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Joe Mello

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:02 am Reply with quote
Yay, Shelf Princess! Very Happy

Anything that reminds anybody of Yugo should automatically be good. Sounds like Area 88 fits the bill.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:11 am Reply with quote
The cover to the GITS2 music videos is the cover they should have had on the actual English GITS2 movie DVD...

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:38 am Reply with quote
Hmm, another automated link problem: the review was talking about the TV remake, yet the automatic link system would direct you to the OVA. See if you can fix it manually, BD.

I kept wondering why did the author choose an F-8 as the main character's plane while an F-14 was just of a side character -- probably because F-8 was the last "gunfighter" of US Navy?
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:42 pm Reply with quote
dormcat wrote:
Hmm, another automated link problem: the review was talking about the TV remake, yet the automatic link system would direct you to the OVA. See if you can fix it manually, BD.

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:57 pm Reply with quote
dormcat wrote:

I kept wondering why did the author choose an F-8 as the main character's plane while an F-14 was just of a side character -- probably because F-8 was the last "gunfighter" of US Navy?

To quote the manga, "The F-8E is the only plane in the world that can fly with its wings folded."

But while that comes into play once, the real reason Shin has it is probably financial. It's his first plane and only cost him $300,000. He later upgrades to significantly better planes.

So when looking for an older plane to use as Shin's first plane, Shintani probably just thought the F-8E was cool, maybe because, as you said, it was the last "gunfighter", and he figrued that he could make a cool plot point out of the folding wings.

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Joined: 28 May 2004
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 3:53 pm Reply with quote
I have to admit I love 'Shelf Life'. It brings the best sense of humor to various titles. He hit it dead on with 'GITS: Innocence'. We ordered that movie for the libary's collection. I took it out because I was curious to see it. I had finally gotten around to seeing the first movie which, (though not as good as the manga) I thought was pretty decent. As the older reviews kept saying it was the best "anime" ever seen next to 'Akira'. Those are 2 titles that are up there for recommended movies of that time. GITS: Innocence is just a "super-look-what-we-can-do-with-CG" movie. I watched it mind you after awhile I lost interest. I turned the movie off about 15 min. toward the end. Then came to ANN and said, made my claim, "Will not watch." But hell I watched it somehow. I like CGI but at the same time I hate it when it becomes too dominant a medium in TV shows and movies. I found 'Appleseed: The Movie' to be more entertaining. And that movie was way off the manga plotline. But I still found it more entertaining than 'GITS: Innocence'.

Now I'm pleased to see a decent quick review for 'Ghost Talker Daydream'. I came across this title in a previous issue of 'Newtype USA'. The imagery kind of grabbed me. A dominatrix who also works as a spirit medium. It's an odd combination. Not to mention the illustrations of the characters are pretty depressing if not hideous. But for some reason they sort of sparked a natural chord in me to want to check it out. Though the manga illustrations are much better. They need to port them over. I want to finish watching this title. I've only watched 2 episodes fansubbed. I sort of enjoyed it in it's odd way. It's one part serious and then it kicks you in the groin and says "got ya." You don't know how you want to feel about it. But it is standard fare. I'm not very picky about my anime, you'll find that in my collection while I have some good hits I also have stuff that most people would rate as "rental". But I definitely have to pick this up. Smile
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Joined: 17 Jun 2002
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:13 pm Reply with quote
Chrno2 wrote:
I have to admit I love 'Shelf Life'. It brings the best sense of humor to various titles. He hit it dead on with 'GITS: Innocence'.

um...this particular column is *not* a review of GITS: Innocence, just of the Innocence Music Video Anthology special. And the author of Shelf Life is *most certainly* not a 'he'.

Having said that, even though I haven't see it, Bamboo, aren't you being a bit too hard on Ecole de Paris? Leaving Funimation's reasoning behind choosing to release this thing entirely aside, isn't it kind of pointless to judge this, what with all the fan-pandering, without being familiar with the franchise? It's not that it's a bad review, it's just that you're probably not the reviewer who could truly do the title justice.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 5:52 pm Reply with quote
CorneredAngel wrote:
Chrno2 wrote:
I have to admit I love 'Shelf Life'. It brings the best sense of humor to various titles. He hit it dead on with 'GITS: Innocence'.

um...this particular column is *not* a review of GITS: Innocence, just of the Innocence Music Video Anthology special. And the author of Shelf Life is *most certainly* not a 'he'.

Whoops, sorry about the gender part. Anime catgrin + sweatdrop
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Bruce Lee

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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:18 pm Reply with quote
Does Area 88 remind anybody else of that old Capcom game UN Squadron? I saw a small preview of it on TAN's DVD Dojo and it gave me 16-bit cravings.

The jets were cool, but I prefer the dog fight scenes from Macross Zero over what I saw in the preview.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:37 pm Reply with quote
Bruce Lee wrote:
Does Area 88 remind anybody else of that old Capcom game UN Squadron?

That game was called Area 88 in Japan.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:11 pm Reply with quote
Isn't the Innocence Music Video DVD the same thing as the "Innocence no Jokei" DVD that was released in Japan? (I have to say that I haven't gotten around to watching the Video Anthology yet.) If so, then that explains why the clips are so "boring" -- the "Innocence no Jokei" DVD was released in advance of "Innocence" in Japanese theaters as a kind of teaser for the feature film. So what we have here is actually a long promotional piece to give audiences a taste of what the CG and music will be like.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:16 pm Reply with quote
Advent_Nebula wrote:

That game was called Area 88 in Japan.

It was also really freaking hard and it came out this week for Xbox in the "Capcom Classics Collection" for anyone who's interested.
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:59 pm Reply with quote
Nice reviews. I'm interested in Ghost Talkers Daydream.
Though I never seen Ghost In The Shell 2: Innocence, is the movie itself good, or is it not as good? The first movie was great, but the talk of CGI animation sounds... well the music videos sound dissapointing.

Area 88 sounds cool. Maybe I'll check it out. I wonder how blue-cream soda tatse...
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 9:33 pm Reply with quote
CorneredAngel wrote:

Having said that, even though I haven't see it, Bamboo, aren't you being a bit too hard on Ecole de Paris? Leaving Funimation's reasoning behind choosing to release this thing entirely aside, isn't it kind of pointless to judge this, what with all the fan-pandering, without being familiar with the franchise? It's not that it's a bad review, it's just that you're probably not the reviewer who could truly do the title justice.

I don't think it was too harsh. I made a point of saying that it wouldn't make any sense unless you were a fan of the franchise. But, as a regular consumer, how would you know that until after you'd already seen it? I probably can't do the title justice as a diehard ST fan, but I can say as the average person who hasn't played the games, that the disc doesn't make any kind of sense.
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Joined: 03 Sep 2005
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PostPosted: Thu Sep 29, 2005 11:54 pm Reply with quote
I heard about Detective Loki last week and it sounded pretty good and I was interested in it. I'm glad that Shelf Life gave it a good review. Now I'll definitely check it out.
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