracula with his fight against Alucard.

I did like Alucard's arc, from somebody depressed and repressing his emotions to finally being able to grieve for his parents properly.]

Always am impressed by how Warren Ellis can take things he doesn't really care about (superheroes and Castlevania) and make himself care. There's a running theme in his stories about how people with exceptional talents have a duty to try to improve the world for everyone.

spoiler[Also find it kind of hilarious that all the plotting and scheming from Dracula's castle just ends with a "WTF?".]

Anyways looking forward to the Higurashi podcast. Honestly never could get into Ryukishi07's work, but it kind of fascinates me. Umineko is this weird obtuse convoluted meta-thing that violates most rules of storytelling, but is clearly still powerful for a lot of people. It's a unique vision that I'm probably never going to find the time to get into.

Last edited by Doodleboy on Fri Nov 02, 2018 10:23 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 6:28 pm Reply with quote
Listening to you guys' opinions, I'm maybe a little less hyped, but still down for Mirai.

spoiler[The furry stuff is actually a selling point for me, but I'm going to try to look past it in determining if it's truly a great movie or not. Summer Wars and The Boy and the Beast were great to me, Beast a little less so than Summer Wars. And this is blasphemous, but I still haven't seen Wolf Children...]
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Joined: 08 Aug 2012
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PostPosted: Fri Nov 02, 2018 9:42 pm Reply with quote
Castlevania season two was excellent and I can agree with Jacob about the character development being very effective thus far, but I also see the validity of Zac's concerns about what might happen in the future with the subsequent seasons.

Focusing on the Belmont clan needs to happen, sooner or later, yet I am currently thinking that season three may be mostly an anime original conflict between the surviving characters with only a few elements taken from the post-CV3 games that would chronologically follow.

That's not necessarily a bad thing. It all depends on how well Warren Ellis manages to sell us on that scenario. Which, all things considered, shouldn't be too difficult. And besides, I think they'll still get to continue on a more familiar note once that's over.

Doodleboy wrote:
Anyways looking forward to the Higurashi podcast. Honestly never could get into Ryukishi07's work, but it kind of fascinates me. Umineko is this weird obtuse convoluted meta-thing that violates most rules of storytelling, but is clearly still powerful for a lot of people. It's a unique vision that I'm probably never going to find the time to get into.

Umineko was basically an extended commentary/critique about storytelling in general as well as about the mystery genre in particular, so that's kind of the whole point. If that's the underlying objective, then the rules exist to be questioned and broken.

It's got a lot more to say than Higurashi, which was a rather limited narrative about overcoming a tragic fate when you get down to the basics, but a key part of the Umineko VN experience was all about the construction of theories and debating them with other fans (btw, the original Umineko soundtrack is quite wonderful and enhances many scenes...to say nothing of all the fan remixes people have made).

To a lesser extent, this was also true of Higurashi (even if the first TV series didn't do a good job of portraying all the necessary puzzle pieces, although it was still effective in other respects). Which is hard to replicate when it comes to watching the anime adaptations in 2018. In an ideal world, I'd hope that Zac and Jacob are able to find someone who knows something about that angle and invite them to the podcast. Even if they don't, however, people should be made aware of that fact.

I'll be honest: I became a big fan of Higurashi when Kai was originally airing. For me, it was much better than the original series because events started to make more sense and the cast grew on me when the shock value turned out to be less central (there are still a couple of quite brutal arcs in Higurashi Kai though). I was never in any rush to get to the end, so any complaints about boredom don't really reflect my experience. That said, I haven't rewatched the show since then. Maybe I'd be more demanding in 2018? I can only wonder.

As a side note...I believe both Higurashi and Umineko had some pretty good manga adaptations that avoid some of the issues with their respective anime versions. Folks can also check those out if they want an alternative to the visual novels.
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Joined: 01 Apr 2017
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PostPosted: Sat Nov 03, 2018 7:15 am Reply with quote
Isaac become Shaft? No, he and Hector are from Curse of Darkness and they have their own plot (Trevor does show up for it though). Richter osn’t Going to be born for quite some time.

I want the series to go as long as possible so we can finally see best Belmont Julius.
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Akane the Catgirl

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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 2:52 pm Reply with quote
I know you two may not be reading this, but I wanted to mention a certain person that you didn't during your discussion of Mirai: Satoko Okudera.

Okudera is a screenwriter who collaborated with Mamoru Hosoda on The Girl Who Leapt Through Time, Summer Wars, and Wolf Children. Here's what she did specifically:

Girl Who Leapt Through Time: Kinda-sorta based on a novel. Okudera wrote the screenplay herself.

Summer Wars: Again, Okudera wrote the screenplay, but the story is Hosoda's.

Wolf Children: Hosoda and Okudera were co-writers for the script.

Now, for The Boy and the Beast and Mirai, Hosoda both directed AND wrote the screenplays himself. This may explain a ton about the apparent drop in quality between films. (For what it's worth Our War Game falls into the category of "directed, but didn't write" in regards to Hosoda.)
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PostPosted: Sun Nov 04, 2018 7:40 pm Reply with quote
All I am looking forward to besides the "Curse of Darkness", "Rondo of Blood" and "Symphony of the Night" storylines its JULIUS BELMONT KICKING SOME VAMPIRE ASS!!!!!!!
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King Kuma

Joined: 03 Apr 2016
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PostPosted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 9:07 am Reply with quote
During the Castlevania talk, just as I was thinking "Zac sounds like a fanboy who he would be making fun of if this were anything else", he goes "have i become that guy?"

So, points for self-awareness at least, haha

Castlevania stories are a total mess in the games. I'm all for more references and character names, but they shouldn't feel tied to a series story that essentially reads as a spooky mad lib.
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