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Joined: 11 Feb 2017
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:43 pm Reply with quote
Thunderbolt Fantasy II? The puppets are back...
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Joined: 23 Dec 2007
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 5:44 pm Reply with quote
The schedule: https://myanimelist.net/anime/season
Not a great selection overall but 2,75 shows are locked in for me. I won´t bother seeing the butchered Tokyo Ghoul:re conclude but I will look up how the team handles the already disjointed ending of the manga. It will be a doozy! Ace Attorney S02 and Hinomaru Sumo may also be ok shows, I guess. Wait, Gonzo still exists? Huh.

Golden Kamuy I hope for slower pacing and way better/on model animation this time but we are getting a near 1 to 1 adaptation with great VAs regardless. That´s more than many must-read Seinen get...

JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Ougon no Kaze I got to read exceptionally bad JoJo scanlations a decade ago and no part was more butchered than this one. The recent scanlation do-overs made me change my tune on part 5 and I now crown it as 3rd best (after 4 and of course 7). The already released pilot adapted about 100 pages but the pacing didn´t feel off due to this part mostly consisting of action and later chase scenes. The animation was on point too. So far so good.

Star Wars Resistance The trailers were slightly bland but the last 2 SW shows were good to great once they got going. Polygon Pictures clearly got an actual budget to play with and the legendary Dave Filoni created the series, so I will stick out the season no matter what. I lastly overall like what Disney did with SW and this is a direct prequel to EP. 7. Oscar Isaac and Adam Driver even have guest roles.

Yu Yu Hakusho is getting an anniversary special and Persona 5 concludes though a special or something. Stick to the game. On to films.
I hope that Mobile Suit Gundam NT will be better than it´s direct prequel Unicorn. Everyone's favorite religious cult Happy Science is lastly releasing their 8th movie. I would ironically welcome it but it´s seemingly a sequel to the unwatchable last one while being part of a trilogy. Arigato Space Buddha?
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Joined: 17 Mar 2010
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:09 pm Reply with quote
It should be noted that the first episode of Double Decker! Doug & Kirill has already been dubbed and is streaming on Funimation and VRV. Pretty solid dub, too.
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Joined: 23 Jun 2013
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:41 pm Reply with quote
Well new season is officially starting I guess.

Wait, so the slime isekai, whose entire shtick is that the main character isn't an over powered hero but rather the weakest of possible monster features... an overpowered hero as main character...? Why? This is making me super worried about "I'm a spider so what?" since apparently it's impossible to get anything green light if it doesn't feature an OP MC.

I hope double decker isn't too linked to tiger and bunny, wasn't exactly crazy about that show.
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Joined: 08 Aug 2002
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 6:46 pm Reply with quote
I've been waiting on you guys to cover Double Decker! I loved T&B so I am so on board with this show.
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Joined: 06 May 2013
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:35 pm Reply with quote
meiam wrote:
Wait, so the slime isekai, whose entire shtick is that the main character isn't an over powered hero but rather the weakest of possible monster features... an overpowered hero as main character...?

These things are all fundamentally power fantasies, it seems. Re:Zero is the only one I can think of that went against that trend, but even that one has a James-Cameron's-Avatar style setup of "outsider from audience's culture turns out to be the hero this backwards society needs."

"Didn't I Say To Make My Abilities Average In The Next Life?!" is getting an anime sometime soon, and it's more of a direct parody of overpowered isekai heroes. Although, the other current isekai series with a female protagonist (long title about killing slimes, funnily enough) is a similar parody of the concept, with the hero not wanting to be powerful and becoming that way by accident. Which is an... interesting trend (man becomes lowly slime, achieves ridiculous power in spite of it; woman becomes powerful only against her will?). Still, a sample size of two isn't a lot.
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Joined: 27 Oct 2012
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 7:45 pm Reply with quote
I read the WN and manga for the slime anime and I'm thoroughly impressed with how entertaining the first episode was. This was the first of four shows I had high hopes for and its off to a good start. Looking out for any hidden gems too of course.
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:03 pm Reply with quote
kotomikun wrote:

These things are all fundamentally power fantasies, it seems. Re:Zero is the only one I can think of that went against that trend, but even that one has a James-Cameron's-Avatar style setup of "outsider from audience's culture turns out to be the hero this backwards society needs."

Grimgar of Fantasy and Ash also was pretty deliberate in starting its characters at the bottom of the skill tree. Their messy, life-threatening fight against a single goblin is still one of the best action scenes in any modern day isekai I've seen.
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Joined: 17 Jan 2009
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 8:28 pm Reply with quote
The first episode of That Time I Got Reincarnated as a Slime was quite good for being the adaptation of the most uninteresting part of the story. Now that the basic(but still interestingly done) isekai origin is out of the way I think all those watching without knowledge from the light novels or manga will find quite the fun fantasy story going forward. Maybe it'll even defy a few expectations aloing the way. Welcome to the world, TTIGRaaS! I'm happy to have you!
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Joined: 20 Jun 2018
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 9:21 pm Reply with quote

I can't help but think that whoever decided that yellow snow in the twilight world our heroines travel to was a good idea doesn't live someplace snowy.

That would be quite difficult, given that Japan is universally covered in snow every winter AFAIK (maybe in the extreme south it doesn't snow there, but basically everyone in the anime industry lives in the Tokyo area anyway).
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Joined: 19 Jan 2017
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 9:41 pm Reply with quote
Vadara wrote:

I can't help but think that whoever decided that yellow snow in the twilight world our heroines travel to was a good idea doesn't live someplace snowy.

That would be quite difficult, given that Japan is universally covered in snow every winter AFAIK (maybe in the extreme south it doesn't snow there, but basically everyone in the anime industry lives in the Tokyo area anyway).

Tokyo actually gets very little snow during Winter, only boasting an average of 5 days of snowfall a year (about 11cm.) Now Hokkaido on the other hand has tons of snow, with an average of 132 days of snow per year for Sapporo (about 597cm.) The yellow snow is still a bit silly though Razz
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Joined: 20 Jun 2018
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 10:46 pm Reply with quote
TasteyCookie wrote:
Vadara wrote:

I can't help but think that whoever decided that yellow snow in the twilight world our heroines travel to was a good idea doesn't live someplace snowy.

That would be quite difficult, given that Japan is universally covered in snow every winter AFAIK (maybe in the extreme south it doesn't snow there, but basically everyone in the anime industry lives in the Tokyo area anyway).

Tokyo actually gets very little snow during Winter, only boasting an average of 5 days of snowfall a year (about 11cm.) Now Hokkaido on the other hand has tons of snow, with an average of 132 days of snow per year for Sapporo (about 597cm.) The yellow snow is still a bit silly though Razz

What the heck!? Anime, manga, and visual novels have all led me to believe all of Japan including the Tokyo area becomes a snow-caked winter wonderland each winter! Dammit, they lied to me.
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Joined: 03 Nov 2003
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PostPosted: Mon Oct 01, 2018 11:51 pm Reply with quote
meiam wrote:
Wait, so the slime isekai, whose entire shtick is that the main character isn't an over powered hero but rather the weakest of possible monster features... an overpowered hero as main character...? Why? This is making me super worried about "I'm a spider so what?" since apparently it's impossible to get anything green light if it doesn't feature an OP MC.

You shouldn't be too worried. While the spider eventually gets very strong, she definitely doesn't start out that way and has a much more difficult and harrowing path to that level than most.
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Gina Szanboti

Joined: 03 Aug 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 12:18 am Reply with quote
Nordhmmer wrote:
Thunderbolt Fantasy II? The puppets are back...

And lookin' as awesome as ever. Very Happy I like the glasses guy, but the Gary Glitter boy rockin' his demon guitar is an odd one.
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Joined: 07 Mar 2015
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PostPosted: Tue Oct 02, 2018 1:04 am Reply with quote
Disappointed not to see Thunderbolt Fantasy II in the titles previewed Sad
Starting back in high gear with a focus on Shou past acquaintances and Lin being as trollish as ever, can't wait to see where Urobutcher will bring us!
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