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Shelf Life - Initial D Legend 3: Dream

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Joined: 11 Feb 2008
Posts: 217
PostPosted: Mon Jul 02, 2018 1:11 pm Reply with quote
Of course, the appeal of the racing sequences continues to depend largely on the viewer's level of interest in car racing in general, and in this particular vintage of Japanese cars in particular. If you can spot the product placement of a modern sports car in a couple of scenes and are genuinely annoyed that said vehicle is from the wrong decade, then Initial D is very much your franchise.

One of the exceptionally glaring issues I have with both the manga and the original TV series is the material was dragged on for so long that Shigeno eventually had to bring in more modern cars to keep the series relevant. The entirety of the story is supposed to take place in just under two years time in the mid to later 90s. However by the time the Project D arc was introduced Shigeno had to bring in a lot of modern cars that would not have existed during that time; 350Z, S2000, MR-S, etc.

Sans the GT-86 homage at the end what I really enjoyed about this re-telling trilogy was how period-correct it remained. Both the Speedstars and RedSuns supporting characters drive cars you would expect touge racers in the mid 90s to be driving.

Personally in re: to the series as a whole in both orig manga + anime formats I could have done without most everything past when Mogi leaves for Tokyo and the Project D arc begins. It was promising enough early on, but then became incredibly redundant with character outcomes that we don't see unless you read Shigeno's MF Ghost,which has a chapter that explains what happened to Takumi following Initial D. Plus I really thought the whole swapping between the WRX and AE86 narrative was going to lead to something but it just ultimately got pushed to the side (was hoping Shigeno would write in the WRX as a last-minute replacement for the AE86, kind of the issue with Keisuke and using the other FD).

Also Shigeno can't write romance narratives to save his life.
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Joined: 11 Jan 2016
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PostPosted: Thu Jul 05, 2018 6:42 am Reply with quote
As someone who collected the first half of Initial D manga volumes, I find this triology the closest to the manga, however I never got a chance to watch the original TV series. The third installment felt the least interesting to me but the second one was my favorite of the entire series 'cause I liked Night Kids but the team was unpopular among the fandom.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2017
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 12:48 am Reply with quote
Rouward wrote:
As someone who collected the first half of Initial D manga volumes, I find this triology the closest to the manga, however I never got a chance to watch the original TV series. The third installment felt the least interesting to me but the second one was my favorite of the entire series 'cause I liked Night Kids but the team was unpopular among the fandom.

The original show might not have had the best animation in the world but at least I liked the music and the voice acting to it better at least in the Japanese version. Something that the movie's lacked was the wild Euro music being played during the racing scenes. Mostly the music in the movies weren't very good compared to that. Also the vocal changes didn't sit well, though that's probably because I watched the first series before the three movies.
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