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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 2:35 pm Reply with quote
The director isn't the only role that changed in BBB&B. The lead writer also changed as well, to Yasuko Kamo, who worked with the new director on Dagashi Kashi, which is her only other series composition role. Not that the previous series composition writer is all that experienced either, at least with regard to anime.

Without the original staff for Kemono Friends, I don't think they will be able to reproduce the amount of heart the original show had. Would it be odd to say that the show itself is moe? It's cute and a bit clumsy but you're rooting for it and you want to protect it.

I don't think the sequel for will be bad, but without that team, I don't know that One Punch Man will be at the same level. It was one of the best of its year if not the last few years, and without the touch of all those talented people Shingo brought together, I don't know that One Punch Man Two will be quite that good.

Speaking of bringing talented people together, man, that Blade Runner short that Watanabe directed was suberb. While I did think Okiura and Bahi JD's cuts were amazing, my favorite cuts had to be Ohira's of the guy's flashback to when he was a soldier. And there are many more well done scenes as well. I have to commend the director of the new Blade Runner movie for tapping Watanabe for this short, who in turn brought together some really talented staff. I don't really watch many non-anime movies anymore (Baby Driver was the only one I've seen this year. Good stuff) but maybe if the director respects Watanabe's work, I might check it out.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 3:15 pm Reply with quote
I wouldn't give a flying **** about the new Blade Runner if it we're directed by Ridley Scott, considering he doesn't seem to understand why his best films such as Blade Runner and Alien work so well. Thankfully they have someone like Denis Villeneuve who is the best director working at the moment,and he really seems to get what made the original work so well going off interviews,so I expect something great.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 6:14 pm Reply with quote
Twice this year I have gotten Zac to mention Heat Guy J on the live chat. I have to be more sneaky to get him to say it a 3rd time by 12/31.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 9:06 pm Reply with quote
So no ones going to talk about how theres no audio on the youtube video?
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 9:08 pm Reply with quote
That seems to only be for the disclaimer at the very beginning. Audio works fine for me on the YouTube video after that.
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Joined: 28 Jul 2017
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 9:11 pm Reply with quote
Even before the adaptation news, it felt obvious that Sony was going to do a wide(r) release of Your Name at some point. If nothing else, it would be a good way to recoup a not-insignificant portion of their investment in Funimation. I think this has made it pretty much inevitable.
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 11:12 pm Reply with quote
I think the explanation as to the firing of Tatsuki and Yaoyozora came in an official statement from Kadokawa on Wednesday. Pretty sure Tatsuki himself has not said anything about it since his original tweet that he was removed from the project.
Anyway, like Zac, I don't think they can recreate what made Kemono Friends special without the original team. It really is something intangible. I think Jacob is being a little too reductive as to the specific qualities that truly made it work. But I wouldn't be surprised at all if Kadokawa thinks exactly the same thing and will do their darnedest to throw all of those tropes and character types into the sequel without the lightning needed to make it resonate.

I have more faith in a OPM sequel than many, I think. But it's a big gamble. I think in this case, not waiting was the right direction to go. Who knows how long we would have had to wait for the series otherwise. I am looking forward to seeing what these new guys can put together. They have some pretty heavy expectations on them now though.
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Joined: 11 Jan 2015
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PostPosted: Fri Sep 29, 2017 11:15 pm Reply with quote
In an industry full of cynical BS Kemono Friends was a genuine and heartfelt breath of fresh air. It just wanted you to have fun. The characters were all fun and endearing in their own way. It was fun learning about animals. It was fun learning about its world. It was fun discussing the lore. It was amazing seeing all the beautiful fan art. A wonderful, one of a kind, immensely positive, shared experience.

Then banal corporate politics reared it's ugly head. Season 2 may have been a just as good, or a disappointment. Who knows? But to go out like this? Just........damn.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 12:44 am Reply with quote
Kadokawa is acting like an evil corporation from an anime since they fired the director, fired the production company, and than forced the voice actresses to apologize. The excuse that Kadokawa used was that it was due to unauthorized productions which caused JRA and Nissin to come out and state that they had gotten approval from Kadokawa. That even the head of the parent company of Kadokawa is worried over it kind of sums up how major of a mistake it is.

I don't think that changing the art style of Kemono Friends would necessarily have been a problem but their is a lot of hubris in thinking that anyone can make it. Tatsuki took a dead franchise and made people care about the characters. That is incredibly hard to do and while continuing a success is easier than creating it from scratch I have little faith that anyone at Kadokawa really understands why it was a success.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 7:48 am Reply with quote
Chrono1000 wrote:
Kadokawa is acting like an evil corporation from an anime since they fired the director, fired the production company, and than forced the voice actresses to apologize. The excuse that Kadokawa used was that it was due to unauthorized productions which caused JRA and Nissin to come out and state that they had gotten approval from Kadokawa. That even the head of the parent company of Kadokawa is worried over it kind of sums up how major of a mistake it is.

I don't mean to single you out but, from my limited information gathering, there's been a heap tons of bias going around regarding this story.

A/ The anime production studio declined the contract terms for the new animation by the production committee and therefore the director who's employed by the anime production studio was also removed from the new animation project. The so called "lie" circulating the internet/social media with regarding to the Aug/Sep date which the Nissin colab and Yaoyorozu withdrew from the production happened has nothing to do with each other as the Yaoyorozu "withdraw" is, again, regard to them declining the term of contract by the committee for the new animation project which wouldn't affect the collaboration which would have been with the production committee for the 1st season which has already contracted Yaoyorozu for animating KF. And at this point I really hope I don't have to explain that anime production studio don't get permanent contract that guarantee that they will always be the one to produce any new piece of animations that have to do with a series that they happened to be contracted to do once before.

B/ JRA and Nissin statements are that their KF collaborations do have Kadokawa knowledge and blessings, they didn't dispute Kadokawa's complaint that Yaoyorozu's Ps, i.e. people on the businesses/administrative side at Yaoyorozu, didn't go through the committee in approaching these companies for collaborations with KF.

Until Yaoyorozu comes out with their statements with regard to what happened, the current version of what happened isn't Kadokawa lied, but the Ps at Yaoyorozu tried to go around the committee in courting collaborations with JRA, Nissin and maybe other companies, these companies weren't being totally stupid so they either ignored the proposition or looked up the project and contacted the people at Kadokawa for permission; and the people at Kadokawa, displeased at how people at Yaoyorozu forgoing the committee entirely, decided to add the clause that require them to go through the proper channel before contracting them for the new animation project at which point the Ps at Yaoyorozu declined.

I won't comment on the "forced the voice actresses to apologize" because that's entirely speculation. Since, I don't have a reference point regarding how the KF monthly NicoLive program usually go (because the last/first time I tried to watch it, the Aug 2017 episode, it was region blocked and I can't say if it's region blocked all the time or only some time like the NicoLive for LLSS; and the Sep 2017 episode is the one where this event happened but I didn't add it to my Timeshift queue due to myself being region blocked from it the last time around).

And the "the head of the parent company of Kadokawa" also stated that "only the people directly involved know the truth about how things went down" in a later posting.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 1:51 pm Reply with quote
Your position is reasonable, but I think a lot of people aren't taking Kadokawa's statements as quite so honest. You can believe everything they said and it makes some semblance of sense, but if you don't actually trust their statements, obviously some people will be likely to look for different possibilities and interpretations.
Also, I think a lot of people are interpreting the statement that Yaoyozoru refused to comply with Kadokawa's stipulations to mean that Kadokawa likely wanted to make major creative decisions that went against the vision Yaoyozora had. To a point they couldn't live with. Business-wise, they were certainly within their rights to do that, of course, but that doesn't make it suck any less for fans. And being frustrated by the decision to just screw them, or give them an ultimatum that forced them to simply back out, is also pretty reasonable. As a consumer, we would naturally trust the creative vision of the team that brought us the phenomenal original, over the likely skewed profit-focused vision of the corporation who owns the rights.
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Joined: 21 Dec 2011
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 9:09 pm Reply with quote
relyat08 wrote:
As a consumer, we would naturally trust the creative vision of the team that brought us the phenomenal original, over the likely skewed profit-focused vision of the corporation who owns the rights.

And I would say that the current, popular in the fandom, conclusion that "Kadokawa is evil" rely completely on the logic/bias/etc that "Kadokawa is evil" with no other hard evidence. i.e. You'd arrive at the conclusion that Kadokawa is evil by assuming that Kadokawa is evil.

It is perfectly reasonable for one to trust the sincere passion of the creative guys, but I'd like to remind people that unless Tatsuki wasn't just employed at Yaoyorozu but is actually the-guy-who-owned the-studio/responsible-for-negotiating-terms-contract-with-Kadokawa, then:

These roles are likely performed by two different guys at Yaoyorozu; and therefore naturally could have different positions with regard to the priority in negotiating for more benefits to the studio vs for the fans/creative-vision-of-the-properties.

Without knowing the corporate structure at Yaoyorozu to determine the person responsible for the "refusal", I'd say that the outraged people are likely putting a tons of faith in a guy that almost 100% of them have no idea who he/she is. i.e. Almost all of us have not a clue of who's on each side of Kadokawa or Yaoyorozu in the negotiation, and it would be a baseless assumption that any of these two, or maybe more, guys would prioritize the "creative vision of the team" over profits/benefits for their side.

It certainly wasn't the first and it certainly wouldn't be the last time a guy overplayed his hand and ended up losing it all. Whether the guy be the one negotiated for Kadokawa or Yaoyorozu or both of them.
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 9:56 pm Reply with quote
FD2Raptor wrote:
Until Yaoyorozu comes out with their statements with regard to what happened, the current version of what happened isn't Kadokawa lied, but the Ps at Yaoyorozu tried to go around the committee in courting collaborations with JRA, Nissin and maybe other companies,
Kadokawa is a huge corporation with many friends in the anime industry and if Yaoyorozu says a word against them they will never again be able to work in the anime industry. Some of the outrage over this is because of how rigged the anime industry is against small production companies such as Yaoyorozu. This is a very good example of that.

FD2Raptor wrote:
I won't comment on the "forced the voice actresses to apologize" because that's entirely speculation.
I think that it was a scummy tactic. It only made Kadokawa look worse and their PR department must be rather outdated.
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Mr. Oshawott

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PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:00 pm Reply with quote
I'm sure that if Season 2 of Kemono Friends will actually happen, I think it'll fare okay. But the show will never be able enjoy the same success that it got when Tatsuki was its director. He was able to make KF look great just by pushing the limits of the limited resources that was available to him. Thanks to Kadokawa's greedy desire of wanting to have complete control over KF and their unjustifiable firing of Tatsuki, the show, as it stands now, seems dead in the water.
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Joined: 20 Mar 2013
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PostPosted: Sat Sep 30, 2017 11:27 pm Reply with quote
FD2Raptor wrote:

Without knowing the corporate structure at Yaoyorozu to determine the person responsible for the "refusal", I'd say that the outraged people are likely putting a tons of faith in a guy that almost 100% of them have no idea who he/she is. i.e. Almost all of us have not a clue of who's on each side of Kadokawa or Yaoyorozu in the negotiation, and it would be a baseless assumption that any of these two, or maybe more, guys would prioritize the "creative vision of the team" over profits/benefits for their side.

It certainly wasn't the first and it certainly wouldn't be the last time a guy overplayed his hand and ended up losing it all. Whether the guy be the one negotiated for Kadokawa or Yaoyorozu or both of them.

So, basically, you've decided to put your faith in Kadokawa based on the minimal information we have, while a lot of other people have decided to put their faith in Tatsuki and Yaoyorozu based on that same minimal information(maybe a little more).
And, just for the record, Yaoyorozu IS just the 10 guys who made Kemono Friends. That's the whole studio. If any one of them was negotiating with Kadokawa, Tatsuki was almost assuredly involved. And considering the team here, I would find it incredibly unlikely that there was someone in the company(they were all part of the production) who wasn't prioritizing their combined creative vision.
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