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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:41 am Reply with quote
I don't have Netflix so it is nice to get someone's take on Kakegurui personally I'd rather just wait till the entire series is available before I read a review though that way I can decide wther it would be worth my time.

Glad to hear Castlevania is good that seems to be kind of the consensecious on Social Media and my one friend who saw it enjoyed it as well. Made in Abyss will probably end up being the best thing I see this season.
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Joined: 01 Jul 2014
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 12:11 pm Reply with quote
I'm always very excited when Discotek has something new to announce, so I'm now hyped for Otakon. Two possibilities that immediately came to mind...Angel's Egg or Windaria?
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Joined: 11 Aug 2004
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:17 pm Reply with quote
Per Jake's point that the Wake Up Girls' schtick is that they're the shaggy-dog, built-to-fail idol unit, keep in mind that in-universe, they're named after a love hotel:

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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 2:23 pm Reply with quote
CatSword wrote:
I'm always very excited when Discotek has something new to announce, so I'm now hyped for Otakon. Two possibilities that immediately came to mind...Angel's Egg or Windaria?

Both! And maybe Leda, which Rightstuf I guess had one time way back in the 90s.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 3:13 pm Reply with quote
invalidname wrote:
Per Jake's point that the Wake Up Girls' schtick is that they're the shaggy-dog, built-to-fail idol unit, keep in mind that in-universe, they're named after a love hotel:

I must admit, this description simply gives me the mental image of the Scooby-Doo cast as an idol group.
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 5:11 pm Reply with quote
Awe yeah, glad to see Gamers! getting some love. No one expected anything from that show yet it's probably the funniest of the season so far. Oh you thought you were getting yet another anime about a high school club with a bland everyman protagonist and harem hi-jinks? Well what if your "bland everyman" rejects the club, turns down the cute popular girl, and all the other girls in the show are realistically attracted to our hero's hot, personable friend instead?
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 10:48 pm Reply with quote
Jeez, it's nice to have you guys back! I hope the sicknesses are done with. And thanks for making my workday slightly more bearable!

Anyway, I have a bit of a nitpick. It's not "shitty" to avoid Welcome to the Ballroom because you don't like the way it looks. This is an inherently visual medium, and everyone at some point has skipped something because they didn't like the way it looked, I guarantee it. There is nothing shitty or wrong with doing that. Just as Jacob doesn't want to watch Princess Principal because it's not dumb enough, some people don't want to watch Ballroom because the characters look ridiculous to them. Neither reason is any worse than the other. I'm sure there are people who have acted shitty about not liking the designs, but I haven't really seen that. On the other hand, I've seen a surprising amount of people actually angry that anyone would dare skip the show because they don't like the character designs, which I do find a little baffling and disconcerting, honestly. What's the deal with that?? Let people not watch the show if they don't want to watch the damn show! Don't try to shame them! Confused
Anyway, I'm not a huge fan of the designs. I'll watch the show toward the end of the season, as I will with most things, but I'm not huge on those necks. And I resent being told that it's petty or shitty to skip a show because you don't like the way it looks.

(I reread this and it comes across way more upset than I actually am, by the way. I'm just sharing my thoughts!)

Last edited by relyat08 on Sat Jul 29, 2017 3:59 am; edited 1 time in total
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Joined: 22 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Fri Jul 28, 2017 11:09 pm Reply with quote
Discotek is one of those companies I would like to buy more from simply to support the company.
They have an excellent product catalog with at least 33% of the licensed shows looking somewhat interesting or VERY interesting to me. They're definitely the go-to company for classic anime and semi-obscure classics.
My most recent buy from them with was Kyousougiga on-sale at TRSI.
I've liked all my Lupin purchases from them and the original Cutie Honey series.
The license rescues have been interesting with Magic Knight Rayearth this year's big one (and still a series I want to re-buy on Blu ray).
I hope they can keep at it with Lupin III and that the news show does well for them... That's always been a tough sell in the States and there's so much of that series that's at least as good or better than Cagliostro.

As for licensed rescues? I already put up my own suggestion for Windaria and Leda on their facebook page and TRSI's forums.
At least Windaria should be license-rescued. It's never had a proper Japanese audio sub-release thus far in the US and has been long out-of-print (close to a decade, maybe even 12-15 years at this point!) on DVD in BOTH the US and Japan.
I wonder what the status of that film is... The studio that produced it is long gone and it may unfortunately be a film with an "ownership issue."
The late (12-13 years ago now?) US DVD release was of the Harmony Gold version which was still at least 85% of the original even with the narrative rewriting and narrative by Russell Johnson. It's an undeniably beautiful-looking, late 1980s film with an excellent soundtrack (which I have on CD; one of the song tracks was released on a US domestic anime theme compilation CD in the late 1990s).
If it had been a Ghibli film, it would have been picked up by Disney or GKids. It's a fairy tale movie but perhaps a bit too violent and sexy for Disney to release in the US outside of it being a Ghibli label (which they still would be hesitant to release because of content issues).
As it is, it's obscure to most fans and virtually unknown to people who only became anime fans in the last 5-10 years.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 1:14 am Reply with quote
Man, I cannot agree more with Zac on Restaurant to Another World. Just exactly what I like about it, the different stories of each patron and what it means to them, coming to the restaurant and enjoying a good meal. Some seem hungry for more plot but really I just want the iyashikei. I thought it was funny when Jacob said the vignettes should be shorter, as what I've seen is (at least some) people want them longer (and more fleshed out), not that either take is unreasonable. Actually I have a theory that it is in fact one single fantasy world (with significantly differing regions) with multiple doors to it. At least two of the characters are from the same world but different regions (the Japanese swordsman and Heinrich from the second episode) and while differing greatly, all could plausible be part of the same fantasy world - plenty of anime and games have lizard people, animal people, elves, humans of various cultures etc. all living in the same world. I don't know that there is definitive proof yet, but I think it is plausible. We'll see how the show goes, but this is probably the most I've agreed with Zac so far.

I'll definitely try to check out the Discotek panel at Otakon now. It's a good thing CR got Chargeman Ken, because otherwise I'd be asking when you plan to put more up on the Youtube channel. Good job getting that show nonetheless. I gotta get working on planning my schedule out for Otakon.

I don't know that I would follow the reviews of Netflix shows while they air - I avoid reviews on those shows like the plague on sites that are...less concerned with whether they are streaming outside of Japan, though some might be watching it from Japan - but I do think it is a good idea to have at least the preview for those that don't want to wait on Netflix and to put the show out there while it is airing so it is less likely to be passed by when it does finally get on Netflix. I've made my peace with Netflix's model and I wait for to formally come out (I like watching them on my TV more than watching them immediately) and as long as they come out in a more timely (and properly communicated) manner than Seven Deadly Sins, I'll be...well, not happy, but I won't complain.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 3:14 am Reply with quote
zrnzle500 wrote:
Actually I have a theory that it is in fact one single fantasy world (with significantly differing regions) with multiple doors to it. At least two of the characters are from the same world but different regions (the Japanese swordsman and Heinrich from the second episode) and while differing greatly, all could plausible be part of the same fantasy world - plenty of anime and games have lizard people, animal people, elves, humans of various cultures etc. all living in the same world. I don't know that there is definitive proof yet, but I think it is plausible. We'll see how the show goes, but this is probably the most I've agreed with Zac so far.

They also seem to all be familiar with this "Eastern Language". If they are all different fantasy worlds, they at the very least seem to have some sort of geography similar enough that they all have an Eastern Language that happens to be exactly the same. And it's not Japanese. Anyway, yeah, I subscribe to the "single fantasy world" theory. Nothing has contradicted that so far, anyway.

I'll also probably try to make the Discotek panel. I didn't see it when I skimmed the schedule earlier though, and I've already run into an absurd amount of overlap in my own schedule... to the point that I'm not sure I'll be able to make half of what I wanted to. Sad
I'll wait till everything is on Guidebook and then try to whittle my schedule down. Going to be sad if I have to miss one of those premieres, but if I see them all I'll be doing basically nothing else all weekend...
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Joined: 24 Jul 2015
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 6:43 am Reply with quote
relyat08 wrote:
Jeez, it's nice to have you guys back! I hope the sicknesses are done with. And thanks for making my workday slightly more bearable!

Anyway, I have a bit of a nitpick. It's not "shitty" to avoid Welcome to the Ballroom because you don't like the way it looks. This is an inherently visual medium, and everyone at some point has skipped something because they didn't like the way it looked, I guarantee it. There is nothing shitty or wrong with doing that. Just as Jacob doesn't want to watch Princess Principal because it's not dumb enough, some people don't want to watch Ballroom because the characters look ridiculous to them.
I personally find the art style of Welcome to the Ballroom to be very unique, but I think it is an acquired taste and I'm used to noodely designs from being a diehard CLAMP fan for years. I wouldn't shame someone for not liking the show for the art style, but I do remember so many fans used to hate on One PIece because they thought Oda's art style was too weird, and now it's probably the most beloved of the long running Shonen Jump titles. So yeah, aesthetic style preference is purely subjective and all that, but a lot of anime fans can be very fickle about aesthetic preference. I mean, a lot of fans complained Yuri On Ice looked ugly just because it had like one or two scenes of stock footage in the show.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 7:15 pm Reply with quote
GeorgeC wrote:

At least Windaria should be license-rescued. It's never had a proper Japanese audio sub-release thus far in the US and has been long out-of-print (close to a decade, maybe even 12-15 years at this point!) on DVD in BOTH the US and Japan.
I wonder what the status of that film is... The studio that produced it is long gone and it may unfortunately be a film with an "ownership issue."

The uncut Japanese version has more recently appeared on DVD internationally in Russia and Italy, so I'm hopeful.

Last edited by FLCLGainax on Sat Jul 29, 2017 7:25 pm; edited 1 time in total
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 7:24 pm Reply with quote
Made in Abyss is the best show of the season while Gamers is the second best. It would be nice to see episode reviews of Fate/Apocrypha though I understand the reason for waiting until Nexflix releases it. Netflix does give dubs to their anime which is great but their policy of waiting several months to release the entire cour is unfortunate.

As for the mainstreaming of Fate I think that Type-Moon is trying to do that with Fate/Apocrypha though they are also making a trilogy of movies for Heaven's Feel. I get the sense that some people at Type-Moon want Fate to be more mainstream while others want to keep the very edgy elements of the original visual novel.
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PostPosted: Sat Jul 29, 2017 7:44 pm Reply with quote
OK, now that I've made it through the episode, a bit of feedback on various topics:

  • Anime Expo - This was my first AX, and I got to meet Zac, Jacob, and Justin in person (anyone who was at the ANN panel on Saturday: I was the blue-haired crossplayer up in the front). Idol concert was the highlight for me, and I agree with Jake that the WUG!s surprisingly won the night. I have more thoughts in a pastebin comment but my surprising takeaway is that AX is not a Mecca-like pilgrimage that all anime fans must make at least once in their lives. Having now been to four of the top 10 North American cons by attendance in the last two years (AX, ACen, AWA, and Youmacon), I'd say that if you live close to a 20K+ or bigger con (the aforementioned cons, plus Otakon, Anime North, A-kon, etc), you'll be as well or better served by going to that and saving the airfare and hassle of going to LA. AX is good, but it's not that much better than the other top-tier cons, and some of them have genuine advantages (Anime Central enjoys a particularly ideal combination of size and venue right now).

  • Fate - Zac speculated that a kickstarter for the Fate VN could make a half-million dollars. That would arguably be an underachivement. Consider this slide of top VN kickstarters from a presentation I've got wait-listed for Crunchyroll Expo next month:

    It goes without saying that Fate, with its "unstoppable momentum" (as the listener put it) should easily leave all these titles in the dust. Honestly, Fate shouldn't need a Kickstarter at all, as it would surely be a monster hit. Consider that the Key/Visual Art's VNs haven't been Kickstarted post-Clannad; titles like Little Busters! and Rewrite are just going straight out to market. If they did Kickstart Fate, anything less than doubling up Muv-Luv might well seem like a failure. (although I have further thoughts on this… don't want to belabor this point on the forums unless someone's eager to debate KS strategy and tactics).

  • Kakegurui strategy - I don't like the idea of getting a detailed review of something I can't easily get legally, and ANN has usually tried to avoid that, although Zac did mention the recent article got great views. Maybe rather than a review, further pieces on this series could be more abstract feature pieces, talking about things like the themes of the series or techniques on display, building anticipation for when we get it here without going too deep into spoiler territory, or implicitly encouraging readers to seek out less-legal viewing options.
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Joined: 22 Nov 2008
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PostPosted: Tue Aug 01, 2017 4:47 am Reply with quote
AX was a royal pain-in-the-butt to go back in the 1990s when cosplay wasn't as a big a thing! With easily 4-5 times more people than what I experienced back then, there's NO WAY I would go back unless I were in the industry!!!
Lines weren't as big a deal back then but A/C sure was appreciated at the end of July in Southern California...!

The same goes for SDCC... The con has just gotten too big (what is it now --? 180,000-200,000 people??!?) and it's basically replaced the "Coming Attractions" trailers for all the people who can't wait for news of next year's big-budget movies.... and it's another gathering ground for cosplayers. I think the cosplay aspect has even overtaken the dealers and SDCC toy exclusives that people regularly mock the eBay listings of!
The idea that any of the big comic cons is for comic books anymore is laughable... The audience attendance over the weekend at SDCC is over double the number of people who buys comics in the US in an average month! SDCC is about studio media and not all of it is based on comics, either! SDCC was getting bigger (as a studio PR event) even before comic books became the direct plotlines for 85% of the year's major popcorn movies 10 years ago!

Back to anime --
Yeah, save your money unless the con is local. There is no point in trudging halfway across the country to go to a comic-con unless you want to meet up with friends that moved out-of-state years ago OR you desperately need that autograph or photo with a Japanese voice actor or industry pro that doesn't come to the US that often.
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