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Village Elder

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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 1:35 pm Reply with quote
I'm accessing the cast through the player on the web page. It is playing the March 30th cast. Would you please correct this.
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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 2:15 pm Reply with quote
Alan45 wrote:
I'm accessing the cast through the player on the web page. It is playing the March 30th cast. Would you please correct this.

Also, the link to the MP3 is giving a 404 error: animenewsnetwork.com/images/cms/anncast/131197/anncast327.mp3

And it's not downloading to my app (Overcast). I suspect all three of these things are related, but I haven't been able to dig into the RSS feed yet.

Edit: never mind, Zac's on it: https://twitter.com/ActionZacku/status/992482654682365952
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Joined: 16 May 2015
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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 2:45 pm Reply with quote
I legit spent most of the FranXX segment wondering what they were talking about cause some of their questions have either been answered or at the very least implied... is it safe to assume that they're catching up 1 ep at a time as usual, but with a few weeks of delay?
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ANN Executive Editor

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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 2:57 pm Reply with quote
Apologies, I had real trouble with the file upload. It's working now!
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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 3:06 pm Reply with quote
I suppose you can only make a respectable job of another Batman incarnation if you embrace the patent absurdity of its premise, as the 1960s show did. Luckily it sounds like his ninja outing was made with this in mind.
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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 3:11 pm Reply with quote
Still the wrong show for me on the imbedded player even after clearing my cache :/
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bemused Bohemian

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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 3:31 pm Reply with quote
Sorry, guys, too much Shonen Jump Weekly-ese in your treatise of the anime shows et al. It's your site, opinions, plus you have the right(s) to espouse your take on things as far as I can tell as we've not become a police state yet.

Enjoy the day, everyone. ....maybe next time.....
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Joined: 14 Sep 2008
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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 3:41 pm Reply with quote
bemused Bohemian wrote:
Sorry, guys, too much Shonen Jump Weekly-ese in your treatise of the anime shows et al. It's your site, opinions, plus you have the right(s) to espouse your take on things as far as I can tell as we've not become a police state yet.

Enjoy the day, everyone. ....maybe next time.....

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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 4:11 pm Reply with quote
bemused Bohemian wrote:
It's your site, opinions, plus you have the right(s) to espouse your take on things as far as I can tell as we've not become a police state yet.

What would your country becoming a police state have to do with a website run by a company that is headquartered in Canada? Confused
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we love lain

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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 4:24 pm Reply with quote
AksaraKishou wrote:
I legit spent most of the FranXX segment wondering what they were talking about cause some of their questions have either been answered or at the very least implied... is it safe to assume that they're catching up 1 ep at a time as usual, but with a few weeks of delay?

What did they say that was off the mark? their questions weren't particularly about plot points; they were criticizing the show for having weak thematic depth and character writing. A lot of the shows themes are very rote and not much is done with them in a particularly intelligent, layered, or engaging way
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ANN Past Staff

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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 6:08 pm Reply with quote
we love lain wrote:
AksaraKishou wrote:
I legit spent most of the FranXX segment wondering what they were talking about cause some of their questions have either been answered or at the very least implied... is it safe to assume that they're catching up 1 ep at a time as usual, but with a few weeks of delay?

What did they say that was off the mark? their questions weren't particularly about plot points; they were criticizing the show for having weak thematic depth and character writing. A lot of the shows themes are very rote and not much is done with them in a particularly intelligent, layered, or engaging way

Originally there was an older episode up instead of the right one for today. They heard the older episode, you heard the actual one intended for today.
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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 6:36 pm Reply with quote
JacobC wrote:
we love lain wrote:
AksaraKishou wrote:
I legit spent most of the FranXX segment wondering what they were talking about cause some of their questions have either been answered or at the very least implied... is it safe to assume that they're catching up 1 ep at a time as usual, but with a few weeks of delay?

What did they say that was off the mark? their questions weren't particularly about plot points; they were criticizing the show for having weak thematic depth and character writing. A lot of the shows themes are very rote and not much is done with them in a particularly intelligent, layered, or engaging way

Originally there was an older episode up instead of the right one for today. They heard the older episode, you heard the actual one intended for today.

Ohhh, that explains why the time stamps were messed up as hell. Laughing
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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 6:52 pm Reply with quote
At the roughly 40:00 mark, Zac's ass-kissing/Nagai fan boy self is unleashed.
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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 7:12 pm Reply with quote
Regarding Golden Kamuy, one thing that tends to be understimated is how much research the author Satoru Noda has done on Ainu culture. He has been working closely with the Hokkaido Ainu association and an Ainu linguist, in the end of each volume thereis a quite extensive list of references. He has so much care in representing the Ainu culture that when they informed him that a musical instrument that appeared in one panel looked wrong he redrew it for the Tankobon.

And his objective is not only hystorical accuracy, in interviews he has talked about how interested he was in representing the Ainu in an accurate and respectful way. When he visited Ainu communities the overwhelming response was that they wanted to be represented by characters that weren't just sad victims, but by strong and happy characters.
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PostPosted: Fri May 04, 2018 7:12 pm Reply with quote
I am kind of baffled by why some people keep saying that they are bored and/or irritated by the heterosexual relationships in Darling in the Franxx. Personally speaking I find this show to be a good romance story and one of the best mecha shows I have seen in the last decade. The show still has plenty of time to crash and burn which is a risk with any original production but at the moment I am invested in seeing what happens with Hiro and Zero Two.

As for the Ichigo controversy I don't think it was a gender issue and it was mostly an audience perspective issue. The audience just watched episode 13 where we saw what was done to Zero Two as a child. Than we see Ichigo going out of her way to ostracize Zero Two in the very next episode. To the audience that made her actions look horrible while they were merely somewhat selfish based on her own knowledge.
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