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Nom De Plume De Fanboy
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 12:41 pm Reply with quote
Well, heck, as long as we're dreaming, skip the 90's and go to the 80's. I could go for more Dirty Pair. Story's episodic, so no reason why you couldn't, as long as the rights holders don't object. Like that could ever be a problem in Japan...

I think there was an Answerman column about the problem with old shows and rights, that one overlooked and Big problem, is that tracking down who _has_ had the rights over the decades is a huge mess. If you did more stuff and it was a big hit, there is the risk that some company from God only knows when and where will show up demanding a chunk of the money. Because then it is worth their trouble to make trouble. And Japan is very sensitive to this kind of thing, both for money and risk of offending somebody.

But I said I was dreaming...
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Joined: 28 Jul 2017
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 3:42 pm Reply with quote
Still waiting for that Crest/Banner of the Stars reboot. I'd still narrowly prefer a sequel, but a multi-season reboot (or however they'd get through all the previously covered material) with slick visuals would be great, inevitable lousy 3D spaceships notwithstanding.

Also, good encapsulation of Spice & Wolf's biggest strength, Jacob. Having just rewatched both seasons, I was reminded how great Holo and Lawrence's relationship is. And there's always a great back-and-forth between them, whether they're working through each other's complex feelings, or cooking up their next big financial play. It is completely contrary to the stereotypical BS that afflicts a lot other romance stories.

Last edited by MJKS on Sat Jan 27, 2018 7:08 pm; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 16 Aug 2009
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 7:04 pm Reply with quote
Jacob, I think it's Norio Wakamoto that you were thinking of for the voicecast question. Smile
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Joined: 04 Oct 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 8:41 pm Reply with quote
The recent Haruhi spinoff was The Disappearance of Nagato Yuki-chan.

I actually started from episode one with One Piece a couple years ago (Summer of 2015 I believe) after Sam Leach's helpful article on how to get into the show. Between that and Detective Conan, which I started from episode one around the same time, it took almost a year (May 2016). Even skipping filler, I was still scheduling out 6 hours a week just to watch One Piece or Conan, not including getting in a few episodes whenever I could. Despite the time commitment, I kind of preferred watching One Piece that way, as it greatly mitigated the pacing issues that it has had since at least Dressrosa.

I still don't have Sound Euphonium on disc since Pony Canyon's prices were a bit much for me, even after getting a better job recently. Hopefully someone else grabs that and some of the other KyoAni stuff Pony Canyon had.
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Joined: 01 Jul 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jan 26, 2018 9:36 pm Reply with quote
"Winter wrap-up...wasn't that a My Little Pony thing?" Zac, get out of my head. I'm also concerned as to why I know that.
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Joined: 17 Apr 2015
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 1:53 am Reply with quote
Fruits Basket has a spinoff "next generation"-style series that is ripe for adaptation.

In terms of Digimon games, I really liked the first Digimon World DS, even though the post-game was tedious.
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Joined: 28 Jan 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 3:44 am Reply with quote
I'd like to see a new Trigun the way they did Hellsing Ultimate. They could even call it Trigun Maximum. I wouldn't mind a similar format of ten hour+ long episodes.
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Joined: 03 Jul 2009
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 2:30 pm Reply with quote
I think the only two activities I actually started doing because of anime/manga were ballroom dance (Welcome to the Ballroom) and boxing (Hajime No Ippo).
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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Sat Jan 27, 2018 4:02 pm Reply with quote
Pony Canyon US: Sorry if my follow-up tweet was a distraction (I thought the recording had already taken place). I only meant to bring it up to say that PonyCan was still invested enough to have a booth at AX, even if as the OP points out, they haven't actually done a new release since (looks at ponycan.us) Sound Euphonium set 3 in July 2016. Also strange that there's no mention of this Yuki Yuna is a Hero standard edition on their site, and it doesn't show up at Right Stuf or Amazon either. Looking at the box I bought at AX, the first 5 digits of the UPC code are "00000", which is really weird… was this only sold directly and at cons?

Also, agreed with everything Zac says about their LE releases: the oversize plastic boxes don't seem nice at all; I suppose they're going for big artwork presentation (like the NISA boxes), but the plastic dulls the image. And the shows they put out like this… Eotama? Really?

Angel Beats!: I'm the outlier here, in that I don't think a two-cour do-over of Angel Beats! would fix the show's story problems, and would quite likely make them worse. Every time we've gotten more Angel Beats!---the 2010 "Stairway to Heaven" OVA and 2015's "Hell's Kitchen"---they've been jokey throwaway episodes, and the latter installment deeply undercuts the pathos of the series (and turns the etymology of the band name "Girls Dead Monster" into a potty gag). Also, look at the story's construction: once Angel comes over to Battlefront's side in mid-series, the show struggles to have a point, and throws random enemies at them: clone Kanade, the shadows, and finally the young version of the guy from The Matrix Reloaded. Instead of burning 6 episodes on this stuff, do you really think it would be better stretched out to 12 or more?

It is interesting to note how well Angel Beats! has held onto fans' imagination over seven years since its release. That can hardly be attributed to the episodic VN, the first installment of which came and went a few years ago, and the second being nowhere to be seen. Yet, in Dengeki G's Magazine, the monthly pages devoted to Key shows a strong preference for Angel Beats! material, with Little Busters!, Rewrite, and Planetarian distantly behind. Sample from the Feburary 2018 issue below (did I mention the Dengeki magazines are available in iBooks Japan now?)

Angel Beats has also been a surprising hanger-on in the West, considering the Sentai Blu-Ray just went out of print (as I'm sure 50 different Right Stuf emails reminded you) as a result of Aniplex clawing the rights back, and the Angel Beats! Heaven's Door manga quietly disappeared after one English-translated volume (I asked Seven Seas at their booth at AX what was going on; they said they weren't allowed to say). Also, the English translation of the VN seems to be a dead issue: Fuwanovel gave up waiting for it this month, and removed it from their tracking list.

Honestly, if anyone wants more Angel Beats!, and if Key is determined to just screw around with the franchise, then maybe the best thing to hope for would be an anime (probably short-form) of Angel Beats! The 4-Koma, a four-panel gag strip that ran for years in G's Magazine, and introduced SD designs for all the characters that were then reused in mobage, such as Yurippe's Grand Guild Adventure. In fact, another of the magazine's features is to have readers caption scenes from the anime, which are published with a funny reaction from SD Yurippe; they've been running a bunch of these this week on their Twitter.
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 2:05 am Reply with quote
One thing that may contribute to PonyCanyon USA's short existence here is their really high-priced single volumes. These prices actually made an Aniplex USA standard release seem cheap (The half-boxset or singles Aniplex USA used to issue).
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Joined: 24 Sep 2010
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PostPosted: Sun Jan 28, 2018 10:16 pm Reply with quote
I'm probably one of the few listeners for whom this applies, but: thanks for not having any spoilers in your discussion of The Last Jedi. Or maybe there were some and I just didn't notice them --- so thanks for being subtle about it, at least.
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 1:26 pm Reply with quote
Kadmos1 wrote:
One thing that may contribute to PonyCanyon USA's short existence here is their really high-priced single volumes. These prices actually made an Aniplex USA standard release seem cheap (The half-boxset or singles Aniplex USA used to issue).

Didn't PonyCanyon that they were going to do standard, single volume releases, and then decided not to? I seem to recall that Rokka was going to have something like that, and then it never happened.

Honestly, I'm not too surprised that they haven't been very active with home video. When they first announced the intention to enter the US market, they had the attitude that they already knew the market as well as they need to, which has proven to be a dangerous assumption for new entrants. Throw in that they looked to AoA as a reference, and I was pretty skeptical on how active they would be.
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Joined: 19 May 2017
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PostPosted: Mon Jan 29, 2018 4:26 pm Reply with quote
There is of course a much easier way to get into long running Shonen series if you really wanted to. It's called reading the manga or in Dragon Ball Z's case, there is the Kai version option.
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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 6:35 am Reply with quote
Greed1914 wrote:
Didn't PonyCanyon that they were going to do standard, single volume releases, and then decided not to? I seem to recall that Rokka was going to have something like that, and then it never happened.

A Fandom Post blog on "The Worst Limited Edition BD Releases" says of Rokka:
And the second knock on this release is that they had a SE version available to order for awhile before they cancelled it to make this dud the only option for purchasing and supporting this show just like with other Pony Canyon releases.

It's a curious fact that Crunchyroll streams dubs of Rokka in French, German, Spanish, and Portugese, but there's no English dub thanks to PonyCan. That same blog also pegs PonyCan's Sound Euphonium as the worst LE ever for its lack of dub, bad box, high price, and lack of on-disc extras.

So, I think this Yuki Yuna is a Hero standard edition is the only one they ever did. And it was still like $100, but at least it had a dub.
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Lord Oink

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PostPosted: Tue Jan 30, 2018 8:29 am Reply with quote
Zeino wrote:
There is of course a much easier way to get into long running Shonen series if you really wanted to. It's called reading the manga or in Dragon Ball Z's case, there is the Kai version option.

Kai is such a downgrade from the original Z. Anyone who saw that as their exposureto Z missed out on a lot. Really, just watch a show from episode 1. It's not hard, and all the other alternatives lessen the experience.
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